QBARS - v5n3 Revised By-Laws of American Rhododendron Society

Revised By-Laws of the American Rhododendron Society


Section. A. Local chapters are encouraged to organize within the American Rhododendron Society because the Society membership covers a large part of the United States and it is obviously impossible to choose meeting places so that a large portion of the membership can attend. Local chapters, by having their own programs and shows, should arouse more interest in Rhododendrons, further the aims of the Society, and increase its membership.
Section B. The duties of the national organization shall be to issue the Bulletin to all members, issue special publications from time to time, hold national Rhododendron Shows, supervise Test Gardens, make Special Awards to new varieties, maintain a variety check list, correlate the activities of the various chapters of the Society, and carry on the activities usually associated with a national plant society.
Section C. A group of twelve or more people, members or non-members of the American Rhododendron Society, may become an official American Rhododendron Society chapter, by request to the Secretary of the American Rhododendron Society and approval of the Governing Body. The request should be accompanied by part of the dues of each member, as hereafter designated, except that dues of any members which have been paid in advance shall be adjusted in favor of the Chapter on the basis of 10ยข per member per month of the fiscal year still remaining.
Section D. It is suggested that chapters designate themselves as The _____________Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society. Where an already organized club or society wants to become a chapter of the American Rhododendron Society, it may retain its name, if it prefers, and be known officially as "The _____ Garden Club, a Chapter of the American Rhododendron Society."
Section E. Chapters privileges may be withdrawn by vote of American Rhododendron Society Directors if membership falls below eight, or if the chapter fails to observe American Rhododendron Society rules and regulations.
Section F. Members of the chapter shall elect their own officers, consisting of President, Vice-President, Secretary and Treasurer (or Secretary/Treasurer). All elections shall be promptly reported to the Secretary of the American Rhododendron Society.
Section G. Duties of the chapter officers shall be those usually associated with the office.
Section H. The President of each local chapter shall be, ex officio, a regional Director of the American Rhododendron Society.
Section I. All members of an American Rhododendron Society chapter have full membership in the American Rhododendron Society, and are entitled to all the privileges pertaining thereto.
Section J. Local chapters are authorized to adopt their own by-laws, not inconsistent with those of the Society.
Section K. Each chapter is encouraged to have its own programs and Shows, which may be accredited by the American Rhododendron Society. Upon request, official judges may be provided or certified to serve in a chapter Show in order that American Rhododendron Society Awards maybe given if any seedlings should qualify. The American Rhododendron Society will only give approval to Rhododendron Shows which are sponsored by a local chapter or by non-profit organizations.
Section L. Publications and reports of meetings by chapters should be sent to the Secretary of the American Rhododendron Society.


Section A. Membership in this Society shall be open to all persons interested in the growth and culture of Rhododendrons or Azaleas.
Section B. Membership may be conferred in two ways: (1) Upon written application to the Secretary, endorsed by one member, and accompanied by remittance for dues as hereinafter provided, or (2) as a member of a chapter as outlined under Article I, Section C.
Section C. All paid up members of the American Rhododendron Society chapters are automatically members of the American Rhododendron Society.
Section D. Classes of membership shall be as follows:

  1. Regular members. This class shall consist of all members other than life members and honorary members.
  2. Life members. Life membership may be acquired by making application and payment of life membership dues as hereinafter provided.
  3. Honorary members. The honorary membership shall consist of those persons who shall be elected to honorary membership by unanimous vote of the Governing Body.

Section E. All members of this organization shall be entitled to receive publications issued by this organization (with the exception of cloth bound books for which a charge will be made), to vote at all meetings of the membership and to participate in exhibitions.


Section A. Dues for regular members shall be $5.00 per year, payable January 1st.
Section B. The dues of chapter members shall be collected by the chapter Secretary. Each chapter Secretary shall collect annual dues of $5.00 from each member and shall retain $1.50 of this amount for local use. This $1.50 from each member shall be used to pay for local expenses such as postage, notices. etc., and any other use which may be desired by the local chapter. $3.50 from each member shall he remitted to the Secretary of the American Rhododendron Society to pay for the Bulletin and the general expenses of the Society.
Section C. Life Members. Life membership dues shall be $100.00, of which 30%, shall go to a local chapter if the member wishes chapter affiliation.
Section D. Honorary Members. No dues shall be required or imposed upon honorary members.
Section E. No person shall be entitled to any of the rights and privileges of membership until his dues shall have been paid for the current year.


