JVME Instructions for Authors
Articles submitted for publication in the Journal are accepted with the understanding that they are not being offered for publication elsewhere. The Journal accepts material for publication on the premise that such acceptance implies transfer of copyright to the Journal .
Original articles submitted to the Journal are subject to review by one or more of the contributing editors, or by other authorities selected by the editors. Manuscripts selected for publication are subject to editing. If extensive revision of a manuscript seems necessary, it will be returned to the author.
Manuscripts, including references, endnotes, tables, and legends, must be typewritten, double-spaced, on 8-1/2 by 11 inch heavy-duty bond paper, and the original and 2 copies submitted. One inch margins should be allowed on the sides and two inch margins on the top and bottom. Manuscripts should not be right justified. If possible for the author to do so, the manuscript also should be submitted in electronic form as a text (standard ASCII) file that can be accessed on a personal computer through MS-DOS or PC-DOS, or on Macintosh disks either as standard text files or Microsoft WORD(R) files. No justification, tabs or extra spaces should be used. All lines should begin at the left hand margin. For more detailed instructions on electronic file submission, please contact the editor.
Photographs or other illustrations should be furnished as glossy prints. Identifying arrows and letters should be neat and contrast sharply with backgrounds. All should bear the author's name, illustration number, and "top" indication on the back. Two sets should be submitted and the negatives should be kept by the author.
Tables should be simple and double-spaced typed on a separate sheet. Sufficient information should be included to allow the table to be understood without reference to the text.
An informative summary that tells only what was done and what was learned should be included at the end of the manuscript. All statements in the summary should be in the past tense.
Acknowledgments should be limited to persons who have contributed materially to the technical content, e.g., recognition of secretarial and editorial assistance should not be included. Only those persons who have contributed materially to the technical content should be included as authors. Acknowledgments and credit to others should be included as endnotes in the Reference and Endnote section.
References to published works, abstracts, personal communication, and theses should be limited to what is relevant and necessary. These should be referred to in the text by numbers in parentheses (not superscripts) in the order in which they occur in the text. Examples are as follows:
1. Task analysis of accredited veterinarians, Washington, DC: USDA, APHIS, VS, U.S. Govt Printing Off, 1984.
2. Alexander JT, Bancroft AH, Rooney JR: The biomechanics, surgery, and prognosis of equine fractures. In Proceedings, 18th Annual Meeting, Am Assoc Equine Pract , 2191-2196, 1973.
3. Occupational safety standards. Fed Register 45:4667 (Jan 14), 1973.
4. Stogdale L: Feminization of the veterinary profession. Jour Vet Med Educ 11:38-42, 1985.
5. Arey LB: Developmental Anatomy , ed 5. Philadelphia: WB Saunders Co, 1956, pp 236-240.Arabic numerals should be used wherever digits are needed except at the beginning of a sentence. Abbreviations of weights and measures as given in standard dictionaries are usually acceptable. Some are determined by editorial preference. e.g., g (not gm); kg (not Kg); ml (not cc): mb/100 ml (not ml%). Other abbreviations should be explained the first time they are mentioned, either in parentheses or in a endnote.
The Journal reserves the right to reject any manuscript. Rejected manuscripts will not be returned.
Authors may reproduce their articles provided the copies are not for resale and written permission is obtained from the editor prior to reproduction.
The Journal is available in microform from University Microfilms International, 300 North Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48106 (1-800-521-3044) and reprints are available from the Institute for Scientific Information, 3501 Market Street, Philadelphia, PA 19104 USA, Fax: 215.386.6362.
Abstracts appear in Focus On: Veterinary Science and Medicine(TM).
Correspondence should be addressed to the editor:
Dr. Richard B. Talbot
VA-MD College of Veterinary Medicine
Virginia Tech Campus
Blacksburg, VA 24061-0442 USA