JARS v51n2 - American Rhododendron Society Plant Registry
American Rhododendron Society Plant Registry
The following rhododendron and azalea names, submitted through the North American registrar, were approved and added to the International Rhododendron Register prior to Feb 1, 1997 by the Royal Horticultural Society, International Registration Authority for the genus Rhododendron . Color numbers refer to the RHS Colour Chart unless noted otherwise. Accompanying color names are taken from A Contribution toward Standardization of Color Names in Horticulture , R D Huse and K L Kelly, edited by D H Voss (ARS, 1984). Species names are those used by the RHS, based upon recent Edinburgh revisions of the genus. Parents of a plant are reported in the conventional order: (seed parent x pollen parent). Abbreviations are used where appropriate: H = hybridized by, G = grown to first flower by, R = raised by, S = selected by, N = named by, I = introduced by, REG = registered by; dates are enclosed in parentheses immediately following the activity. Synonyms are names used for a particular clone prior to registration, but unacceptable because of conflict with recommendations of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants - 1995. In order to avoid repetition of source, groups of names registered by one individual will appear together at the end of this supplement.
'Aggie': Elepidote. ('Cynthia' x 'Purple Splendour'). H (1986) and N (1996): Morna Stockman; G (1994) and REG (1996): Harold and Morna Stockman, Port Angeles, WA. Fls 8/dome truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 1.75" long x 3" wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; inside margins close to deep purplish pink (72D) with white star-shaped center and with yellow spotting in dorsal throat; outside margins near (72D) shading darker to near vivid purplish red (67B) base. Calyx < 0.1" long, green. Truss 4" high x 5" wide. Lvs narrowly oblong, flat, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 4" x 1.5", glossy, dark green. Shrub 3.3' tall x 3' wide in 10 years, dense growth habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least 10°F. Mid May.
'Arizona': Elepidote. {{{{Unknown x [ catawbiense , white-flrd x ( fortunei ssp. discolor x Tabia')]} x 'Mary Belle'} x 'Catalgla'} x 'Burma'}. H (1985), G (1992), N, I (1995), and REG (1996): David G Leach, Madison, OH. Fls 18/conical truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2" long x 3" wide, 5-lobed, frilled margins; red in bud, opening pale yellow green (4D) throughout, with dark red (183A) blotch on dorsal lobe. Truss 6.5" high x 55" wide. Lvs held 2-3 years, elliptic, flat, 4" x 2", semi-glossy, medium green. Shrub 5' tall x 3' wide in 10 years. Early June.
'Bill Sullivan': Elepidote. ('Mrs. Furnivall' x yakushimanum ). H (1970): Mrs. Alma Manenica, Aberdeen, WA; G (1981): William F Sullivan; N (1996): Lee S Baker and William J Sullivan; REG (1996): William J Sullivan, Roseland, NJ. Fls 8-12/conical truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 1.5" long x 1.75" wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; vivid purplish red (57C) in bud, opening inside very pale purple (69C) with golden specks near edge of dorsal lobe; outside vivid purplish red (57C), growing lighter with age. Calyx 1" long, very pale yellowish green. Lvs held 2 years, lanceolate, wavy margins, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 3.75" x 1", mid green with very sparse hairs below. Shrub 2.2' tall x 2.8' wide in 25 years, compact growth habit. Plant hardy to at least -10 ° F. Early May. (ARS Seed Exchange Lot 71-452)
'Capistrano': Elepidote. {'Hindustan' x {{[ catawbiense , white-flrd x ( fortunei ssp. discolor x 'Fabia')] x ('Russell Harmon' x 'Goldsworth Orange')} x 'Golden Gala'}}. H (1981), G (1988), N, I (1994), and REG (1996): David G Leach, Madison, OH. Fls 15 /dome truss, funnel-campanulate, 1.5" long x 2" wide, 5-lobed, frilled margins; yellow in bud, opening pale greenish yellow (2D) throughout (no pronounced markings). Truss 5" high x 4" wide. Lvs held 2-3 years, elliptic, flat, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 4.5" x 2", dull, deep green. Shrub 4.5' tall x 6' wide in 14 years, dense, mounded habit. Plant hardy to at least -22 ° F; buds, -18 ° F. Late May. [Correct parentage from {{[ catawbiense , white-flrd x ( fortunei ssp. discolor x 'Fabia')] x ('Russell Harmon' x 'Goldsworth Orange')} x 'Golden Gala'} to {'Hindustan' x {([ catawbiense , white-flrd x ( fortunei ssp. discolor x Fabia Group)] x ['Russell Harmon' x 'Goldsworth Orange']) x 'Golden Gala'}} - mod 02/15/15, ref. ]
'Catalina': Elepidote. (Parentage unknown). H (1967), G (1974), N, I (1995), and REG (1996): David G Leach, Madison, OH. Fls 16/dome truss, funnel-campanulate, 1.5" long x 1.75" wide, with 5 overlapping, flat-edged lobes; moderate purplish pink (66D) throat with strong purplish red (60C) margins, aging to white in throat with pink margins (no pronounced markings). Truss 5" high x 3.5" wide. Lvs held 2 years, obovate, flat, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 4.5" x 2", dull, light to medium green. Shrub 5' tall x 7' wide in c 25 years, dense habit. Buds hardy to at least -18°F. Late May.
