VPIEJ-L 06/93
VPIEJ-L Discussion Archives
June 1993
========================================================================= Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1993 08:26:25 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: "Sam A. Khosh-khui" <sk03@swtexas.bitnet> Subject: E-Journal Survey This message is cross-posted to several library oriented E-Conferences. Please excuse the duplication. We are in the process of planning to provide access to the electronic journals here at the Alkek Library, Southwest Texas State University. We would like to hear how other academic libraries handle this type of journals. If your library acquires e-journals and makes them accessible to the patrons, I would appreciate your completing the following questionnaire and directly E-Mailing it to the following address. I will summarize the results of this survey and post it on the list. Thank you in advance for your participation. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sam A. Khosh-khui, Ph. D. BITNET: SK03@SWTEXAS * * Serials Cataloging Librarian INTERNET: SK03@ACADEMIA.SWT.EDU * * Albert B. Alkek Library PHONE: 512/245-2288 * * Southwest Texas State University FAX: 512/245-3002 * * San Marcos, Texas 78666-4604 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * --------------------------- E-journal Questionnaire -------------------------- I. CURRENT ISSUES A. METHOD(S) OF PATRON ACCESS 1. Please mark any applicable methods you use: ___ Provide a print copy of e-journal text for patron's use ___ Run printout of the e-journal text by request only ___ Provide printers for patrons to print e-journal text themselves ___ Allow downloading to PC on floppy diskette ___ Allow downloading to user account in main computer ___ E-mail e-journal text to appropriate requester (such as faculty) ___ No patron access currently available ___ Other (please specify) _________________________________ B. METHOD(S) OF CURRENT ISSUES STORAGE 1. Please mark any applicable methods you use: ___ Provide access to e-journal text in OPAC ___ E-journal text archived in main computer for on request retrieval ___ Internet access outside of OPAC ___ Other online access ___ Printouts bound and shelved ___ Other (please specify) _________________________________ 2. How long are current issues kept?___________________________ C. METHOD(S) OF PATRON NOTIFICATION 1. Do you inform patrons of new e-journal issues received? Yes ____ No ____ If your answer was yes please continue. If no, skip to section II. 2. How are patrons notified? ___ E-mail e-journal text to appropriate patrons (faculty, for example) ___ E-mail issue citation to appropriate patrons (faculty, for example) ___ E-mail tables of contents to appropriate patrons ___ Mail print notification to appropriate patrons ___ Other (please specify) _________________________________ II. BACK ISSUES A. METHOD(S) OF PATRON ACCESS Please mark any applicable methods you use. If you do not retain back issues skip to section III. 1. Please mark any applicable methods you use: ___ Provide a print copy of e-journal text for patron's use ___ Run printout of the e-journal text by request only ___ Provide printers for patrons to print e-journal text themselves ___ Allow downloading to PC on floppy diskette ___ Allow downloading to user account in main computer ___ E-mail e-journal text to appropriate requester (such as faculty) ___ No patron access currently available ___ Other (please specify) _________________________________ B. METHOD(S) OF STORAGE 1. Please mark any applicable methods you use: ___ Provide access to e-journal text in OPAC ___ E-journal text archived in main computer for on request retrieval ___ Internet access outside of OPAC ___ Other online access ___ Printouts are bound and shelved ___ Other (please specify) __________________________________ 2. How long are back issues kept?____________________ C. If you electronically archive back issues of e-journals 1. What medium do you use? ___ Floppy disk ___ Microcomputer hard disk ___ Mainframe disk drive ___ Mainframe 8mm cartridge ___ Mainframe tape drive ___ Other (please specify) ________________________________ 2. How much required storage space per title do you consider as the average for each medium? Floppy disk Average kilobyte/title/year _______ Microcomputer hard disk Average kilobyte/title/year _______ Mainframe disk drive Average kilobyte/title/year _______ Mainframe 8mm cartridge Average kilobyte/title/year _______ Magnetic tape Average kilobyte/title/year _______ Other (Please specify) Average kilobyte/title/year _______ ______________________ III. METHODS OF ORGANIZING Do you Catalog or Classify E-journals? --- All e-journals are fully cataloged and classified --- All e-journals are briefly cataloged and not classified --- Selected e-journals are fully cataloged and classified --- Selected e-journals are briefly cataloged and not classified --- Other (Please specify) __________________________________________ IV. TYPES OF E-JOURNALS ACQUIRED ___ Free e-journals ___ Subscription e-journals ___ Scholarly e-journals ___ "Newsletter" e-journals ___ Others (Please specify)__________________________________________ V. SELECTION RESPONSIBILITY Who selects and/or recommends subscriptions to e-journals? (Please mark all applicable choices.) --- Faculty --- Librarians --- Students/patrons --- Staff (other than librarians) --- Others (Please specify) _______________________________________ VI. ACQUISITIONS RESPONSIBILITY Which Dept. in your library has the responsibility of subscribing to and setting up check in records for e-journals? --- Acquisitions --- Automation --- Cataloging --- Reference --- Computer system personnel (Non-librarians) --- Other (Please specify) _________________________________________ Comments: VII. DISTRIBUTION AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES Which Dept. in your library has the responsibility of distributing e-journals? (i.e., allowing access to patrons, and physically storing, or retrieving archived e-journals.) --- Acquisitions --- Automation --- Cataloging --- Reference --- Computer system personnel (Non-librarians) --- Other (Please specify) __________________________________________ Comments: VIII. INTER-LIBRARY LOAN How do you handle Inter-Library Loan for e-Journals? --- E-Mail the text of the e-journal to the requester --- Copy the text to a floppy diskette and mail it to the requester --- Print a paper copy of the text and mail it to the requester --- Other (Please specify) _________________________________________ ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1993 08:48:23 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: James Powell <jpowell@vtvm1.bitnet> Subject: VPIEJ-L Resources Update VPIEJ-L Resources These resources provide access to the VPIEJ-L list and/or archives of VPIEJ-L posts. Additional files relevant to electronic journal publishing are available at the FTP, Gopher, Listserv and WWW sites. FTP Archive: The Scholarly Communications Project of Virginia Tech has an anonymous FTP archive which includes the VPIEJ-L archive, along with many electronic texts and electronic publishing utilities. To access this site, FTP to BORG.LIB.VT.EDU and login as userid anonymous. This FTP archive is available to the Gopher literate through the Gopher at gopher.micro.umn.edu. Select item 5, Internet file server (FTP) sites/, then item 2, Popular FTP Sites via Gopher/. Gopher Access: The FTP archive files are available via a Gopher+ server at borg.lib.vt.edu port 5070. VPIEJ-L files are in /pub/vpiej-l. Menu items are likely to gain new names, but this server is now permanent. Listserv Archive: There is a listserv archive available at listserv@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu (listserv@vtvm1 for BITNET) for VPIEJ-L. Send a command as the body of a mail message to get a current filelist: INDEX VPIEJ-L to listserv. Use the get command to retrieve items from the archive in a mail message: GET EJ-BIB TXT. Usenet Gateway: Subscribers may want to consider reading VPIEJ-L on Usenet. Check with your system administrator to see if your site receives bit.listserv.vpiej-l. If it does, you can unsubscribe your email account by sending a SIGNOFF VPIEJ-L command to listserv@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu. You will still be able to post to the list by email to vpiej-l@vtvm1.cc.vt.edu. If your site does not carry this group, please encourage them to add it. WAIS Source: The discussion logs for the VPIEJ-L list are searchable via WAIS. The wais source may be retrieved from the directory-of-servers by searching for VPIEJ-L, or by FTP to borg.lib.vt.edu in the pub/WAIS/sources directory. World Wide Web Access: Point your WWW or Xmosaic client at the Scholarly Communications Project page: http://borg.lib.vt.edu/z-borg/www/. There is a link to a hypertext version of the VPIEJ-L discussion archives, which are still under construction. There is also a link to the Usenet newsgroup bit.listserv.vpiej-l. ----------------------- VPIEJ-L@VTVM1 VPIEJ-L@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU bit.listserv.vpiej-l VPIEJ-L is a discussion list for electronic publishing issues, especially those related to Scholarly Electronic Journals. Topics for discussion include SGML, PostScript, and other e-journal formats; as well as software and hardware considerations for creation of, storage, and access to e-journals. Publishers, editors, technical staff, programmers, librarians, and end-users are welcome to join. One goal of the list is to provide better feedback from users to creators, so we are very interested in receiving and archival issues. This should give those of us involved in publishing an idea as to what distribution methods work and how end-users are accessing and using these publications. Current readers of and contributors to VPIEJ-L have discussed readability and screen display, copyright, and advertising (noncommercial). Archives of VPIEJ-L are available. A listing may be retrieved by sending a command INDEX VPIEJ-L to LISTSERV@VTVM1. To subscribe, send the following command to LISTSERV@VTVM1 via mail or interactive message: SUB VPIEJ-L your_full_name where "your_full_name" is your name. For example: SUB VPIEJ-L Joan Doe Or you may read and post to VPIEJ-L via Usenet in the group bit.listserv.vpiej-l Owner: James Powell <jpowell@vtvm1> James Powell ... Library Automation, University Libraries, VPI&SU 1-7889 ... JPOWELL@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU ... jpowell@borg.lib.vt.edu - NeXTMail welcome here ... Owner of VPIEJ-L, a discussion list for Electronic Journals ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1993 15:22:36 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: Dirk Herr-Hoyman <hoymand@joe.uwex.edu> Subject: Critical mass in e-journals I was at a workshop last week on e-journals in which the phrase "critical mass" kept popping up. One of the problems in producing an e-journal is how to convince potential readers to change their workflow and learn how to use an e-journal, when there are only a few e-journals they might be interested in. The critical mass appears to occur within subject areas. At this workshop, it was felt that a critical mass of agricultural journals were represented. If all or most of these journals were to go electronic as part of a group effort, then readers would indeed pay attension to the electronic format. I am wondering if there are any efforts either underway or planned which would result in a critical mass of e-journals within some discipline. I am aware of a project at Cornell's Mann Library that has created e-journals for chemical researchers. This Ag society group, that had a meeting last week, is another. Are there others? --- Dirk Herr-Hoyman | Practice Internet Publishing Specialist | random acts of Electronic Journal of Extension | kindness Project Coordinator | and University of Wisconsin-Extension | senseless beauty hoymand@joe.uwex.edu (NeXTmail accepted) | 608-265-3893 (voice) 608-265-2530 (fax) | ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1993 