JARS v9n1 - An ARS Retrospective: Our Third Decade, 1964 - 1974, Part IV
An ARS Retrospective: Our Third Decade, 1964 - 1974, Part IV
Franklin H. West
Narberth, Pennsylvania
Following the administrative reshuffling in the fall of 1963, Ruth Hansen, who had faithfully served as secretary-treasurer for 17 years, resigned on May 1,1964. The Board decided that the administrative and editorial details should be concentrated in one office, that of executive secretary and editor, and appointed J. Harold Clarke to that office, a part-time salaried position. Dr. Robert L. Ticknor was elected secretary-treasurer. The Board also decided to turn over the administration and assets of the Crystal Springs Lake test garden to the Portland Chapter. (1964, p. 149)
E. H. M. Cox threw considerable light on the species problem (1964, pp. 130-134) in his paper "A Species Project." He identified Sir Isaac Bailey Balfour, Regis Keeper of the Royal Botanic Garden at Edinburgh, as the man who made such a remarkable number of new species. His good friend George Forrest was paid a very small salary, except for a bonus of £5.00 for every new rhododendron found. Balfour was as generous as possible in describing new species from Forrest's collection!
Many species in our large-leafed collection are hybrids because they were usually grown from seed, usually NOT hand pollinated. There is no doubt at all that many plants collected in the wilds are natural hybrids. [When] these are carefully hand-pollinated you get variation in the resulting seedlings.
David Leach's talk at the 1964 convention in Seattle explored the details of indumentum hairs and their role in identification: "It is as certain as the brand on a steer to a rancher." (1964, pp. 135-146)
To Ben Lancaster, "For his unlimited generosity in time and experience, the ARS presents its highest tribute, the Gold Medal, May 16,1964." "For his many contributions to our knowledge of azaleas, we present this Gold Medal to Frederic P. Lee." A posthumous Gold Medal was given to Rudolph Henny. Herbert lhrig, founding member, also received a Gold Medal at Seattle.
Among the plants registered in 1964 were 'Etta Burrows' ('Fusilier' x R. strigillosum ) by H. L. Larson; 'Ken Janeck', selected yak ( R. yakushimanum ) seedling by the Janecks: 'Odee Wright' ('Idealist' x 'Mrs. Betty Robertson') by Arthur Wright. The July cover was sold for advertising purposes featuring 'Dora Amateis' ( R. minus Carolinianum Group x R. ciliatum ) by Edmond Amateis. 'Crest' made the October cover ( R. wardii x 'Lady Bessborough') by Rothschild.
Among the new members in 1964: Howard W. Oliver, H. Lincoln Foster, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Knapp, George E. Newton, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. O. Courson, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Commerford, James Gossler, Ernesta Ballard, Mr. and Mrs. T. Kordus.
The Rhododendron Species Foundation (RSF) had its origins in Dr. Milton Walker's "Species Project" (1965, pp. 45-49). He feared the original species could be lost in a swarm of open pollinated and hence probably cross-pollinated seedlings. He traveled widely to secure propagating material. The RSF was incorporated in Oregon, separate from the ARS. Dr. Walker gave further historic details on pages 136-144.
A. F. Serbin, M.D., gave a thorough treatment of " R. yakushimanum " (1965, pp. 75-82). He explained that the official spelling came from a misspelling of its island of origin, Yakushima, in the 1934 Yearbook of the British Rhododendron Association.
Among the new members in 1965 were: Jerry Goodman, Jean Cattier, Wm. Waldman, Mrs. Robert Cummins, E. C. Brockenbrough, M. D., Fred Musser Jr., Harry L. Wise, Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Gerdemann, Richard A. Jaynes, Mr. and Mrs. Jordan H. Prince, Dr. Herbert Hechenbleikner, Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Coutts.
In 1965 our officers were: Edward B. Dunn, president; Carl Phetteplace, M. D., vice-president; Robert Ticknor, secretary-treasurer. The newly elected directors: Charles H. Anderson, Mrs. Robert Berry, Merle Cisney, Robert Commerford, Russell Coovert, Alfred S. Martin. At the annual meeting in New York, the treasurer reported our total assets at $27,591.00, with a decline in "surplus" from $15,612 in 1961 to $8,367 in 1965, partly because of turning over the test garden fund to the Portland Chapter. Membership is now 2,500. Gold Medals were presented to Henry T. Skinner for his work on native eastern azaleas, and to David G. Leach in appreciation of his meritorious efforts in rhododendron development.