'Glenwood Yellow': Lepidote. ( keiskei [as epiphytic form] x 'Banana Boat'). H (1986), G (1989), N (1996), and REG (1996): G David Lewis, Colts Neck, NJ. Fls 3-5/flat (single-bud) truss, funnel-shaped with somewhat pointed lobes, 1.4" long x 1.25" wide, 5-lobed, frilled margins; brilliant yellow green (150B) in bud, opening light yellow green (154D) throughout, with strong yellow green (144B) spotting on dorsal lobe. Truss 1.75" high x 2.75" wide. Lvs held 1.5 years, lanceolate, flat margins, rounded base, acute apex, 3" x 1"; dull, dark yellowish green (139A) above, with white scales below. Shrub 3' tall x 4' wide in 10 years, dense growth habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -10°F. Late April.
'Jo-Jo': Elepidote. ('Lord Roberts' x 'Vicki Reine'). H (1989): Morna Stockman; G (1995) and REG (1996): Harold and Morna Stockman; N (1996): Johanna Stockman; Port Angeles, WA. Fls 10/ball truss, openly funnel-shaped, 1.5" long x 2" wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; close to vivid red (45B) throughout; stamens red with black anthers. Calyx < 0.1" long, red. Truss 3.5" x 3.5". Lvs narrowly elliptic, downcurved margins, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 3.5" x 1.25", dull, dark green, and bullate. Shrub 2.1' tall x 2.5' wide in 7 years, dense growth habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least 10°F. Mid May.
'Marian Lynn': Elepidote. ('Paprika Spiced' x 'Fawn'). H (1989), G (1995), N, and REG (1996): David W Goheen, Camas, WA; I A Sandy Rhododendron, Sandy, OR Fls 14-16/dome truss, broadly funnel-shaped, of heavy substance, 25" long x 4" wide, with 7 wavy-edged lobes, lightly scented; strong pink (52D) in bud, opening inside shades of brilliant, light, and pale yellow (20A-C) edged deep and strong pink (52C-D), with seven vivid reddish orange (33A) rays in throat; outside (52C-D). Calyx minute, green tinged pink. Truss 7" high x 8" wide. Lvs held 3+ years, elliptic, flat with wavy margins, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 6" x 2"-2.5"; dull, moderate yellow green (137C) with a few glands on midrib below. Shrub 3' tall x 2.5' wide in 5 years. Plant hardy to at least 0°F; buds, 5°F. Early-mid May.
'Mary Bridge': Elepidote. (Parentage unknown). H (c l970), G (c l975), N (1996), and REG (1996): Fred Minch, Puyallup, WA. Fls 14-15/conical truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2" long x 2.5" wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; light purple (84B) in bud, opening inside light purple (84B) with moderate yellow (161A) dorsal blotch, spotted vivid purple (80A); outside strong purple (84A); long white stamens and pistil. Calyx minute. Truss 5" high x 4" wide. Lvs narrowly elliptic, flat, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 6" x 2", semi-glossy, deep green. Shrub 5' x 5' in 10 years. Plant hardy to at least 0 ° F; buds, 32°F. Midseason.
'Milton Wild': Elepidote. ('Snugbug' x 'Hydon Glow'). H and G (1992): Milton Wildfong, Mission, B.C.; N (1994) and REG (1996): Alleyne R Cook, North Vancouver, B.C. Fls 6-7/flat truss, broadly funnel-campanulate, 1.6" long x 2" wide, with 5 smooth-edged lobes; deep purplish pink (55A) in bud, opening pale purplish pink (56A) throughout, with deep purplish pink (54B) speckles on dorsal lobe. Calyx minute, green. Truss 3.6" wide. Lvs elliptic, twisted, acute apex, cuneate base, 2.2" x 1"; dull, dark green to bronze above, with felted silver hairs below, maturing to reddish bronze. Shrub 2.5' x 2.5' in 9 years, dense growth habit. Plant hardy to at least 14 ° F.
