JARS v51n3 - Allentown, PA: NE Regional Conference
Allentown, PA: NE Regional Conference
The Northeast Regional conference will be held Oct. 24-26 in Allentown, Pennsylvania, hosted by ARS District 8 chapters. The conference will feature a variety of programs, interesting events and a wide range of "dragee" activities.
Programs will kick off Friday night with Clarence Towe, South Carolina, on native azalea species and natural hybrids. Saturday's schedule includes Peter Girard, Girard Nursery, Ohio, on evergreen azaleas; Richard Jaynes, Broken Arrow Nursery, Connecticut, on kalmias; and Richard Lighty, Mt. Cuba Center for the Study of Piedmont Flora, Delaware, on perennials and companion plants. A panel will lead a discussion on species suitable - or not - for the East Coast: George Ring, Virginia, for the southern area, Hank Schannen, Princeton, central, and Richard Brooks, Massachusetts, northern. Gary Moorman, Penn State University plant pathologist, will walk us through rhodie diseases - causes and cures. Our banquet speaker will be Wayne Mezitt, Weston Nurseries, Massachusetts. Sunday's half day program includes Ed Reiley, horticulturist and professional grower, Maryland, on rhododendron care and culture; Joe Marano, Jr., Fort Washington (Pa.) Garden Mart, past president, American Conifer Society, on dwarf conifers for your rhodie garden; and the ever popular Hybridizer's Roundtable will cap the day - all before lunch for an early getaway.
Events before, between and after program sessions include a print Photography Contest; a Foliage Only Contest; a Silent Auction; and a Book Sale. And, yes - there will be a Plant Sale, too. Hundreds of new, rare, exciting species and hybrid rhodies, azaleas and companion plants will be presented for your pleasure. Save room in your heart - and vehicle - for a few of these choice offerings.