16:51:32 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: "Natalie S. King" <nking@wam.umd.edu> Subject: Re: Critical mass in e-journals Is the "Ag group" actually assembling a group of e-journals? What Ag group is this? Natalie King, NKING@wam.umd.edu ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1993 16:52:26 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: James Powell <jpowell@vtvm1.bitnet> Subject: Re: Critical mass in e-journals In-Reply-To: Message of Tue, 1 Jun 1993 15:22:36 EDT from <hoymand@joe.uwex.edu> I wonder if critical mass might not also be obtained by placing all the back issues of a particular title into an electronic form, especially if this collection of issues is searchable? The Scholarly Communications Project has all the issues of two titles online (Journal of Technology Education, Journal of the International Academy of Hospitality Research), but there are too few issues to have that sort of impact. Twenty-two years of a major quarterly might be a different story... Can "critical mass" be achieved before a significant number of electronic journals start charging a fee? That seems unlikely to me. James Powell ... Library Automation, University Libraries, VPI&SU 1-7889 ... JPOWELL@VTVM1.CC.VT.EDU ... jpowell@borg.lib.vt.edu - NeXTMail welcome here ... Owner of VPIEJ-L, a discussion list for Electronic Journals ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1993 09:04:48 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: Stevan Harnad <harnad@princeton.edu> Subject: Re: Critical mass in e-journals > From: Dirk Herr-Hoyman <hoymand@joe.uwex.edu> > Subject: Critical mass in e-journals > > One of the problems in producing an e-journal is how to convince > potential readers to change their workflow and learn how to use an > e-journal, when there are only a few e-journals they might be > interested in. In my opinion the critical mass problem is not a readership problem, nor one of e-journal numbers. The critical mass that needs to be attracted to e-journals is a mass of high-quality AUTHORS (against a background of initial worries about receiving due credit, being faithfully archived in perpetuum, etc.). Once you have articles that are worth reading, you will have made the readership an offer it cannot refuse. It is a foregone conclusion that this critical mass will be attained; some of us are dedicated to ensuring that this happens sooner rather than later. For that, actively encouraging suitable authors will be necessary for a while, rather than passive reliance on spontaneous submissions. Stevan Harnad Editor, Behavioral & Brain Sciences, PSYCOLOQUY Cognitive Science Laboratory | Laboratoire Cognition et Mouvement Princeton University | URA CNRS 1166 I.B.H.O.P. 221 Nassau Street | Universite d'Aix Marseille II Princeton NJ 08544-2093 | 13388 Marseille cedex 13, France harnad@princeton.edu | harnad@riluminy.univ-mrs.fr 609-921-7771 | 33-91-66-00-69 ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1993 09:05:29 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: Stu Weibel <weibel@oclc.org> Subject: Re: Critical mass in e-journals The CORE Project (the project to mount American Chemical Society journals at Cornell alluded to in a previous post), will have 20 journals extending back to approximately 1980 online. We hope users (Cornell Chemists) will find this collection sufficiently massive to be genuinely useful in the conduct of scholarship. It is important to note, however, that there is more to it than just quantity. The full text of these journals has been available online for years via the STN service. It has not been as widely used as one might expect, suggesting that more than just lots-o-text is important. Obvious impediments other than availability of large amounts of text include: -Format of the data: Does it include graphics? Is it esthetically acceptable? -Functionality of the interface: Will it support the methods of work of the user population? Does it make searching/browsing/citation/fact-extraction easier or harder? Are there opportunities to provide functionality that are not feasible in the medium of paper -Pricing model: Is there a sensible pricing model that will be acceptable to users and provide a predictable revenue stream sufficient to support the publication process? Critical mass is necessary, but not sufficient. Stuart Weibel Senior Research Scientist OCLC Office of Research (CORE Project Team Leader for OCLC) weibel@oclc.org ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 2 Jun 1993 14:17:24 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: Dirk Herr-Hoyman <hoymand@joe.uwex.edu> Subject: Re: Critical mass in e-journals Date: Tue, 1 Jun 1993 16:51:32 EDT From: "Natalie S. King" <nking@wam.umd.edu> > Is the "Ag group" actually assembling a group of e-journals? What Ag group is > this? > > Natalie King, NKING@wam.umd.edu > This is a group of Agricultural professional societies, all of which publish journals for their membership. This effort is just in the early stages. I would call it a proposed project. The background is this, the Mann Library at Cornell would like to produce a CD-ROM set of the important Ag literature for the 3rd World. As payback for use of their journals, the Ag societies would receive electronic format of the last 5 years of their journals. The project would take all of these and create an e-journal archive, available on the Internet. If this were to happen, it would jumpstart all of these publishers into e-journals and have instant critical mass. I do agree with Stuart Weibel that "critcal mass is necessary, but not sufficient" and I would hope that what might come out of such an effort would be not only a critical mass of information, but also a standard (or at least uniform) interface for the user and a standard production method. These would both be critical mass in other dimensions. Another point Stuart raises is "Are there opportunities to provide functionality that are not feasible in the medium of paper?". One of these is hypertext, which demands a critical mass of information in order to be interesting. --- Dirk Herr-Hoyman | If Prodigy is like a Internet Publishing Specialist | chaperoned dance, Electronic Journal of Extension | then the Internet is like Project Coordinator | a cyberpunk University of Wisconsin-Extension | slam dance. hoymand@joe.uwex.edu (NeXTmail accepted) | 608-265-3893 (voice) 608-265-2530 (fax) | ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1993 08:30:47 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: Ken Laws <laws@ai.sri.com> Subject: Re: Critical mass in e-journals In-Reply-To: <9306012121.AA18770@Sunset.AI.SRI.COM> > I wonder if critical mass might not also be obtained by placing all the back > issues of a particular title into an electronic form, especially if this > collection of issues is searchable? Hi! I'm tempted to rename this thread "Blasphemy," given the number of librarians reading this newsgroup. Librarians deal constantly with users who want access to back issues. As a publisher of an electronic newsletter, though, I find that there is almost no interest in back issues. Well, a bit of interest if the access is convenient and free -- but not if it costs anything. People who pay me to find useful news and information for them are busy people. They have trouble keeping up with today's happenings, and have no interest in exploring last year's news. If last year's news is currently important, they want _me_ to bring it to their attention again. And, since I run a service business, they count on me to retain leads to people and products that have been mentioned. Hardcopy journals can't work this way, but e-journals can. -- Ken Laws ------- ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1993 14:00:46 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: LUIS ZEREDO <l.zeredo@sheffield.ac.uk> Subject: Re: Critical mass in e-journals + update info "People who pay me to find useful news and information for them are busy people. They have trouble keeping up with today's happenings, and have no interest in exploring last year's news." -- Ken Laws UP-TO-DATE I strongly believe that the best thing an electronic journal can bring to the academic life is the up-to-date publication of research works. EFFICIENT For example, if we spend two months writing and reviewing an article and the journal takes some three to six months within the peer review process, the work would be published in eight months time, whilst in an electronic journal this time could be reduced to a couple of weeks from the time the article reaches the editors. Moreover, the file becomes immediately available for readers, at least for the academic community. TIMELY Another fact is that the University Libraries can keep archives of electronic journals, due to fertile contact with editors. The time from conception of any idea to its communication can be effectively reduced with the help of electronic journals. Electronic marketing is also faster than the printed marketing of journals. Luis Zeredo List-Owner <sis@mailbase.ac.uk> General Editor <sis-ejounal@mailbase.ac.uk> ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 3 Jun 1993 14:01:21 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: Stevan Harnad <harnad@princeton.edu> Subject: Wrong Model for Scholarly E-Journals > From: Ken Laws <laws@ai.sri.com> > > Librarians deal constantly > with users who want access to back issues. As a publisher of an > electronic newsletter, though, I find that there is almost no > interest in back issues. Well, a bit of interest if the access > is convenient and free -- but not if it costs anything. > > People who pay me to find useful news and information for them > are busy people. They have trouble keeping up with today's > happenings, and have no interest in exploring last year's > news. If last year's news is currently important, they want > _me_ to bring it to their attention again. And, since I run > a service business, they count on me to retain leads to > people and products that have been mentioned. Hardcopy journals > can't work this way, but e-journals can. This might be the right model for a news or business e-journal but CERTAINLY NOT for a scholarly or scientific one, where "old news" is definitely "good news." To be taken seriously and to be useful to scholars and scientists, electronic journals will HAVE to be reliably and perspicaciously archived, and they will have to be directly searchable and accessible by/to the scholar. What that calls for is Veronica-like tools, not mediating specialists. What Ken Laws does is very valuable and important, but it is NOT what scholars and scholarly electronic journals want or need. (It is also the wrong economic model, but that's another complex issue.) Stevan Harnad Editor, Behavioral & Brain Sciences, PSYCOLOQUY Cognitive Science Laboratory | Laboratoire Cognition et Mouvement Princeton University | URA CNRS 1166 I.B.H.O.P. 221 Nassau Street | Universite d'Aix Marseille II Princeton NJ 08544-2093 | 13388 Marseille cedex 13, France harnad@princeton.edu | harnad@riluminy.univ-mrs.fr 609-921-7771 | 33-91-66-00-69 ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1993 08:26:12 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: "STANLEY, NANCY" <nms@psulias.bitnet> Organization: Penn State University / University Libraries Subject: ALCTS Acquisitions Sect. Program The following program notice is cross posted to several list. Please excuse the duplication. ------------------------------------------------------------------ An exciting ALCTS program being offered at ALA '93: PROGRAM TITLE: ACQUIRING & ACCESSING ELECTRONIC INFORMATION This program provides an opportunity to gain knowledge of and discuss issues related to the acquisitions of electronic generated information. MODERATOR: KEN DOWLIN, Director, San Francisco Public Library SPEAKERS: REBECCA LENZINI, President, CARL Systems, Inc. WILLIAM HANNAY, Attorney, Schiff, Hardin & Waite, Chicago TRISHA DAVIS, Head, Continuation Acquisitions Division, Ohio State University WHEN: Monday, June 28, 1993, 9:00 - 11:00 a.m. WHERE: Fairmont Hotel, Emerald Ballroom SPONSORS: ALCTS Acquisitions Section, Technology for Acquisitions Committee ALCTS Collection Management & Development Section, Collection Development and Electronic Media Committee Government Documents Round Table (GODORT) LAMA System & Services Section, Automated Acquisitions Committee This should be a very interesting program so don't miss it. If there are questions, please contact Joe Raker at 617-536-5400 or jraker@bpl.org. -------------------------------------------------------------------- Please share this notice with colleagues who may not have access. Thank you. Nancy M. Stanley Acquisitions Dept. Penn State Univ. Libraries nms@psulias ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1993 12:10:52 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: PAT HOFFMANN <hoffmap@snyplava.bitnet> Organization: SUNY at Plattsburgh, New York, USA Subject: concordance/indexing programs I am looking for the names of specific software companies that may have indexing or concordance programs available. If you know of any such please reply directly. And many thanks. Pat Hoffmann hoffmap@snyplava.bitnet hoffmap@splava.cc.plattsburgh.edu ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1993 12:12:50 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: SIRI <siri@aigle.ccrit.doc.ca> Subject: Information on the Electronic Highway NEW SIRI SERVICES PROVIDING YOU WITH INFORMATION THAT YOU CAN PUT TO WORK... Following feedback from our readers, the SIRI (Service integre de ressources d'information/Integrated Service for Information Resources) team at the Canadian Workplace Automation Research Centre (CWARC) is in the process of revising its products, services and policies. For anyone in an interdisciplinary field wanting to remain fully up-to-date, scanning multiple journals on a regular basis is critical. It is, however, a time-consuming activity. Moreover, one may not necessarily have access to all the relevant periodicals dealing with the subject being researched. The objective of the SIRI team, therefore, is to offer through FLASH INFORMATION and a new additional product (which is yet to be named), a selective dissemination of information specifically geared towards the information needs of researchers and management within the fields of information management and information technologies. These electronic publications will keep our readers up-to-date by providing details of relevant newly published information scanned from some 300 journals and news bulletins from our collection on a weekly basis. OUR NEW FORMAT.... The SIRI team is working toward improving the contents, format and access of FLASH INFORMATION. Future issues of FLASH INFORMATION, our bibliographic issue of articles on information technologies and industry news, for example, will be more comprehensive and entries will be grouped under general subject headings. Topics identified reflect the Centre's main research interests which include language technology, content engineering, multimedia, human-computer interaction issues, and learning technologies. An indexed listing of the journals scanned will be provided upon request. OUR NEW PRODUCT.... Whereas FLASH INFORMATION is a list of titles of articles, our new product will consist of abstracts of articles. This publication will provide researchers and management with news on strategic alliances within the industry and the Canadian government, industry news and issues, market and R & D trends, and recent developments in information/computer/communications related fields. These abstracts will be distributed jointly with FLASH INFORMATION. The list of subject headings, an example of FLASH INFORMATION in its new format and sample entries of our new product are included. TO PROVIDE YOU WITH INFORMATION THAT YOU CAN PUT TO WORK.... Up to now FLASH INFORMATION has been made available free of charge. We will continue sending you FLASH INFORMATION together with our new publication free until September. In order to provide you with the new products and services, however, a minimal subscription fee may be charged beginning September in order to recover some of the production costs. We would like to accommodate the needs of as many readers as possible; we would appreciate it, therefore, if you could supply us with the name and the electronic address of anyone who may be interested in our services. If you have any new ideas, suggestions or comments, please contact us at Siri@aigle.ccrit.doc.ca. ________________________ SUBJECT HEADINGS... (BUS)BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT/AFFAIRES ET GESTION Research and development (management, planning, programs) Trends and statistics Technology transfer (NET) COMPUTER NETWORKS AND DATA COMMUNICATIONS/RESEAUX D'ORDINATEURS ET TELEINFORMATIQUE (ARC) COMPUTER SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE/ARCHITECTURE DES SYSTEMES INFORMATIQUES RISC technologies Microprocessors Parallel processing (BAR) DATA CAPTURE/COLLECTE DES DONNEES Bar coding Remote sensing Smart cards (DIS) DISABLED PERSONS' AIDS/OUTILS POUR PERSONNES HANDICAPEES (CAI) EDUCATION, TRAINING, PERFORMANCE SUPPORT/EDUCATION, FORMATION, SOUTIEN A LA PERFORMANCE Computer-based instruction and training Performance support systems Decision support systems (HUM) HUMAN-MACHINE INTERACTION/INTERACTIONS PERSONNE-MACHINE (IND) INDUSTRY NEWS/NOUVELLES DE L'INDUSTRIE (EDI) INFORMATION INTERCHANGE/ECHANGE DES DONNEES EDI, CALS Markup languages Document architecture, document processing and interchange (ISR) INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL/STOCKAGE ET REPERAGE DE L'INFORMATION Document imaging systems (Microforms, optical disc imaging...) Records and archives management Information architecture Database management systems Data models Online searching strategies Optical media storage (Optical discs, microforms, holography) Magnetic disc storage Magnetic tape storage (MIS) INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT/GESTION DES SYSTEMES INFORMATIQUES Implementation and evaluation Network, software management Information systems and telecommunications systems security Migration of information systems (downsizing, rightsizing, etc.) (LEG) LEGAL, SOCIAL, POLITICAL ISSUES/ASPECTS LEGAUX, SOCIAUX, POLITIQUES (MUL) MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS/SYSTTMES MULTIMEDIAS (LIN) NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING/TRAITEMENT DES LANGUES NATURELLES Natural language processing Written language processing Natural language analysis Translation, text synthesis Speech processing Speech recognition, speech synthesis (RSO) REVIEWS, ANNOUNCEMENTS - SOFTWARE PRODUCTS/RECENSIONS ET ANALYSES - LOGICIELS (RTE) REVIEWS, ANNOUNCEMENTS - TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES/RECENSIONS ET ANALYSES - SERVICES DE TELECOMMUNICATIONS (REQ) REVIEWS, ANNOUNCEMENTS - COMPUTER HARDWARE AND PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT/ RECENSIONS ET ANALYSES - MATERIEL INFORMATIQUE (SEN) SOFTWARE ENGINEERING/GENIE LOGICIEL Programming theory, paradigms, methodologies, languages, techniques Logic programming Object-oriented programming Software tools (STD) STANDARDS AND STANDARDIZATION/NORMES ET NORMALISATION (TEL) TELECOMMUNICATIONS/TELECOMMUNICATIONS Telecommunications systems and technology Telecommunications industry and services Online services (videotex services) Voice communications (telephony) and messaging Data communications services Telecommunications equipment and industry (WOR) WORK ORGANIZATION/ORGANISATION DU TRAVAIL Telecommuting Work processes design Work flow automation, computer supported cooperative work (VAR) MISCELLANEOUS/DIVERS ----------------------------------- EXAMPLE OF FLASH INFORMATION IN ITS NEW FORMAT.... BUSINESS AND MANAGEMENT / AFFAIRES ET GESTION Bilan scientifique et technologique de Montreal / Champagne, Marielle -- In: DIRECTION INFORMATIQUE, 6(5) mai 1993 p. 11 Building HCI partnerships and infrastructure / Shneiderman, Ben ; Lewis, Clayton -- In: BEHAVIOUR AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 12(2) Mar./Apr. 1993 p. 130-135 Canada's IT growth nabs seventh place. [Result of a market survey by International Data Corp. (Canada) on computer, computer equipment, software, computer services and data communication equipment.] / Kersell, Monty -- In: INFO CANADA, 18(5) May 1993 p. 1, 26 Computer science in Japanese universities : cultural differences contribute significantly to the ways in which Japan and the US organize and pursue computer science education and research / Notkin, David ; Schlichting, Richard D. -- In: COMPUTER, 26(5) May 1993 p. 62-70 Farming out work to IBM, DEC, NCR... : 'contract manufacturing' has become the province of giants / Burrows, Peter -- In: BUSINESS WEEK, (3319) May 17, 1993 p. 92-94 Feds lead push for green PCs : low-power systems to wear EPA's Energy Star of approval / Boudette, Neal -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 25 Future focus will likely be on industrial relevance -- In: SCIENCE BULLETIN, 5(3) May 1993 p. 1, 2 Information et normalisation, deux ingredients d'importance strategique -- In: LES AFFAIRES, 65(19) mai 15-21, 1993 p. P3 Information infrastructure : an industry perspective / Kettler, David A. -- In: COMPUTER, 26(5) May 1993 p. 7576 Informatisation des entreprises quebecoises : faits saillants de l'etude du CEFRIO / Champagne, Marielle -- In: DIRECTION INFORMATIQUE, 6(5) mai 1993 p. 6 Jumping the product generation gap : real-world R&D / Iansiti, Marco -- In: HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, 71(3) May/June 1993 p. 138-147 Managing your boss : a compatible relationship with your superior is essential to being effective in your job / Gabarro, John J. ; Kotter, John P. -- In: HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, 71(3) May/June 1993 p. 150-157 Maz delivers caretaker budget -- In: SCIENCE BULLETIN, 5(3) May 1993 p. 1, 5 Mobile-users study pinpoints majority / Adhikari, Richard -- In: INFO CANADA, 18(5) May 1993 p. 9 La R&D, fer de lance du succes -- In: LES AFFAIRES, 65(19) mai 15-21, 1993 p. P2 La science sous contrat : coup d'oeil sur les "consultants" / Keable, Jacques -- In: INTERFACE, 14(3) mai/juin 1993 p. 38-42 Le transfert de technologies peut fonctionner dans les deux sens -- In: LES AFFAIRES, 65(19) mai 15-21, 1993 p. P4 Will architecture win the technology wars? -- In: HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, 71(3) May/June 1993 p. 162-163, 166 COMPUTER NETWORKS AND DATA COMMUNICATIONS / RESEAUX D'ORDINATEURS ET TELEINFORMATIQUE Adaptive routing protocols for hypercube interconnection networks : multipath networks and adaptive routing protocols dynamically adapt to network conditions such as communication bottlenecks, thus lifting a major impediment to the development of massively parallel architectures / Gaughan, Patrick T. ; Yalamanchili, Sudhakar -- In: COMPUTER, 26(5) May 1993 p. 12-23 Analyzing network performance management : OSI management principles and tools make it possible to develop a performance management model powerful enough for the 21st century / Hayes, Stephen -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 52-58 ATM takes the spotlight at InterOp shop -- In: COMMUNICATIONS NEWS, 30(5) May 1993 p. 32 ATM will take some tie to join mainstream / Lewis, Jamie -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 47 Interoperability assessment : Attachmate's EXTRA / Hall, Eric -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. 