'Tercero': Elepidote. ('Paprika Spiced' x 'Fawn'). H (1989), G (1996), N, and REG (1996): David W Goheen, Camas, WA; I: A Sandy Rhododendron, Sandy, OR. Fls 16/dome truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 3" long x 4" wide, with 7 wavy-edged lobes, scented; deep yellowish pink (39B) in bud, opening inside pale yellowish pink (29D) with a light yellow (18B) throat spotted vivid reddish orange (41A); outside moderate yellowish pink (37C) fading to (29D) with (37C) stripes from base to middle of each lobe. Calyx < 0.1", peach tinged yellow. Truss 7"-8" high x 6"-7' wide. Lvs held 3 years, elliptic, flat to downcurved margins, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 5" x 1.75", dull, moderate olive green (137B). Shrub 3' x 3' in 6 years. Plant hardy to at least 0°F; buds, 5°F. Early May.
'University Place': Elepidote. (Parentage unknown). H (c l970), G (c l975), N (1996), and REG (1996): Fred Minch, Puyallup, WA. Fls 14/dome to ball truss, funnel-campanulate, 1.5" long x 2" wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; vivid red (46B) in bud, opening inside vivid red (46B) and outside strong red (46A), unmarked. Calyx 1"-1.5" long, red with silvery stripes. Truss 4" high x 7" wide. Lvs elliptic, flat to downcurved margins, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 6.5" x 2.5", dull, mid to dark green with sparse light to medium tan hairs. Shrub 3' x 3' in 3 years. Plant hardy to at least 0 ° F; buds, 32°F. Midseason.
'Witches Butter': Elepidote. ['Dexter's Champagne'* x ( fortunei ssp. discolor x Fabia Group)]. H (1980), G (1985), and N: William L Rhein DDS, Mechanicsburg, PA; REG (1996): Rhein Registration Committee, Susquehanna Valley Chapter, ARS. Fls 8-11/slightly lax ball truss, broadly funnel-campanulate, of heavy substance, scented, 2.25" long x 3" wide, with 7 wavy-edged lobes; light yellowish pink (38C) in bud, opening light greenish yellow (8B) shading to light greenish yellow (8C) towards edges; lobe edges vary from pale yellow (19C) to light yellowish pink (38C). Calyx 0.75" (dorsal lobe) to 0.4" long, light greenish yellow (8B). Truss 4" high x 6.5" wide. Lvs held 1 year, narrowly elliptic, margins upcurved, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 5.5" x 1.75"; glossy, moderate olive green (137A) above. Shrub 6.5' tall x 8' wide in 15 years, open growth habit. Plant hardy to at least -25 ° F; buds, -15°F. Early May.
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Rhododendron 'Witches Butter' |
'Wuji': Elepidote. ('Vicki Reine' x 'Crest'). H (1989): Morna Stockman; N (1996): Harold Stockman; G (1995) and REG (1996): Harold and Morna Stockman, Port Angeles, WA. Fls 8-10/lax ball truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 2.75" long x 4" wide, with 5-8 wavy-edged lobes; deep to strong yellowish pink (43C-D) in bud, opening white flushed pale purplish pink (56D) with moderate yellow (161A) center shading to strong orange yellow (163B) deep in throat, and with sparse red markings in dorsal throat. Calyx 0.25" long, yellowish green. Truss 4" high x 6" wide. Lvs narrowly obovate, downcurved margins, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 4" x 1.4", glossy, dark green, and bullate. Shrub 2.5' x 2.5' in 7 years, open growth habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least 10 ° F. Late May.
'Yuki': Evergreen azalea. (White-flrd sport from 'Mitsuki'). S (cl990), N, I, and REG (1996): Higashi Nursery, Sumner, WA. Fls 2-3/bud, openly funnel-shaped, 1.6" long x 2.5" wide, 5-lobed, flat-edged; white with greenish yellow dorsal spotting. Calyx 0.25" long, light green. Lvs elliptic, upcurved margins, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 1.25" x 0.6", dull green with discrete hairs. Shrub 1.2' x 1.2' in 5 years, dense growth habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least 15°F. Mid April.
