JARS v53n2 - American Rhododendron Society Plant Registry
American Rhododendron Society Plant Registry
The following rhododendron and azalea names, submitted through the North American registrar, were approved and added to the International Rhododendron Register prior to February 1, 1999 by the Royal Horticultural Society, International Registration Authority for the genus Rhododendron . Names conform to the rules and recommendations of the International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants - 1995 .
Color numbers refer to the RHS Colour Chart unless noted otherwise. Accompanying color names are taken from A Contribution toward Standardization of Color Names in Horticulture , R.D. Huse and K.L. Kelly, edited by D.H. Voss (ARS, 1984).
Parents of a plant are reported in the conventional order: (seed parent x pollen parent). Abbreviations are used where appropriate: H = hybridized by, G = grown to first flower by, R = raised by, S = selected by, N = named by, I = introduced by, REG = registered by; dates are enclosed in parentheses immediately following the activity.
Metric conversions of flower and leaf measurements are reported in 5mm (0.2") increments for dimensions greater than 25mm (1").
'Abigail Adams': Evergreen azalea. ('Royal Pillow' x open pollinated). S (1978): Edmund V. Mezitt; G (c 1982) and I (1994): Weston Nurseries; N and REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls3/truss, broadly funnel-shaped, c 2" (50mm) long x 3" (75mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; deep purplish pink (66C). Calyx 0.25" (6mm) long, green. Lvs elliptic, flat, downcurved margins, cuneate base, obtuse apex, 2" (50mm) x 0.8" (20mm), glossy green, with discrete hairs below. Shrub 2' (0.6m) tall x 2.5' (0.75m) wide in 7 years. Plant hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C); buds, -4°F (-20°C). Mid May.
'Aglo': Synonym of 'Western's Aglo'.
'Anneke Plazek': Lepidote. [( minus Carolinianum Group x dauricum , white-flrd) x ( dauricum , white-flrd x mucronulatum , white-flrd)]. H (1981), G (1984), N (1998), and REG (1998): David N. Hinton, Orono, Ontario. Fls 20/ multi-bud, ball-shaped truss; broadly funnel-shaped, 1.25" (30mm) long x 2" (50mm) wide, with frilly-edged lobes; pink in bud, opening inside white flushed pink, with a yellow blotch; outside light pink. Truss 2.75" (70mm) high x 3.5" (90mm) wide. Lvs held c 2 years, lanceolate, flat, cuneate base, acuminate apex, 4" (100mm) x 1.4" (35mm); dull, light green, with brown scales (aging to tan) below. Shrub 6' (1.8m) tall x 5' (1.5m) wide in 16 years, intermediate plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -30°F (-34°C); buds, -25°F (-32°C). Mid May.
'Atta Girl': Elepidote. ['Mars' x ( fortunei , Gable form x wardii ]). H (1979) and G (1987): Ray and Jane Goodrich; N (1994): Ray Goodrich; REG (1998): Jane Goodrich, Vienna, VA. Fls 12/lax truss, broadly funnel-shaped to saucer-shaped, 3.5" (90mm) long x 3.2" (80mm) wide, with 5 flat-edged lobes; deep pink (50B) in bud, opening inside light pink (50D) with a pale yellow-green blotch; outside deep pink (50B) with light pink (50D) stripes. Calyx c 0.15" (3.5mm) long. Lvs elliptic, flat, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 6.4" (160mm) x 2.75" (70mm), glossy, moderate olive green (137A) above. Shrub 8' (2.4m) tall x 5' (1.5m) wide in 19 years. Midseason.
'Bellrose': Elepidote. ( smirnowii x 'Lady Armstrong'). H (pre 1972): Paul Vossberg, Westbury, NY; REG (1998): Edward T. Connors, Jackson, NJ. Fls 10-12/truss, openly funnel-campanulate, 2" (50mm) long x 2.5" (65mm) wide, 5-lobed; inside strong purplish pink (73B) with a strong purplish red (60B) flare on dorsal lobe, and (60B) spotting on all lobes; outside (73B) with strong purplish pink (62A) midribs. Truss 5" (125mm) high x 4.75" (120mm) wide. Lvs elliptic, cuneate base, acute apex, with downcurved, wavy margins; 4.75" (120mm) x 1.5" (40mm), semi-glossy, moderate olive green (137B) above, with plastered grayish yellow green (148D) hairs below. Shrub 3.5' (1.1 m) tall x 4' (1.2m) wide in c 19 years, intermediate plant habit. Plant hardy to about -15°F (-26°C). Early May.
'Brandt's Tropicana': Elepidote. ('Britannia' x 'Goldsworth Orange'). H (pre 1965): Lester E. Brandt, Tacoma, WA; G (1972): Lawrence J. Pierce, Seattle, WA; N (1972): E.C. Brockenbrough, Bellevue, WA; REG (1998): Jim Barlup, Bellevue, WA. Fls 11/ball truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 2.75" (70mm) long x 4.5" (115mm) wide, with 7 wavy-edged lobes; strong red (53B) in bud, opening strong pink (50C) throughout, with twin, deep red (185A) flares, 1" (25mm) long, changing to abundant moderate red (185B) spotting on 3 dorsal lobes, and with sparse (185B) spotting on other lobes; outside with deep yellowish pink (47C) veining, more pronounced on dorsal lobe. Calyx 1.75" (45mm) long, colored as corolla. Truss 7" (175mm) high x 7" (175mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, oblong, rounded base, broadly acute apex, wavy margins, 5.75" (145mm) x 2.5" (65mm), dull, moderate olive green (147A) above, hairless. Shrub 5' (1.5m) tall x 4' (1.2m) wide in 10 years, open plant habit. Plant hardy to at least 5°F (-15°C); buds, 10°F (-12°C). Mid May. (Synonym: 'Tropicana')
'Cannon's Black Gold': Elepidote. (parentage unknown). H (c 1990), G (1995), and N (1998): Cliff Cannon, Olympia, WA; REG (1998): Lynne Caton at Briggs Nursery, Olympia, WA. Fls 18-20/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2.5" (65mm) long x 4.5" (115mm) wide, with 7-8 frilly-edged lobes; vivid red (45A) in bud, opening inside pale yellow green (155A), with deep red (53A) dorsal spotting; outside light yellow green (2C). Calyx 0.75" (20mm) long, deep red (53A). Truss 7" (175mm) high x 10" (250mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, oblong, flat, rounded base, obtuse apex, 5" (125mm) x 2.5" (65mm), semi-glossy, moderate olive green (147A) above, hairless. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 3' (0.9m) wide in 7 years, intermediate plant habit. Late May.
'Cannon's Yellow': Elepidote. (Parentage unknown). H (c 1992), G (1996), and N (1998): Cliff Cannon, Olympia, WA; REG (1998): Lynne Caton at Briggs Nursery, Olympia, WA. Fls 9-11/flat truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 3" (75mm) long x 4.5" (115mm) wide, with 7 frilly-edged lobes; vivid yellow (13A)throughout, with grayish brown (166A) dorsal spotting. Truss 5" (125mm) high x 9" (225mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, oblong, rounded base, broadly acute apex, with wavy, downcurved margins; 5" (125mm) x 1.5" (40mm), glossy, strong yellow green (144A) above, hairless. Shrub 4' (1.2m) tall x 3' (0.9m) wide in 5 years, intermediate plant habit. Late June.
'Caronella': Lepidote. ( minus Carolinianum Group, white-flrd x mucronulatum 'Cornell Pink'). H (1958) and N: Edmund V. Mezitt; G (c 1962) and I (1980): Weston Nurseries; REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls c 6/dome truss, broadly funnel-shaped, c 1.25" (30mm) long x 1.5" (40mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; light purplish pink (65B) with moderate purplish pink (65A) markings producing a striped effect. Calyx short (c 1.5mm), green. Truss 1.5" (40mm) high x 2.5" (65mm) wide. Lvs elliptic, flat, cuneate base, acute apex, 3" (75mm) x 1.25" (30mm), with scales below; in autumn, inner lvs change to brilliant orange, yellow, and red before dropping, with up to ⅓ of green lvs retained over winter. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 2.5' (0.75m)wide in 6 years, dense plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C); buds, -18°F (-28°C). Mid May. (Synonym: 'Shrimp Pink No. 1')
'Coral Mist': Elepidote. ('Nancy Evans' x 'Mrs. Furnivall'). H (1989), G (1993), N (1996), and REG (1998): Jim Barlup, Bellevue, WA. Fls19/ball truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2" (50mm) long x 3" (75mm) wide, with 5 frilly-edged lobes; strong red (51A) in bud, opening inside pale yellowish pink (159D), with a 0.25" (6mm) wide border of strong purplish pink (55B) and a pale yellow (11D) dorsal blotch with superimposed flare of moderate red (182A) speckles; outside deep purplish pink (55A) at margins, shading to pale purplish pink (55D) at base. Calyx lobes up to 0.5" (13mm) long, brilliant yellow (15C), lobe tips pale purplish pink (55C). Truss 5.5"(140mm) high x 5.5" (140mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, rounded base, broadly acute apex, upcurved margins, 5.5" (140mm) x 2.25" (55mm), semi-glossy, moderate olive green (147A) above, hairless. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 4' (1.2m) wide in 9 years, intermediate plant habit. Plant hardy to at least 0°F (-18°C). Early May.
