JARS v57n1 - Proven Performers: District 10
Proven Performers: District 10
The ARS Public Education Committee in 2000 asked chapters to compile lists of the best performing rhododendrons in their areas. Not only were these to be plants with good form, foliage texture and flowers, but also they were to be cold and heat hardy for the area and resistant to pests and diseases. The integrity of the lists is based upon the fact that the plants have proven their ability to perform well in members' gardens. The response to the request was overwhelming with almost all chapters sending lists to the committee. As a result, the Society and its chapters are able to make these lists available to the public to guide them in selecting rhododendrons that do well in their local area.
The chapters were asked to list ten each of elepidotes, lepidotes, deciduous azaleas, evergreen azaleas and, where pertinent, vireyas. Some chapters followed this procedure, while others included more of one category than another. No matter how the lists were organized, the Society now has a "Proven Performer" list of rhododendrons that do well in specific regions, along with culture tips specific to the area and, in some cases, sources for the plants.
The Journal began publishing the lists in the fall 2000 issue, starting with District 1. The Proven Performers from District 10 are listed in this issue. An asterisk (*) indicates the name is not registered.
Elepidotes (large-leaf)
'Arthur Bedford'
'Anah Kruschke'
'Anna Rose Whitney'
'County of York' (syn. 'Catalode')
'Dexter's Giant Red'
'Dexter's Purple'
'English Roseum'
'Grace Seabrook'
'Janet Blair'
'Mrs T. H. Lowinsky'
'Parker's Pink'
'Platinum Pearl'*
'Roseum Elegans'
'Trude Webster'
'Van Nes Sensation'
Lepidotes (small-leaf)
'Anna Baldsiefen'
'Dora Amateis'
'Olga Mezitt'
R. keiskei
R. minus
Deciduous Azaleas
'Hazel Hamilton'*
'My Mary'
R. alabamense
R. arborescens
R. atlanticum
R. austrinum
R. calendulaceum
R. canescens
R. flammeum
R. periclymenoides
R. prunifolium
R. vaseyi
Evergreen Azaleas
'Beth Bullard'*
'Conversation Piece'
'Elsie Lee'
'George Lindley Taber'
'White Rosebud'
'Koromo Shikibu'
'Marian Lee'
'Midnight Flare'*
'Gumpo White Sport'*
Elepidotes (large-leaf)
'Blue Ensign'
'Dexter's Purple'
'Janet Blair'
'Mardi Gras'
'Nova Zembla'
'Red Eye'
'Ruby Bowman'
R. catawbiense
variations and hybrids
Lepidotes (small-leaf)
'Ann Baldsiefen'
'Dora Amateis'
'Olga Mezitt'
R. keiskei
R. minus
Deciduous Azaleas
'Hazel Hamilton'*
'My Mary'
R arborescens
R. alabamense
R. atlanticum
R. austrinum
R. calendulaceum
R. canescens
R. flammeum
R. periclymenoides
R. prunifolium
R. vaseyi
Evergreen Azaleas
'Beth Bullard'*
'Conversation Piece'
'Elsie Lee'
'George Lindley Taber'
'Gumpo White Sport'*
Elepidotes (large-leaf)
'Blue Ensign'
'Dexter's Purple'
'Janet Blair'
'Mardi Gras'
'Nova Zembla'
'Red Eye'*
'Ruby Bowman'
R. catawbiense
variations and hybrids
Lepidotes (small-leaf)
'Ann Baldsiefen'
'Dora Amateis'
'Olga Mezitt'
R. keiskei
R. minus
Deciduous Azaleas
'Hazel Hamilton'*
'My Mary'
R arborescens
R. alabamense
R. atlanticum
R. austrinum
R. calendulaceum
R. canescens
R. flammeum
R. periclymenoides
R. prunifolium
R. vaseyi
Evergreen Azaleas
'Beth Bullard'*
'Conversation Piece'
'Elsie Lee'
'George Lindley Taber'
'Gumpo White Sport'*
'Koromo Shikibu'
'Marian Lee'
'Midnight Flare'*
'White Rosebud'
Elepidtoes (large-leaf)
'Arthur Bedford'
'Anna Kruschke'
'Anna Rose Whitney'
'Ben Moseley'
'County of York' (syn. 'Catalode')
'David Gable'
'English Roseum'
'Gomer Waterer'
'Grace Seabrook'
'Great Smoky'*
'Haag's Choice'
'Janet Blair'
'Joe Brooks'*
'Josephine Everitt'
'Ken Janeck'
'Lee's Dark Purple'
'Mountain Marriage'
'Percy Wiseman'
'Phyllis Korn'
'Red Eye'*
'Roseum Elegans'
'The Honourable Jean Marie de Montague'
'Tom Everett'
'Wyandanch Pink'
Most Dexters except 'Dexter's Orange'
R. degronianum
R. hyperythrum
R. maximum
Sham's Royalty Series
Lepidote (small-leaf)
'Chapmanii Wonder'*
'Donna Totten'*
'Dora Ameteis'
'Ginny Gee'
'Mary Fleming'
'Olga Mezitt'
'Patty Bee'
'Yellow Eyes'
PJM Group
R. keiskei
R. minus
Deciduous Azaleas
'Mount Saint Helens'
Choptank River Group
Northern Lights Group
R. alabamense
R. atlanticum
R. austrinum
R. bakeri (cumberlandense)
R. calendulaceum
R. canescens
R. flammeum (speciosum)
R. molle
Evergreen Azaleas
'Ben Morrison'
'Blaauw's Pink'
'Conversation Piece'
'Delaware Valley White'
'Easter Parade'*
'Elsie Lee'
'Girard's Crimson'
'Girard's Hot Shot'
'Girard's Rose'
'Hardy Gardenia'*
'Helen Curtis'
'Hilda Niblett'
'Martha Hitchcock'
'Michael Hill'
'Nancy of Robin Hill'
'Olga Niblett'
'Purple Splendor'
'Red Ruffles'*
'Renee Michelle'
'Robin Hill Gillie'
'Scott Gartrell'
'White Rosebud'
R. yedoense