Except where noted, the following were all G: Weldon E Delp; N: Virginia Delp; I: through Crystalaire Rhododendron Naturescapes, and REG (1996): Joyce Delp Harris; all Harrisville, PA:
'Big Band': Elepidote. ('Catalgla', green-eyed form x 'Mrs. G.W. Leak'). H (1990): Jack Looye, St Catharines, Ont. Fls 24/conical truss, openly funnel-shaped, c 2" long x 2.9" wide, 5-lobed, frilled margins; deep and strong red (53A-B, 60A) in bud, opening yellowish white (155D) edged deep and moderate purplish pink (70C-D), with a pale yellow green (4D) flare and deep red (60A) dorsal spots. Truss 6.5" wide. Lvs cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 5" x 1.5". Shrub 4' tall x 3.5' wide in 6 years. Plant hardy to at least -20 ° F; buds, -15 ° F. Early June.
'Cat's Meow': Elepidote. ('Rougemont'* x 'Fiery Orange'). H (1990): T L Ring M.D., Bellaire, OH. Fls 12/truss, openly funnel-shaped, c l.6" long x 2.5" wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; deep and strong red (60A, 53A-B) in bud, opening pale yellow (11C) edged with blend of strong red (53D), strong purplish red (54A), deep purplish pink (54B), and strong pink (54C), and with strong yellow (153D) dorsal spots. Truss 5" wide. Lvs cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 5" x 2". Shrub 5' tall x 4' wide in 6 years. Plant hardy to at least -15 ° F; buds, -10 ° F. Early June.
'Color Purple': Elepidote. ('Goody Goody', selfed). H (1990): Weldon E Delp. Fls 14/truss, openly funnel-shaped, c l.8" long x 2.4" wide, 5-lobed, frilled margins; strong and vivid purple (83D, 82A-B) in bud, opening with a very pale purple (76D) central star edged strong and light purple (84A, 85A), and with dark red (187A-C) dorsal spots. Truss 4.5" wide. Lvs rounded base, broadly acute apex, 4.25" x 2". Shrub 3.5' tall x 2.5' wide in 6 years. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20 ° F. Early June.
'Crystal Clear': Elepidote. (['Vivacious' x 'Vinerouge'], selfed). H (1990): Weldon E Delp. Fls 14/truss, openly funnel-shaped, c 2.2" long x 3" wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; strong red, deep and moderate purplish pink, and strong pink (53B, 54B-D) in bud, opening strong pink and moderate and pale purplish pink (54C-D, 56C-D) with dark greenish yellow (152C) and moderate red (180C) dorsal spots. Truss 6" wide. Lvs rounded base, broadly acute apex, 4" x 1.75". Shrub 4' tall x 3' wide in 6 years. Plant hardy to at least -20 ° F; buds, -15 ° F. Early June.
'Faisa': Lepidote. ('Achiever' x polycladum Scintillans Group). H (1974): Weldon E Delp; I: Linda Pluta, Rosebay Gardens, Saugatuck, MI. Fls 6/truss, openly funnel-shaped, c 0.8" long x 1.4" wide, 5-lobed; strong reddish purple (78B) in bud, opening light purple and moderate purplish pink (78C-D). Truss 2.6" wide. Lvs cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 1.6" x 0.75". Shrub 5' tall x 4.5' wide in 22 years. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20 ° F. Mid May.
'Flashy Blue': Lepidote. ['Blue Ridge' x (tetraploid minus Carolinianum Group x 'Blue Diamond')]. H (1990): Jack Looye, St Catharines, Ont. Fls 14/truss, broadly funnel-shaped, c l.2" long x 1.75" wide, 5-lobed; moderate and strong violet (86A-B) and strong purple (84A) in bud, opening strong and brilliant violet (86B-D). Truss 4.5" wide. Lvs cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 2" x 0.6". Shrub 3' x 3' in 6 years. Plant hardy to at least -15 ° F; buds, -10 ° F. Mid May.
'Grape Jam': Lepidote. ('Achiever' x fastigiatum ). H: Weldon E Delp; I: Linda Pluta, Rosebay Gardens, Saugatuck, MI. Fls 6/truss, openly funnel-shaped, c 0.8" long x 1.4" wide, 5-lobed; moderate and strong violet (86A-C) in bud, opening strong and brilliant violet (86B-D). Truss 2.25" wide. Lvs cuneate base, acute apex, 1.25" x 0.5". Shrub 5' tall x 4.5' wide in 22 years. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20 ° F. Mid May.