119-123 Big V solves several headaches with satellite distributed network / Melanson, Daniel -- In: INFO CANADA, 18(5) May 1993 p. 22 Case studies : what does it take?. [Client/server techniques can be difficult to implement. Since very few off-the-shelf solutions exist, most users need to build in-house. We show you how five companies are finding real-world solutions] / Pepper, Jon -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. Suppl., 44-52 CMISE functions and Services : the Common Management Information Service Element was developed to monitor the health of OSI communications entities / Raman, Lakshmi -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 46-51 Compaq, AST back 'Fast EISA' / Fisher, Susan E. -- In: PC WEEK, 10 (18) May 10, 1993 p. 18 Desktop video has far to go : delayed standards slow penetration of videoconferencing / Kramer, Matt -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 107, 118 Enterprise services : no longer just for databases. [There are numerous uses for client/server technology in products outside the database arena. We detail how each of these technologies fits into the client/server model.] / Walsh, Brian -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. Suppl., 62-66 Enterprise-to-enterprise networking : advances in technology assist corporations in forging strong business relationships / Bolles, Gary A. -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. 88-98 Growth : the steady increase of client/server. [What do the numbers say? Dataquest's Client/Server Systems Group shows that client/server is most certainly in a growth mode.] / Haight, Timothy -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. Suppl., 79-81 How important is TN3270 to you? / Marsh, Bob -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. 144-148 IBM's DB2 : extending the reach of the desktop?. [DB2 is a key client/server technology and a major presence in large corporate environments. Here is a look at the variety of options for accessing DB2 information from end-user desktops.] / Gerber, Barry -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. Suppl., 54-61 Implementing OSI-based interfaces for network management : a partially standardized network-management interface requires less effort to evolve than a completely proprietary solution / Serre, Jean-Marc ; Lewis, Pierre ; Rosenfeld, Ken -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 76-81 ISDN in North America : the North American ISDN Users' Forum is expediting the development of a national market-driven ISDN / Stokesberry, Dan ; Wakid, Shukri -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 88-94 Managing ATM-based broadband networks : industry is reaching agreements on standard ATM-layer operations early in the BISDN development process / Farkouh, Stephen C. -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 82-86 McCaw outlines CDPD network / Loudermilk, Stephen -- In: PC WEEK, 10 (18) May 10, 1993 p. 43 Modeling the user interface : object-oriented modeling of human-machine interfaces is appealing, but the generic network model may contain thousands of objects / Marchisio, Lucia ; Ronco, Enrico ; Saracco, Roberto -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31 (5) May 1993 p. 68-74 NIS' relaying information wins the race / Tannenbaum, Todd -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. 156-161 Options : client/server is not always the best solution. [Client/server is not the be-all and end-all of data management. We found it's important to look at each application and business environment criticially and objectively.] / Morse, Stephen -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. Suppl., 18-21 The OSI network management model : balancing the responsibilities of OSI's agents and platforms and their interaction protocols is complex, but OSI helps by offering functions lacking in Internet's SNMP / Yemini, Yechiam -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 20-29 Overview : what are clients and servers anyway?. [The term "client/server" is often used to refer to everything from simple remote file system access to complex database queries. Here we tackle the question. "What is client/server, and do we really need it"?] / Moskowitz, Robert -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. Suppl., 10-12 Primer : how to break through the data logjam. [While 95 percent of companies are investigating, piloting or using client/server technology, there is still a logjam of terms and standards.] / Panettieri, Joseph C. -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. Suppl. 14-16 Profile : a business view of the shift in the industry. [What will apps look like in five years? Don Tapscott, vice president of technology at DMR Group, Toronto, and co-author or Paradigm Shift, takes a look ahead in this special profile.] / Violino, Bob -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. Suppl., 84-90 Roundup : making sense of existing technology. [A wide variety of client/server tools and solutions are now available in the marketplace, including multiprotocol client/server database. This roundup explores the issues in selecting the right database system.] / Finkelstein, Richard -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. Suppl., 35-42 Shared buffer memory switch for an ATM exchange / Endo, Noboru ; Kozaki, Takahiko ; Ohuchi, Toshiya ; Kuwahara, Hiroshi ; Gohara, Shinobu -- In: IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS, 41(1) Jan. 1993 p. 237-245 Specifying goal-oriented network management systems : the design of network management systems and their interfaces can be turned into an engineering discipline / Bean, Angelo ; Wood, Desmond ; Fairclough, W. -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 30-36 System management information modeling / Mark Klerer, S. -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 38-44 Talking face-to-face across the miles : systems take videoconferencing to desktop / Crowley, Aileen -- In: PC WEEK, 10 (18) May 10, 1993 p. 107, 115 Tips for testing on X.400 networks / Lombardo, Nick -- In: COMMUNICATIONS NEWS, 30(5) May 1993 p. 38-39 Using SMI to model SNA networks : two new approaches help manage SNA networks from non-SNA systems / Fernandez, Joseph ; Winkler, Kathrin -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 60-67 VINES users keen for RISC / Krohn, Nico -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 43 Windows for Workgroups & ODI : painting the town red / Morse, Stephen -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. 150-154 COMPUTER SYSTEMS ARCHITECTURE / ARCHITECTURE DES SYSTEMES INFORMATIQUES Adaptive routing protocols for hypercube interconnection networks : multipath networks and adaptive routing protocols dynamically adapt to network conditions such as communication bottlenecks, thus lifting a major impediment to the development of massively parallel architectures / Gaughan, Patrick T. ; Yalamanchili, Sudhakar -- In: COMPUTER, 26(5) May 1993 p. 12-23 Easy-to-use object-oriented parallel processing with Mentat / Grimshaw, Andrew S. -- In: COMPUTER, 26(5) May 1993 p. 39-50 Efficient program tracing : new techniques reduce the high costs of recording program trace data and storing trace files, making it easy to obtain detailed listings of how a program executes / Larus, James R. -- In: COMPUTER, 26(5) May 1993 p. 52-61 IBM gets foot in object database door with equity stake in Object Design Inc. / Moser, Karen D. -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 63, 74 Will architecture win the technology wars? -- In: HARVARD BUSINESS REVIEW, 71(3) May/June 1993 p. 162-163, 166 EDUCATION, TRAINING, PERFORMANCE SUPPORT / EDUCATION, FORMATION, SOUTIEN A LA PERFORMANCE Educational technology : a catalyst for change / Robertson, Stephens & Company -- In: MICROCOMPUTERS FOR INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, 10(1) Mar. 1993 p. 3-28 HUMAN-MACHINE INTERACTION / INTERACTIONS PERSONNE-MACHINE Building HCI partnerships and infrastructure / Shneiderman, Ben ; Lewis, Clayton -- In: BEHAVIOUR AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 12(2) Mar./Apr. 1993 p. 130-135 Cablers look to multimedia for 500-channel future -- In: MULTIMEDIA WEEK, 2(20) May 17, 1993 p. 7 Computer-supported co-operative work : research issues for the 90s / Olson, Judith S. ; Card, Stuart K. ; Landauer, Thomas K. ; Olson, Gary M. ; Malone, Thomas ; Leggett, John -- In: BEHAVIOUR AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 12(2) Mar./Apr. 1993 p. 115-129 Four steps to the healthy office / Rist, Oliver -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 122 The green machine. [Can your computer be more efficient, safer, and less hazardous to the environment? PC Magazine takes a look at how technological trends in health, ecology, and ergonomics are producing a new breed of PCs.] / Nadel, Brian -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 110-120 Human-computer interaction research agendas / Sibert, John ; Marchionini, Gary -- In: BEHAVIOUR AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 12 (2) Mar./Apr. 1993 p. 67-68 Interaction styles and input/output devices / Jacob, Robert J. K. ; Leggett, John J. ; Myers, Brad A. ; Pausch, Randy -- In: BEHAVIOUR AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 12(2) Mar./Apr. 1993 p. 69-79 Research directions for user interface software tools / Olsen, Dan R., Jr. ; Foley, James D. ; Hudson, Scott E. ; Miller, James -- In: BEHAVIOUR AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 12(2) Mar./Apr. 1993 p. 80-97 User interface development processes and methodologies / Hartson, H. Rex ; Boehm-Davis, Deborah -- In: BEHAVIOUR AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 12(2) Mar./Apr. 1993 p. 98-114 INDUSTRY NEWS / NOUVELLES DE L'INDUSTRIE ATM takes the spotlight at InterOp shop -- In: COMMUNICATIONS NEWS, 30(5) May 1993 p. 32 Essais et achat chez Northern Telecom -- In: DIRECTION INFORMATIQUE, 6(5) mai 1993 p. 14 IVR, TouchTone replace timecards at Northrop Corp. -- In: COMMUNICATIONS NEWS, 30(5) May 1993 p. 11-12 Le Pentium enfin disponible / De Luca, Johanne -- In: DIRECTION INFORMATIQUE, 6(5) mai 1993 p. 1 Processeurs et architecture Escon chez Amdahl -- In: DIRECTION INFORMATIQUE, 6(5) mai 1993 p. 21 Puces, horloges et cadences doubles et triples / Champagne, Marielle -- In: DIRECTION INFORMATIQUE, 6(5) mai 1993 p. 21 Succes des exposants canadiens au CeBIT / De Luca, Johanne -- In: DIRECTION INFORMATIQUE, 6(5) mai 1993 p. 1 INFORMATION INTERCHANGE / ECHANGE DES DONNEES The enemy is us. [Implementing EDI means bi changes in key business relationships. In fact, the changes in organizational structure for the initiating company as well as its suppliers and customers can be overwhelming. But the payoff can also be big as our case studies of R. J. Reynolds and Egghead Software show.] / Haight, Timothy -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. 