Esther Berry, in her report on the expanding seed exchange program in 1965, said that seed had come from Australia, New Zealand, Scotland, England, Japan, Malaysia and all parts of the U.S. A total of 2,500 packets were sent to 227 applicants. Species requests were three times those for hand-pollinated hybrid crosses; total income received was $874.36. (1965, p. 156)
The Tualatin Valley Chapter is welcomed; Forrest E. Bump, M. D., president, headed a group of 27 members. We are now 21 chapters!
Pat Cummins introduced us to "Promising Hybrid Rhododendrons by Bill Whitney of Brinnon, Washington." At work since 1938, Bill has produced up to five consecutive generations of blooming plants. He said: "Plants worthy of introduction must exceed the standard plants in a given class." Special mention was made of 'Little Gem', 'Honeymoon', 'Yellow Wing', 'Virginia Richards' and 'Hurricane'. (1965, pp. 205-209)
In the 1965 plant registry were 'Grace Seabrook' ('The Honourable Jean Marie de Montague' x R. strigillosum ) by Seabrook; 'Noyo Chief' ( R. arboreum ssp. nilagiricum hybrid) from Lester Brandt; and 'Yaku Sunrise' ('Vulcan's Flame' x R. yakushimanum F.C.C., subsequently named 'Koichiro Wada') by Ben Lancaster. Among the plants given the Preliminary Award in the past two years: 'Ken Janeck', 'Kimberly', 'Lackamas Blue', 'Lisa', 'Mary Belle', and 'Trude Webster'.
Travelers to Japan will want to study Frank Doleshy's series of reports in the
Quarterly Bulletin
(1966, pp. 3-9, 76, 147; 1967, pp. 145-159; 1968, pp. 145-159; 1970, pp. 68, 147; 1971, pp. 31, 84; 1972, pp. 20-22, 193-195). These are informative and illuminating. He reports Nitzelius' opinion that
R. metternichii
R. degronianum
R. makinoi
R. yakushimanum
should be lumped together as forms of
R. metternichii
; in 1967 by counting seed capsule sections, Doleshy showed that the southerly
R. metternichii
had seven-lobed flowers, unlike
R. yakushimanum
with five lobes 72 percent of the time. "It is clear from capsule counts that
is not transitional toward var.
." (The northerly
had five-section seed capsules.)
Rhododendron ratings for Philadelphia area reported by Francis Sholomskas (1966, pp. 22-28). Lists for Chicago by Eldred Green (p. 66) and Connecticut by J. W. Oliver (p. 76) were published.
Merle Saunders wrote about "Edgar Greer, Rhododendron Breeder." Father and son Harold have traced the parentage of over 4,000 hybrids. (1966, pp. 11-15)
Among new members in 1966: Mr. and Mrs. Richard Houghton, A. Wm. Kratzke, Fred F. Stockwell, Larry Carville, Lester Brandt, Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Arneson, Mr. and Mrs. W. Buffington, Robert E. Korn, David Bledsoe, Mr. and Mrs. George Curry, Wm. F. Sullivan, George W. Ring, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Short.
Flash lighting of cuttings in a greenhouse, at night for 1½ seconds per minute, after a dormancy period, brings them into growth at 65°F in about 30 days, according to David Leach in "From Cutting to Crop". (1966, pp. 91-97) J. F. Schneider described "Tropical Malaysian Rhododendrons in Boskoop" in a reprint from the German Rhododendron Society Yearbook for 1965. (1966, pp. 107-110, 175)
In "Breeding For A Purpose" August E. Kehr covered five topics: 1) collecting and storing pollen, 2) selecting parents, 3) making wide crosses (azaleodendrons; 'Dora Amateis' cited), 4) chromosome doubling with colchicine, 5) breeding for yellows. Chromosome doubling should intensify yellow, he said. He discussed creating a yellow evergreen azalea. (1966, pp. 130-141)
340 persons attended the Tacoma Convention in 1966, where three Gold Medals were awarded: to Ted and Mary Greig of Royston, B.C., to John Henny, first president of the ARS, and to Ben Nelson as elder statesman of rhododendron lovers.
Henry Yates described his technique of raising seedlings, employing Guy Nearing's idea of using mosses to protect seedlings from fungi. He grew them in plant boxes under fluorescent lights for 15 hours a day. He grew thousands of seedlings for himself and Joe Gable who called them super seedlings (and they were!) (1966, pp. 166-168)
A new executive secretary of the ARS, Mrs. Wm. J. Curtis, took over the office June 1; Dr. Clarke continued as editor. We welcomed Connecticut Chapter, led by Dr. Serbin, and North Kitsap, Howard Short, president.
