JARS v50n4 - American Rhododendron Society Plant Registry
American Rhododendron Society Plant Registry
The following rhododendron and azalea names, submitted through the North American registrar, were approved and added to the International Rhododendron Register prior to July 15, 1996 by the Royal Horticultural Society, International Registration Authority for the genus Rhododendron .
Color numbers refer to the RHS Colour Chart unless noted otherwise. Accompanying color names are taken from A Contribution toward Standardization of Color Names in Horticulture , R D Huse and K L Kelly, edited by D H Voss (ARS, 1984). Species names are those used by the RHS, based upon recent Edinburgh revisions of the genus.
Parents of a plant are reported in the conventional order: (seed parent x pollen parent). Abbreviations are used where appropriate: H = hybridized by, G = grown to first flower by, R = raised by, S = selected by, N = named by, I = introduced by, REG = registered by; dates are enclosed in parentheses immediately following the activity.
Synonyms are names used for a particular clone prior to registration, but unacceptable because of conflict with recommendations of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants - 1995 , or because the name was previously registered for a different clone.
'Ann Katherine': Elepidote. ['Kubla Khan' x ('Odee Wright' x 'Crest')]. H (1989), G (1994), N (1996), and REG (1996): John Winberg, Fall City, WA. Fls 10/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2.25" long x 3.25" wide, with 7 wavy-edged lobes; deep purplish pink (55A) in bud, opening inside light yellow (18A), outside strong pink (49A); unmarked. Calyx 1.25" long, light yellow (18A). Truss 5" high x 6" wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, flat, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 5" x 1.75"; dull, moderate olive green (147A). Shrub 2.5' tall x 3.2' wide in 7 years. Plant hardy to at least 0°F; buds, 5°F. Mid May.
'Art Tracy': Elepidote. ('Lemon Custard' x 'Loderi Titan'). H (1988), G (1995), N and REG (1996): Walt Elliott, Shelton, WA. Fls 14/slightly lax dome truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 2.5" long x 3" wide, with 6 wavy-edged lobes; pale greenish yellow (9D) in bud, opening (9D) throughout, with light greenish yellow blotch in throat. Calyx 1" long, light greenish yellow (8C). Truss 4" high x 4" wide. Lvs held 2 years, oblong, flat, oblique base, obtuse apex, 6" x 2"; semi-glossy, moderate yellow green (147B). Shrub 8' tall x 6' wide in 10 years. Plant and bud hardy to at least 0°F. Mid May.
'Ben Shalom': Elepidote. ('Red Yard' x unknown). H (1964), G, N, and REG (1996): Ben and Marion Shapiro, East Brunswick, NJ. Fls 7/dome truss, broadly funnel-shaped, lightly scented, 2.4" long x 3.5" wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; close to moderate purplish red (70A) in bud, opening inside with a central white star and c 0.3" wide edging of very pale purple (69B) and with some bright yellow spots on dorsal lobe; outside very pale purple (69B-C). Calyx < 0.1" long, light green. Truss 4" high x 5.5" wide. Lvs held 2 years, narrowly elliptic, slightly upcurved margins, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 2.75" x 0.5"; semi-glossy, moderate yellow green (138A-B) with sparse light tan hairs on new growth. Shrub 4.5' tall x 7' wide in 32 years. Plant hardy to at least -15°F; buds, -5°F. Mid May.
'Berg's Bonnie Bee': Lepidote. ( mucronulatum 'Cornell Pink' x lutescens , selected clone known locally as 'Jonesii'). H (1971), G, N (1996): Warren Berg; REG (1996): W Berg and June Sinclair, Port Ludlow, WA. Fls 3-5 /ball truss, openly funnel-shaped, 1.25" long x 1.5"-2" wide, with 5 very wavy-edged lobes; deep purplish pink (55A) in bud, opening inside strong and light purplish pink (55B-C) with moderate red (180B) spots in fan-shaped array on upper lobe; outside (55B-C) with white base. Calyx minute, green. Truss 2.5" high x 3.5" wide. Lvs held 1 year, elliptic, downcurved margins, cuneate base, acuminate tip, 2.25" x 0.9"; dull, moderate olive green (137C) with scales. Shrub 6.5' tall x 6.5' wide in 25 years, open habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least 7°F. Early spring.
'Bill Herrick': Elepidote. ('Hotei' x 'Loderi Titan'). H (1988), G (1995), N, and REG (1996): Walt Elliott, Shelton, WA. Fls 14/slightly lax dome truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 2.5" long x 4" wide, with 6 wavy-edged lobes; pale greenish yellow (9D) throughout. Calyx 0.5" long, pale greenish yellow (9D). Lvs held 2 years, oblong, flat, oblique base, obtuse apex, 6" x 2"; moderate yellow green (147B). Shrub 8' tall x 6' wide in 10 years. Plant and bud hardy to at least 0°F. Mid April-early May.