102-116 Getting an electronic bulletin board system up and running / Delfino, Erik -- In: ONLINE, 17(3) May 1993 p. 106-108 INFORMATION STORAGE AND RETRIEVAL / STOCKAGE ET REPERAGE DE L'INFORMATION CD-ROM sales balloon, up 300% from Christmas -- In: MULTIMEDIA WEEK, 2(20) May 17, 1993 p. 3 Natural language comes of age. [West Publishing Company's WIN (Win Is Natural) is the first natural languageinterface to an online database (Westlaw).] / Pritchard-Schoch, Teresa -- In: ONLINE, 17 (3) May 1993 p. 33-43 Photo CD and other digital imaging technologies : what's out there and what's it for? / Ching-chih Chen -- In: MICROCOMPUTERS FOR INFORMATION MANAGEMENT, 10(1) Mar. 1993 p. 29-42 Quality of abstracts / Tenopir, Carol ; Jacso, Peter -- In: ONLINE, 17(3) May 1993 p. 44-55 Understanding data compression / Prosise, Jeff -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12 (10) May 25, 1993 p. 305-308 INFORMATION SYSTEMS MANAGEMENT / GESTION DES SYSTEMES INFORMATIQUES A practical approach to information engineering / Kansky, Martin -- In: DATA RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 4(3) Summer 1993 p. 42-49 Building an effective workbench for data base administrators and application developers / Friedman, Ted -- In: DATA RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 4(3) Summer 1993 p. 22-32 Data administration for reluctant organizations. [This article presents one strategy--focusing on user data groups--for beginning the culture change needed to take advantage of the data resource. The University of Massachusetts Corporation and two of its campus divisions are used as a case study.] / Bosworth, Michael -- In: DATA RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 4(3) Summer 1993 p. 58-65 Data administrators : guardians of the corporate data asset / Tucker, Judy -- In: DATA RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 4(3) Summer 1993 p. 17-21 Organizing for quality information systems / Lambert, Bob -- In: DATA RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 4(3) Summer 1993 p. 50-57 Practical experiences using the information resource management methodology / Ray, David -- In: DATA RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 4(3) Summer 1993 p. 7-16 Repository administration : where data and process responsibilities meet / Hudson, Debra L. -- In: DATA RESOURCE MANAGEMENT, 4(3) Summer 1993 p. 33-41 MULTIMEDIA SYSTEMS / SYSTEMES MULTIMEDIAS Baud building : new digital phone lines pump up the transmission speed of your color files / Tynan, Daniel -- In: PUBLISH, 8(6) June 1993 p. 46-51 Cablers look to multimedia for 500-channel future -- In: MULTIMEDIA WEEK, 2(20) May 17, 1993 p. 7 CD-ROM sales balloon, up 300% from Christmas -- In: MULTIMEDIA WEEK, 2(20) May 17, 1993 p. 3 La compression numerique de l'image / Blanc, Manuel -- In: QUI FAIT QUOI, mai/juin 15, 1993 p. 28-29 Designing for the future : multimedia presents new opportunities and challenges for graphics professionals / Todd, Daniel -- In: PUBLISH, 8(6) June 1993 p. 40-44 IMA bringing multimedia to industries at large -- In: MULTIMEDIA WEEK, 2(20) May 17, 1993 p. 1 Multimedia a la conqu te des marches / Bernard, Sophie -- In: QUI FAIT QUOI, mai/juin 15, 1993 p. 17-19 Paramount interactive brings studio methods to multimedia -- In: MULTIMEDIA WEEK, 2(20) May 17, 1993 p. 4 NATURAL LANGUAGE PROCESSING / TRAITEMENT DES LANGUES NATURELLES A look at speaker-independent speech recognition / Marrowitz, Judith -- In: ISR, 10(4) Apr. 1993 p. 10-11 REVIEWS, ANNOUNCEMENTS - COMPUTER HARDWARE AND PERIPHERAL EQUIPMENT / RECENSIONS ET ANALYSES - MATERIEL INFORMATIQUE Array of SuperSPARC systems will highlight SunWorld expo / Fisher, Susan E. -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 6 AV Image de Data General / Lombard, Estelle -- In: DIRECTION INFORMATIQUE, 6(5) mai 1993 p. 18 Canon NoteJet combines portability, printing / Caton, Michael -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 87, 93 Compaq, Dell leverage server savvy to develop range of Pentium systems / Zimmerman, Michael R. ; Boudette, Neal -- In: PC WEEK, 10 (18) May 10, 1993 p. 1, 14 Compatibles : lequel acheter? / Champagne, Marielle -- In: DIRECTION INFORMATIQUE, 6(5) mai 1993 p. 24 Digitizing tablets : precision input. [Comparative evaluation of graphics tablets: AcecadD9000+; CalComp Drawing Board II; GTCO Ultima; Hitachi Puma Plus; Jameco KD4000; Kurta XGT; KYE Genius HiSketch 1212; Numonics GraphicMasterII; Scriptel RDT-1212; Summagraphics SummaSketch III; Wacom SD-421 E.] / Miller, Rock -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 259-296 First ThinkPad subnotebook due from IBM next month / Boudette, Neal -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 1, 14 Graphics ASIC, reference design aimed at board makers / Schroder, Erica -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 27 How PC week labs performs evaluations of notebook PCs / Berlind, David -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 17 Microsoft, Intel unwrap spec for telephony API / Cortese, Amy -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 12 Nouveaux lecteurs de CD-ROM MultiSpin chez NEC / Lombard, Estelle -- In: DIRECTION INFORMATIQUE, 6(5) mai 1993 p. 18 Storage dimensions' LANStor gains tape support : modules fit into company's RAID, NetWare offerings / Fisher, Susan E. -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 64 ThinkPad 720C goes to heal of class / Berlind, David ; Yates, Chris -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 16 REVIEWS, ANNOUNCEMENTS - SOFTWARE PRODUCTS / RECENSIONS ET ANALYSES - LOGICIELS Antivirus software : watch out for viruses the inexpensive shareware way. [Review of F-PROT 2.07; Integrity Master 1.41b; Viruscan Suite 1.02.] / Rubenking, Neil J. -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 56 Apple hosts developers, releases new technologies CD -- In: MULTIMEDIA WEEK, 2(20) May 17, 1993 p. 8 Crystal Reports 2.0 : sparkling interface for reporting / Plain, Stephen W. -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 46 DOS 6.0 tests fail to show serious bugs -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 8 Lotus announces Notes release 3.0 / Del Nibletto, Paolo -- In: INFO CANADA, 18(5) May 1993 p. 1, 25 Microsoft draws OLE road map / Cortese, Amy -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 12 New writers' tools : better writing through electricity : correct spellings, better words, and pithy quotes all are available on demand. [Review of computerised writing tools: The American Heritage Dictionary, Second College Edition 1.1 and Office Edition; The Concise Oxford Dictionary, Electronic Edition 1.0; Funk & Wagnalls Standard Desk Dictionary 2.0; Instant Definitions Dictionary Two-Pack; Key Dictionary Plus; MultiLex Professional Dictionary and Thesaurus 3.0; Oxford Writer's Shelf 1.0; Random House Webster's Elctronic Dictionary and Thesaurus, College Edition; Correct Grammar for DOS 4.0 and for Windows 2.0; Grammatik 5 for DOS and for Windows; PowerEdit 2.1; The Random House Encyclopedia for Windows; RightWriter 6; The Writer's Toolkit 2.0 for DOS and for Windows; Word Finder Plus for Windows.] / Rabinovitz, Rubin -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 147-200 PC Tools builds the most flexible Windows desktop / Mendelson, Edward -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 37-38 Photoshop ushers in a new era in PC image editing. [Review of Adobe Photoshop for Windows 2.5.] / Simone, Luisa -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12 (10) May 25, 1993 p. 37, 39 Rival players spar over cross-platform Windows : Macintosh, Unix are latest targets of Microsoft thrust / Cortese, Amy -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 1, 12 Software-only protocol analyzers / Haugdahl, Scott J. -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. 126-138 Taking stock of automatic inventory software / Chroniger, Chris ; Cole, Shawn ; Drews, Jame ; Herling, Carl ; Nelson, Fritz ; Rizzo, Joe -- In: NETWORK COMPUTING, 4(5) May 1993 p. 28-54 Turtle Tools makes editing sound files easier / Kendall, Robert -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 49 Ventura PicturePro : powerful editing and masking tools / Grunin, Lori -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 53 REVIEWS, ANNOUNCEMENTS - TELECOMMUNICATIONS SERVICES / RECENSIONS ET ANALYSES - SERVICES DE TELECOMMUNICATIONS AT&T, NCR to offer PC videoconferencing / Converse, Caryn -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 115 Cabletron adds options for MMAC hubs / Loudermilk, Stephen -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 20 Comm packages open up world of Windows / Safi, Quabidur R. -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 89, 96 Desktop videoconferencing systems. [Directory of products and vendors.] -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 110, 115 Lotus adds Notes allies, wireless gateway / Rooney, Paula -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 20 Megahertz announces wireless modem to transmit data via Mobitex network / Loudermilk, Stephen -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 49 Peer-to-peer LANs : teamwork without trauma. [Review of peer-to-peer LAN operating systems: InvisibleLAN 3.3; LANtastic 5.0; Windows for Workroups 3.1; NetWare Lite 1.1; SilverNET 2.0M; 10NET 5.1; WEB for Windows and DOS 4.0.] / Derfer, Frank J., Jr. -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 203-257 Vendors bridge data gaps of hosts, PCs at DB/Expo / Moser, Karen D. -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 18 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING / GENIE LOGICIEL Developer adding object-oriented hooks to procedural language / Leach, Norvin -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 53, 57 Developers to wed NT, video / Schroeder, Erica -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 53, 57 Easy-to-use object-oriented parallel processing with Mentat / Grimshaw, Andrew S. -- In: COMPUTER, 26(5) May 1993 p. 39-50 Example-based graphical database query languages / Ozsoyoglu, Gultekin ; Hyaqing, Wang -- In: COMPUTER, 26(5) May 1993 p. 25-38 IBM won't ignore Win32s for OS/2 / Ferranti, Marc -- In: PC WEEK, 10 (18) May 10, 1993 p. 53, 59 Integrating a Windows help file into an application / Duncan, Ray -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 343-354 Modeling the user interface : object-oriented modeling of human-machine interfaces is appealing, but the generic network model may contain thousands of objects / Marchisio, Lucia ; Ronco, Enrico ; Saracco, Roberto -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31 (5) May 1993 p. 68-74 Object technology at Hewlett-Packard / Harmon, Paul -- In: OBJECT-ORIENTED STRATEGIES, 3(4) 1993 p. 1-15 The path to advanced font techniques / Petzold, Charles -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 331-340 Research directions for user interface software tools / Olsen, Dan R., Jr. ; Foley, James D. ; Hudson, Scott E. ; Miller, James -- In: BEHAVIOUR AND INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY, 12(2) Mar./Apr. 1993 p. 80-97 STANDARDS AND STANDARDIZATION / NORMES ET NORMALISATION Analyzing network performance management : OSI management principles and tools make it possible to develop a performance management model powerful enough for the 21st century / Hayes, Stephen -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 52-58 CMISE functions and Services : the Common Management Information Service Element was developed to monitor the health of OSI communications entities / Raman, Lakshmi -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 46-51 Desktop video has far to go : delayed standards slow penetration of videoconferencing / Kramer, Matt -- In: PC WEEK, 10(18) May 10, 1993 p. 107, 118 Implementing OSI-based interfaces for network management : a partially standardized network-management interface requires less effort to evolve than a completely proprietary solution / Serre, Jean-Marc ; Lewis, Pierre ; Rosenfeld, Ken -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 76-81 Information et normalisation, deux ingredients d'importance strategique -- In: LES AFFAIRES, 65(19) mai 15-21, 1993 p. P3 ISDN in North America : the North American ISDN Users' Forum is expediting the development of a national market-driven ISDN / Stokesberry, Dan ; Wakid, Shukri -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 88-94 Managing ATM-based broadband networks : industry is reaching agreements on standard ATM-layer operations early in the BISDN development process / Farkouh, Stephen C. -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 82-86 The OSI network management model : balancing the responsibilities of OSI's agents and platforms and their interaction protocols is complex, but OSI helps by offering functions lacking in Internet's SNMP / Yemini, Yechiam -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 20-29 System management information modeling / Mark Klerer, S. -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 38-44 Tips for testing on X.400 networks / Lombardo, Nick -- In: COMMUNICATIONS NEWS, 30(5) May 1993 p. 38-39 Using SMI to model SNA networks : two new approaches help manage SNA networks from non-SNA systems / Fernandez, Joseph ; Winkler, Kathrin -- In: IEEE COMMUNICATIONS MAGAZINE, 31(5) May 1993 p. 60-67 MISCELLANEOUS / DIVERS Bell proposes personal phone numbers and network portability access service -- In: CANADIAN COMMUNICATIONS NETWORK LETTER, 13(15) May 10, 1993 p. 3-5 Ergonomics of input / Flynn, Mary Kathleen -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 126, 135 Invisible divides : communication and identity in Canada and the U.S. / Ferguson, Marjorie -- In: JOURNAL OF COMMUNICATION, 43(2) Spring 1993 p. 42-57 It's alive. [If code can eat, reproduce, age, and die, then can it also be alive? Artificial life researchers wonder.] / Miller, Michael J. -- In: PC MAGAZINE, 12(10) May 25, 1993 p. 81-82 The state of the neural and fuzzy marketplaces / Blanchard, David -- In: ISR, 10(4) Apr. 1993 p. 1, 2 ------------------------------ EXAMPLE NO. 1 Telco Deals Start Paying Off Source: Computing Canada, April 26, 1993, pp. 32-34 by James Buchok ABSTRACT: As a result of alliances between Canadian-U.S.