'Danny Boy': Elepidote. ('Sir Charles Lemon' x 'Gill's Crimson'). H (1981), G (1989), N (1990), I (1991, through Westgate Garden Nursery), and REG (1998): Catherine Weeks, Eureka, CA. Fls 11/dome truss, funnel-campanulate, 2.4" (60mm) long x 3.5" (90mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; deep purplish red (61A) in bud, opening moderate purplish red (58A), paling somewhat towards center; the three dorsal lobes speckled with numerous, discrete, deep red (60A) spots. Truss 4" (100mm) high x 8" (200mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, rounded base, broadly acute apex, downcurved margins; 4.8" (120mm) x 2.2" (55mm), dull green above, with felted hairs (near brownish orange (172C)) below. Shrub 4' (1.2m) tall x 3' (0.9m) wide in 15 years. Plant and bud hardy to at least 10°F (-12°C). Early May.
'Deep Rose': Deciduous azalea. ( arborescens x red-flrd selection from Gandavense Group). H (c 1958) and N: Edmund V. Mezitt; G (pre 1965) and I (1971): Weston Nurseries; REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 9/dome truss, tubular funnel-shaped, c 1.5" (40mm) long x 2" (50mm) wide, with 5 frilly-edged lobes; strong purplish red (58B) with an orange flare; scented. Calyx short (c 3mm), green. Truss 2" (50mm) high x 4" (100mm) wide. Lvs elliptic, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, downcurved margins; 3" (75mm) x 1.5" (40mm), glossy green. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 2.5' (0.75m) wide in 7 years. Plant and bud hardy to at least -24°F (-31°C). Late May.
'Double Dip': Elepidote. ( catawbiense 'Catalgla' x yakushimanum ). H (pre 1960), G, and N: Joseph B. Gable, Stewartstown, PA; REG (1998): Edward T. Connors, Jackson, NJ. Fls 13/dome truss, 2" (50mm) long x 2" (50mm) wide, 5-lobed; yellowish white (155D), lightly spotted with brilliant yellow green (149A) at base of dorsal lobe. Truss 3.5" (90mm) high x 5" (125mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, flat, cuneate base, broadly acute apex; 4.75" (120mm) x 2.25" (55mm), semi-glossy, dark yellowish green (139A) above, with plastered, brownish orange (165B) hairs below and on petiole. Shrub 3.5' (1.1m) tall x 5' (1.5m) wide in c 12 years, dense plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -15°F (-26°C). Mid May.
'DuPont's Apricot': Elepidote. [ (catawbiense x fortunei ) x campylocarpum ]. H (pre 1943), G, and N: Joseph B. Gable, Stewartstown, PA; REG (1998): Edward T. Connors, Jackson, NJ. Fls 13/truss, openly funnel-shaped, 1.75" (45mm) long x 2.5" (65mm) wide, 6-lobed; blend of red, pink, and purplish pink (51) and (65), with the throat light yellowish pink (19B) shading to light yellow (18A), and the dorsal lobes yellowish orange; overall impression is light apricot. Truss 5" (125mm) high x 6" (150mm) wide. Lvs obovate, flat, cuneate base, broadly acute apex; 5" (125mm) x 2" (50mm), dull, moderate olive green (137A), hairless. Shrub 4' (1.2m) tall x 4' (1.2m) wide in c 12 years, intermediate plant habit. Plant hardy to at least-5°F (-21°C). Mid May.
'Easter Glory': Elepidote. (unnamed hybrid x falconeri ssp. eximium ). H (1982), G (1993), N (1998), I (1995, through Westgate Garden Nursery), and REG (1998): Catherine Weeks, Eureka, CA. Fls21/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2.2" (55mm) long x 3" (75mm) wide, with 7 wavy-edged lobes; pink in bud, opening pale yellow green (4D) throughout. Truss 4" (100mm) high x 9" (225mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, flat, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 5" (125mm) x 2" (50mm), dull, moderate olive green (147A) above, new growth bronze color. Shrub 3.25' (1.0m) tall x 4.5' (1.4m) wide in 15 years, dense plant habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least 10°F (-12°C). March-April.
'Ed's Silver Pink': Synonym of 'Pink Discovery'.
'Elizabeth Red Foliage': Elepidote. (Parentage unknown; possibly a selection from Elizabeth Group, selfed). H and G (pre 1960): Endre Ostbo, Bellevue, WA; N and I: unknown; REG (1998): Willamette Chapter Study Group, Salem, OR. Fls 15/lax truss, funnel-campanulate, 2.8" (70mm) long x 3.5" (90mm) wide, with 5 flat-edged lobes; strong red (46A) in bud, opening vivid red (46B) throughout, with strong red (46A) speckles on all lobes. Calyx minute. Truss 4.8" (120mm) high x 6" (150mm) wide. Lvs elliptic, oblique-cuneate base, downcurved margins, 3.5"-4" (90-100mm) x 1.5" (40mm), dark yellowish green (139A) or moderate olive green (147A) above, with a moderate reddish orange (171A) hairy indumentum on both surfaces at first, then below only; new foliage red (185). Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 3.5' (1.1m) wide in 10 years. Early-mid April and again in autumn. (Synonyms: 'Ostbo's Elizabeth', 'Ostbo's Red Elizabeth')
'Framingham': Deciduous azalea. ( viscosum hybrid, low-growing, red-flrd x open pollinated). S (1973), N (1998), and REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; G (pre 1980) and I (1999): Weston Nurseries; both Hopkinton, MA. Fls 8/dome truss, narrow tubular funnel-shaped, c 1.5" (40mm) long x 1.75" (45mm) wide, with 5 frilly-edged lobes; a little darker than deep pink (48A) in bud, opening inside moderate yellowish pink (39C) with a brilliant orange yellow (23B) dorsal flare; outside strong pink (48C); scented. Calyx short (c 1.5mm), green. Truss 2" (50mm) high x 4" (100mm) wide. Lvs obovate to oblong, downcurved margins, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 2.25" (55mm) x 0.75" (20mm), semi-glossy, dark green, glaucous (blue-green) below. Shrub 2.5' (0.75m) tall x 2.5 (0.75m) wide in 7 years. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C). Early July. (Syn: 'July Peach'; Weston Code: Hybrid 73-144, Peach)
'Frank Abbott': Deciduous azalea. (Mollis hybrid, red-flrd x prinophyllum ). H (pre 1970): Edmund V. Mezitt; G (c 1970) and I (1989): Weston Nurseries; N: Edmund V. & R. Wayne Mezitt; REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 6/flattened ball truss, openly funnel-shaped, c 1.75" (45mm) long x 2.75" (70mm) wide, with 5 flat-edged lobes; vivid purplish red (57B-C); scented. Calyx short (c 1.5mm), green. Truss 2.5" (65mm) high x 4.5" (115mm) wide. Lvs elliptic, downcurved margins, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 3" (75mm) x 1.25" (30mm), glossy green, with discrete hairs on both surfaces; petiole hairy. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 2.5' (0.75m) wide in 7 years, open plant habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -30°F (-34°C). Mid May.
'George Swain': Elepidote. ['Goldsworth Yellow' x ( catawbiense 'Catalgla' x 'Theresa')]. H (1970), G, N, and REG (1998): Donald L. Craig, Kentville, NS; I (1985): Agriculture Research Station, Kentville, NS. Fls up to 19/compact dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2" (50mm) long x 2.4" (60mm) wide, 5-lobed; pale yellow (158B) with extensive golden brown markings on dorsal lobe; filament and style cream, anthers light mauve, stigma rose-colored. Truss c 6" (150mm) wide. Lvs elliptic, cuneate base, obtuse apex, slightly downcurved margins, 6" (150mm) x 2.4" (60mm), dull, moderate olive green (137B); with slight, moderate orange (167A) indumentum on petiole. Shrub 4.5' (1.4m) tall x 5' (1.5m) wide in 12 years, compact plant habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -14°F (-25°C). Early June. (Syn: 'G.S. Swain')
'G.S. Swain': Synonym of 'George Swain'.
'Ground Hog': Evergreen azalea, [( yedoense var. poukhanense x 'Vuyk's Scarlet') x open pollinated]. S: Edmund V. Mezitt; G (c 1981) and I (1996): Weston Nurseries; N and REG (1999): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 3-4/truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 1.5" (40mm) long x 2" (50mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; vivid purplish red (67B) with a large, burgundy-colored, speckled, dorsal blotch. Calyx 0.25" (6mm) long, green. Lvs elliptic, flat, cuneate base, acute apex, 1" (25mm) x 0.5" (13mm), glossy green. Shrub 1' (0.3m) tall x 3' (0.9m) wide in 7 years, dense plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C); buds, -10°F (-23°C). Mid May.