'Blue Baron': Lepidote. ('Gletschernacht' x 'Waltham'*). H (1981): Edmund V Mezitt; N (1996): Wayne Mezitt; G (1984) and REG (1996): Weston Nurseries, Hopkinton, MA. Fls 20/multi-bud, dome-shaped truss; broadly funnel-shaped, 0.75" long x 1.2" wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; vivid violet (89A) in bud, opening inside light violet (88C), outside vivid violet (89B). Calyx 0.3" long, medium green. Truss 1.5" high x 3.5" wide. Lvs 2" x 0.5", oblong, wavy margins, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, with scales beneath, light green aging to light rust; glossy, dark green. Shrub 2' tall x 1' wide in 10 years, dense habit. Plant hardy to at least -20°F; buds, -10°F. Early May.
'Buteo': Elepidote. ('Golden Star' x 'Herbert's Find'*). H (1983), G (1988), and N: William L Rhein D.D.S., Mechanicsburg, PA; REG (1996): Rhein Registration Committee, Susquehanna Valley Chapter, ARS. Fls 7-10/ball truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2.25" long x 3.75" wide, of heavy substance, with 5-7 wavy-edged lobes, lightly scented; light yellowish pink (26D) in bud, opening inside pale yellow (8D) with spotting on three upper lobes, strong red (46A) gradually changing to moderate yellow (162B) at outer limits; outside light greenish yellow (8C). Calyx minute. Truss 6" high x 7' wide. Lvs held 3 years, elliptic, edges downcurved, broadly acute apex, rounded base, 4"-5" x 1.75"-2.25"; glossy, moderate olive green (147A) above. Shrub 4' tall x 4.2' wide in 12 years, slightly open habit. Plant hardy to at least -25°F; buds,-15°F. Early May.
'Captain's Lady': Elepidote. {[( yakushimanum x 'Mars') x 'Captain Jack'] x [( yakushimanum x 'Mars') x 'The Honourable Jean Marie de Montague']}. H (c 1978): Robert A. Furman, Brewster, MA.; G (c l986): Ernie Berube, New Bedford, MA; N and REG (1996): Ian Donovan, Pembroke, MA; I (1996): Jane's Garden Nursery, Pembroke, MA. Fls 14-16+/flat, lax, ball truss; broadly funnel-campanulate, 1.5" long x 2.25" wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; inside strong purplish red (63B) shading to pale purplish pink (65B) in throat, particularly in the dorsal area; outside strong red (53B-C); colors non-fading. Calyx absent. Truss 4.5" high x 5.5" wide. Lvs held 2 years, narrowly elliptic, flat to downcurved margins, slightly wavy, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 4.75"-5.25" x 1.5"-1.75"; dull, moderate olive green (147A). Shrub 2' tall x 3' wide in 14 years, open growth habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -10°F. Late May-early June. [Correct hybridizer (H) to (c 1978): Robert A. Furman, Brewster, MA. - mod 04/04/16, ref ]
'Cheryl': Elepidote. (Grierosplendour Group x white-flrd fortunei hybrid). H (1986), G (1991), N and REG (1996): Robert L Means M.D., Winston-Salem, NC; I: Yadkin Valley Nursery Co, Yadkinville, NC. Fls 11/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2" long x 3.5" wide, with 6 wavy-edged lobes; moderate purplish red (64A) in bud, opening very light purple (75C) with deep red (185A) dorsal spotting on dark purplish pink (186C) ground, and with a deep red (185A) throat. Calyx absent. Truss 5" high x 7' wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, downcurved margins, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 4.5" x 1.75"; dull, moderate olive green (147A). Shrub 2.5' tall x 2.5' wide in 10 years, dense growth habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -8°F. Mid May.
'Chibi': Evergreen azalea. (Satsuki azalea, open pollinated). H (1985) in Hiroshima, Japan; G (1988), N (1996), I (1994), and REG (1996): Higashi Nursery, Sumner, WA. Fls 2-3/bud, broadly funnel-shaped, 1.25" long x 1.25" wide, 5-lobed, flat-edged; purple in bud, opening inside strong reddish purple (78B) with darker blotch on three upper lobes. Calyx 0.25" long, light green. Lvs elliptic, upcurved margins, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 0.9" x 0.4", dull, dark green, with discrete hairs. Shrub 1.5' tall x 2' wide in 5 years, dense growth habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least 15°F. Mid April.