Donald Hardgrove's swan song was his "Hybridizing Experiences and Recommendations" based on his work on Long Island and recommended future hybridizing possibilities. (He moved to Montana in June 1964.) (1966, pp. 202-217)
Peter Barber's talk at Tacoma, full of details about Exbury and the Rothschild hybrids. (1966, pp. 222-233) A book review of H. Sleumer's book An Account of Rhododendron in Malesia , covering 283 species (about one-third of the worldwide total of rhododendron species) with an identification key to help the user identify these species. (1966, p. 243)
Among our new members in 1967: Roy Magruder, Donald W. Paden, Dr. Whildin A. Reese, Mr. and Mrs. Max Tietjens, Mrs. Max Meerkirk, Dr. and Mrs. Donald Kellam, Sigmond Solymosy, Edward W. Collins, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Greer, Ralph W. Pennington, Peter N. Barber, Marie Eichelser, Frederick V. Street, Mr. and Mrs. Hugo Schlaikjer, Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Landregan, Henry A. Schannen, Mr. and Mrs. Harold M. Johnson, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cathey, Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Bagoly, Bruce G. Keyser, Norvell Gillespie, E. L. Rieke.
New bylaws, establishing our tax exempt status and granting dues setting powers to the Board, were approved by the membership, 10-1, effective July 1, 1967. First increase in dues in 20 years was proposed, to $7.50. Fund balances had declined to $5,811.00 in 1966.
Praising Robert Bovee's report in "Rhododendrons 1956," Dr. Carl Phetteplace gives details and pictures of some of the plants from the 1948 Joseph Rock collection of seed from Yunnan-Tibet. (1967, pp. 74-84)
At the annual meeting in Asheville, N.C., in 1967, the Gold Medal was awarded to two stalwarts of the ARS, Cecil Smith and Josiah Brooks, first president of the Southeastern Chapter. The new Southern Chapter was welcomed. We are now 3,000 members in 23 chapters. Two other new chapters: Albany-Mohawk, Ralph Smith, president, and Valley Forge, Charles Herbert, president. The Board considered proposals for the Gold, Silver and Bronze medals.
Ben Lancaster shared his breeding experience in his paper, "Adventures in Rhododendron Hybridizing." He recommended "crossing the best forms of your species with older hybrids that have excellent plant form and flowers." He said, "Yak as a parent produces hybrids that measure up more consistently to our plant ideals than any species we have worked with." (1967, pp. 203-211)
Best in Eugene show in 1967 was 'Beauty of Littleworth'; at Princeton: 'Wissahickon'; at Gray's Harbor: 'Mrs. Furnival'; at New York early show: 'Susan', at late show: 'Eureka Maid' (syn. in USA for 'Countess of Derby'); at Portland: 'Diane'. Plant Awards were given to 'Flora Markeeta', 'Ann Carey', 'Odee Wright', 'Hotei', and 'Ken Janeck'.
Frederick P. Lee's last paper was "B. Y. Morrison and His Azaleas" in which he gave a brief account of the man and his plants. (Lee died in October 1968)
Preparatory to the 1968 annual meeting in Eugene, James Blackford wrote a brief "History of the Eugene Rhododendron Society and Hendrick's Park" in which he praised the role of Dr. Royal Gick, Del James, Marshall Lyons and Dr. Carl Phetteplace each of whom donated large plants. The garden is much too large for one person to take care of, he said.
At Eugene, three new chapters were welcomed by President Dunn: Tidewater, George W. Baker, president; Azalea, L. O. Todd, president; and Southwestern Oregon, Ken Windred, president. We now have 29 chapters. At the annual meeting Gold Medals were given to Paul J. Bowman, M. D., of California, and Carl Phetteplace, M. D., of Eugene for their services to the Society.
Among new members in 1968: Kendall Gambril, Robert Furman, Mr. and Mrs. Harold R. Johnson, Richard Cavender, Dr. David G. Fluharty, Capt. R. M. Steele RCN, Piero Hillebrand, Mrs. R. H. Goodrich, James F. Harding, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Murray, Lloyd E. Partain, Frank B. White, Dr. M. E. Byrkit, Donald Hyatt, H. A. J. Hoitink.