-based companies such as the one forged by Stentor Alliance of Canada's and MCI Communications Corp., telecommunication rates have been greatly reduced. The two companies have recently introduced the cross-border virtual corporate network (VCN), known as the Advantage VNet, providing networking services to large Canadian businesses. Virtual networks allow sharing of long distance voice and data lines with other customers bringing rates down by as much as 30 to 50 percent. Further, high volume users can also benefit from discounts of up to 22 percent off their total bill. The linking of Stentor's Impac service with MCI's HyperStream will create the first international frame relay service available in the world. HyperStream, as the service has been named, will provide a cross-border, high-speed frame relay data network linking local area networks between cities. Stentor's main competitor, AT&T which forged an alliance with Unitel in January, has introduced a software package similar to Advantage VNet, the SDN (Software Defined Network). ------------------------------ EXAMPLE NO. 2 Tire-kicking Technology: AMS' Chief Technology Officer Describes his Firm's New Lab Source: Computerworld, May 3, 1993, pp. 28-29 ABSTRACT: American Management Systems, Inc. (AMS) is opening a Center for Advanced Technologies as an applied research laboratory in Fairfax, VA. this month. The systems integrator and software house which aims at becoming a technology leader will focus on the following research areas: 1. Applications architecture; 2. Client/server technology; 3. Collaborative work environments; 4. Computer/Human interaction; 5. Mobile computing; 6. Multimedia; 7. Object technology; 8. Performance and measurement. Topics emphasized will be object technology (development languages, tools and DBMS), multimedia (applications with interactive video and audio), and mobile computing (pen-based computing, wireless data communications and the integration of mobile technologies with client/server systems). Activities will include software performance testing particularly in complex client/server applications involving multiple systems and multiple servers. The research focus, however, is expected to change to match business needs. ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1993 13:25:13 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: Thomas Haverly <thaverly@mailbox.syr.edu> Subject: Re: concordance/indexing programs In-Reply-To: Your message of "Fri, 04 Jun 93 12:10:52 EDT." <9306041617.AA18484@mailbox.syr.edu> Could Pat summarize responses for the list, please? I was pondering the question of indexing/searching software this morning, too. Thanks. Tom Haverly, School of Information Studies, Syracuse University thaverly@rodan.syr.edu ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1993 16:00:12 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: Tom Cushman <tcushman@lucy.wellesley.edu> Subject: Re: Information on the Electronic Highway I read the message on SIRI which is very interesting to me, but I don't know how to "subscribe" to FLASH INFORMATION for Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI) and Legal, Social and Political Issues (LEG) can anyone advise me how to do this? T. Cushman TCUSHMAN@lucy.wellesley.edu ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 4 Jun 1993 16:00:52 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: "David R. Chesnutt" <chesnutt@hsscls.hssc.scarolina.edu> Subject: Re: concordance/indexing programs My recollection is that the American Society of Indexers has published a software guide for micrcomputer indexing packages. I suspect that a number of the members are on INDEX-L and could tell you how to get the publication. (You can subscribe to the list at LISTSERVE@BINGVMB.BITNET). In editing and publishing the multi-volume edition of the _Papers of Henry Laurens_, we use a package called NLCindex which is available through the Newberry Library in Chicago. Originally developed at the Laurens Papers as a mainframe package called CINDEX (not to be confused with a later commercial package by the same name), NLC is designed specifically for scholarly indexing--not as a generic package. NLC is simple to use and conforms to the style rules of the _Chicago Manual of Style_ in its output routines. You can produce either a paper index or an electronic version fully coded for typesetting or desktop publishing. It's currently in use at dozens of historical editions and journals. A departmental site license is $200 for an unlimited number of users. We bought the site license so that I could use NLC in teaching a course on historical editing. A number of my colleagues have used it as well. The contact person at the Newberry Library is Charles Cullen, President and Librarian. His e-mail address is U08462@UICVM. At any rate, there are lots of options for computer assisted indexing. As for concordances, the Oxford Concordance Package (OCP) is probably the best known among those of us in the humanities. There is both a mainframe and a micro version (runs on MS-DOS platforms I believe.) A contact person for OCP would be Lou Burnard at the Oxford Computing Centre. His e-mail address is LOU@VAX.OXFORD.AC.UK. David R. Chesnutt Department of History University of South Carolina Columbia, SC 29208 email: N330004@UNIVSCVM.CSD.SCAROLINA.EDU 803-777-6525 ========================================================================= Date: Mon, 7 Jun 1993 16:47:58 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: Lori Bronars <bronars@yalemed.bitnet> Subject: ALA/STS Research Forum Presentations The presenters and topics for this year's Science and Technology Section Forum at ALA Annual are: -Dongming Zhang (Cornell University) "Access to three electronic journals project" -Kate S. Herzog (SUNY Buffalo) "Use of sci/tech periodicals: comparison of use data collected at the university centers at the State University of New York" -Marilyn Christianson and Nikie Cotter (University of North Texas) "UnCover2 in a science library" Join us in New Orleans on SUNDAY, JUNE 27th from 4:00 - 5:30, following the STS General Discussion Group's meeting beginning at 2:00 on Science Initiatives, at the HYATT Regency Ballroom F. Lori Bronars STS Forum for Science and Technology Library Research Committee ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 8 Jun 1993 08:30:18 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: "Sam A. Khosh-khui" <sk03@swtexas.bitnet> Subject: EJ-Survey: A Reminder ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Many thanks to those who responded to my original E-journal Survey questionnaire. There has been much interest in the results of my E-Journal Survey and several libraries who are at the beginning stages of establishing access to electronic journals would like to see the final results. Unfortunately, the number of responses to the questionnaire has been low. Part of this low rate of return may be due to the summer schedules of some libraries. Therefore, I would like to ask for your help once again. If your institution handles E-journals, I would appreciate receiving the completed questionnaire before the end of June 1993. Thank you so very much for taking time to complete the questionnaire. My original request follows: ------------------------------- Original Message ------------------------------ This message is cross-posted to several library oriented E-Conferences. Please excuse the duplication. We are in the process of planning to provide access to the electronic journals here at the Alkek Library, Southwest Texas State University. We would like to hear how other academic libraries handle this type of journals. If your library acquires e-journals and makes them accessible to the patrons, I would appreciate your completing the following questionnaire and directly E-Mailing it to the following address. I will summarize the results of this survey and post it on the list. Thank you in advance for your participation. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Sam A. Khosh-khui, Ph. D. BITNET: SK03@SWTEXAS * * Serials Cataloging Librarian INTERNET: SK03@ACADEMIA.SWT.EDU * * Albert B. Alkek Library PHONE: 512/245-2288 * * Southwest Texas State University FAX: 512/245-3002 * * San Marcos, Texas 78666-4604 * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * --------------------------- E-journal Questionnaire -------------------------- I. CURRENT ISSUES A. METHOD(S) OF PATRON ACCESS 1. Please mark any applicable methods you use: ___ Provide a print copy of e-journal text for patron's use ___ Run printout of the e-journal text by request only ___ Provide printers for patrons to print e-journal text themselves ___ Allow downloading to PC on floppy diskette ___ Allow downloading to user account in main computer ___ E-mail e-journal text to appropriate requester (such as faculty) ___ No patron access currently available ___ Other (please specify) _________________________________ B. METHOD(S) OF CURRENT ISSUES STORAGE 1. Please mark any applicable methods you use: ___ Provide access to e-journal text in OPAC ___ E-journal text archived in main computer for on request retrieval ___ Internet access outside of OPAC ___ Other online access ___ Printouts bound and shelved ___ Other (please specify) _________________________________ 2. How long are current issues kept?___________________________ C. METHOD(S) OF PATRON NOTIFICATION 1. Do you inform patrons of new e-journal issues received? Yes ____ No ____ If your answer was yes please continue. If no, skip to section II. 2. How are patrons notified? ___ E-mail e-journal text to appropriate patrons (faculty, for example) ___ E-mail issue citation to appropriate patrons (faculty, for example) ___ E-mail tables of contents to appropriate patrons ___ Mail print notification to appropriate patrons ___ Other (please specify) _________________________________ II. BACK ISSUES A. METHOD(S) OF PATRON ACCESS Please mark any applicable methods you use. If you do not retain back issues skip to section III. 1. Please mark any applicable methods you use: ___ Provide a print copy of e-journal text for patron's use ___ Run printout of the e-journal text by request only ___ Provide printers for patrons to print e-journal text themselves ___ Allow downloading to PC on floppy diskette ___ Allow downloading to user account in main computer ___ E-mail e-journal text to appropriate requester (such as faculty) ___ No patron access currently available ___ Other (please specify) _________________________________ B. METHOD(S) OF STORAGE 1. Please mark any applicable methods you use: ___ Provide access to e-journal text in OPAC ___ E-journal text archived in main computer for on request retrieval ___ Internet access outside of OPAC ___ Other online access ___ Printouts are bound and shelved ___ Other (please specify) __________________________________ 2. How long are back issues kept?