'Coral King': Deciduous azalea. ('Cecile' x 'Berryrose'). H (1971): Mr. & Mrs. William Curtis, Sherwood, OR; G, N (1996), and REG (1996): Frank Furman, Bridgewater, NJ. Fls 5-6/dome truss, tubular funnel-shaped with short narrow tube, lightly scented, 3" long x 3"-4" wide, with 5-7 flat to slightly wavy-edged lobes; moderate reddish orange (41C) in bud, opening inside pale yellowish pink (29D) with moderate reddish orange (41C) margins and a light orange yellow (23C) blotch on dorsal lobe. Truss 4" high x 6"-7" wide. Calyx to 0.2" long, very pale green. Lvs narrowly obovate, flat, cuneate base, acute apex, 3" x 1.25"; moderate yellow green (146B) with very pale green to white hairs at margins, sparse on blade above, and midrib below; hairs also on fir tube, calyx, pedicel, and petiole. Shrub 7' tall x 6' wide in 35 years, dense growth habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -5°F. Mid May. (ARS Seed Exchange Lot 72-602)
'Coral Symphony': Elepidote. ( R. x nikomontanum x 'Souvenir of W.C. Slocock'). H (1967), G, N, and REG (1996): Ben and Marion Shapiro, East Brunswick, NJ. Fls 12-15/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2" long x 2.5" wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; deep to strong purplish pink (68A-B) in bud, opening inside light to pale purplish pink (62C-D) with deep and strong orange yellow (163A-B) dorsal spotting; outside streaked with deep to strong purplish pink (68A-B). Calyx < 0.1" long, light green. Truss 4.25" high x 5.5" wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, downcurved margins, rounded base, obtuse apex, 4.75" x 2.25"; dull, moderate olive green (146A) with tan hairs above and below on new growth, on midrib below when mature. Shrub 3.8' tall x 5.75' wide in 29 years. Plant hardy to at least -15°F; buds, -5°F. Mid May.
'Delp's Tickled Pink': Elepidote. ('Tols' x 'Robert Weldon'*). H: (1986), G, and REG (1996): Weldon E Delp, Harrisville, PA; N: Virginia Delp. Fls 8/truss, openly funnel-shaped, 1.75" long x 2.75" wide, with 6 very wavy-edged lobes; strong red (53C) in bud, opening yellowish white (158D) edged deep purplish pink (54B) and strong pink (54C), with a pale yellow green (4D) flare and deep red (53A) dorsal spots. Truss 4.5" wide. Lvs broadly acute apex, cuneate base, 2.75" x 1". Early June. (Synonym: 'Tickled Pink')
'Denise Kathleen': Lepidote. [('Else Frye' x johnstoneanum ) x 'Else Frye']. H (1980), G (1985), N, and REG (1996): H J Braafladt M.D., Eureka, CA. Fls (3)-4-(5)/flat truss, openly funnel-shaped, 3.2" long x 3.2" wide, with 5 very wavy-edged lobes; vivid red (46B) in bud, opening yellowish white (155D) with strong red (53B) markings on each petal, merging into (53B) stripes at maturity; strong reddish orange (42B) blotch in dorsal throat aging to moderate reddish orange (41C). Calyx < 0.1", strong red (50A). Truss 4" high x 4" wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, cuneate base, acute tip, 2.75" x 1"; moderate olive green (146A), bullate and hairy above; strong yellow green (144B) with yellow/brown scales below. Shrub 3.5' tall x 3.5' wide in 15 years. Plant and bud hardy to at least 20°F. Early April.
'Doctor Herman Vaartnou': Elepidote. ( lacteum hybrid x macabeanum , Lord Stair form). H (1978) and REG (1996): E Weesjes; G (1994) and N (1996): K N Weesjes and E Weesjes, Sidney, BC. Fls 21/dome truss, ventricose-campanulate, 2.5" long x 2.75" wide, with 8 wavy-edged lobes; pale greenish yellow (2D) in bud, opening inside pale yellow green (155A) with a short, circular, moderate purplish red (59C) flare in throat; outside pale yellow green (4D). Calyx 0.1", pale cream. Truss 4.5" high x 7" wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, flat, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 13" x 6"; semi-glossy, dark green with whitish hairs below aging to light yellowish brown. Shrub 5' tall x 5' wide in 18 years. Plant hardy to at least 10°F. Late March.
'Dorothy Winberg': Elepidote. [('Pineapple Delight' x 'Purple Lace') x ('Mrs. Davies Evans' x 'Purple Splendour')]. H (1992), N, and REG (1996): John Winberg, Fall City, WA; G (1996) John Winberg and Clint Smith, Sumner, WA. Fls 16-18/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2.5" long x 3.75" wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; yellowish white (155D) with strong purple (80B) margins fading to light purple (80C), and with a prominent dark red (59A) flare. Calyx 1", dark red (59A). Truss 6" high x 5.5" wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 4.25" x 1.75"; bullate, moderate olive green (147A). Shrub 1.75' tall x 2.2' wide in 3.5 years. Plant hardy to at least 0°F; buds, 10°F. Late April.
'Dr Allen Roses': Elepidote. [( fortunei ssp. discolor x sutchuenense ) x (Lodauric Group x 'Cadis')]. H (1983), G (1988), N and REG (1996): Robert L Means M.D., Winston-Salem, NC; I: Yadkin Valley Nursery Co, Yadkinville, NC. Fls 11/conical truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 2.25" long x 4" wide, moderately scented, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; strong reddish purple (70B) in bud, opening deep purplish pink (70C) at margins, shading to very pale purple (69C) in center, with sparse light olive (152B) spotting at base of dorsal lobe. Calyx insignificant. Multi-bud truss 9.5" high x 7.5" wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, up-curved margins, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 4.75" x 2"; dull, moderate olive green (147A). Shrub 3.2' tall x 3.3' wide in 13 years, open growth habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -8°F. Mid May.