In the first of a series under the heading "Modern Day Rhododendron Expeditions" Frank Mossman and Britt Smith took "further trips to R. occidentale patches," inspired by Leonard Frisbie's studies of this azalea in 1955 and 1961 (after 10 year's work). They collected 170 clones, of which SM218 made the cover in July. (1968, pp. 130-133)
The seed exchange in 1968 listed 500 items from 63 different sources; 12,000 packets of seed were prepared, producing an income of $2,500; there was greater demand of species than hybrids.(1968, pp. 163-165)
The Award of Excellence (A.E.) was given to 'Lem's Cameo' ('Dido' x 'Anna'). Best truss at the Portland Show in 1968: 'Hélène Schiffner'. Plant Awards now have this sequence: Eligibility List, Conditional Award, Award of Excellence, and Superior Plant Award. (1968, p. 18)
The newly formed Rhododendron Species Foundation attempted to purchase Dr. Milton V. Walker's home and 31-acre garden to house its collection. A total of 400 selected species from the British Isles which were propagated at the University of British Columbia will be brought to the garden. Foundation president: Wales Wood; Clarence Chase, vice-president; Fred Robbins, secretary; Ed Siegmund, treasurer. The purchase fell through, and the plants were taken to Salem, Ore., at P. H. Brydon's garden.
The first Bronze Medals were awarded to Mr. and Mrs. A. W. Kraxberger, Mr. and Mrs. Wales Wood, and William Robinson by the Portland Chapter; New York gave one to Gordon E. Jones; and Princeton to Josephine V. Heuser.
Clement J. Bowers in his "footnote to the history of organised Rhododendronarians" mentions a December 1931 meeting at Cornell University at which papers were read on our genus and participants suggested "we ought to get together." A committee studied the matter, and in view of the Depression, the time seemed inopportune. B. Y. Morrison, head of the American Horticultural Society, made an arrangement for a rhododendron committee within that body, chaired by S. A. Everitt of Long Island. Notes were published until World War II interfered. (1969, pp. 16-18)
The national convention in 1969 was held at Calloway Gardens, Georgia, co-sponsored by the Azalea, Middle Atlantic and Southeastern chapters. The general chairman was Fred Galle, co-chaired by A. S. Martin and Dr. Thomas Wheeldon. A total of 250 persons attended from 22 chapters. A Gold Medal was presented to J. Harold Clarke, who retired as editor, and was replaced by P. H. Brydon. President Dunn turned over the gavel of office to Dr. Carl Phetteplace. The Board decided that ratings and awards should be done by the chapters, under the aegis of the National Committee. A roundtable on diseases was held (reported on pp. 143-151), and azaleas were discussed by Robert Pryor, Henry Yates, Sara Groves and Roy Magruder. (1969, pp. 151,153, 157, 172)
The F.C.C. form of R. yakushimanum is named 'Koichiro Wada', in honor of the man who first sent the plant to the Western Hemisphere. Name was suggested by Edmund de Rothschild. (1969, p. 47)
Among our new members in 1968 were Allan Anderson, William Effinger, Dr. H. L. Dixon, Austin C. Kennell, Robert G. Carlson, Andre Viette, Mrs. Halsey Frederick Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Ed Egan, Willard P. Hunnewell, James J. Harris.
David Leach in "The Maximum Effect" retracts his statement that R. maximum is no good as a parent, citing Edmond Amateis' 'Harold Amateis' ( R. maximum x R. strigillosum ) and R. maximum x ( R. ungernii x R. auriculatum )F 2 by Leach, named 'Summer Snow'. (1969, pp. 74-75)
The first of many informative contributions from Arthur Headlam of Australia: "Growing Malesian Rhododendrons" (pp. 66-72). Tony Shammarello gave his "Observations on Hybridizing" of both rhododendrons and azaleas. (1969, pp. 97-99) The Malesian rhododendrons continued to get attention; there were articles by Michael Black on collecting (pp. 194-208); and E. F. Allen on collecting and cultivation of Sabah rhododendrons from Mt. Kinabalu (pp. 209-212; J. B. Simmons on Malesians at Kew (pp. 213-215); and Hadley Osborne who described "The Vireya Section in California." (1969, pp. 216-221)
The best truss in show in New York in 1969: 'Wheatley' at their early show; at their later show: 'Hicks-Hardgrove Yellow 76' shown by Howard Phipps. New York gave a life membership to Paul Vossburg. In Seattle best truss went to 'Mrs. E. C. Stirling'.