'Gwen Bell': Elepidote. ('Anna' x 'Marinus Koster'). H (pre 1965): Halfdan Lem, Seattle, WA; I (pre 1970 as 'Walloper No. 6'): Elmer Fisher, Seattle, WA; N and REG (1998): Willamette Chapter Study Group, Salem, OR. Fls saucer-shaped, 2.8" (70mm) long x 5" (125mm) wide, with 5 slightly wavy-edged lobes; moderate red (179B) with some green speckling in bud, opening deep purplish pink (68A) throughout, with a small dorsal blotch of dark red (187A) spots. Calyx 0.8" (20mm) long, colored as corolla. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, oblique (-rounded) base, broadly acute apex, 4.8"-6" (120-150mm) x 1.8"-2.8" (45-70mm), semi-glossy, dark yellowish green (139A) above, hairless. Shrub 4.5' (1.4m) tall x 5' (1.5m) wide in 10 years, intermediate plant habit. Mid-late May. (Synonym: 'Walloper No. 6')
'Honey Butter': Elepidote. ['Nancy Evans' x ('China' x 'Lem's Cameo])]. H (1986), G (1991), N (1996), and REG (1998): Jim Barlup, Bellevue, WA. Fls 14/dome truss, funnel-campanulate, 2.25" (55mm) long x 3" (75mm) wide, with 6 wavy-edged lobes; strong red (45D) in bud, opening inside light yellowish pink (19B) edged with strong pink (48D), unmarked; outside (48D) with deep pink (48B) midribs. Calyx lobes up to 1" (25mm) long, colored as corolla. Truss 5" (125mm) high x 6" (150mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, rounded base, broadly acute apex, wavy margins, 5.5" (140mm) x 2.25" (55mm), dull, moderate olive green (147A) above, hairless. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 4.5' (1.4m) wide in 12 years, intermediate plant habit. Plant hardy to at least 0°F (-18°C). Early May.
'Jane Abbott Peach': Synonym of 'Peach Abbott'.
'Jeannette Lovett': Elepidote. (['Mrs. Horace Fogg' x Diva Group) x decorum , yellow-flrd]. H (1982), G (1988), N (1998), I (1995, through Westgate Garden Nursery), and REG (1998): Catherine Weeks, Eureka, CA. Fls 10/ball truss, openly funnel-shaped, 3" (75mm) long x 4.5" (115mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; strong pink (50C) in bud, opening yellow with moderate purplish pink (65A) margins, inside and out. Truss 6" (150mm) high x 7.5" (190mm) wide. Lvs held 1 year, elliptic, cordate base, acuminate apex, downcurved margins, 5.2" (130mm) x 2" (50mm), dull, moderate olive green (147A) above. Shrub 3.5' (1.1m) tall x 4.2' (1.3m) wide in 15 years, dense plant habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least 10°F (-12°C). Mid May.
'Jennica': Elepidote. [('Anna' x unnamed Lem's selected fortunei / fortunei hybrid) x yakushimanum 'Siouxon']. H (1992), G (1996), N (1998), and REG (1998): Jim Barlup, Bellevue, WA. Fls 14/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2" (50mm) long x 2.75" (70mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; strong purplish red (63A) in bud, opening very pale purple (69C) throughout; the inside base covered with a strong red (53C) blotch, c 0.5" (c 13mm) deep, and the outside midribs streaked with strong purplish pink (68B). Truss 5" (125mm) high x 5.5" (140mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, flat, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 5.5" (140mm) x 2.25" (55mm), semi-glossy, moderate olive green (147A) above; with slight, pale yellow (161D) tomentum new growth, and with persistent moderate orange (167A) indumentum below, aging to (161D). Shrub 2' (0.6m) tall x 3' (0.9m) wide in 6 years, dense plant habit. Plant hardy to at least 9°F (-13°C). Mid April.
'July Peach': Synonym of 'Framingham'.
'June Pink': Lepidote. (unnamed 'Olga Mezitt' hybrid x open pollinated). S (1977): Edmund V. Mezitt; G and I (1995): Weston Nurseries; N and REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 8-10/flat dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, c 1.5" (40mm) long x1.75" (45mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; moderate purplish pink (66D). Calyx short (c 1mm), green/brown. Truss 2" (50mm) high x 3" (75mm) wide. Lvs held 1 year, elliptic, flat, cuneate base, acute apex, 3" (75mm) x 1.25" (30mm), glossy green, with scales below and on petiole. Shrub 2.5' (0.75m) tall x 2.5' (0.75m) wide in 7 years. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C). Early June.
'Legacy': Lepidote. ('April Glory'* x 'Princess Susan'). H (1982): Edmund V. Mezitt; G (c 1986) and I (1997): Weston Nurseries; N and REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 10/ball truss, openly funnel-shaped, fully double (no normal stamens), c 1.5" (40mm) long x 2" (50mm) wide, with 15 wavy-edged lobes; strong reddish purple (78B). Calyx short (c 1.5mm), tan. Truss 2" (50mm) high x 3" (75mm) wide. Lvs held 1 year, elliptic, cuneate base, acute apex, downcurved margins, 2.5" (65mm) x 1.25" (30mm), with scales below and on petiole. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 2' (0.6m) wide in 7 years, dense plant habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C). Late April.
'Lemon Drop': Synonym of 'Western's Lemon Drop'.
'Llenroc': Lepidote. ( minus Carolinianum Group, white-flrd x mucronulatum 'Cornell Pink'). H (1958) and N: Edmund V. Mezitt; G (c 1962) and I (1971): Weston Nurseries; REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls c 4/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, c 1.25" (30mm) long x 1.5" (40mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; pale purplish pink (65D) with yellow blotch. Truss 1.5" (40mm) high x 2.5" (65mm) wide. Lvs elliptic, flat, cuneate base, acute apex, 3" (75mm) x 1.25" (30mm), with scales below; in autumn, inner lvs change to brilliant orange, yellow, and red before dropping, with up to ⅓ of green lvs retained over winter. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 2.5' (0.75m) wide in 7 years, open plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C); buds, -18°F (-28"C). Mid May. (Syn: 'Shrimp Pink No. 3')
'Majesty': Evergreen azalea, [( yedoense var. poukhanense x 'Vuyk's Scarlet') x open pollinated]. S (1970s): Edmund V. Mezitt; G and I (1979): Weston Nurseries; N: Edmund V. or R. Wayne Mezitt; REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls3/truss, broadly funnel-shaped, c 2.25" (55mm) long x 3" (75mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; strong reddish purple (72C). Calyx 0.3" (c 8mm) long, green. Lvs elliptic, flat, cuneate to rounded base, acute to broadly acute apex, 1.75" (45mm) x 0.8" (20mm), glossy green. Shrub 2' (0.6m) tall x 2.5' (0.75m) wide in 7 years, dense plant habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -15°F (-26°C). Late May.
'Mar-belle Hsing': Elepidote. ('Vicki Reine' x 'Van Nes Sensation'). H (1989): Morna Stockman; G (1997), N (1998), and REG (1998): Harold and Morna Stockman, Port Angeles, WA. Fls 13-18/ truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 2.5" (65mm) long x 4" (100mm) wide, with 7 frilly-edged lobes; strong purplish red (71C) in bud, opening white flushed light purple (75B) at inner margins, with a light orange yellow (16C) center and two small reddish flares at base; flushed light purple (75A-B) externally. Calyx c 0.1" (3mm) long, green. Truss 6" (150mm) high x 8" (200mm) wide. Lvs, oblong, flat, cordate base, acuminate apex, 7" (175mm) x 2" (50mm), semi-glossy, mid green, hairless. Shrub 2.5' (0.75m) tall x 3' (0.9m) wide in 9 years, intermediate plant habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least 10°F (-12°C). Late April.
'Maricela': Elepidote. ('Pineapple Delight' x 'Hill's Low Red'*). H (1989), G (1994), N (1998), and REG (1998): Jim Barlup, Bellevue, WA. Fls 11/dome truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 2.25" (55mm) long x 3.25" (80mm) wide, with 7 wavy-edged lobes; moderate red (47A) in bud, opening strong yellowish pink (43D) throughout, with moderate red (185B) spotting on dorsal lobe, and deep red (185A) nectaries. Calyx lobes up to 1.5" (40mm) long, (43D) with some (185A) spotting. Truss 5" (125mm) high x 5.5" (140mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, flat, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 5.25" (130mm) x 2.25" (55mm), dull, moderate olive green (147A) above; with slight tomentum on new growth and with sparse, persistent, brownish orange (164A) indumentum below. Shrub 2.5' (0.75m) tall x 4' (1.2m) wide in 9 years, intermediate plant habit. Plant hardy to at least 0°F (-18°C). Early May.
'Mary K.': Elepidote. ( catawbiense 'Catalgla' x fortunei ). H (1943), G (1955), and N: Joseph B. Gable, Stewartstown, PA; REG (1998): Jane Goodrich, Vienna, VA. Fls 12/ball truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 3.2" (80mm) long x 3.2" (80mm) wide, with 6 flat-edged lobes; very pale purple (75D) in bud, opening inside very light purple (75C) and very pale purple (75D) with a V-shaped, medium green blotch c 0.6" (c 15mm) long in dorsal throat; outside (75D). Lvs elliptic, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 5.2" (130mm) x 2.2" (55mm), semi-glossy, moderate olive green (138A) above. Shrub 7' (2.1m) tall x 6' (1.8m) wide in 23 years, intermediate to dense plant habit. Midseason.