Section A. The Governing Body shall consist of the three officers hereinafter provided for, together with twelve additional members to be known as Directors, and the Regional Directors who consist of the Presidents of the various local chapters.
Section B. The term of office for members of the Governing Body shall be two years, except that the Regional Directors may be elected for one or more years, depending on the will of the local chapter.
Section C. The Governing Body shall be vested with the authority to carry on the business of the organization and the management of its affairs, and shall meet at least twice each year.


Section A. The officers of this organization shall consist of a President, a Vice-President, and a Secretary-Treasurer.
Section B. The President shall preside at all meetings of the membership and of the Governing Body and shall perform the recognized functions of his office.
Section C. The Vice-President shall preside in the absence of the President, and shall perform the recognized functions of his office.
Section D. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be responsible for the funds of this organization, who shall make a financial report at the annual meeting and the same shall be subject to audit by the Governing Body. He or she shall record the action taken at meetings of the Society and of the Governing Body; shall collect membership dues and shall perform the recognized functions of the office. Headquarters of the Society shall be in Portland, Oregon.
Section E. Each officer shall, upon the expiration of his term, deliver to his successor the records of the office.


Section A. There shall be an annual meeting of the American Rhododendron Society during the month of May, the date and place to be decided by the Governing Body.
Section B. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Governing Body.
Section C. All members shall be notified in writing of the time and place of all meetings of the membership not less than .two weeks before such meeting.
Section D. Fifteen members shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the membership.
Section E. The annual meeting of the Governing Body shall take place immediately following the annual meeting of the membership.
Section F. Other meetings of the Governing Body shall be held upon call of the President or any two members of the Governing Body.
Section G. Six members of the Governing Body shall constitute a quorum for the transaction of business.
Section H. All members of the Governing Body shall be notified in writing of the time and place of any meeting not less than ten days prior to such meeting.
Section I. Meetings of the members of local chapters shall be held not less than four times annually, the time and place to be decided by the local officers.


Section A. By December 15 of each year, the President shall appoint a Nominating Committee to consist of a chairman and four members. The names of the Committee members shall be printed in the January Bulletin together with a list of the offices to be filled, and the members invited to suggest nominations to the Committee. The names of any members submitted for a particular office by as many as five paid-up members must be included on the ballot. During February a ballot, including nominations by this Committee of one or more persons for each vacancy among the officers and upon the Governing Body, shall be printed and mailed by the Secretary to all paid-up members together with a return envelope, and instructions to mail the ballot so it will be postmarked not later than March 30th. Ballots shall be counted by the Governing Body, and the candidates receiving the most votes certified as elected. In case of a tie vote, the Governing Body shall decide. The newly elected officers shall take office at the conclusion of the annual meeting.
Section B. These By-Laws maybe amended by a two-thirds vote of those present and voting at any regular or special meeting of the Society, provided that the proposed amendment shall have been printed in the Bulletin at least one month before the meeting. Amendments maybe made by mail ballot, by a two-thirds vote of those voting, provided the proposed amendment shall have been printed in the Bulletin before the ballots are sent out, and that the ballots may not be counted until at least one month after they were mailed out.


Section A. Standing committees shall be appointed by the newly elected President at the annual meeting when he takes office. There shall be standing committees, as follows:

  1. Exhibitions. This committee shall plan all Society exhibits, arrange Show schedules, and appoint the Manager for the Annual Show.
  2. Awards. This committee shall give Preliminary Awards or Test Garden Certificates to qualified new varieties. It shall consist of members able to act as judges and located strategically in order to handle requests for judging for Awards as, for example, five members in the Seattle and Tacoma area, five in the Portland and Eugene area, and five in the East. Members shall be appointed for five-year terms. It is suggested that nominations for this committee be solicited from local chapters.
  3. Nomenclature, Registration and Test Gardens. This committee shall study and give publicity to problems of nomenclature, build and maintain a Master Check List of varieties, encourage the development of a good Rhododendron herbarium in this country, encourage the development of Test Gardens, and exercise general supervision over them on behalf of the Society. Immediate supervision of Test Gardens by local chapters is to be desired provided this is done in conformity with American Rhododendron Society regulations and that committee is kept informed of important developments. Policy must be uniform in all Test Gardens if the awards are to mean anything.
  4. Editorial. This committee shall have charge of publicity for the Society and its activities such as meetings, shows, test gardens, awards, etc. It shall work closely with the above committees for the general good of the Society.
  5. Publicity. This committee shall have charge of publicity for the Society and its activities such as meetings, shows, test gardens, awards, etc. It shall work closely with the above committees for the general good of the Society.
  6. Financial. This committee shall work with the Secretary-Treasurer in preparing any necessary budgets and in preparing an audit or arranging for one at the end of the fiscal year. It shall give especial attention to methods of increasing the income of the Society by gifts, bequests, or other methods.