Deaths of two breeders, Ben F. Nelson and Halfdan Lem took place in 1969. Other deaths in the year: Henry F. Dupont, Edward Beinecke, John Schameneck, and Ralph van Landingham.
Publication of Ted Van Veen's Rhododendrons in America illustrated with 200 color photos was announced in October.
A change in ARS governance proposed this year, providing for two vice presidents, one from the East and one from the West, was adopted by the Board on Sept. 14, 1969. As associate editor of the Quarterly Bulletin , Fred Knapp was appointed, and as contributing editor for the Southeast, Dr. Herbert Heckenbleikner. The immediate past president was made an automatic member of the Board. A comprehensive bylaw revision was in preparation for membership approval (published January 1970).
Two new chapters were welcomed: Birmingham, Mrs. Harvey Hooks, president; Potomac Valley first met Oct. 5, 1969, Newton Edwards, president.
A Gold Medal was awarded to Howard J. Slonecker at Portland, the Silver Medal to Rocco Capelli, Bronze Medals to Frank D. Mossman, M.D, and to Louis C. Grothaus, all at Portland. David Leach was awarded the Lodercup by the R.H.S. for his book,
Rhododendrons of the World
Donald Wyman wrote of "75 Years of Growing Rhododendrons in the Arnold Arboretum" (pp. 24-32). He listed 19 species and 67 varieties that had survived more than 10 years.
Among the new members: Herbert A. Spady, M.D., Wm. F. S. Gresham, Mrs. Wm. H. McCrillis, R. L. Guthrie, Emil V. Bohnel, H. H. Davidian, Frank B. Knight, Elinor F. Clarke, Wm. Klippel, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Briggs, Mrs. Edward W. Collins, William Rhein, D.D.S., Dr. L. Keith Wade, Carlton Lees, Richard W. Bosley.
The first regional meeting in the ARS gathered at Norfolk, Va., May 8-10, 1970 chaired by A. S. Martin. News of the Massachusetts Chapter forming was announced. (1970, p.112)
At the annual meeting in Vancouver, Alfred Martin was elected Eastern vice-president and Fred Galle took Martin's unexpired term as director. A research committee was established. President Phetteplace noted that Esther Berry spent 14 hours a day for three months (along with six neighbors) managing the seed exchange. Gold Medals were awarded to Robert L. Ticknor, Koichiro Wada and Esther Berry for outstanding contributions to the Society and genus. Another Gold Medal was given to Evelyn Jack who propagated 1,133 scions of 338 forms of species at the University of British Columbia for the Rhododendron Species Foundation.
A.E.'s were given to 'Ken Janeck' (yak seedling), and 'Trude Webster' ('Countess of Derby' selfed). R. macabeanum made the July cover of the Quarterly Bulletin .
Death this year came to Ben Lancaster in March. Leonard Frisbee in May, Robert Bovee in June, and Henry R. Yates in December.
"Testing and Breeding Rhododendrons in Nova Scotia" (USDA Zone 6A) by D. L. Craig. (1970, pp. 156-158) A performance survey of 184 species growing in 24 D.C. area collections was reported by R. T. Johnson. (1970, pp. 160-165)
Bronze Medals were given by New York to Sidney and Clara Burns; by Eugene to Merle Saunders; by Tacoma to Britt Smith. At an early season show in Seattle: 'Avalanche' was best Fortunei Series hybrid; R. racemosum best species plant; best lepidote spray, R. davidsonianum . Best in New York First Show: ( R. keiskei x R. racemosum ); Second Show: 'Progrès'; and Third Show: 'Furnivall's Daughter'.
On the cover for October 1970: 'Kilimanjaro' F.C.C. from Exbury ( R. elliottii x 'Dusky Maid'). The same issue featured the first center-page color spread. Robert Gartrell wrote of his "Personal Experiences in Breeding Azaleas." He called his Kaempferi-Satsuki-Glenn Dale hybrids "Robin Hill" azaleas. (1970, pp. 237-239)
August E. Kehr announced his production of a tetraploid R. carolinianum (now R. minus Carolinianum Group). (1971, pp. 4-7)
Dr. Carl Phetteplace discussed "Weevils and How They Bug Me" (April 1971, pp. 98-104). "Not just one weevil but several:
consists of three species, and two others are woods weevils. Indumentum seems to thwart weevil predations," he reported.