'Millennium': Deciduous azalea. ('Weston's Sparkler'* x 'Weston's Parade'*). H (1973): Edmund V. Mezitt; G (pre 1980) and I (1998): Weston Nurseries; N (1997) and REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 6/dome truss, funnel-shaped with long tube and broadly-spreading lobes, c 1.5" (40mm) long x 1.75" (45mm) wide, with 5 frilly-edged lobes; strong red (46A) in bud, opening inside strong red (53C), maturing to strong red (51A), and with a pale orange dorsal flare; outside vivid red (46B); scented. Calyx short (c 1.5mm), yellow green. Truss 2" (50mm) high x 3.5" (90mm) wide. Lvs obovate, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, upcurved margins, 2" (50mm) x 1" (25mm), semi-glossy, dark bluish green above, glaucous (bluish) below. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 2.5' (0.75m) wide in 7 years. Early-mid July.
'Minas Flame': Deciduous azalea. ('Gibraltar' x 'Balzac'). H (c 1972), G, N (c 1982), and REG (1998): Donald L. Craig, Kentville, NS; I (1983): Agriculture Research Station, Kentville, NS. Fls tubular funnel-shaped, 2.75" (70mm) long x 3" (75mm) wide, 5-lobed; vivid reddish orange (33A). Lvs elliptic, 2.5" (65mm) x 1" (25mm). Shrub 5.2' (1.6m) tall x 4' (1.2m) wide in 10 years, compact plant habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -15°F (-26°C). Early June.
'Minas Gold': Deciduous azalea. ('Golden Dream' x luteum ). H (c 1972), G, N (c 1982), and REG (1998): Donald L. Craig, Kentville, NS; I (1983): Agriculture Research Station, Kentville, NS. Fls tubular funnel-shaped, 2.25" (55mm) long x 2.5" (65mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; brilliant yellow (10A), with dorsal lobe vivid yellow (14B). Lvs elliptic, 2" (50mm) x 1" (25mm). Shrub 4' (1.2m) tall x 4.5' (1.4m)wide in 10 years, compact plant habit; after selection and introduction, became susceptible to powdery mildew. Plant and bud hardy to at least -15°F (-26°C). Early June.
'Minas Peace': Elepidote. [( catawbiense 'Catalgla' x degronianum ) x yakushimanum ]. H (pre 1970), G, N (c 1978), and REG (1998): Donald L. Craig, Kentville, NS; I (1983): Agriculture Research Station, Kentville, NS. Fls openly funnel-shaped, 1.5" (40mm) long x 2.4" (60mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; strong purplish pink (55B) in bud, opening pale purplish pink (56A) inside and out, with a strong purplish pink (55B) stripe on outside of each lobe; anthers strong orange yellow (22A), filaments white, stigma light orange yellow (22B). Lvs elliptic, cuneate base, apiculate apex, 4.4" (110mm) x 1.75" (45mm), moderate olive green (137A), with brownish orange (165B) woolly indumentum below. Shrub 2.5' (0.8m) tall x 4.1' (1.25m) wide in c 15 years, semi-compact plant habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -15°F (-26°C). Late May. (E. Frank Palmer award for Best Canadian Hybrid, 1976, RSC, Montreal)
'Minas Princess': Deciduous azalea. (Ghent hybrid x open pollinated). H (c 1972); G, N (c 1982), and REG (1998): Donald L. Craig, Kentville, NS; I (1983): Agriculture Research Station, Kentville, NS. Fls tubular funnel-shaped, 1.5" (40mm) long x 2" (50mm) wide, 5-lobed; light purplish pink (55C) in bud, opening (55C). Lvs elliptic, 2" (50mm) x 0.75" (20mm). Shrub 6.1' (1.9m) tall x 7.1' (2.2m) wide in c 20 years, open plant habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -15°F (-26°C). Early June.
'Minas Snow': Elepidote. ('Cunningham's White' x yakushimanum 'Nakai'*). H (1966) and G: G.S. Swain; N and REG (1998): Donald L. Craig, Kentville, NS; I (1981): Agriculture Research Station, Kentville, NS. Fls 14/ball truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2" (50mm) long x 2.75" (70mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; pure white with pink tinge in bud, opening pure white with cream colored anthers and light yellow (10C) stigma. Lvs narrowly elliptic, cuneate base, acute apex, 4.75" (120mm) x 1.25" (30mm), moderate olive green (147A), with light covering of tan hairs below. Shrub 4' (1.2m) tall x 3.7' (1.1m)wide in 14 years, compact plant habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -15°F (-26°C). Midseason.
'Minna's Purple': Elepidote. (unrecorded catawbiense type x unknown). H (pre 1974): Edmund V. Mezitt; G and I (1995): Weston Nurseries; N and REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 12/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, c 2" (50mm) long x 2.5" (65mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; deep purplish red (71A) with darker margins and darker red dorsal flare. Calyx short (c 1.5mm), pink. Truss 3.5" (90mm) high x 4.5" (115mm) wide. Lvs held 2+ years, elliptic, cuneate base, acute apex, downcurved margins, 5" (125mm) x 2.5" (65mm), glossy green. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 2.5' (0.75m) wide in 7 years, dense plant habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C). Late May.
'Nantucket': Elepidote. ( catawbiense hybrid x unknown). H (pre 1970): Edmund V. Mezitt; G and I (1980): Weston Nurseries; N and REG (1999): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 15/dome truss, broadly funnel-shaped, c 2" (50mm) long x 2.5" (65mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; strong purplish red (71D) with a coppery-colored, spotted, dorsal flare. Calyx short (c 1.5mm), green. Truss 4" (100mm) high x 5" (125mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, downcurved margins, acute apex, glossy green, hairless. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 2.5' (0.75m) wide in 7 years, open plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C); buds, -13°F (-25°C). Late May-early June.
'New Century': Elepidote. [ catawbiense hybrid, pale yellow-flrd x (pale yellow-flrd hybrid x 'Bristol Cream'*)]. H, N, and REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; G and I (1998): Weston Nurseries; both Hopkinton, MA. Fls 15-18/ball truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 1.75" (45mm) long x 2.5" (65mm) wide, with 5 wavy- to frilly-edged lobes; pale yellow green (4D) with darker yellow margins and a blotch of darker yellow with two solid green streaks. Calyx short (c 1mm), yellow green. Truss 2.5" (65mm) high x 4" (100mm) wide. Lvs held 2+ years, elliptic, cuneate base, acute apex, downcurved margins, 3" (75mm) x 1.5" (40mm), glossy green. Shrub 2' (0.6m) tall x 2' (0.6m) wide in 7 years, dense plant habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C). Mid May.
'Noyo Dream': Elepidote. ( yakushimanum x arboreum , or reciprocal cross). H (1977): E. William Moyles, Oakland, CA; G (1984): Peter Schick or Don Spini, N: Don Spini, I: William H. Fee, REG (1999): Eleanor Philp, all Fort Bragg, CA. Fls 19/ball truss, open campanulate, 1.5" (40mm) long x 2" (50mm) wide, with 5 frilly-edged lobes; vivid purplish red (57B) in bud, opening deep purplish pink (55A). Calyx 0.1" (3mm) long. Lvs held 2 years, obovate, flat, 4" (100mm) x 2" (50mm), dull green above, with dark grayish yellow (199D) felted indumentum below. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 4' (1.2m) wide in 14 years, dense plant habit. January-February.
'Orange Essence': Deciduous azalea. (Ghent azalea x arborescens ). H (pre 1970): Edmund V. Mezitt; G (pre 1970) and I (1992): Weston Nurseries; N (pre 1980): Edmund V. or R. Wayne Mezitt; REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 8/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2" (50mm) long x 1.75" (45mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; deep yellowish pink (43C) with strong reddish orange (31A) dorsal flare; scented. Calyx 0.25" (6mm) long, green. Truss 2" (50mm) high x 4.5" (115mm) wide. Lvs elliptic, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, upcurved margins, 3" (75mm) x 1.5" (40mm), glossy green. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 2.5' (0.75m) wide in 7 years. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C). Early June.
'Oregon Expressions': Elepidote. ( catawbiense 'Catalgla' x 'Exotic'). H (1973), G (1978), N, and REG (1998): T.L. Ring, M.D., Bellaire, OH; I (1990): Mowbray Gardens, Amelia, OH. Fls 22/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, c 1.5" (40mm) long x 2.75" (70mm) wide, with wavy-edged lobes; strong pink (49A) at margins shading to moderate pink (49B), with a vivid yellow (17C) flare and pale yellow green (4D) rays. Truss 7" (175mm) high x 5" (125mm) wide. Lvs narrowly oblong, broadly acute apex, upcurved margins, 6" (150mm) x 2" (50mm), hairless. Shrub 10' (3.1 m) tall x 10' (3.1m) wide in 22 years, open plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -25°F (-32°C); buds, -10°F (-23°C). Mid May.