____________________ C. If you electronically archive back issues of e-journals 1. What medium do you use? ___ Floppy disk ___ Microcomputer hard disk ___ Mainframe disk drive ___ Mainframe 8mm cartridge ___ Mainframe tape drive ___ Other (please specify) ________________________________ 2. How much required storage space per title do you consider as the average for each medium? Floppy disk Average kilobyte/title/year _______ Microcomputer hard disk Average kilobyte/title/year _______ Mainframe disk drive Average kilobyte/title/year _______ Mainframe 8mm cartridge Average kilobyte/title/year _______ Magnetic tape Average kilobyte/title/year _______ Other (Please specify) Average kilobyte/title/year _______ ______________________ III. METHODS OF ORGANIZING Do you Catalog or Classify E-journals? --- All e-journals are fully cataloged and classified --- All e-journals are briefly cataloged and not classified --- Selected e-journals are fully cataloged and classified --- Selected e-journals are briefly cataloged and not classified --- Other (Please specify) __________________________________________ IV. TYPES OF E-JOURNALS ACQUIRED ___ Free e-journals ___ Subscription e-journals ___ Scholarly e-journals ___ "Newsletter" e-journals ___ Others (Please specify)__________________________________________ V. SELECTION RESPONSIBILITY Who selects and/or recommends subscriptions to e-journals? (Please mark all applicable choices.) --- Faculty --- Librarians --- Students/patrons --- Staff (other than librarians) --- Others (Please specify) _______________________________________ VI. ACQUISITIONS RESPONSIBILITY Which Dept. in your library has the responsibility of subscribing to and setting up check in records for e-journals? --- Acquisitions --- Automation --- Cataloging --- Reference --- Computer system personnel (Non-librarians) --- Other (Please specify) _________________________________________ Comments: VII. DISTRIBUTION AND MAINTENANCE RESPONSIBILITIES Which Dept. in your library has the responsibility of distributing e-journals? (i.e., allowing access to patrons, and physically storing, or retrieving archived e-journals.) --- Acquisitions --- Automation --- Cataloging --- Reference --- Computer system personnel (Non-librarians) --- Other (Please specify) __________________________________________ Comments: VIII. INTER-LIBRARY LOAN How do you handle Inter-Library Loan for e-Journals? --- E-Mail the text of the e-journal to the requester --- Copy the text to a floppy diskette and mail it to the requester --- Print a paper copy of the text and mail it to the requester --- Other (Please specify) _________________________________________ ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 16 Jun 1993 08:22:33 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: Helga Dyck <umih@ccu.umanitoba.ca> Subject: e-publishing conference The University of Manitoba INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON REFEREED ELECTRONIC JOURNALS: Towards a Consortium for Networked Publications PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME October 1-2, 1993 (Friday & Saturday) The Delta Winnipeg Hotel 288 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 0B8 Sponsored by: Medical Research Council Natural Sciences & Engineering Research Council Social Science & Humanities Research Council of Canada The University of Manitoba The University of Manitoba INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON REFEREED ELECTRONIC JOURNALS: Towards a Consortium for Networked Publications The Internet is a major new medium for dissemination of research, and it is vital that the scholarly community become acquainted with the enormous potential of the Internet for scholarship. Commercial companies are already devoting attention to developing computer network publication projects. It is imperative that the scholarly community not leave this major medium to be developed solely by commercial interests. The aims of the conference are: *to make academic merit the sole consideration in the publication of journal-type research; *to advance the idea that the academic community should have a hand in determining what gets published and how it is disseminated; *to provide an outlet of research publication that is not subject to the severe economic constraints of traditional paper-journal publishing; *to make collective use of the scholarly advantages of network publication(savings in production costs, speed-up in publication and dissemination process); *to provide an effective and low-cost means for universities to play a greater role as disseminators of research information, and not only as producers and consumers. This historic two-day event is organized as a series of plenary working sessions that will include presentations from major resource people from a variety of fields. It will include an exhibit and demonstration of the latest in computer technology for long distance data transfer as it applies to electronic journals, with an emphasis on text, image and sound signal processing and compression. Registration is limited to 200 participants. Registration Information Fees: If paid by September 1, 1993: $150.00 (Cdn) If paid after September 1, 1993: $200.00 (Cdn) Dinner for Guests of participants: $30.00 (Cdn) An "ice-breaker" session will be held after our Pre-Registration on September 30. A banquet is also being planned for the evening of Friday, October 1. Costs for both events are included in the registration fee. Participants are responsible for all other meals. Requests for information or the completed Conference Registration Form together with payment should be sent to: Co-ordinator Institute for Humanities University of Manitoba Room 108 Isbister Building Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada R3T 2N2 FAX: (204) 275-5781 Phone: (204) 474-9599 E-Mail: umih@ccu.umanitoba.ca Accommodation The Conference will be held in the Manitoba Room at the Delta Winnipeg Hotel conveniently located downtown. The facilities at the Delta include a fitness centre, a heated indoor pool, a sauna area, etc. Restaurants in all price ranges are within easy walking distance. We have arranged an attractive hotel rate of $65/night, which is the same for either single or double occupancy.Taxi service from the airport to the hotel is approximately $11.00. The City of Winnipeg Winnipeg is a city with a population of more than 600,000. In early October the weather is cool but pleasant, with the temperatures usually averaging 10xC. (50xF.) during the day. Winnipeg is the home of the world famous Royal Winnipeg Ballet and has its own Symphony Orchestra. It also has an IMAX Theatre, an Art Gallery, a Planetarium, and a Theatre Centre. Other attractions include the Winnipeg Mint, Assiniboia Downs, the Winnipeg Blue Bombers, a European-style casino,and many parks. By Air Canadian Airlines International has been selected as "the official airline" for our Conference. For those attending from points in Canada, Canadian is offering 15% off the full economy fare. Should you qualify for advanced purchase fares, Canadian is offering a 5% discount off published year-round excursion fares (within Canada only). Contact Canadian Airlines' Conventionair Office (1-800-665-5554) or your travel agent, and be sure to mention number 4369. Acknowledgements We gratefully acknowledge the assistance of the following organizations in making this Conference possible: * Humanities Federation of Canada * Association of Research Libraries * Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers * Canadian Association of Learned Journals * Social Science Federation of Canada * Legal Research Institute PRELIMINARY PROGRAMME Thursday, September 30, 1993 18:00 Pre-Registration, 11th floor foyer, Delta Winnipeg Hotel Friday, October 1, 1993 9:00 Welcome Arnold Naimark, President, University of Manitoba 9:15 Session 1: The Nature, Advantages and Disadvantages of Electronic Journal Publication Opening and Chair: Larry Hurtado, Religion, University of Manitoba Portrait of the Electronic Journals World Ann Okerson, Association of Research Libraries The Economics of Journal Publication Speaker T.B.A. 10:40 Break 11:00 Session 2: Practical Implementations: Editing and Production Editing and Producing Surfaces: Flexible Designs for Shifting Objectives Jean-Claude Gu don, Comparative Literature, University of Montreal Investigations in Electronic Delivery of Chemical Information Lorrin R. Garson, American Chemical Society Editing an Electronic Journal: One Foot in the Past, One Hand in the Future Edward J. Huth, American Association for the Advancement of Science 12:30 Lunch 13:30 Session 3: Practical Implementations: The Distribution of Electronic Journals Current Trends in the Distribution of Networked-Based Electronic Journals Michael Strangelove, Religious Studies, University of Ottawa So we have this great electronic journal, now what? John Black, Chief Librarian, University of Guelph A Model for Producing, Delivering and Consuming Refereed Electronic Journals Timothy D. Stephen and Teresa M. Harrison, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 14:50 Break 15:10 Session 4: Issues of Quality Maintenance of Scholarly Quality in Electronic Journals Speaker T.B.A. The Future Place of Electronic Media Publication in the Evaluation of Faculty, Research and Scholarship James Gardner, Vice-President (Academic) & Provost, University of Manitoba 16:30 Question Period 18:00 Dinner Saturday, October 2, 1993 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m. Exhibit: A demonstration of the latest in computer technology for long distance data transfer as it applies to electronic journals, with particular emphasis on text, image and sound signal processing and compression. 9:00 Session 5: Legal Issues Copyright Protection or Copyright Sharing: Two Alternative Legal Models for Management of and Access to Electronic Journals Jennifer Bankier, Dalhousie Law School Electronic Journals: Abolishing the Legal Impediments Denis S. Marshall, Faculty of Law, Queen's University Electronic Journals: Defining the Relationships Robert Franson, Faculty of Law, University of British Columbia 10:20 Break 10:40 Session 6: Changing Technology for Information Access I Adobe Acrobat - The Electronic Journal Catalyst? Speaker T.B.A. Video Processing for Multimedia Speaker T.B.A. Interactive Images for Electronic Journals Speaker T.B.A. 12:00 Lunch 13:00 Session 7: Changing Technology for Information Access II The HyTime Document Language Speaker T.B.A. Speech Processing for Electronic Journals Speaker T.B.A. New Techniques for Text, Image and Sound Compression Witold Kinsner, Electrical and Computer Engineering, University of Manitoba 14:30 Question Period 15:10 Break 15:30 Session 8: Whither Hence? Summary of Proceedings Larry W. Hurtado, Religion, University of Manitoba 17:00 Conference closes The University of Manitoba INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON REFEREED ELECTRONIC JOURNALS: Towards a Consortium for Networked Publications October 1-2, 1993 CONFERENCE REGISTRATION FORM Last Name First Name Title (Prof./Dr./Mr./Mrs./Ms.) Preferred Name for Name Badge Organization Address City Province/State Country Postal Code Business Telephone No. Residence Telephone No. E-mail/FAX No. Meals: Special Dietary Requirements (specify) (e.g., diabetic, vegetarian, etc.) Banquet Preference Choice of: Salmon [ ] Beef [ ] Other Requirements: (e.g., physical handicap, etc.) Please specify. Fees: (including GST) Before September 1, 1993 $150.00 (Cdn) After September 1, 1993: $200.00 (Cdn) Dinner for Guest: $ 30.00 (Cdn) Please make your cheque or money order payable to The University of Manitoba. Registrations must be accompanied by full payment of registration fees. All fees are payable in Canadian funds. For practical reasons, enrolment is limited to 200 participants. Cancellation: Requests for a full refund must be received by September 15, 1993. No refunds will be made after this date. Travel Arrangements: Canadian Airlines International has been selected as "the official carrier" for our Conference. For those attending from points in Canada, Canadian is offering 15% off the full economy fare. Should you qualify for advanced purchase fares, Canadian is offering a 5% discount off published year-round excursion fares (within Canada only). Contact Canadian Airlines Conventionair Office (1-800-665-5554) or your travel agent, and be sure to mention Convention Number 4369. Further inquiries may be directed to: Co-ordinator, Institute for the Humanities, University of Manitoba, Room 108 Isbister Bldg., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3T 2N2, Canada. [Telephone: (204) 474-9599; FAX: (204) 275- 5781; E-mail: umih@ccu.umanitoba.ca.] G.S.T. Registration Number: R119260669. ========================================================================= Date: Thu, 17 Jun 1993 16:29:49 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: Richard Jasper <librpj@emuvm1.bitnet> Organization: Emory University - Atlanta, Georgia, USA Subject: ANNOUNCEMENT TO: Lists interested in electronic publishing FROM: Richard Jasper, Chair Electronic Publishing Discussion Group DATE: June 17, 1993 SUBJECT: Meeting announcement Please include the following announcement regarding the New Orleans meeting of the Electronic Publishing Discussion Group in your respective publications. Thanks in advance for your assistance in this regard. -- Richard IMPLICATIONS OF ELECTRONIC PUBLISHING TO BE ADDRESSED IN NEW ORLEANS Views from a commercial scientific-technical-medical (STM) journal publisher and a noted library educator will be presented at the Electronic Publishing Discussion Group's meeting at the American Library Association Annual Conference in New Orleans. EPDG, which is part of the Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS), is scheduled to meet 11:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., Sunday, June 27, in the Room 13 of the New Orleans Convention Center. Bob Badger, manager of electronic media for Springer-Verlag Inc. of New York, and Dr. S. Michael Malinconico, a professor in the School of Library and Information Studies at the University of Alabama, will present their ideas on "Electronic Publishing: The Implications for Libraries and Librarians." Their talks follow up the discussion of electronic publishing and proprietary obstacles set forth by Ann Okerson at EPDG's Midwinter Conference meeting in Denver. Badger's work on the Red Sage Project, a collaborative effort involving Springer, Bell Labs, and the University of California, San Francisco, was featured in a March issue of the Chronicle of Higher Education. Malinconico, meanwhile, has written on the impact technology is having on the preparation of current and future librarians in such publications as the Journal of Education for Library and Information Science (JELIS). The Badger-Malinconico talks are conceived as the first in a series of viewpoints to be presented over the next two or three ALA conferences. Tentative plans are being made for additional talks from a variety of stakeholders, including representatives from the university press, faculty, vendor and library communities. The New Orleans EPDG meeting will also see the election of a vice-chair/chair-elect of the group. To submit nominations or for more information about the meeting, please contact: Richard P. Jasper, Chair ALCTS Electronic Publishing Discussion Group Acquisitions Department Emory University General Libraries Atlanta, GA 30322-2870 PH: (404) 727-0122; FAX: (404) 727-0053; EMAIL: LIBRPJ@EMUVM1.BITNET ========================================================================= Date: Fri, 18 Jun 1993 06:47:38 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: IAN.WORTHINGTON@classics.utas.edu.au Subject: *Elec. Antiquity*: please announce over lists *ELECTRONIC ANTIQUITY: COMMUNICATING THE CLASSICS* formerly: *THE ELECTRONIC AGORA: COMMUNICATING THE CLASSICS* This electronic journal for the classics, advertised in late April, is now available free of charge. A contents list for Volume 1 Issue 1 (June 1993) is appended. The journal will be available from 10.00 a.m. on Friday 18 June (Australian time). Volume 1 Issue 2 will be published in July. News of when future issues of the journal will be available will be mailed electronically to subscribers approximately 24 hours before a general announcement; the editors urge you to subscribe. To subscribe contact: antiquity-editor@classics.utas.edu.au. Unfortunately, it is not possible to e-mail the journal to you automatically for a number of reasons, not least being its sheer size, which would have meant a deluge of material in sometimes indiscriminate order as opposed to a structured journal. It is better to access it via ftp or gopher (instructions below), and in that way the sense of the journal will be evident, plus you will be able to select material as you wish. HOW TO ACCESS The journal is available through gopher at: -- info.utas.edu.au and through gopher; -- open top level document called Publications -- open Electronic Antiquity. -- open Vol.1,Issue1-June 1993 -- 9 files there: contents; editorial; guidelines; articles; reviews; work-in-progress; conferences; vacancies; information (numbered consecutively in this order). -- open (1)contents first for list of contents, then other files as appropriate Or, if you prefer, you can FTP the journal by contacting: -- FTP.utas.edu.au (or FTP.info.utas.edu.au) --> departments --> classics --> antiquity. -- In Antiquity you will see the files as described above. Do NOT use Telnet. The size of Volume 1 Issue 1 (June 1993) is approximately 355Kb (about 140 A4 pages). If you think that 355Kb may pose any problems for your system, please let us know as soon as possible. If you are unable to access the journal please contact Ian Worthington at: ian.worthington@classics.utas.edu.au. Queries and contributions may be directed to the editors at antiquity-editor@classics.utas.edu.au. Peter Toohey (ptoohey@metz.une.edu.au) Ian Worthington (ian.worthington@classics.utas.edu.au) *ELECTRONIC ANTIQUITY: COMMUNICATING THE CLASSICS* VOL. 1 ISSUE 1-JUNE 1993 CONTENTS EDITORIAL GUIDELINES ARTICLES Baker, R.J. and R.A. Pitcher, '"Up at a Villa, Down in the City"? Four Epigrams of Martial' Claassen, Jo-Marie, 'The Teaching of Latin in a Multicultural Society: Problems and Possibilities' Clay, Jenny Strauss, 'Sappho 55 (Voigt): Going, Going, Gone' Diamond, Richard, 'Seeing One's Way: The Image and Action of *Oidipous Tyrannos*' Tompkins, Daniel P., 'Thucydides Constructs his Speakers: The Case of Diodotus' Worthington, Ian, 'Two Letters of Isocrates and Ring Composition' REVIEWS Nyland, Ray, Walter Blanco and Jennifer T. Roberts (eds), *Herodotus, The Histories*, New York & London, W.W. Norton & Co., 1992. WORK-IN-PROGRESS Bers, Victor (Yale University): Tragedy, Comedy and Oratory Fraser, Michael (Durham University): Constantine, The New Jerusalem, and the Feast of the Encaenia CONFERENCES Ancient History in a Modern University: Macquarie University, Sydney, NSW 2109, Australia (programme) Conformity and Non-conformity in Byzantium: Eighth Conference of the Australian Association for Byzantine Studies (programme and abstracts) Religion in the Ancient World: An International Conference: University of New England, Armidale, NSW 2351, Australia (programme and abstracts) VACANCIES South Africa: Senior Lecturer/Lecturer, Cape Town INFORMATION *Scholia: Natal Studies in Classical Antiquity* Electronic Forums for the Classics (Ian Worthington) Personalia (end) --------- Ian Worthington Classics, University of Tasmania email: Ian.Worthington@classics.utas.edu.au --------- Ian Worthington Classics, University of Tasmania email: Ian.Worthington@classics.utas.edu.au ========================================================================= Date: Tue, 22 Jun 1993 16:11:57 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: Dr J Singh <j.singh2@lut.ac.uk> Subject: Hypertext files of E-Journals Someone has prepared the hypertext files of 175 electronic journals at CICNET. These files are available online and can be run on the PKUNZIP programme. Unfortunately, I have deleted the message. Can anyone help, where the files are available ? Jagtar Dr. Jagtar Singh Department of Information and Library Studies Loughborough University of Technology, Loughborough Leicestershire LE11 3TU Email: J.Singh2@lut.ac.uk Voice: +44 509 223057 Fax: +44 509 223053 ========================================================================= Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 08:23:20 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: "Charles Bailey, University of Houston" <lib3@uhupvm1.bitnet> Subject: PACS Review Cumulative Index The Public-Access Computer Systems Review (PACS Review) is an electronic library journal, associated with the PACS-L@UHUPVM1 and PACS-P@UHUPVM1 lists, that is distributed at no charge to over 7,830 subscribers in 56 countries via BITNET, Internet, and other computer networks. The journal deals with end-user computer systems in libraries, covering topics such as campus-wide information systems, CD-ROM LANs, document delivery systems, electronic publishing, expert systems, hypermedia and multimedia systems, locally mounted databases, microcomputer labs, network-based information resources, and online catalogs. It was established in September 1989 and became refereed in November 1991. It is published by the University of Houston Libraries. To retrieve a cumulative index to the PACS Review, send the following e-mail message to LISTSERV@UHUPVM1 or LISTSERV@UHUPVM1.UH.EDU: GET INDEX PR F=MAIL Best Regards, Charles +------------------------------------------------------------+ | Charles W. Bailey, Jr. Voice: (713) 743-9804 | | Assistant Director For Systems Fax: (713) 743-9748 | | University Libraries BITNET: LIB3@UHUPVM1 | | University of Houston Internet: | | Houston, TX 77204-2091 LIB3@UHUPVM1.UH.EDU | |------------------------------------------------------------| | Co-Editor, Advances in Library Automation and Networking | | Editor-in-Chief, The Public-Access Computer Systems Review | +------------------------------------------------------------+ ========================================================================= Date: Sun, 27 Jun 1993 16:27:44 EDT Reply-To: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> Sender: "Publishing E-Journals : Publishing, Archiving, and Access" <vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet> From: carlos severo <caique@brufrgs.bitnet> Subject: Research questionaire I am a graduate student researching on eletronic publications. I would like the members of this list that are _electronic publishers_ could answer a 10 lines questionaire about eletronic publishing. Please drop me a line to: caique@vortex.ufrgs.br (Internet) caique@brufrgs.vortex (Bitnet) Thanks, Caique </caique@brufrgs.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></lib3@uhupvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></j.singh2@lut.ac.uk></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></librpj@emuvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></umih@ccu.umanitoba.ca></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></sk03@swtexas.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></bronars@yalemed.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></chesnutt@hsscls.hssc.scarolina.edu></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></tcushman@lucy.wellesley.edu></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></thaverly@mailbox.syr.edu></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></siri@aigle.ccrit.doc.ca></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></hoffmap@snyplava.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></nms@psulias.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></laws@ai.sri.com></harnad@princeton.edu></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></sis-ejounal@mailbase.ac.uk></sis@mailbase.ac.uk></l.zeredo@sheffield.ac.uk></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></laws@ai.sri.com></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></nking@wam.umd.edu></hoymand@joe.uwex.edu></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></weibel@oclc.org></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></hoymand@joe.uwex.edu></harnad@princeton.edu></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></hoymand@joe.uwex.edu></jpowell@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></nking@wam.umd.edu></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></hoymand@joe.uwex.edu></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></jpowell@vtvm1></jpowell@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></sk03@swtexas.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet></vpiej-l@vtvm1.bitnet>
James Powell