Bronze Medals this year went to Joe M. Johnson by Portland; by Princeton to Chas. Bahrenburg and Betsi Kelius; by Philadelphia to Charles Herbert; by Suislaw to Verne Pinnock; by Connecticut to A. Frederick Serbin, M.D.; by New York to Betty Hagar.
Among our new members in 1971: Mr. and Mrs. Henry R. Fuller, Antonio Consolini, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Craig, Dr. A. R. Fitzburgh, Mr. and Mrs. George Sather, John E. Disney, Walter G. Beasley, Wm. E. Lofthouse, M.D., Dr. E. W. Busse, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Rahn, Hideo Suzuki, James H. Venable.
On the cover in July 1971: 'Parker's Pink'; and in October: R. maximum . At the annual meeting in Philadelphia President Phetteplace thanked Ernesta Ballard of the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society and the three local chapters, Princeton, Valley Forge and Philadelphia, for taking on this meeting on such short notice. After presenting the Gold Medal to Past President Edward B. Dunn in recognition of his leadership, he turned over the gavel of office to Bob Ticknor. Dues were increased to $10.00.
Dr. Gustav A. L. Mehlquist's scholarly report "Hybridization in the Genus Rhododendron with Reference to Inheritance of White Flower Color in R. dauricum " demonstrated that white was controlled by a single recessive gene. If his cross with white R. mucronulatum produces white hybrids, "the genes for white are identical in the two species." (1971, pp. 144-148) This proved to be true.
Richard Jaynes' report on the kalmias and their hybrids (pp. 160-164): "The selections mentioned are a sampling of the wonderful variation available. The laurels have been in the background of our gardens long enough."
Death came in early spring 1971 to Lester Brandt, and in 1972 to Edgar Greer and Joseph B. Gable.
P. H. Brydon resigns as editor to take care of the RSF, and Reuben Hatch succeeds him. Arthur Headlam reports on the site of the Australian National Test Garden at Olinda in the Dandenong Range. (1971, pp.202-208)
George W. Ring reports confirmation by Halfdan Lem's letter that the parentage of 'Lem's Cameo' was indeed ('Dido' x 'Anna') (pp. 11 -12). He had induced 'Anna' to produce pollen by grafting it on
R. ponticum
and bagged the bud in the greenhouse until the flower opened, loaded with pollen.
Edwin K. Parker was named registrar in 1972. Plant Awards were being coordinated by Dr. David Fluharty in the East and Dr. E. C. Brockenbrough in the West.
'Rhododendron bullatum x 'Else Frye' made the January 1972 cover in an exceptional photo by J. P. Evans, M. D. 'Wheatley' made the April cover.
Bronze Medal winners in 1972: Alfred S. Martin, by Philadelphia, by Seattle to Donald Graham, Elizabeth Lansdowne, Edward Hartnett, Brian Mulligan, Arthur Luther and Donald McClure; by Vancouver to Ed Trayling; by Portland to Charles McNew, Edgar Olsen, and Mrs. Julius Winters. Among the 1972 new members: Frank Furman, Ted Stecki, Matthew Nosal, Thomas Henny, Harold A. Johnson, John Basford, Mr. and Mrs. H. Pilkington, Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Cash; in 1973: Wilburn Smith, H. C. Weiskittel, Mr. and Mrs. J. Buhler, James Harris, Henry R. Schroeder, Roger Cook, C. W. Myhre, D. M. Henderson, K. C. Pradhan, Vagn Sonder Gaard.
Some featured articles in 1972: Heman Howard on Dexter rhododendrons (pp. 70-74); Edmund L. de Rothschild on the parentage of his 'Jalisco' (p. 75); Britt and Jean Smith put Sikkim to the fore in "Trip to Tranquility" (pp. 77-92); Hoitink and Scmittheuner describe control of phytophthora root rot (pp. 94-97); Warren Berg described 'Yaku Fairy' a prostrate R. keiskei (p. 100); Frank Doleshy gave a photographic essay of R. aureum (pp. 102-104; A. W. Headlam described an Australian garden of great beauty at Pirianda (p. 115); P. G. Valder presented "The Life Cycle of a Rhododendron" (pp. 24-33); Friedrich W. Durre described Dietrich Hobbie's work (pp. 146-154); Dr. Tor Nitzelius proposed sub-specific status for Korean form of R. brachycarpum and named it var. tigerstedtii (pp. 165-168).
At the annual meeting in San Francisco, President Ticknor presented Gold Medals to Donald H. McClure and Maurice H. Sumner for their service to the Society.