'Grove City': Elepidote. (F4 derivative of 'Newport'). H (1960): Weldon E Delp. Fls 18/truss, openly funnel-shaped, c 2" long x 3.25" wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; deep and strong purplish red (71A-C) in bud, opening strong and deep reddish purple (72B, 77A) and strong and light purple (77B-C), with a white flare and with light olive (152A) dorsal spots. Truss 6.5' wide. Lvs cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 3.75" x 1.75". Shrub 6' x 6' in 15 years. Plant and bud hardy to at least-25 ° F. Early June.
'Hot Hues': Elepidote. ('Princess Elizabeth' x 'Fiery Orange'). H (1990): T L Ring MD., Bellaire, OH. Fls 12/truss, openly funnel-shaped, c 2" long x 3" wide, 5-lobed, frilled margins; deep and strong red (53A-B) in bud, opening strong red (53C-D) and moderate purplish pink (54D) with a pale greenish yellow (9D) flare in throat and with deep red (53A) dorsal spots. Truss 5.25" wide. Lvs rounded base, broadly acute apex, 4.5" x 2". Shrub 4' tall x 3.75' wide in 6 years. Plant hardy to at least -15 ° F; buds, -10 ° F. Early June.
'Lush': Elepidote. ('Abe Arnott' x 'White Blue Peter'*). H (1991): Weldon E Delp. Fls 14/truss, broadly funnel-shaped, c 2" long x 3" wide, 5-lobed, frilled margins; moderate purplish red and dark and moderate purplish pink (186B-D) in bud, opening white and very pale purple (69D) with deep red (187D) flare spotted dark red (187A) on three upper lobes. Truss 5" wide. Lvs rounded base, broadly acute apex, 4.25" x 1.75". Shrub 3' tall x 2.5' wide in 5 years. Plant hardy to at least -20 ° F; buds,-15 ° F. Early June.
'Picture Perfect': Elepidote. ('Abe Arnott' x 'White Blue Peter'*). H (1991): Weldon E Delp. Fls 16/truss, broadly funnel-shaped, c 2.2" long x 3.75" wide, 5-lobed, frilled margins; strong purple (84A, 82B) and brilliant violet (86D) in bud, opening very pale purple (84D) edged strong and light purple (84A, 85A), and with dark red (187B) spots on three upper lobes. Truss 5.5" wide. Lvs rounded base, broadly acute apex, 4" x 1.75". Shrub 2.5' x 2.5' in 5 years. Plant hardy to at least -20 ° F; buds, -15 ° F. Early June.
'Sweet Treat': Lepidote. ('Teardrop' x 'Carl Shirey'). H (1992): Weldon E Delp. Fls 6/truss, openly funnel-shaped, c l.2" long x 1.9" wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; light and very pale purple (84C-D) in bud, opening light and very pale purple (84B-D). Truss 3" wide. Lvs rounded base, broadly acute apex, 1.5" x 0.75". Shrub 2.5' x 2.5' in 4 years. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20 ° F. Mid-late May.
'Testy': Elepidote. ('Goody Goody', selfed). H (1990): Weldon E Delp. Fls 17/truss, openly runnel-shaped, c 2" long x 2.75" wide, with 5 slightly wavy-edged lobes; deep, strong, and vivid purplish red (61A-C) in bud; opening strong purplish red (60C-D) and strong purplish pink (63C) with a light yellow green (154D) flare, and with light olive (152A) dorsal spots. Truss 5.5" wide. Lvs rounded base, broadly acute apex, 4.5" x 1.75". Shrub 4' tall x 3.75' wide in 6 years. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20 ° F. Early June.
'White Shadows': Elepidote. ('Abe Arnott' x 'White Blue Peter'*). H (1991): Weldon E Delp. Fls 16/truss, broadly funnel-shaped, c l.8" long x 2.9" wide, 5-lobed, frilled margins; light, very light, and very pale purple (71A-D) in bud; opening white with brilliant yellow green (154B) and light olive (152A) spots on three upper lobes. Truss 5" wide. Lvs rounded base, broadly acute apex, 4.5" x 2". Shrub 3.5' tall x 3' wide in 5 years. Plant hardy to at least -20 ° F; buds, -15 ° F. Early June.
The following were all S, N, I (1996) through Piping Tree Gardens, and REG (1996): Parker Lewis Little, Beaverdam, VA.