'El Salto': Elepidote. ('Sappho' x 'Janet Blair'). H (1974), G (1979), and N: William L Rhein D.D.S., Mechanicsburg, PA; REG (1996): Rhein Registration Committee, Susquehanna Valley Chapter, ARS. Fls 13/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, 1.75" long x 3" wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; strong and light purple (84A-B) in bud, opening yellowish white (155D) flushed light purple (84B) at margins and with deep purplish red (61A) dorsal spotting. Calyx minute. Truss 4.5" high x 6.5" wide. Lvs held 3 years, oblanceolate, flat, obtuse apex, cuneate base, 5.25" x 1.75"; glossy, dark yellowish green (139A) above. Shrub 10' tall x 9' wide in 21 years, dense habit. Plant hardy to at least -25°F; buds, -15°F. Mid May.
'Ellie Sather': Elepidote. ( haematodes x mallotum ). H (1965): Walt Elliott, Shelton, WA; G (1972), N, and REG (1996): B Franklin Heuston, Shelton, WA. Fls 10/flat ball truss, funnel-shaped, 2" long x 2" wide, with 5 flat-edged lobes; strong purplish red (54A) throughout. Calyx 0.4", gray. Truss 2.5" high x 6" wide. Lvs held 3 years, ovate, flat, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 4" x 1.5"; glossy, moderate olive green (147A) with dense, felt-like grayish reddish orange (174B) hairs below. Shrub 5' tall x 6' wide in 30 years. Plant and bud hardy to at least 0°F. Early May.
'Elze Weesjes': Elepidote. ( yakushimanum x strigillosum ). H (1976): Hjalmar Larson, Tacoma, WA; G, N (1966), and REG (1996): K N Weesjes, Sidney, BC. Fls 23-27/ball truss, funnel-campanulate, 2.25" long x 2" wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; deep pink (52B) throughout, with dark red nectaries. Calyx 0.1", reddish (red glands). Truss 4.5" high x 5.5" wide. Lvs held 4 years, linear, downcurved margins, rounded base, acute apex, 5.5" x 1.5"; semi-glossy, dark green with moderate orange yellow (165C) hairs below and on petiole. Shrub 6' tall x 4.5' wide in 19 years. Plant hardy to at least 5°F. Early April.
'Extra Dividend': Elepidote. ('Scintillation' x 'Mary Garrison'). H (1977), G (1982), and N: William L Rhein D.D.S., Mechanicsburg, PA; REG (1996): Rhein Registration Committee, Susquehanna Valley Chapter, ARS. Fls 8-9/lax truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2" long x 3" wide, with 7 wavy-edged lobes; pale purplish pink (56D) with moderate purplish pink (65A) longitudinal markings inside and out; moderate orange yellow (168D) spotting on upper lobe. Calyx minute. Truss 5" high x 6.5" wide. Lvs held 2 years, narrowly obovate, flat, rounded base, obtuse apex, 3.5"-5" x 1.6"-2.4"; dull, moderate olive green (147A) above. Shrub 6.5' tall x 9.5' wide in 18 years, slightly open habit. Plant hardy to at least -25°F; buds, -15°F. Mid May.
'Firecracker Denisia': Lepidote. [('Mary Fleming' x spinuliferum ) x ( racemosum x spinuliferum )]. H (1985), G, N, and REG (1996): Pat Halligan, Freeland WA. Fls 3-5/bud, funnel-shaped, 0.75" long x 1" wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; vivid red (46B) to strong red (47B) in bud, opening inside deep to strong pink (48B-C) initially, darkening to deep pink (52B-C); outside moderate to strong red (47A-B) initially, fading to deep pink (52B-C); exserted stamens with white filaments. Multiple-bud inflorescence is both terminal and axial, resembling that of racemosum . Calyx minute, green. Lvs elliptic, downcurved margins, oblique base, broadly acute apex, 1.25" x 0.25"-0.5"; semi-glossy, dark green to dark yellowish green (136A-B) with inconspicuous colorless scales on lvs and stems. Shrub 2' tall x 1.5' wide in 10 years. Plant and bud hardy to at least 5°F. March-April. (Best Lepidote and Best New Hybrid, ARS Seattle Chapter show, 1993)
'Firecracker Tori': Lepidote. {( campylogynum Cremastum Group 'Bodnant Red' x spinuliferum ) x [('Mary Fleming' x spinuliferum ) x ( racemosum x spinuliferum )]}. H (1986), G, N, and REG (1996): Pat Halligan, Freeland WA. Fls 4-5 umbellate truss, funnel-shaped, 0.9" long x 0.75" wide, with 5 flat-edged lobes; strong red (46A) in bud, opening red throughout (between strong red 46A and deep red 53A), aging to deep to strong red (53A-B). Calyx minute, red. Lvs held 1 year, elliptic, wavy margins, rounded base, obtuse apex, 1"-1.5" x 0.5"-0.6"; dull, moderate olive green (147A) above with sparse, inconspicuous colorless scales on lvs, fls, and stems. Shrub 3' tall x 2' wide in 10 years, open habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least 10°F. Early April.