Also featured in the 1972 Quarterly Bulletin : John Basford on the Brodick Castle Gardens (pp. 182-189); A. W. Headlam announced the Australian Species Study Group (pp. 195-197); J. S. Yeates described rhododendron growing in New Zealand (pp. 201-206); Frank Mossman continued the R. occidentale series of studies: "With Camera, White Umbrella, and Tin Pants" \(pp. 218-222); he also presented a botanical description of R. occidentale (1974, pp. 96-100); August E. Kehr, "On Research, What's New in 1972," touched on many of our rhody problems and issued a clarion call: "Present research programs are not adequate to meet present problems and needs" (pp. 223-234); Esther Avery described how rhododendron study groups function (pp. 248-249); Arthur Headlam tells of his "Six Favorite Rhododendron Species" (pp. 252-253); Herbert Heckenbleikner wrote of "Rhody Gardens in Germany, Holland and Switzerland" (pp. 260-262); Ring & Goodrich tell how to get "the max out of R. maximum ": emasculate the flowers three days before they open to prevent auto-selfing (p. 263); E. H. M. Cox's "Notes on Dwarf Rhododendrons" cited his choicest selections in nine of the series (pp. 266-274).
On the July cover: 'Noyo Chief' (formerly known as R. zeylanicum ), named by Paul Bowman who purchased the plant from Lester Brandt in 1953. Conditional Awards (C.A.'s) were given to 'Lydia', 'Helen Louise', 'Meadowbrook', 'Parker's Pink', 'Scintillation', 'Roslyn', 'Wheatley', 'Windbeam', 'Gigi' and 'Mary Fleming'. (All but the first two received Award of Excellence [A.E.'s] in 1973.)
Good reading in the 1973
Quarterly Bulletin
: Peter Cox on "China, Past and Present Difficulties of Collecting" (pp. 2-11); David W. Goheen discussed
R. hemsleyanum
: "What a magnificent plant!" said E. H. M. Cox (p. 20); Martha Prince explored the color range of azalea
R. calendulaceum
by going home to Georgia to photograph it on Brasstown Bald (pp. 31-33); K. Wada makes an early contribution to heat tolerance in rhododendrons (pp. 43-45); Sandra Spencer shared her experience in growing rhododendrons in a hot climate at Ukiah, Calif. (pp. 49-51).
A blast from Siberia dropped temperatures in early December to 14°F in the Bay Area, -12°F in Eugene, -12°F in Salem, 8°F in Portland, 13°F in Seattle; followed by damage reports (pp. 85-93) and by Dr. Phetteplace (pp. 206-209) who advised: "Never destroy a plant in April, no matter how dead it looks."
President Ticknor announced a research grant made by the ARS to Dr. W. C. Anderson to support research on tissue culture of rhododendrons. The funds came from seed exchange profits. (1973, p. 1ll)
Heman Howard's second report on the Dexter hybrids in which names are given to 150 numbered clones. (1973, pp. 94-99) Bronze Medals given in 1973: Portland to Mrs. Janet Binford and Mrs. Betty Sheedy; New York to Dorothy Knippenburg, and Henry Dumper; North Kitsap to Howard Short; Tacoma to John Mund and Howard Harmon; by Philadelphia to Franklin West.
Maurice Sumner dreamed of a club for hybridizers to exchange information (pp. 36-41). The dream was realized at Pittsburgh's 1973 annual meeting where August E. Kehr organized a symposium on hybridizing, the first of many Breeder's Roundtable that followed.
Fred C. Galle provided a valuable key, "Identification of Native Azaleas," including a glossary of botanical terms. (1973,pp. 138-145) H. Lincoln Foster's talk on "Dwarf and Alpine Rhododendrons" included cultural tips for the Northeast U.S. (1973, pp. 146-149) Hideo Suzuki announced the formation of the Japan Rhododendron Society (1973, p. 150)
At the annual convention at Pittsburgh, President Ticknor announced two staff changes: Editor Reuben Hatch resigned and was replaced by Molly Grothaus; our executive secretary, Mrs. W. J. Curtis also resigned and was replaced by Mrs. B. J. Lamb. Gold Medals were awarded to Anthony (Tony) Shammarello and Thomas F. Wheeldon, M. D. Tony was lauded as a creative force and constructive influence in American horticulture, and Dr. Tom for his leadership in the Society. President Ticknor also said: "For the first time in the history of our Society the next national president will be a resident of the East."
