QBARS - v9n1 The Yearbook
The Yearbook
J. Harold Clarke
Most of the material is on hand for the forthcoming Yearbook and it will be sent to the printer as soon as possible but it is going to take a little more time than had been anticipated to tabulate and summarize some of the information. However it is now evident that it will contain a wealth of information which every rhododendron grower could use to advantage. It will be a "reference" type book, containing instructions for growing and caring for rhododendrons and much tabular material on varieties and other related subjects.
There will be chapters on Propagation, Culture under Various Soils and Climatic Conditions, Insects and their Control, Diseases and their Control, Fragrant Rhododendrons, Hardy Dwarfs, What is Known about the "Rock" Seedlings, and Comments on Rhododendron Breeding Here and Abroad. Considerable emphasis is being placed on rhododendron breeding, with a list of varieties of American origin, and a short report on the work of all American breeders from whom it has been possible to secure information.
One of the big features will be American Rhododendron Society quality and hardiness ratings based on the survey recently made. It is planned to include other valuable information concerning size, color, blooming season, etc., in the table giving the ratings.
There will be an extensive collection of recommended variety lists to include best of various colors, best for specific uses and best for various localities. Realizing that such lists are simply matters of individual or group "judgment" the yearbook committee has not attempted to set up such lists itself but is asking a number of growers who are well qualified to suggest the varieties which they personally think should be included.
There will be a glossary of botanical terms often used for rhododendrons, together with sketches to illustrate many of the terms. Other items will include the A.R.S. Code of Nomenclature, rules governing A.R.S. awards, descriptions of Award plants, a bibliography of rhododendron literature and an index to the A.R.S. Bulletins.