JDC - Submittal Guidelines
Submittal Guidelines Articles submitted to JDC must not be under review by any other journal or conference proceedings. Previously published articles cannot be published by JDC but exceptions may be made if permission is obtained and the editor believes the article is of sufficient merit.
Organization of Journal
JDC has two main sections:
Juried: Double-blind reviewed articles (2000-3000 words) with or without graphics.
Non-Juried or Invited: Articles (500-2000 words) relating to design communication tips or techniques. Invited papers may be on issues relating to design communication.
Format/Manuscript Preparation
JDC encourages the use of HTML to prepare manuscripts. The format follows the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, fourth edition. The manuscript should be organized with a title, abstract, text, and reference list. Headers are not necessary. Include a title page or e-mail message with author's names, addresses, and e-mail addresses. Headings should be provided as needed. A 100-120 word abstract should follow the title.
In the text, cite by the surname and year of publication such as: " In a study (Jones, 1995) of. . ." or "Jones (1995) studied. . " The reference list should be alphabetized by author surname such as:Jones, T. (1995). The use of CAD in design schools. Archives of Design, 2, 22-25.
See the APA manual for more examples of the format.
In the text, place the following note regarding location of figures or graphics with filename listed similar to APA style:
_________________Insert Figure 1 "Filename" Here
_________________If you have your file in HTML format, the author can simply insert the figure and label it (Figure 1, Figure 2, etc.)
Submittal of Manuscript Files
Acceptable file formats include ASCII, HTML, MS Word, Wordperfect, files. Acceptable graphic file formats include GIFF, JPEG, or PICT. These files can be submitted in two ways:
File Transfer: Authors should contact the editor below for information on sending your files via e-mail attachment or by FTP.
Diskette Submittal: Authors can submit manuscripts as files on diskettes (formatted either with DOS or Macintosh). Put author's name and file names on the diskette. Include a cover letter with author's e-mail address. The editors will respond with an acknowledgement with e-mail in about a week. Articles will be double blind reviewed. Reviews take approximately 6 weeks.
Web site: Author can give a web site address for their manuscipt.
Manuscripts and e-mail should be sent to:
Joan McLain-Kark
Editor, Journal of Design Communication
Virginia Tech
101 Wallace Hall
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0410
Copyright (c) 1998 Journal of Design Communication