'Glenna': Elepidote. ('Hotei' x 'One Thousand Butterflies'). H (1985), G (1990), N (1992), and REG (1996): Jim Barlup, Bellevue, WA. Fls 19/ball truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 2.5" long x 3.5" wide, with 5 frilly-edged lobes; deep pink (50B) in bud, opening inside light pink (50D) at margins, shading to pale yellow (12D) throat with moderate reddish orange (35A) area at base extending upwards 0.25" on three upper lobes; outside pale yellow (11C) with light pink (50D) midribs. Calyx lacking. Truss 6" high x 6" wide. Lvs held 2 years, oblong, wavy margins, rounded base, obtuse apex, 4.75" x 2"; semi-glossy, moderate olive green (147A). Shrub 3.5' tall x 4.5' wide in 11 years, dense habit. Plant hardy to at least 0°F. Late April-early May. (Blue Ribbon, ARS Cascade Chapter show, 1995)
'Grand Pré': Synonym of 'Minas Grand Pré'.
'Jessie's Song': Elepidote. ('Nancy Evans' x 'Golden Anniversary'). H (1984), G (1988), N (1991), and REG (1996): Jim Barlup, Bellevue, WA. Fls 19/dome truss, funnel-campanulate, 2.25" long x 3.5" wide, with 6 wavy-edged lobes; strong red (51A) in bud, opening with inside margins moderate purplish pink (65A), c l" broad, fading to pale yellow green (4D) center, with two deep red (53A) flares, c 0.75" long, in dorsal throat; outside (65A) fading to (4D) c 0.5" from base. Calyx lacking. Truss 5" high x 6" wide. Lvs held 2 years, oblong, wavy margins, rounded base, obtuse apex, 4.5" x 2.25"; semi-glossy, moderate olive green (147A). Shrub 3' tall x 3' wide in 6 years. Plant hardy to at least 0°F. Early May. (Placed on ARS Plant Awards eligibility list 1995)
'Joe Davis': Elepidote. [('Butter Brickie' x 'September Song'*) x 'Eunie']. H (1991), N, and REG (1996): John Winberg, Fall City, WA; G (1995) John Winberg and Clint Smith, Sumner, WA. Fls 12/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, of heavy texture, 2.75" long x 4" wide, with 6 wavy-edged lobes; light greenish yellow (8B) at margins, shading to brilliant yellow (8A) center with prominent moderate red (179A) blotch in throat. Calyx 1"-1.25", brilliant yellow (8A). Truss 6.5" high x 6" wide. Lvs held 2 years, ovate, flat, rounded base, obtuse apex, 5" x 2.25"; dull, dark green (135A). Shrub 2.5' tall x 2.3' wide in 4.5 years. Plant hardy to at least 0°F; buds, 10°F. Late April.
'Killer Scent': Elepidote. ('Dad's Killer' x 'Heavenly Scent'*). H (1988): Steve Mauritsen; N: Judy Mauritsen; G (1995), I (1966), and REG (1996): Kent Nursery, Orting, WA. Fls 9/lax truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2" long x 3.5" wide, with 6 wavy-edged lobes, moderately scented; moderate purplish pink (68C) with darker stripes and a strong red (46A) throat, no stamens. Truss 5" high x 6" wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, downcurved margins, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 4" x 1.5"; dull, bullate. Shrub 3.5' tall x 3' wide in 9 years, open habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least 0°F. Early May.
'Landmark': Lepidote. ('Counterpoint'* x 'Carolina Rose'*). H (1985): Edmund V Mezitt; G (1988), N (19%), and REG (1996): Weston Nurseries, Hopkinton, MA. Fls 25/multi-bud, dome-shaped truss; openly funnel-shaped, 1.5" long x 0.75" wide, with 6 wavy-edged lobes; deep purplish red (59B) in bud, opening strong purplish red (64C) with very faint scarlet spotting. Calyx very small, light green. Truss 2.5" high x 4" wide. Lvs 2.1" x 1", elliptic, downcurved margins, rounded base, broadly acute apex, with scales beneath, light green aging to light rust; semi-glossy, dark green. Shrub 4' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Plant hardy to at least -20°F; buds, -15°F. Mid May.
'Lauren with Love': Elepidote. ('Jeannie's Black Heart' x 'Top Banana'). H (1989): Fred Minch; G (1996), N (1996), to be I, and REG (1996): Fred and Jean Minch, Puyallup, WA. Fls 18/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2" long x 3" wide, with 6 wavy-edged lobes; strong red (50A) in bud, opening inside pale yellow (18C) with strong red (50A) deep in throat; outside deep pink (51C). Calyx 0.75"-l" long, deep pink (51C). Truss 4" high x 6" wide. Lvs held 3 years, oblong, downcurved margins, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 6" x 2"; dull, dark green. Shrub 2' tall x 2' wide in 5 years, dense habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least 12°F. Early.
