JVME v21n1: Book Review

Volume 21, Number 1 Spring, 1994

Book Review

Canine and Feline Behavior Problems. S. Schwartz. American Veterinary Publications, Inc., 5782 Thornwood Drive, Goleta, CA 93117. 1994, 127 pp., $39.00.

Undesirable or inappropriate behaviors in companion animals rank high among reasons given for destruction of otherwise healthy pets. Only recently, has the value of animal behavior to veterinary practice begun to be appreciated. Courses on this subject are now being taught in most of the colleges in North America. The purpose of this publication is to provide to clinicians a ready source of information to dispense to clients explaining how and why some of the more common and undesirable behaviors in pets occur plus simple suggestions for their resolution. It is written for laymen but designed to complement conferences between the client and the veterinarian. The master sheets are designed to be photocopied and provided to the client.

The topics include aggression, elimination problems, reproduction, neuroses, destructiveness, and a series of miscellaneous topics such as coping with loss of a pet, moving to a new home and traveling with your pet.

The book should be of value to all practitioners who recognize the importance of this new and expanding field in their profession and who want to assist their clients in coping with behavioral problems.

R. B. Talbot, DVM, PhD