JARS v51n3 - Bronze Medal Awards
Bronze Medal Awards
Nancy Greer
The Eugene Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is honored to present the Bronze Medal to Nancy Greer for many years of tireless service to the chapter and Society. She has served as a chapter board member and committee chair for a number of years. She has graciously hosted hundreds of chapter meetings at the home and nursery she owns and operates with her husband Harold Greer. Nancy has shared freely of her time on chapter shows, Western regional conferences and annual conventions and has promoted the genus Rhododendron here and around the world. Behind the scenes, Nancy has made sure others were remembered in times of sorrow or poor health. The Eugene Chapter is pleased to bestow its highest honor upon her in behalf of all those who have been the beneficiary of her generosity.
Joyce Black
The Mason Dixon Chapter takes great honor in awarding Joyce Black the Bronze Medal of the American Rhododendron Society. Joyce, a charter member of the chapter, has served as membership chair and, for several years, has been its treasurer. In her role as treasurer, Joyce quite ably manages the purse strings of the chapter. In addition to her "official" duty, Joyce volunteers for numerous activities to promote the well-being of the chapter. At the annual show and sale, Joyce ably manages the club sales of plants, bringing in substantial funds for the chapter. When there is a call for help, Joyce is always there with an offer of a helping hand. And she does all this in a pleasant, quiet, and self-effacing manner. It is with pleasure that we honor Joyce for her enthusiasm and devotion to the chapter and the ARS.
Norma Day
The Mason Dixon Chapter is proud to present the Bronze Medal to you for the outstanding service given to us since the beginning of the chapter. As one of the "originals," you provided guidance and leadership, and you did it with much devotion. During your presidency, you initiated several firsts. You got more members involved in chapter activities, thus making them feel a vital part of the organization as well as making the chapter function more efficiently. The chapter developed a scholarship program for local high school students going into horticulture. And it was your idea and generosity that started the presentation of the silver bowl to the person garnering the most points at our annual flower show. Norma, we appreciate all the efforts you have given to make the chapter (and the ARS) a better place. Thanks.
Louis and Lillian Reichart
Your generosity of spirit and enthusiasm for the American Rhododendron Society have been contagious and have touched most all members of our chapter. In particular, your efforts in spreading the word about rhododendrons is reflected in the expansion of chapter membership over the past several years. We appreciate your hard work and countless hours coordinating the chapter's participation in the annual Baltimore Flower Show and your extensive efforts given to other chapter events. These considerable efforts have contributed to the success of the chapter in educating the public about rhododendrons. It is with pleasure that the Mason Dixon Chapter of the ARS confers upon Louis (Lou) and Lillian (Boots) Reichart the Bronze Medal award for outstanding and distinctive service.
Ray Clack
We appreciate the major commitment of time, energy, and effort that you have generously donated to the Portland Chapter, American Rhododendron Society. Your boundless enthusiasm has been a source of encouragement for our many chapter members. Your leadership and initiative have contributed significantly to the success of the American Rhododendron Society while serving as chapter president, chapter vice-president and program chairman, and as a board member. You have also spent many hours helping the chapter with its annual Early Show and Mother's Day Show, organizing bus tours for open garden visits; and staffing the chapter's booth at garden and trade shows. Your work to arrange bus tours for the 50th Anniversary Convention was particularly noteworthy and contributed to the outstanding success accorded to this special event. In recognition of your exceptional service and accomplishments, the Portland Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is pleased to award the Bronze Medal to Ray Clack. May 15, 1997.
Ann Clack
We appreciate your years of service and hard work as a member of the Portland Chapter, American Rhododendron Society, and your willingness to help in so many ways. Your enthusiasm, capable leadership, and organizational skills have greatly contributed to the success of many of the chapter's projects and activities. You have devoted countless hours of time and effort helping the chapter conduct its annual Mother's Day Show; organizing bus tours for open garden visits; serving as a board member and staffing the chapter's booth at garden and trade shows. Your work to arrange bus tours for the 50th Anniversary Convention was a tremendous undertaking and made a major contribution to the success of the entire event. In recognition of these outstanding accomplishments, the Portland Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is pleased to award the Bronze Medal to Ann Clack. May 15, 1997.
Elmer W. Morris
The Princeton Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society is honored to present, posthumously, the Bronze Medal to Elmer W. Morris on March 16, 1997. A charter member of the Princeton Chapter, he served on the chapter's Board of Directors and was active in its study group. Elmer was a hybridizer and participated in the regional hybridizer's group, he was a noted nurseryman and propagator. His Hillside Rhododendron Nurseries was a primary source of hybrids of Dexter, Hardgrove and Wister. Years before the advent of formal catalogs he sought and introduced better cultivars for regional growers and was responsible for introducing many of his customers to the ARS and the Princeton Chapter. He was fond of many of the Cowles hybrids and was a charter member and active supporter of the Sandwich Club. Elmer's extraordinary love and enthusiasm for the genus enhanced his own and the Princeton Chapter's reputation.
Wing and Pearl Fong
The Board of Directors proudly awards to Wing and Pearl Fong, for extraordinary service, the Bronze Medal of the Princeton Chapter. Since first joining the ARS you have taken on the most difficult and time consuming chapter tasks, have actively participated in virtually every regular meeting, study group, flower show, work session, district and regional meeting. Each of you has chaired the very active book sales program for many years. You served tirelessly in planning, preparing for, and implementing the successful Northeast Regional Conference at Princeton. Wing, you have brought expert graphics and art experience to the chapter, have served on the Board of Directors, and as chapter president, and in this capacity you have demonstrated diplomacy and skill. We are pleased to present our Bronze Medal to these most deserving members, March 16, 1997.
Dr. A.R. Fitzburgh
The Tappan Zee Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society takes great pleasure in awarding you the Bronze Medal for your many contributions to chapter activities. You have served as vice-president and president and have given consistent support to the chapter flower show and plant sales. You are now serving as Alternate Director for District 7. The programs for chapter meetings that you have arranged have been outstanding. You are an enthusiastic gardener, propagator and hybridizer. We have all enjoyed touring your wonderful garden. Members of the Tappan Zee Chapter are honored to present this token of appreciation for your abiding interest in rhododendrons. April 23, 1997.
Joan and Len Bengough
Together, your enthusiasm and dedication to our chapter encompass so much more than the official titles you have shouldered so well. President, treasurer, book secretary, registrars for the 1990 Regional Conference, and chairman of the 1997 Annual Convention are just some of the offices you have undertaken. For all these and for all those nameless tasks you have both shouldered so cheerfully, we thank you. It is with great pleasure that the board and members present the highest award the chapter can give, the Bronze Medal.