'Light Years': Elepidote. ('Nancy Evans' x 'Mrs. Furnival'). H (1989), G (1994), N (1994), and REG (1996): Jim Barlup, Bellevue, WA. Fls 15/ball truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 2.5" long x 3.75" wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; deep red (60A) in bud, opening inside pale purplish pink (56B) at margins, fading to pale yellow (11C) center, and with discrete dark reddish orange (173A) spotting on light yellow (11B) dorsal lobe; outside (56B) with strong purplish pink (55B) midribs and (11C) base. Calyx irregular, to 1" long, pale yellow (11C) with (55B) edges and dark reddish orange (173A) spotting on two upper lobes. Truss 6" high x 6" wide. Lvs held 2 years, oblong, upcurved margins, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 4.5" x 1.9"; dull, moderate olive green (147A). Shrub 3' tall x 3' wide in 7 years. Plant hardy to at least 0°F. Mid May.
'Melba': Synonym of 'Melba's Dream'.
'Melba's Dream': Evergreen azalea. ('Delaware Valley White' hybrid x yellow Exbury hybrid). G: Andrew Rudko, Somerville, NJ and REG (1996): Harry Weiskittel, Marshy Point Nursery, Chase, MD. Fls 2/bud, 2-6 buds/terminal, funnel-shaped, 0.9" long x 1" wide; 5 flat-edged, oblong lobes, c 0.6"-0.7" long, with rounded apex; strong to light yellow green (145A-B) in bud, opening light yellow green (145C-D), and remaining that color for as long as one month; stigma bright green, anthers tan, pistil and stamens exserted; sparse, short, fine, colorless to white hairs at lobe margins, on corolla, and on pedicel. Calyx c 0.3" long, green, with numerous white hairs aging to tan. Spring lvs elliptic, flat, cuneate base, acute apex, 1" x 0.5", moderate olive green (146A), with discrete, adpressed, white hairs above and below, aging to golden tan; petiole hairy. Shrub 0.8' tall x 0.9' wide in c 3 years. Hardy to at least -5°F. Mid April-late May. (Synonym: 'Melba')
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R. 'Melba's Dream' |
'Minami-no-Hoshi': Evergreen azalea. (Unknown). H (1988), G, N (1996), I (1966), and REG (1996): Higashi Nursery, Sumner, WA. Fls 2/bud, funnel-shaped, 1.75" long x 1.75" wide, 5-lobed, flat-edged; dark orange in bud, opening red-orange with a red blotch. Calyx 0.25" long, light green. Lvs elliptic, flat, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 1.6" x 0.7', dull green with discrete white hairs on surface, aging to light yellow. Shrub 2' tall x 2.5' wide in 7 years. Plant hardy to at least 20°F. Late April.
'Minas': Synonym of 'Minas Grand Pré'.
'Minas Grand Pré': Elepidote. ('Catawbiense Compactum' x williamsianum ). H (1961): G S Swain; G and I (1973): Kentville Research Station; N, and REG (1996): Donald L Craig; at Kentville, NS. Fls 10/lax truss, campanulate, 1.5" long x 2" wide, 5-lobed; pale purplish pink (62D) throughout, including filaments and style. Lvs elliptic, oblique to cordate base, obtuse apex, 3.1" x 1.6"; new foliage copper color. Shrub 2.1' tall x 3.25' wide in 11 years; ultimate height c 4'. Flower buds hardy to at least -10°F. Late May-early June. (Synonyms: 'Grand Pré' and 'Minas')
'Mindy's Love': Elepidote. ('Nancy Evans' x 'Lionel's Triumph'). H (1981), G (1987), N (1988), and REG (1996): Jim Barlup, Bellevue, WA. Fls 21/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2.75" long x 3.5" wide, with 7 wavy-edged lobes; strong pink (48C) in bud, opening pale greenish yellow (13D), with throat and three upper lobes pale orange yellow (16D), and with two faint strong red (53B) streaks, c 0.5" long, in throat; outside (13D). Calyx irregular, to 1.25" long, (13D) with faint (53B) streaks. Truss 6" high x 7' wide. Lvs held 2 years, obovate, flat, rounded base, obtuse apex, 5.5" x 2.5"; dull, moderate olive green (147A). Shrub 3.5' tall x 3.5' wide in 6 years. Plant hardy to at least 0°F. Late April-early May. (Blue Ribbon, ARS Cascade Chapter show, 1996)
'Mitsuki': Evergreen azalea. (Satsuki azalea, open pollinated). H (1985) in Hiroshima, Japan; G (1988), N (1996), I, and REG (1996): Higashi Nursery, Sumner, WA. Fls 2-3/bud, openly funnel-shaped, 1.6" long x 2.5" wide, 5-lobed, flat-edged; white with numerous irregular streaks of light purple (78C). Calyx 0.25" long, light green. Lvs elliptic, upcurved margins, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 1.25" x 0.6", dull green with discrete hairs. Shrub 1.2' tall x 1.2' wide in 5 years, dense growth habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least 15°F. Mid April.