'Little's Blushing Giant': Deciduous azalea. (Selection from calendulaceum , Greenbrier County, WV). Fls 7/dome truss, narrowly tubular funnel-shaped, 1.75" long x 2" wide, with 5 twisted lobes, stamens and pistil exserted; creamy white tinged light pink near margins, with a twin longitudinal golden blotch on dorsal lobe; outside tube light yellow green. Calyx very small, green. Truss 2" high x 3.5" wide. Lvs elliptic, cuneate base, acute apex, 2.25" x 1", with discrete white hairs on both surfaces. Shrub 7.5' tall x 4' wide, open habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20 ° F. Late May.
'Little's Deep Pink': Deciduous azalea. (Selection (1991) from periclymenoides , Hanover County, VA). Fls 20/dome truss, tubular funnel-shaped, 1.5" long x 1.75" wide, of heavy substance, 5-lobed, slightly wavy-edged, scented, stamens and pistil exserted; pink with lavender hue, throat light lavender red, and dorsal lobe light pink; outside tube lavender red; filaments pink. Calyx very small, green. Truss 2.25" high x 4" wide. Lvs elliptic, wavy and downcurved margins, cuneate base, acute apex, 1.75" x 0.9"; glossy green above, glaucous (bluish) below, with discrete white hairs on both surfaces. Shrub 1' tall x 1.5' wide, dense habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -14 ° F. Late April.
'Little's Enchanting Dawn': Deciduous azalea. (Selection from calendulaceum , southeastern Greenbrier County, WV). Fls 11/ball truss, narrowly tubular funnel-shaped, 1.5" long x 1.5" wide, 5-lobed, slightly wavy-edged, stamens and pistil exserted; fls in center of truss creamy yellow to light salmon with golden blotch on dorsal lobe; surrounding fls similar at first, changing to salmon pink with darker streaks; outside lobes creamy yellow, tube light yellow with salmon base. Truss 3" high x 4.25" wide. Calyx < 0.1" long, green. Lvs elliptic, flat, acute base, acute apex, 1.75" x 0.75"; dull green with white hairs above and below. Shrub 1.5' x 1.5' in 15 years, open habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20 ° F. Mid May.
'Little's Fancy Giant': Deciduous azalea. ('Little's Early Light Pink' x either atlanticum or periclymenoides ). Fls 13/dome truss, tubular funnel-shaped, 2" long x 2.5" wide, of heavy substance, 5-lobed, wavy-edged, scented, stamens and pistil exserted; light lavender-pink with a light yellow dorsal blotch and wide, longitudinal, creamy white streaks in center of other lobes; color fades to white. Calyx c 0.1" long, light green. Truss 2.5" high x 5.25" wide. Lvs elliptic, downcurved margins, acute base and apex, 2.5" x 1.1"; glossy, light yellow green with discrete white hairs below and on petiole. Shrub 3' tall x 2' wide in 6 years, open habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -14 ° F. Late April.
'Little's Fancy Shell': Deciduous azalea. (Selection from periclymenoides , Hanover County, VA). Fls 11/flat truss, tubular funnel-shaped, 1.5" long x 1.9" wide, of heavy substance, 5-lobed, wavy-edged, scented, stamens and pistil exserted; light purple-lavender with slightly darker margins and a white dorsal blotch, tubes lavender-red, pistil pink-red, stamens lavender. Calyx very small, green. Truss 2" high x 3.5" wide. Lvs elliptic, wavy margins, acute base, broadly acute apex, 1.9" x 0.7"; glossy, light green with discrete white hairs below. Shrub 1.5' x 1.5', open habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -12 ° F. Early May.
'Little's Fiery Star': Deciduous azalea. (Selection (1994) from calendulaceum , Greenbrier County, WV). Hs 7/dome truss, tubular funnel-shaped, 1.75" long x 2" wide, of heavy substance, 5-lobed, wavy-edged, stamens and pistil exserted; bright orange tinged pink in center and at lobe margins; dorsal lobe shades from orange-gold at base to orange edge; filaments light orange-pink. Calyx very small, green. Truss 2.1" high x 4" wide. Lvs narrowly elliptic, flat, cuneate base, acute apex, 3" x 1", with discrete white hairs on both surfaces and on petiole. Shrub 7' tall x 3' wide, open habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20°F. Late May.