'Ostbo's Elizabeth': Synonym of 'Elizabeth Red Foliage'.
'Ostbo's Red Elizabeth': Synonym of 'Elizabeth Red Foliage'.
'Peach Abbott': Deciduous azalea. (Mollis azalea x prinophyllum ). H (pre 1970): Edmund V. Mezitt; G (pre 1970) and I (1988): Weston Nurseries; N (1990) and REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 9/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, c 1.5" (40mm) long x 2" (50mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; deep pink (47D); scented. Calyx short (c 1.5mm), green. Truss 2.5" (65mm) high x 3.5" (90mm) wide. Lvs obovate, upcurved margins, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 3" (75mm) x 1.25" (30mm), dull green. Buds silvery hairy in winter. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 2.5' (0.75m) wide in 7 years. Plant and bud hardy to at least -30°F (-34°C). Mid May. (Synonym: 'Jane Abbott Peach')
'Pink and Sweet': Deciduous azalea. ( arborescens x arborescens hybrid). H (c 1963): Edmund V. Mezitt; G (pre 1970) and I (1978): Weston Nurseries; N (pre 1975): Edmund V. and R. Wayne Mezitt; REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 7/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, c 1.75" (45mm) long x 1.5" (40mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; deep purplish pink (61D) maturing to strong purplish pink (63C) and paler; dorsal lobe has a dark pink central stripe edged on each side with a brilliant yellow (close to 13C) flare. Calyx 0.2" (5mm) long, light green. Truss 2" (50mm) high x 3" (75mm) wide. Lvs obovate, downcurved margins, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 2.5" (65mm) x 1" (25mm), glossy green. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 3' (0.9m) wide in 7 years, dense plant habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C). Mid-late June.
'Pink Clusters': Evergreen azalea, ( kiusianum hybrid x open pollinated). S (c 1964) and N (pre 1972): Edmund V. Mezitt; G (pre 1970) and I (1982): Weston Nurseries; REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 3/truss, funnel-shaped, c 1" (25mm) long x 1.4" (35mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; strong purplish red (64C). Calyx 0.2" (5mm) long, green. Lvs ovate, flat, cuneate base, obtuse apex, 1.75" (45mm) x 1.25" (30mm), glossy green. Shrub 1' (0.3m) tall x 1.5' (0.45m) wide in 7 years, dense plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C); buds, -13°F (-25°C). Mid May.
'Pink Discovery': Evergreen azalea. ( yedoense var. poukhanense x open pollinated). S (pre 1960) and N (pre 1980): Edmund V. Mezitt; G (pre1960) and I (1986): Weston Nurseries; REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 4/truss, broadly funnel-shaped, c 2" (50mm) long x 2.5" (65mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; moderate purplish pink (62B) with a darker pink, speckled, dorsal blotch. Calyx 0.25" (c 6mm) long, green. Lvs elliptic, flat, cuneate to rounded base, obtuse apex, 2" (50mm) x 1" (25mm), glossy green. Shrub 2.5' (0.75m) tall x 2' (0.6m) wide in 7 years. Plant hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C); buds, -15°F (-26°C). Mid May. (Synonym: 'Ed's Silver Pink')
'Pinklo': Elepidote. ( catawbiense hybrid x unknown). H (pre 1980) and N (pre 1985): Edmund V. Mezitt; G and I (pre 1990): Weston Nurseries; REG (1999): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 12/ball truss, openly funnel-shaped, c 2" (50mm) long x 2.5" (65mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; deep purplish pink (72D) with a large copper-colored dorsal blotch. Calyx short (c 1.5mm), green. Truss 3" (75mm) high x 4.5" (115mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, downcurved margins, slightly rounded base, broadly acute apex, 4" (100mm) x 2" (50mm), dull green, hairless. Shrub 1.6' (0.5m) tall x 2' (0.6m) wide in 7 years, dense plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C); buds, -15°F (-26°C). Late May.
'Planters Punch': Elepidote. ('Frilled Cream'* x open pollinated). H (1977); G (1987), N, and REG (1998): T.L. Ring, M.D., Bellaire, OH. Fls 12/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2.5" (65mm) long x 2" (50mm) wide, with 5-6 wavy-edged lobes; strong pink (49A) in bud, opening pale yellow (11D), shading to pale greenish yellow (2D) in throat, and with (49A) rays in the center; lightly scented. Truss 5.5" (140mm) high x 5" (125mm) wide. Lvs elliptic, flat, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 5" (125mm) x 2" (50mm), hairless. Shrub 6' (1.8m) tall x 5' (1.5m) wide in 15 years, dense plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -25°F (-32°C); buds, -5°F (-21°C). Early midseason.
'Plum High': Elepidote. [('Fancy' x yakushimanum ) x 'Frank Galsworthy']. H (1989), G (1993), N (1996), and REG (1998): Jim Barlup, Bellevue, WA. Fls 18/ball truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2" (50mm) long x 2.75" (70mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; deep purplish red (59B) in bud, opening inside strong purple (77B) at edges, shading to very pale purple (69D) in throat, with moderate red (183C) spotted blotch on dorsal lobe; outside (77B) at edges to (69D) at base, with strong purplish red (72A) veining along midribs. Truss 4.5" (115mm) high x 4.5" (115mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, flat, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 5" (125mm) x 2" (50mm), dull, moderate olive green (147A) above, hairless. Shrub 1.6' (0.5m) tall x 3' (0.9m) wide in 9 years, dense plant habit. Plant hardy to at least 0°F (-18°C). Late May.
'Pomo Beauty': Elepidote. ( grande x probably arboreum ). Seed obtained (1956) from Wisley, England, perhaps from a J.F. Rock collection, raised initially by P.J. Bowman; G (c 1965): Charles Richards, N: Etta Richards; I (1988) through Trillium Lane Nursery and REG (1999): Eleanor Philp; all Fort Bragg, CA. Fls 18-20/ball truss, open campanulate, 2.25" (55mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; pale purplish pink (62D) shading to deep purplish pink (68A) margins, with dark purple (79B) dorsal spotting. Calyx short (1-2mm). Truss 5" (125mm) x 5" (125mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, ovate, flat, 5.5" (140mm) x 2.5" (65mm), dull green above, with dark reddish orange (172B) felted indumentum below. Shrub tree-like, 20' (6.0m) tall x 15' (4.6m) wide in 42 years, dense plant habit. Mid January-March. (Note: 'Pomo Princess' was raised from same seed batch.)
'Pooh-bah Khan': Elepidote. ('Hotei' x 'Van Nes Sensation'). H (1990): Morna Stockman; G (1996), N (1998), and REG (1998): Harold and Morna Stockman, Port Angeles, WA. Fls 10-14/dome truss, funnel-campanulate, 2.5" (65mm) long x 4" (100mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; creamy white flushed light yellow (10B-C) inside and out, with light yellow (11B) center. Calyx cup-shaped, lobes vary from 1.25" (30mm) to 0.5" (13mm) long, light yellow(10B). Truss 4" (100mm) high x 6" (150mm) wide. Lvs oblong, rounded base, acuminate apex, slightly wavy margins, 3.75" (95mm) x 1.4" (35mm), dull, mid green, hairless. Shrub 3.3' (1.0m) tall x 2.8' (0.9m) wide in 8 years, dense plant habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least 10°F (-12°C). Late April.
'Quiet Thoughts': Deciduous azalea. (Ghent azalea x arborescens ). H (pre 1980): Edmund V. Mezitt; G (pre 1980) and I (1991): Weston Nurseries; N (pre 1980): Edmund V. and R. Wayne Mezitt; REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 9/flattened ball truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2.5" (65mm) long x 2.25" (55mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; moderate yellowish pink (31D) with a vivid yellow (17B) dorsal blotch; scented. Calyx short (c 3mm), green. Truss 2" (50mm) high x 4.5" (115mm) wide. Lvs obovate, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, downcurved margins, 2" (50mm) x 0.9" (23mm), glossy green, hairy. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 2.5' (0.75m) wide in 7 years, open plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C); buds, -10°F (-23°C). Late May.
'Raspberry Cream': Elepidote. (Parentage unknown). H (c 1992), G (1998), and N (1998): Cliff Cannon, Olympia, WA; REG (1998): Lynne Caton at Briggs Nursery, Olympia, WA. Fls 9-12/dome truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 3" (75mm) long x 4.5" (115mm) wide, with 7 wavy-edged lobes; greenish yellow flushed moderate reddish orange (35B) in bud, opening inside light greenish yellow (4C), flushed strong yellowish pink (35C) at edges, and with moderate red (179A) dorsal spotting; outside (4C) with (35C) veining. Calyx 1"-1.25" (25-30mm) long, brilliant yellow (7B) with moderate red (179A) blotches. Truss 5" (125mm) high x 8" (200mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, obovate, cuneate base, obtuse apex, downcurved margins, 6.25" (155mm) x 2.5" (65mm), semi-glossy, moderate olive green (147A) above; hairless. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 4' (1.2m) wide in 5 years, open plant habit. Late June.
