JCAEDE v2n1: JCAEDE Publishes Second Issue
JCAEDE Publishes Second Issue
A little over a year ago, JCAEDE was launched with its first issue. We expected to be deluged with manuscripts so that we could publish at least two issues in 1996. Unfortunately, we only received three manuscripts during 1996 so we are publishing this sole issue with only one juried review article. Nonetheless, we are hopeful that the journal will receive more support this year though our efforts to publicize through various organizations such as ACADIA (Association of Computer-Aided Design in Architecture) and DCA (Design Communication Association). And, the availability of quick HTML editors such as those from Netscape Navigator 3.0 Gold should make preparing a manuscript for JCAEDE an easy process. Nevertheless, we are proud of this second issue of JCAEDE and welcome inquiries about possible manuscripts.
We are pleased to publish Celine Pinet's article "Virtual Reality: Heir Apparent to CAD." Aimed at designers or students who know little about the subject,the article covers the issues and problems that are involved in creating computer models for real-time modeling or VR. This article should be of interest to practicing designers so they can be aware of this technology. She also has included a good reference list that other VR researchers can use.
In a precedent set with the first issue, we are publishing a 3D modeling tutorial that one of the editors uses with her interior design students. She has used this for 3 years to teach students how to model an interior quickly with 3D Studio. This tutorial can be copied for educational use by citing author and the JCAEDE journal.
Joan McLain-Kark & Bob Schubert