JARS v55n2 - From the President
From the President
Lynn Watts
Bellevue, Washington
In the previous issue of the Journal I devoted my column to an explanation of the duties and responsibilities of several committees of the ARS. I would like to continue with more of these committees.
EDITORIAL COMMITTEE: (Sandra McDonald, Chair). This committee is primarily responsible for working with the editor of the Journal on issues concerning reprints of Journal articles, advertising rates, Society news and acts in an advisory capacity when necessary. (Policy 9.4)
ARCHIVES COMMITTEE: (Sandra McDonald, Chair). All important documents and letters concerning the structure and operation of the Society should be sent to the Alderman Library at the University of Virginia. All chapter newsletters are sent from OARS to the Alderman at the end of each fiscal year. (Policy 9.3)
TEST AND DISPLAY GARDENS COMMITTEE: (Clarence Barrett, Chair). This committee was created to offer assistance and guidance when a chapter wishes to sponsor or organize a rhododendron display within a public or private garden. (Policy 9.15)
HONORS COMMITTEE: (Ed Egan, Chair). Fulfilling a very important function within the ARS, this committee receives and evaluates nominations for awards. Petitions for the awarding of Silver or Gold medals must be submitted through a District Director to the Honors Committee chair by December 15 of the year preceding the year in which the medal may be awarded. For further information on other awards please see Policy 9.5.
LONG TERM INVESTMENT COMMITTEE: (Timothy Walsh, Chair). The Treasurer of the ARS is, automatically, the chair of this committee which is charged with the responsibility of wisely and securely investing the various funds of the Society. (Policy 9.23)
LONG RANGE PLANNING COMMITTEE: (Bud Gehnrich, Chair). It is their responsibility to review annually the many activities of the Society, to anticipate our future needs and to formulate plans to meet these needs within stated goals and financial means and to recommended to the Board changes in Society activities for the future. (Policy 9.6)
ACCOUNTANT: (Tom Martin). Although not a committee, the services rendered by this person are so vital to the continued smooth functioning of the Society that they deserve inclusion in this report. The accountant prepares our annual review and all tax documents. Quarterly he helps our Executive Director Dee Daneri with journal transfers of interest and gains on our investments. Semi-annually he checks reports from our accounting system and advises new account numbers and accounting practices to properly keep our program services separate from administrative services.
To learn more about these and other committees please refer to the American Rhododendron Society Policies of the Board. If you do not have a copy ask your chapter president to furnish one.