'Pat Glein': Elepidote. [ yakushimanum 'Koichiro Wada' x ( yakushimanum 'Koichiro Wada' x 'Crest')]. H (1970), G (1976), N, and REG (1996): Robert Glein, Marysville, WA. Fls 18/dome truss, broadly funnel-campanulate, 2.5" long x 3.75" wide, 5-lobed with frilled edges; strong red (53C) in bud, opening deep purplish pink (55A) at margins shading to pale purplish pink (55D) throat, with sparse, deep red (55A) spotting on upper lobe; color ages to lighter pink. Calyx c 0.1" long, pale greenish yellow. Truss 4" high x 5.75" wide. Lvs held 3-4 years, narrowly oblong, downcurved margins, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 4"-6" x 1.25"-1.75"; moderate olive green (147A). Shrub 5' tall x 8' wide in 26 years, dense growth habit, very floriferous. Plant hardy to at least 3°F; buds, 15°F. Early May.
'Princess Margaret': Synonym of 'Princess Margaret Toth'.
'Princess Margaret Toth': Evergreen azalea. (Complex hybrid involving 'Vervaeneanum', Turin', 'Azuma-kagami', and others). H (1972) and G: U of Maryland at College Park, James B Shanks, project director; N, I (1995), and REG (1996): Andrew N Adams Jr., Clarksville, MD. Fls 1-2/bud, openly funnel-shaped, semi-double (with some petaloid stamens), 2.2" long x 3.2" wide, 5-lobed, wavy-edged; vivid red (45C) with strong purplish red (61B) spotting on dorsal lobe. Spring lvs 1.0" x 0.4". Shrub rounded, loose growth habit, very floriferous. Plant and bud hardy to at least -5°F. Early May. (Synonym: 'Princess Margaret'; Code: MD72-5-l)
'Ruth Price': Elepidote. ('Vera Elliott' x oreodoxa ). H (1980), G (1987), N, and REG (1996): Walt Elliott, Shelton, WA. Fls 12/ball truss, broadly funnel-shaped, of heavy texture, 3" long x 4.5" wide, with 5 frilled lobes; inside moderate pink (49B), lightly flushed strong pink (54C) in throat, with center of throat strong purplish red (54A); outside strong purplish pink (55B). Calyx lacking. Truss 5" high x 7" wide. Lvs held 3 years, oblong, flat, oblique base, broadly acute apex, 5" x 2.5", glossy. Shrub 4.5' tall x 6' wide in 15 years. Plant and bud hardy to at least 0°F. Mid April-early May.
'Seattle White': Evergreen azalea. (Parentage unknown, but presence of stipitate glands suggests possibility of mucronatum in background). N (late 1940s ?): probably B Y Morrison; REG (1996): William C Miller III, Bethesda, MD. Fls 1/bud, broadly funnel-shaped, 2.3"-2.6" long x 3.4" wide, with wavy-edged lobes; form variable from 5-lobed single with 6-10 stamens to irregular double with petaloid stamens of diverse sizes and shapes; white with pale greenish yellow (10D) blotch on upper petals, sometimes also with brilliant yellow green (150C) spotting. Calyx 0.5" long, lobes broadly lanceolate, strong yellow green (143C, 144B). Spring lvs narrowly elliptic/slightly obovate, flat, cuneate base, broadly acute/obtuse apex, 1.8" x 0.6", moderate olive green to moderate yellow green (147A-B), with discrete, adpressed, whitish hairs aging to reddish yellow, and tiny stipitate glands. Shrub 1.25' tall x 2.6' wide in 6 years, dense habit.
Historical Note: The registration application for 'Seattle White' includes the following note from Don Voss: "Dr. John Creech states that the plant is a florists' forcing azalea obtained by B.Y. Morrison in Seattle (late 1940s). Seeing the plant in a florist shop, BYM noted that in addition to its doubleness the plant also bore single fertile flowers and might be useful in breeding."
'Snow Candle': Elepidote. [('Fancy' x yakushimanum ) x 'Exbury Calstocker']. H (1985), G (1991), N (1993), and REG (1996): Jim Barlup, Bellevue, WA. Fls 23/dome truss, funnel-campanulate, 2.25" long x 3" wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; light purplish pink (62C) in bud, opening yellowish white (155D) inside and out, with a moderate red (185B) blotch in dorsal throat, c 0.75" long, edged by a small number of spots of same color. Calyx lacking. Truss 5" high x 6" wide. Lvs held 3 years, narrowly elliptic, upcurved wavy margins, cuneate base, acute apex, 7.75" x 2.5"; glossy, moderate olive green (147A). Shrub 3.5' tall x 4' wide in 11 years, dense habit. Plant hardy to at least 0°F. Early-mid April.