In 1973 death came to Clement Gray Bowers in April, Herbert G. Ihrig in May, and W. E. Whitney in July. The 30th Anniversary Celebration took place at the 1974 annual meeting in Portland. Charter members were honored.
Scientists Santamour and Pryor contribute an understanding of yellow flower pigments in rhododendrons. "Yellow sap-cell flavenols in R. campylocarpum and R. wardii might be intensified by adding the plastid carotenoids from R. lacteum and R. dichroanthum ." This remains to be seen. (1973, pp. 214-219
Philip A. Livingston announced a book in preparation on East Coast hybridizers and their cultivars, including Dexter, Gable, Morrison, Shammarello and Nearing, to be titled Hybrids and Hybridizers . (1973, p. 233) Rhododendron Society of Canada was founded in 1971. (1973, p. 236)
B. Clancy covered the Malesian rhododendrons in Australia (1973, pp. 237-242). F. W. Mosher Jr. described the "Dexter wave rolling westward." (1973, pp. 258-260)
K. Wada added to knowledge of "summer heat loving rhododendrons" (1974, pp. 13-15) and discussed hybridizing azaleodendrons (1974, pp. 101-105). In his president's message, Alfred S. Martin urged everyone to participate in a membership survey, privately funded by Research 100 of Princeton, N.J., headed by Henry Schannen. The president also announced the formation of the Denmark Chapter in February.
Ralph Smith provided a list of rhododendrons growing at Albany, N.Y. (1974, pp. 40-41) Elmer E. Leppik opened our eyes to "evolutionary interactions between rhododendrons, pollinating insects and rust fungi," applying theories of continental drift to explain rhododendron distribution. These rusts need Picea or Tsuga as alternate hosts, indicating their historic association with rhododendrons (1974, pp. 70-84) Polly Hill introduced us to " R. nakaharai and some North Tisbury Hybrids." (1974, pp. 106-108)
Among the 1974 new members: Peter Schick, Mitch Cubberly, Barbara Hutton, Dr. H. Furman Cantrell, George W. Harding, Dr. and Mrs. J. H. Pierce. Peter Cox adds to E. H. M. Cox's warnings that "many species grown from open-pollinated seed are hybrids but still labeled as species. People thought that seed coming from meccas of horticulture must be good, but how wrong they were!"
President Alfred Martin's address to the 30th annual meeting at Portland in 1974, cited many accomplishments of the Society as well as unmet objectives, hampered by insufficient funds. A total of 46 of 55 possible Board members, at the last session, discussed alternatives to raising dues. Gold Medals were awarded to James Caperci, plantsman, and P. H. Brydon for service to the Society. Death came to George D. Grace in March, 1974. He and John Henny were both instrumental in laying the groundwork for the organization of our Society as founding fathers. They had traveled up and down the West Coast in 1942 and 1943 stirring up interest in forming a rhododendron society. (1974, p.155)
The membership turned down a proposal to allow the Board to amend the bylaws by two-thirds majority vote. (1974, pp.90-91) The second Breeder's Roundtable was held at the 30th anniversary meeting in Portland, headed by Dr. Kehr and joined by Cecil Smith, Dr. Gustav A. L. Mehlquist, V. E. Jensen, J. Harold Clarke and others. One of the first cuttings exchanges was held by the Mass Chapter. (1974, p. 114)
At the 30th Anniversary, our ARS leaders were Alfred S. Martin, president; Dr. August E. Kehr, Eastern vice-president; H. Curt Huey, Western vice-president; Robert Landregan, secretary-treasurer; Bernice Lamb, executive secretary; Molly Grothaus, editor. The elected directors: term ending 1975: Sidney Burns, Dr. J. Harold Clarke, Fred Galle, David Leach; 1976: Warren Berg, John P. Evans, M. D., Thomas W. Koenig, Ted Van Veen; 1977: Mrs. Esther Berry, E. C. Brockenbrough, M. D., George W. Clarke, Henry A. Schannen. In addition, there were 38 chapter presidents who also were directors. Our proud growth had produced a somewhat unwieldy Board of 50 members!
Dr. Franklin West, Eastern Vice-President of the ARS and a member of the Pine Barrens Chapter, co-edited the book Hybrids and Hybridizers, Rhododendrons and Azaleas for Eastern North America. Part V of this series on the history of the ARS will appear in the Spring 1995 issue of the Journal.