'Red Quest': Lepidote. ('Waltham' x dauricum Sempervirens Group, pink-flrd). H: (1979)Edmund V. Mezitt; G (c 1983) and I (1992): Weston Nurseries; N and REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 4/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, c 1.25" (30mm) long x 1.5" (40mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; strong purplish red (61B) in bud, opening strong purplish red (71C). Truss 1" (25mm) high x 2" (50mm) wide. Lvs elliptic, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 2.75" (70mm) x 0.8" (20mm), with scales below. Shrub 2' (0.6m) tall x 2.5' (0.75m) wide in 8 years, dense plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C); buds, -10°F (-23°C). Late April.
'Ring's Monarch': Elepidote. ('Graf Zeppelin' x 'Newburyport Belle'). H: (early 1980s); G (late 1980s), N, and REG (1998): T.L. Ring, M.D., Bellaire, OH; I (1999): Mowbray Gardens, Amelia, OH. Fls 12/conical truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2.25" (55mm) long x 3.5" (90mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; strong purplish pink (68B) at margins, fading towards center, with dorsal lobe heavily spotted strong greenish yellow (153B) on a light yellow green (2C) ground. Truss 7" (175mm) high x 6.5" (165mm) wide. Lvs oblong, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 7" (175mm) x 2.75" (70mm), hairless. Shrub 5' (1.5m) tall x 6'(1.8m) wide in 15 years, dense plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -25°F (-32°C); buds, -10°F (-23°C). Mid-late May. (Best in Show (1996), Great Lakes Chapter, ARS)
'Rocky Point': Elepidote. ('Glenna' x 'Claire'). H (1991), G (1994), N (1997), and REG (1998): Jim Barlup, Bellevue, WA. Fls 15/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, 1.75" (45mm) long x 2.5" (65mm) wide, with 6 frilly-edged lobes; moderate purplish red (185C) in bud, opening inside pale yellowish pink (159D) with a grayish red (184A) blotch in throat, and moderate red (184B) spotting on all lobes, much heavier on 3 dorsal lobes; outside (159D) with darker streaks of pale yellow (162D) along midribs. Calyx lobes up to 1.5" (40mm) long, colored as corolla. Truss 4.5" (115mm) high x 5.75" (145mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 5" (125mm) x 2" (50mm), dull, moderate olive green (147A) above, hairless. Shrub 2.5' (0.75m) tall x 3.5' (1.1m) wide in 7 years, intermediate plant habit. Plant hardy to at least 9°F (-13°C). Mid April.
'Royal Pillow': Evergreen azalea. [( yedoense var. poukhanense x 'Vuyk's Scarlet') x open pollinated]. S: Edmund V. Mezitt; G and I (1987): Weston Nurseries; N (1974) and REG (1999): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls c 3-4/truss, openly funnel-shaped, 1.75" (45mm) long x 2" (50mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; strong purplish red (71C). Calyx c 0.2" (5mm) long, green. Lvs obovate, flat, cuneate base, obtuse apex, 2" (50mm) x 0.9" (23mm), glossy green. Shrub 2' (0.6m) tall x 2.5' (0.75m) wide in 8 years, dense plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C); buds, -10°F (-23°C). Late May.
'Sandy': Deciduous azalea. ( arborescens x probably cumberlandense ). H (c 1975): Edmund V. Mezitt; G and I (1995): Weston Nurseries; N (pre1985): Edmund V. and R. Wayne Mezitt; REG (1999): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 6-8/ball truss, openly funnel-shaped, 1.75" (45mm) long x 2.25" (55mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; inside strong yellowish pink (38A) with a brilliant orange yellow (23B) flare blending to pink on adjacent lobes which shade to lighter pink in the throat, the lower lobes with lighter midribs; scented. Calyx c 0.1" (3mm) long, green. Truss 3" (75mm) high x 4.5" (115mm) wide. Lvs obovate, upcurved margins, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 3" (75mm) x 1.25" (30mm), glossy green. Shrub 2' (0.6m) tall x 2' (0.6m) wide in 7 years. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C). Mid June.
'Satsop Sunrise': Elepidote. ('Mrs J.G. Millais' x 'Whitney's Late Orange'*). H (1986), G (1990), and N: Mike Deppiesse, Montesano, WA; REG (1998): Lynne Caton at Briggs Nursery, Olympia, WA. Fls 13/dome truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 2.2" (55mm) long x 3.5" (90mm) wide, with 5 frilly-edged lobes; strong purplish red (54A) in bud, opening inside strong pink (48D) at edge, fading to pale yellow (19C) center with a brownish orange (172C) dorsal blotch; outside (48D) at edge fading to (19C) base; scented. Lvs narrowly oblong, rounded base, acuminate apex, downcurved margins, 4" (100mm) x 1.2" (30mm), semi-glossy, dark yellowish green (139A) above. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 3' (0.9m) wide in 10 years, dense plant habit. Late June.
'September Song': Elepidote. ('Dido' x 'Fawn'). H: Carl Phetteplace, Vida, OR; G and N: Harold Greer; I (1988): Greer Gardens, Eugene, OR; REG (1998): Willamette Chapter Study Group, Salem, OR. Fls 11/dome truss, funnel-campanulate to open-campanulate, 2.2"-2.6" (55-65mm) long x 3.2" (80mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; moderate red (47A) in bud, opening inside brilliant orange yellow (23B) in center, with deep pink (51B) margins and slight dorsal speckling of vivid reddish orange (40A); outside (51 B) margins shading to (23B) base. Truss 4.8" (120mm) high x 6.8" (170mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, slightly obovate, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, slightly downcurved margins, 2.8"-4.4" (70-110mm) x 1.2"-2" (30-50mm), semi-glossy, dark green (136A) above. Shrub 4' (1.2m) tall x 4.5' (1.4m) wide in 10 years, compact plant habit; occasionally blooms in autumn. Plant hardy to at least 0°F (-18°C). Mid May.
'Shawme Lake': Elepidote. (Parentage unknown). H (pre 1943): Charles O. Dexter, Sandwich, MA; G: Dexter Estate; N (post 1969): Heritage Plantation, Sandwich, MA, and Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA; REG (1998): Edward T. Connors, Jackson, NJ. Fls openly funnel-shaped, 2" (50mm) long x 3" (75mm) wide, 6-lobed; inside moderate purplish pink (74D) with a moderate purplish red (64A) basal blotch and (64A) spotted dorsal rays; outside vivid reddish purple (74A). Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, flat, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 4.5" (115mm) x 2" (50mm), dull, moderate olive green (137A) above, hairless. Shrub 6.5' (2.0m) tall x 7.5' (2.3m) wide in c 20 years, intermediate plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -5°F (-21°C). Mid May. (Code: Dexter 213)
'Shrimp Pink No. 1': Synonym of 'Caronella'.
'Shrimp Pink No. 2': Synonym of 'Vallya'.
'Shrimp Pink No. 3': Synonym of 'Llenroc'.
'Starburst': Synonym of 'Weston's Starburst'.
'Strawberry Wine': Elepidote. ('Mrs. Furnivall' x 'Peggie Roberts'). H (1989), G (1994), N (1998), and REG (1998): Jim Barlup, Bellevue, WA. Fls 15/ball truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2.25" (55mm) long x 3" (75mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; moderate purplish red (59C) in bud, opening strong purplish pink (68B) at edges, shading to light purplish pink (68D) in center, with a flare of moderate red (185B) spots extending 1.5" (40mm) from base along dorsal lobe; outside (68B), streaked deep purplish pink (68A) along midribs. Truss 5" (125mm) high x 5" (125mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, flat, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 5.25" (130mm) x 1.75" (45mm), dull, moderate olive green (147A) above, hairless. Shrub 2.5' (0.75m) tall x 3.5' (1.1m) wide in 9 years, dense plant habit. Plant hardy to at least 0°F (-18°C). Early May.
'Summer Peppermint': Elepidote. ('Summer Rose' hybrid x unknown). H (c 1982): Edmund V. Mezitt; G (pre 1990) and I (1990s): Weston Nurseries; N (pre 1990) and REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls c 15/ball truss, openly funnel-shaped, c 2" (50mm) long x 2.5" (65mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; white, edged vivid purplish red (67B), with a small, coppery-colored, double flare on dorsal lobe. Calyx short (c 3mm), green edged red. Lvs held 2+ years, narrowly oblong, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, flat to downcurved margins, 8" (200mm) x 2.5" (65mm), dull, dark green above, with light brown hairs below. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 3' (0.9m) wide in 6 years, open plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C); buds, -10°F (-23°C). Late June.
'Sweet Harmony': Elepidote. ('Percy Wiseman' x 'Mary Belle'). H (1985), N (1998), and REG (1998): Richard H. Gustafson, Lawrenceville, NJ; G (c 1991): Edward T. Connors, Jackson, NJ. Fls 10/ball truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 2" (50mm) long x 3.5" (90mm) wide, with 5(-6) wavy-edged lobes; strong purplish red (58B) in bud, opening deep purplish pink (58D) at edge, shading to moderate yellow (163C) center. Calyx 0.4" (10mm) long. Truss 5.5" (140mm) high x 6" (150mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, flat, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 5" (125mm) x 1.9" (45mm), moderate olive green (137A), hairless. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 3.5' (1.1m) wide in 13 years, intermediate plant habit. Mid May.