'Sonny's Love': Lepidote (Unknown parentage). Seed c.w. in mountains near Sitka, Alaska (1986), G (1988), N (1988), and REG (1996): L W Reichart, Glen Arm, MD. Fls 12/multi-bud, ball-shaped truss; saucer-shaped, double and semi-double, with petaloid stamens; 1" long x 1.5" wide with 5 wavy-edged lobes; light purple (84B) in bud, opening light purple (84C) throughout, unmarked. Multiple-bud inflorescence 2" high x 3" wide. Calyx 0.25" long, green. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, flat, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 2.1" x 1"; glossy, dark green with tiny white scales. Shrub 4' tall x 2.5' wide in 5 years. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20°F, and heat tolerant to at least 104°F. Early April.
'Study in Scarlet': Elepidote. ('Mrs. R.S. Holford' x brownish-red flrd unknown). H (1968), G, N, and REG (1996): Ben and Marion Shapiro, East Brunswick, NJ. Fls 9/ball truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2" long x 2.5" wide, with 5 flat-edged lobes; vivid red (45A) throughout, with sparse darker red spotting at base of dorsal lobe. Calyx 5-lobed, each lobe c 0.4" long x < 0.1" wide, vivid red (45A). Truss 5" high x 5.5" wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, margins upcurved, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 4" x 1.5"; glossy, moderate olive green (147A) with sparse tan hairs on midrib below. Shrub 3.5' tall x 5' wide in 28 years. Plant hardy to at least -15°F; buds, -5°F. Mid May.
'Walt Elliott No. 2': Elepidote. ('Vera Elliott' x 'White Swan'). H (1984): Walt Elliott, Shelton, WA; G (1994), N and REG (1996): B Franklin Heuston, Shelton, WA. Fls 11-12/ball truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 3" long x 4.5" wide, lightly scented, with 6 wavy-edged lobes; strong pink (50C) in bud, opening inside pale yellow (18D) with slight pink tinge, unmarked; outside light purplish pink (65B). Calyx lacking. Truss 5" high x 7" wide. Lvs held 2-3 years, elliptic, flat, oblique base, broadly acute apex, 4.5" x 2"; semi-glossy, moderate olive green (147A). Shrub 4.5' tall x 6' wide in 12 years. Plant and bud hardy to at least 0°F. Late May. (Alternative variant: 'Walt Elliott Number 2')
'Wind River': Elepidote. {'Mindy's Love' x {[('Lem's Goal' x Loderi Group) x 'Lem's Cameo'] x [('Lem's Goal' x Loderi Group) x 'Brandt's Tropicana'*]}}. H (1988), G (1993), N (1994), and REG (1996): Jim Barlup, Bellevue, WA. Fls 20/ball truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 2.4" long x 3.5" wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; strong red (51A) in bud, opening pale greenish yellow (10D) deepening to light yellow (10C) in throat, and light purplish pink (55C) edges fading with age, and with strong red (53D) ring at base and (53D) spotting on three upper lobes; outside (55C) fading to (10D). Calyx irregular, to 1.1" long, (55C) edges, (10C) center, (53D) spots at base. Truss 6.5" high x 6.5" wide. Lvs held 2 years, obovate, downcurved margins, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 6.25" x 2.6"; semi-glossy, moderate olive green (147A). Shrub 4' tall x 3' wide in 8 years. Plant hardy to at least 0°F. Early May. (Placed on ARS Plant Awards eligibility list 1993)
'Yellow Eyes': Lepidote. ('Wyanokie', open pollinated). Seed collected (1977): G Guy Nearing, Ramsey, NJ; G (1979), N (1981), and REG (1996): Dr A R Fitzburgh, Caldwell, NJ. Fls 8-9/multi-bud, dome-shaped truss; broadly funnel-shaped, 0.75" long x 1.25" wide, with 6 flat-edged lobes; pink in bud, opening inside white with prominent spotting of greenish yellow turning to vivid yellow (16A) on dorsal and two adjacent lobes; outside very pale pink to white. Calyx < 0.1" long, green. Truss 1.5" high x 2" wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, margins downcurved, cuneate base, acuminate apex, with scaly indumentum, 1.75" x 0.5"; dull green turning bronze in winter. Shrub 3' tall x 2' wide in 10 years, dense growth habit. Plant hardy to at least -15"F; buds, -10"F. Early May. (Best Lepidote, ARS Princeton Chapter show, c l984, and Tappan Zee Chapter show, 1986)
* The following unregistered names appear as parents in the above listing:
'Brandt's Tropicana': Brandt, ('Britannia' x 'Goldsworth Orange')
'Carolina Rose': Hardgrove/Knippenberg, azaleodendron, (
Carolinianum Grp x
'Counterpoint': Mezitt, [(PJM Group x 'Mucronulatum Pink'), selfed]
'Heavenly Scent': Whitney/Sather,
'Herbert's Find': Gable, 'Annie Dalton' cross
'Mary Garrison': Gable, (
aff. Rock 18139)
'Robert Weldon': Delp, ('Weldy' x 'Serendipity')
'September Song': Phetteplace, ('Dido' x 'Fawn')
'Waltham': Mezitt, (Laetevirens Group x
Carolinianum Group)