'Little's Giant Salmon': Deciduous azalea. (Selection from calendulaceum , Greenbrier County, WV). Fls in ball truss, narrowly tubular funnel-shaped, 1.9" long x 2.1" wide, 5-lobed, slightly wavy-edged, stamens and pistil exserted; light pinkish orange with an orange dorsal blotch. Truss 2" high x 4" wide. Lvs elliptic, flat, acute base, acute apex, 2.25" x 0.75"; yellow-green with white hairs above, below, and on petiole. Shrub 6' tall x 4' wide, open habit Plant and bud hardy to at least -20 ° F. Mid May.
'Little's Giant Spice': Deciduous azalea. (Selection from periclymenoides , Hanover County, VA). Fls 13/flat truss, tubular funnel-shaped, 1.75" long x 2" wide, of heavy substance, 5-lobed, wavy-edged, scented, stamens and pistil exserted; light pink to white with light lavender pink throat; outside midribs pink, tube red. Calyx very small, green. Truss 2.25" high x 4" wide. Lvs elliptic, flat with wavy margins, acute base, broadly acute apex, 2.75" x 1.3"; glossy, light blue-green with discrete white hairs below and on petiole. Shrub 5' tall x 6' wide, open habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -15 ° F. Late April.
'Little's Honey Pink': Deciduous azalea. (Selection from periclymenoides , Hanover County, VA). Fls 18/flat truss, tubular funnel-shaped, 1.5" long x 1.25" wide, of heavy substance, 5-lobed, wavy-edged, scented, stamens and pistil exserted; inside lobes light pink with light yellow blotch spotted pink near dorsal throat; outside lobes light pink with twin pink stripes on midribs, tube red. Calyx very small, light green. Truss 2" high x 3" wide. Lvs elliptic, downcurved margins, acute base, broadly acute apex, 1.5" x 0.5"; light blue-green with discrete white hairs below. Shrub 8' tall x 6' wide, dense habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -15 ° F Early May.
'Little's Misty Blush': Deciduous azalea. (Selection from calendulaceum , Greenbrier County, WV). Fls 6/dome truss, narrowly tubular funnel-shaped, 1.5" long x 2.1" wide, 5-lobed, slightly wavy-edged, stamens and pistil exserted; yellowish white with light pink markings at edges, and faint yellow streaks in central portion of lobes; prominent golden blotch on dorsal lobe. Calyx very small, green. Lvs elliptic, flat with wavy margins, acute base, acute apex, 2.25" x 0.9"; strong yellow green with white hairs above, below, and on petiole. Shrub 8' tall x 4' wide, open habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20 ° F. Mid-late May.
'Little's Mountain Melody': Deciduous azalea. (Selection (1994) from calendulaceum , Greenbrier County, WV). Fls 9/dome truss, flat-faced, tubular funnel-shaped, 1.75" long x 2.1" wide, 5-lobed, wavy-edged, stamens and pistil exserted; very light orange yellow, flushed pink inside, with a yellow orange blotch covering almost the entire dorsal lobe. Calyx very small, green. Truss 3.5" high x 3" wide. Lvs elliptic, flat, cuneate base, acute apex, 3.1" x 1.1", with discrete white hairs on margins and surfaces. Shrub 6' tall x 12' wide, open habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20 ° F. Late May.
'Little's Pink Glow': Deciduous azalea. (Selection from calendulaceum , Greenbrier County, WV). Fls 8/dome truss, narrowly tubular funnel-shaped, 1.5" long x 1.75" wide, 5-lobed, slightly wavy-edged, stamens and pistil exserted; deep pink with an orange gold dorsal blotch edged yellowish pink; outside lobes pink with white midribs, tube deep salmon-red. Lvs elliptic, flat with wavy margins, acute base, acute apex, 2.5" x 0.75"; yellow green with white hairs above, below, and on petiole. Shrub 7' tall x 4' wide, open habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least-20°F. Mid-late May.
'Little's Pink Gold': Deciduous azalea. (Selection from calendulaceum , Greenbrier County, WV). Fls 7/dome truss, narrowly tubular funnel-shaped, 1.5" long x 2" wide, 5-lobed (dorsal lobe with frilled edge, others slightly wavy-edged), of heavy texture, stamens and pistil exserted; dorsal lobe golden with a broad deep pink margin, other lobes pink with creamy white midribs and tips; tube salmon pink. Calyx very small, green. Truss 1.75" high x 3.5" wide. Lvs elliptic, flat with wavy margins, acute base, acute apex, 2.5" x 1.1"; yellow green with white hairs above, below, and on petiole. Shrub 7' tall x 5' wide, open habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20 ° F. Late May.