'Taenzer': Evergreen azalea. ('Moonbeam' x 'Beacon'). H (1973), G (1980), N, and REG (1998): George W. Ring, Bent Mountain, VA. Fls 2-4/truss, 1.5" (40mm) wide, 5-lobed; pale purplish pink (62D) at margins, shading to a paler center, with vivid purplish red (61C) speckles on three dorsal lobes. Spring lvs 1"-1.75" (25-45mm) x 0.5"-0.75" (13-19mm); summer lvs 0.5"-0.75" (13-19mm) x 0.2"-0.5" (5-13mm). Shrub 5' (1.5m) tall x 4.5' (1.4m) wide in 17 years, intermediate plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -15°F (-26°C); buds, -10°F (-23°C). Midseason.
'Tapestry': Elepidote. ('Purpureum Splendens'* x catawbiense hybrid). H (1971): Edmund V. Mezitt; G (1980) and I (1995): Weston Nurseries; N and REG (1999): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 18/dome truss, broadly funnel-shaped, c 2" (50mm) long x 2" (50mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; vivid purple (80A) with a dark purple (79A) dorsal blotch. Calyx short (c 1.5mm), green. Truss 3" (75mm) high x 4" (100mm) wide. Lvs held 2+ years, elliptic, downcurved margins, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 3" (75mm) x 1.25" (30mm), dull, dark green, hairless. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 3' (0.9m) wide in 8 years, "blocky" plant habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C). Late May.
'Texas Pink': Evergreen azalea. ( kiusianum hybrid x unknown). H (c 1964) and N (pre 1980): Edmund V. Mezitt; G (pre 1970) and I (1986): Weston Nurseries; REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 5/truss, funnel-shaped, 1" (25mm) long x 1" (25mm) wide, with 5 frilly-edged lobes; deep purplish pink (67C). Calyx short (c 1.5mm), green. Lvs elliptic, flat, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 0.8" (20mm) x 0.4" (10mm), glossy green. Shrub 1' (0.3m) tall x 1.5' (0.45m) wide in 6 years, dense plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C); buds, -10°F (-23°C). Late May.
'Tonto Bob': Elepidote. ('Orange Marmalade' x 'Brigadoon'). H (1989) and G (1991): Fred Minch; N (1997) and REG (1998): Fred and Jean Minch, Puyallup, WA. Fls 12/dome truss, funnel-campanulate, 2" (50mm) long x 3" (75mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; vivid red (46B) in bud, opening vivid red (46C) throughout, with some spotting on dorsal lobes. Calyx 1.5"-2" (40-50mm) long, deep yellowish pink (46D). Truss 4" (100mm) high x 7" (175mm) wide. Lvs elliptic, flat, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 4" (100mm) x 1.5" (40mm), dull, moderate olive green (147A), hairless. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 4' (1.2m) wide in 8 years, intermediate plant habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least 0°F (18°C). Early.
'Trojan Warrior': Elepidote. ( catawbiense hybrid x unknown). H (c 1960): Edmund V. Mezitt; G and I (1995): Weston Nurseries; N (pre 1990) and REG (1999): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 14/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, 1.75" (45mm) long x 2.25" (55mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; strong purplish red (60B). Calyx short (c 1.5mm), reddish brown. Truss 3" (75mm) high x 4.5" (115mm) wide. Lvs held 2-3 years, elliptic, margins downcurved and twisted, cuneate base, acute apex, 3.5" (90mm) x 1.5" (40mm), glossy, dark green, hairless. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 3' (0.9m) wide in 7 years, dense plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C); buds, -10°F (-23"C). Late May.
'Tropicana': Synonym of 'Brandt's Tropicana'.
'Twilight Sun': Elepidote. {(['Nancy Evans' x ('Whopper'* x 'Brandt's Tropicana')] x 'Whitney's Pumpkin'}. H (1987), G (1992), N (1997), and REG(1998): Jim Barlup, Bellevue, WA. Fls 17/ball truss, funnel-campanulate, 2" (50mm) long x 2.5" (65mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; strong red (53B) in bud, opening inside light orange yellow (16C), tinged randomly with deep yellowish pink (41D) on three dorsal lobes; outside (41D) with deep pink (48B) stripes on dorsal lobes; nectaries deep red (53A), 0.25" (6mm) deep. Calyx lobes up to 1.25" (30mm) long, (16C) edged (41D), with two (53A) spots at base. Truss 5" (125mm) high x 5.5" (140mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, flat, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 4.25" (105mm) x 2" (50mm), semi-glossy, moderate olive green (147A) above, hairless. Shrub 3.5' (1.1m) tall x 4' (1.2m) wide in 11 years, intermediate plant habit. Plant hardy to at least 0°F (-18°C). Late April.
'Umpqua Princess': Elepidote. ('Faggetter's Favourite' x 'Peach Surprise'*). H (1984), N, and REG (1998): Merle Sanders; G (1989) and I: Sanders Nursery; Roseburg, OR. Fls 16/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, 3" (75mm) long x 4.25" (105mm) wide, with 8 flat-edged lobes; greenish white (155C) with a dorsal flare, c 1.5" (40mm) long, composed of narrow stripes of dark red (187A) spots; moderately scented. Truss 6.5" (165mm) high x 8" (200mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, elliptic, flat, oblique base, broadly acute apex, 6" (150mm) x 2.5" (65mm), glossy, dark green, hairless. Shrub 7' (2.1m) tall x 8' (2.4m) wide in 13 years, open plant habit. Plant hardy to at least 0°F (-18°C); buds, 5°F (-15°C). Early April. (Best New American Hybrid, Eugene Chapter, ARS, Early Show, c 1994)
'Vallya': Lepidote. ( minus Carolinianum Group, white-flrd x mucronulatum 'Cornell Pink'). H (1958) and N: Edmund V. Mezitt; G (c1962) and I (1974): Weston Nurseries; REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls c 4/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, c 1.25" (30mm) long x 1.5" (40mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; light purplish pink (65B). Truss 1.5" (40mm) high x 2.5" (65mm) wide. Lvs elliptic, flat, cuneate base, acute apex, 3"(75mm) x 1.25" (30mm), with scales below; in autumn, some lvs change to orange, red, and yellow before dropping, with some dark green lvs retained over winter. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 2.5' (0.75m) wide in 7 years, open plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C); buds, -18°F (-28°C). Mid May. (Syn: 'Wally', 'Shrimp Pink No. 2')
'Veronica Dora': Elepidote. ( yakushimanum x 'Belle Heller'). H (c1976) and G (c 1985): Dean Barber, Phoenix, AZ; N (1998) and REG (1998): Anne Reisch, Carlisle, MA. Fls 20-22/dome truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 2.25" (55mm) long x 3" (75mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; white in bud, opening white throughout, with a spotted, light yellow (160B) flare in dorsal throat. Calyx to c 0.1" (3mm) long, light yellow green (145C). Truss 5" (125mm) high x 6.5" (165mm) wide. Lvs held 3 years, elliptic, rounded base, broadly acute apex, wavy margins, 3.75"-5" (95-125mm) x 1.75"-2.1" (45-55mm), semi-glossy, moderate olive green (147A) above, hairless. Shrub 5' (1.5m) tall x 11' (3.4m) wide in c 23 years, dense plant habit. Plant and buds hardy to at least -15°F (-26°C). Mid May. (Received Edmund Mezitt Award, 1991, as best New England hybrid for severe climates)
'Walloper No. 6': Synonym of 'Gwen Bell'.
'Wally': Synonym of 'Vallya'.
'Waltham': Lepidote. ('Laetevirens' x minus Carolinianum Group). H: (pre 1960) Robert L. Ticknor, Canby, OR; G (c1960) and I (1977): Weston Nurseries; N: Edmund V. Mezitt; REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt, Hopkinton, MA. Fls 8/dome truss, tubular funnel-shaped, c 0.75" (20mm) long x 0.75" (20mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; moderate purplish pink (74D). Calyx short (c 1.5mm), pink. Truss 1.5" (40mm) high x 2" (50mm) wide. Lvs held 1 year, elliptic, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, downcurved margins, 2" (50mm) x 0.8" (20mm), dark green, with scales on both surfaces. Shrub 1' (0.3m) tall x 3' (0.9m) wide in 10 years, dense plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C); buds, -10°F (-23"C). Mid May.
'Waltham No. 10': Synonym of 'Desmit' (published previously).
'Western Lights': Deciduous azalea. ('Orchid Lights' treated in vitro with colchicine). Treated (1993), and REG (1998): Lynne Caton at Briggs Nursery; G (1997), N (1998), and I (1999): Briggs Nursery, Olympia, WA. Fls 7-9/bud with 7-8 buds/terminal, narrowly funnel-shaped, 1.5"-1.75" (40-45mm) long x 2"-2.5" (50-65mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; deep purplish pink (73A) in bud, opening inside strong reddish purple (78B), spotted strong purplish red (71C) on three dorsal lobes; outside moderate purplish pink (78D); lightly scented. Calyx short (c 1.5mm), strong yellow green (141D). Truss 3.5" (90mm) high x 4" (100mm) wide. Lvs narrowly elliptic, downcurved margins, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 2.5" (65mm) x 0.75" (20mm), semi-glossy, strong yellow green (144A), with discrete hairs. Shrub 2' (0.6m) tall x 1.5' (0.45m) wide in 4 years, dense plant habit. Plant is polyploid; hardiness untested, but diploid parent (including buds) hardy to -40°F (-40°C). Early April.
