JVER v29n1 - American Vocational Education Research Association (AVERA) Membership Form
Volume 29, Number 1
American Vocational Education Research Association (AVERA) Membership Form
Join AVERA today! Support for research in vocational, career and technical education has never been more important and affiliation with AVERA is an important facet of that support. Your membership in AVERA brings to you the most up-to-date and highest quality research in the field.
The Beacon-quarterly newsletter of the Association. The Journal of Vocational Education Research,. Who's Who in Vocational Education Research membership directory. Abstracts of papers presented at national conventions. Access AVERA web page http://www.tadda.wsu.edu/avera Attend annual meetings held n conjunction with the Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE) Convention in December. Serve your profession as an officer, on committees, or with the board or staff of this journal. Share research at AVERA-sponsored presentations and symposia at the annual ACTE Convention and the American Educational Research Assoc. meeting. Recognize outstanding contributions in vocational, career, and technical education.
AVERA Membership Application Form
Send form/check to: Div of Teaching &
Learning, 529 Education, Bowling Green
State Un, Bowling Green, OH 43441.• Make checks payable to AVERA.
• Dues outside USA should be paid in US dollars.
• Membership is good for 12 months.
Membership Category
____ Regular ($40.00) ____ New ____ Emeritus ($10.00) ____ Renewal ____ Student ($10.00)
Institution or Organization:
Mailing Address:
Phone #: Fax #:
E-mail Address:
Please indicate whether you would like to have your e-mail address on the AVERA
Web page: ____ Yes ____ No
ACTE Divisions (Check one or more):
____ Administration ____ Health ____Technical ____ Agriculture ____ International ____ Technology Education ____ Business ____ Marketing ____ Trade & Industrial ____ Family & Consumer ____ New & Related ____ Other ____ Sciences ____ Special Needs ____ Guidance
Please list two areas of research expertise/interest for the membership directory.