'Little's Pink Stars': Deciduous azalea. (Selection from periclymenoides , Hanover County, VA). Fls 7/dome truss, tubular funnel-shaped, 1.5" long x 1.75" wide, 5 strongly reflexed lobes, wavy to frilled margins, stamens and pistil exserted; medium pink lobes, salmon-pink tube, light pink filaments. Calyx very small, green. Truss 2" high x 3.5" wide. Lvs elliptic, wavy margins, acute base and apex, 2.25" x 0.9"; light green with white hairs on both surfaces. Shrub 8' tall x 4' wide, open habit Plant and bud hardy to at least -15 ° F. Late April
' Little's Salmon Blush': Deciduous azalea. (Selection from calendulaceum , Greenbrier County, WV). Fls tubular funnel-shaped, 1.5" long x 1.9" wide, of heavy substance, 5-lobed, very wavy-edged, stamens and pistil exserted; light yellowish pink with a golden blotch on dorsal lobe; outside base of tube salmon. Calyx very small, green. Lvs elliptic, cuneate base, acute apex, 2.1" x 1", with discrete white hairs on both surfaces. Shrub 6' tall x 5' wide, open habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20 ° F. Late May.
'Little's Salmon Glow': Deciduous azalea. (Selection (1993) from cumberlandense , Knox County, KY). Fls 4/dome truss, narrowly tubular funnel-shaped, 1.75" long x 1.75" wide, 5-lobed, wavy-edged, stamens and pistil exserted; lobes light pinkish salmon, darker at edges, with deep orange dorsal throat and gold blotch on dorsal lobe; outside light salmon-pink with narrow red longitudinal veins on lobes, tubes yellow-green at base. Calyx very small, green. Lvs elliptic, flat with wavy margins, acute base, broadly acute apex, 2.5" x 1", with white hairs below and on petiole. Shrub 2' x 2', open habit, rhizomatous. Plant and bud hardy to at least -14 ° F. Late May-early June.
'Little's Sunburst': Deciduous azalea. (Selection (1994) from calendulaceum , Greenbrier County, WV). Fls 6/dome truss, narrowly tubular funnel-shaped, 2" long x 2.25" wide, 5-lobed, very wavy-edged, stamens and pistil exserted; deep lemon yellow inside and out, with a golden blotch covering the entire dorsal lobe. Calyx very small, green. Truss 2" high x 3" wide. Lvs narrowly elliptic, wavy margins, cuneate base, acute apex, 2.25" x 0.75", with discrete white hairs on margins and both surfaces. Shrub 8' x 8', open habit Plant and bud hardy to at least -20 ° F. Late May.
'Little's Sunfrost Torch': Deciduous azalea. (Believed to be natural hybrid of calendulaceum and periclymenoides , Monroe County, WV). Fls 10/ball truss, narrowly tubular funnel-shaped, 1.5" long x 1.75" wide, 5-lobed, wavy-edged, stamens and pistil exserted; yellow-brown in bud, opening inside creamy yellow flushed yellowish pink at margins, with golden blotch covering almost entire dorsal lobe; outside tube yellow flushed yellowish pink. Calyx very small, green. Truss 3" x 3". Lvs narrowly elliptic, downcurved margins, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 0.25" x < 0.1", with discrete white hairs on margins and surfaces. Shrub 4.2' tall x 2.5' wide, open habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -25 ° F. Late May.
'Little's Sun Mist': Deciduous azalea. (Selection from calendulaceum , Greenbrier County, WV)· Fls 9/ball truss, narrowly tubular funnel-shaped, 2" long x 2.5" wide, 5-lobed (dorsal with frilled edge, others flat-edged), stamens and pistil exserted; soft yellow lightly flushed pale creamy pink; yellow gold blotch at base of dorsal lobe. Truss 2.1" high x 3.75" wide. Lvs elliptic, flat, acute base, acute apex, 3.25" x 1.25"; deep green with white hairs above, below, and on petiole. Shrub 7' tall x 5' wide, open habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20 ° F. Late May.
* The following unregistered names appear as parents in the above lists: 'Dexter's Champagne': Dexter cross, parents unknown
'Rougemont': T. L Ring cross, ('Princess Elizabeth' x Delp's Cindy Lou')
'White Blue Peter' : G. Krempasky cross,('Catalgla 'x 'Blue Peter')