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The deciduous azalea 'Western Lights' is the polyploid version of
'Orchid Lights', attained by treating 'Orchid Lights' in vitro with colchicine at Brigg's Nursery in Olympia, Wash., by Lynne Caton. It is slightly fragrant and grows to 2 feet (0.6 m) tall and 1.5 feet (0.45 m) wide in four years. Although its hardiness is untested, the diploid parent is hardy to -40°F (-40"C). It blooms in April. |
'Weston's Aglo': Lepidote. ( minus , compact form x dauricum hybrid, pink-flrd). H (1964): Edmund V. Mezitt; G (c 1968) and I (1986): Weston Nurseries; N: Edmund V. & R. Wayne Mezitt; REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls c 8/ball truss, broadly funnel-shaped, c 1.4" (35mm) long x 1.5" (40mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; moderate purplish pink (66D) with coppery-reddish spotting in dorsal throat. Calyx short (c 1.5mm), pink/green. Truss 3.5" (90mm) high x 3.5" (90mm) wide. Lvs held 1 year, elliptic, cuneate base, acute apex, down curved margins, 2.25" (55mm) x 1" (25mm), glossy green, with scales on both surfaces and on petiole. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 2.5' (0.75m) wide in 8 years, open plant habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -24°F (-31°C). Early May. (Syn: 'Aglo')
'Weston's Innocence': Deciduous azalea. (probably arborescens x viscosum , or reciprocal cross). H (c 1963): Edmund V. Mezitt; G (pre 1970) and I (1986): Weston Nurseries; N (pre 1980): Edmund V. or R. Wayne Mezitt; REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 8/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2" (50mm) long x 2.25" (55mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged, pointed lobes; white with very pale yellow dorsal flare; scented. Calyx short (c 3mm), green. Truss 2" (50mm) high x 4" (100mm) wide. Lvs obovate, flat, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, 2.5" (65m) x 1" (25mm), glossy green. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 2.5' (0.75m) wide in 7 years, dense plant habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C). Mid June.
'Weston's Lemon Drop': Deciduous azalea. ( viscosum hybrid x unknown). H (c 1963): Edmund V. Mezitt; G (pre 1980) and I (1986): Weston Nurseries; N (1998) and REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls 9/dome truss, tubular funnel-shaped, 2" (50mm) long x 1.75" (45mm) wide, with 5 flat-edged lobes; buds pale yellow (12D) at base shading to strong yellowish pink (32C) and darker at apex, opening pale yellow (12D) throughout, the inside fading with age; scented. Calyx lobes 0.25" (6mm) long, star-shaped, green. Lvs obovate, cuneate base, broadly acute apex, flat to wavy upcurved margins, 2" (50mm) x 0.9" (23mm), semi-glossy, dark green above, glaucous (bluish) below. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 2' (0.6m) wide in 7 years. Early-mid July. (Synonym: 'Lemon Drop')
'Weston's Mayflower': Lepidote. [('Laetevirens' x minus Carolinianum Group) x ( minus Carolinianum Group x myrtifolium )]. H (1971): Edmund V. Mezitt; G (c 1975) and I (1991): Weston Nurseries; N: Edmund V. and R. Wayne Mezitt; REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls c 7/dome truss, broadly funnel-shaped, c 1.25" (30mm) long x 1.5" (40mm) wide, with 5 wavy-edged lobes; deep purplish pink (66C). Calyx short (c 1mm), green. Truss 1.25" (30mm) high x 2.5" (65mm) wide. Lvs held 1 year, elliptic, downcurved margins, cuneate base, acute apex, 2" (50mm) x 0.5"-0.75" (13-19mm), glossy green, with scales on both surfaces and on petiole. Shrub 1' (0.3m) tall x 2' (0.6m) wide in 7 years, dense plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C); buds, -10°F (-23°C). Mid May.
'Weston's Starburst': Lepidote. ('Laurie' x dauricum , white-flrd). H (1977) and N: Edmund V. Mezitt; G (c 1981) and I (1993): Weston Nurseries; REG (1998): R. Wayne Mezitt; all Hopkinton, MA. Fls c 6/ball truss, broadly funnel-shaped, fully double (no normal stamens), c 1.25" (30mm) long x 1.75" (45mm) wide, with frilly-edged lobes; very pale purple (69B) at lobe edges, with a yellowish white (155B) center; the petaloid stamens pale yellow at first, fading to (155B). Calyx short (c 1mm), green. Truss 1.5" (40mm) high x 2.5" (65mm) wide. Lvs held 1 year, elliptic, cuneate base, acute apex, downcurved margins, 1.75" (45mm) x 0.75" (19mm), dull green, with scales below and on petiole. Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 2.5 (0.75m) wide in 7 years, dense plant habit. Plant hardy to at least -20°F (-29°C); buds, -15°F (-26°C). Late April. (Syn: 'Starburst')
'Whisperingrose': Elepidote. ( williamsianum x 'Elizabeth'). H: Harold Greer; I (1982): Greer Gardens, Eugene, OR; REG (1998): Willamette Chapter Study Group, Salem, OR. Fls 6/flat truss, campanulate, 2" (50mm) long x 2.75" (70mm) wide, with 5-7 flat-edged lobes; dark red (183A) in bud, opening strong purplish red (58B) throughout; unmarked. Truss 3.2" (80mm) high x 4.8" (120mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, oblong-orbicular, slightly cordate base, obtuse apex with mucro, slightly downcurved margins, 1.6"-1.8" (40-45mm) x 1.2" (30mm), semi-glossy, dark yellowish green (139A) above, hairless; petioles dark red (183A). Shrub 3' (0.9m) tall x 4' (1.2m) wide in 10 years, dense plant habit. Early midseason.
'White Mist': Elepidote. [( decorum x 'Golden Jubilee') x open pollinated fortunei ]. H (1986): Robert L. Means, Winston-Salem, NC; G (1991), N (1998), I (through Yadkin Valley Nursery), and REG (1998): Rob Means, Yadkinville NC. Fls 8/dome truss, openly funnel-shaped, 2.5" (65mm) long x 4" (100mm) wide, with 7 wavy-edged lobes; pale purplish pink (62D) in bud, opening yellowish white (155B) with a small, strong greenish yellow (151A) blotch in the base; scented. Calyx very small, brilliant yellow green (149A). Truss 5" (125mm) high x 7" (175mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, oblong, upcurved margins, rounded base, broadly acute apex, 5" (125mm) x 2" (50mm), dull, moderate yellow green (146B) above, hairless. Shrub 4.5' (1.4m) tall x 4.5' (1.4m) wide in 12 years, dense plant habit. Plant and bud hardy to at least -8°F (-22°C). Late April.
'Yellow Ribbon': Elepidote. (Parentage unknown). H (c 1990), G (1996), and N (1998): Cliff Cannon, Olympia, WA; REG (1998): Lynne Caton at Briggs Nursery, Olympia, WA. Fls 9-12/lax truss, broadly funnel-shaped, 4" (100mm) long x 6" (150mm) wide, with 7 wavy-edged lobes; strong yellowish pink (32C) in bud, opening brilliant yellow (10A) throughout, with brownish orange (172C) dorsal spotting. Calyx 1.5" (40mm) long, strong red (39A). Truss 6" (150mm) high x 10" (250mm) wide. Lvs held 2 years, oblong, oblique base, broadly acute apex, wavy and downcurved margins, 7.5" (190mm) x 2.5" (65mm), semi-glossy, moderate olive green (147A) above; hairless. Shrub 5.5' (1.7m) tall x 3' (0.9m) wide in 8 years, open plant habit. Late May.
* The following unregistered names appear as parents in the above descriptions:
'April Glory':
Weston Nurseries hybrid; complex parentage,
'Bristol Cream':
Weston Nurseries hybrid, derived from
'Frilled Cream':
T.L. Ring hybrid, [(
'Catalgla' x a pink
Dexter hybrid) x unknown]
'Hill's Low Red':
Hill hybrid, possibly (
Selection from
used in breeding program at
Kentville Research Station
'Peach Surprise':
H. Greer, {[(Jalisco Group x Loderi Group) x
] x
('Dot' x 'Fawn')}
'Purpureum Splendens':
A hybrid (
ponticum type
?) with very dark purple
fls used for breeding at Weston Nurseries.
'Weston's Parade':
Weston Nurseries introduction; parentage not reported
'Weston's Sparkler':
Weston Nurseries introduction; parentage not reported
'Whitney's Late Orange':
W.E. Whitney hybrid, parentage uncertain
'Whitney's Pumpkin':
W.E. Whitney hybrid, parentage unknown
H. Lem hybrid, ('Lem's Goal' x Loderi Group)