QBARS - v7n1 American Horticultural Council
American Horticultural Council
The seventh annual A. H. C. Congress met in Philadelphia on November 6-7-8 1952
Of interest to the American Rhododendron Society is the subject of an International Code of Nomenclature for Cultivated Plants which was presented by Dr. Clement G. Bowers of Maine, N. Y., a member of the A.R.S. While the meeting was unofficial in the respect of an International Code, the need was expressed for an American organization such as the American Horticultural Council as a central organization through which International matters as these could he handled.
Dr. John C. Wister of Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, Pennsylvania represented the A.R.S. at this meeting. The new President, Mrs. Lewis M. Hull of Moonton, New Jersey, succeeds Dr. Wendell H. Camp of Philadelphia, and George H. M. Lawrence of the Bailey Horitorium, Ithaca, New York is the new Secretary.