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Viewing Results for

2007-2008 ETD Author Survey

1. While preparing your ETD, where did you find answers to your questions?
Please select all that apply.

0.94%\% at an ETD workshop (14/1490 responses)
11.88%\% from my committee (177/1490 responses)
17.72%\% from friends (264/1490 responses)
0.67%\% from New Media Center staff (10/1490 responses)
3.49%\% by telephone (52/1490 responses)
3.96%\% through e-mail (59/1490 responses)
2.75%\% other Web site(s) (41/1490 responses)
51.41%\% VT ETD Web site (766/1490 responses)
0.94%\% from ETD tech support (14/1490 responses)
6.24%\% Other/Comments (93/1490 responses)
95.24% of the people who took this survey
(880 / 924) answered this question.

Other Responses (93 for this question)
"carolyn clutnick"
"College website"
"Dennie Munson -- thanks Dennie!"
"Department Secretary"
"Department Website"
"Didn't find any answers"
"e-mail of school staff"
"etd pdf"
"ETD Tutorial"
"ETD web site needs to be improved, information needs to flow better. It was difficult to follow the information on the web site (information needs to be organized)"
"etd website didn't have very good links regarding thesis style"
"folks at the Graduate School office"
"friends at VT"
"from my department, grad school did not provide me with any information"
"From the internet about how to format a word document as to have different page numbers appear in different sections of the document (regular numbers vs. roman numerals, etc.). There need to to be explicit directions on how to do this on the ETD website."
"from Vet Med Media Center staff"
"Grad school"
"grad school staff"
"Graduate Center"
"Graduate Coordinator of my department."
"Graduate School Office"
"Graduate students"
"History Graduate Dept Director"
"instructions given in packet for defense"
"It is difficult to find the exact "requirements" for the ETD"
"Janice- she was great"
"Last minute"
"Library Help"
"marketing 4p 4c strategy"
"masters thesis"
"no questions"
"no where"
"No where, I still have no idea if this worked"
"NVC Library Staff"
"online tutorial"
"other"( 45 ) responses
"our secretary-extremly useful"
"practice submission form"
"Prior experience when submitting my Master's thesis"
"Resource center personnel"
"Secretary of my department/school"
"staff member"
"The process was awkward and I found an old template on the graduate school website. I still do not know if it is right, so I have to wait for the review. An up-to-date LaTeX template would be excellent."
"thesis preparation guidlines and ETD documentation is very poor"
"very challenging if you do not know about conversions"
"WAAC faculty"

2. If you consulted the VT ETD Web site, please indicate if the site was useful.

4.58%\% Not useful (40/873 responses)
21.31%\% Useful (186/873 responses)
32.99%\% Somewhat useful (288/873 responses)
35.97%\% Very useful (314/873 responses)
5.15%\% Did not consult VT ETD Web site. (45/873 responses)
94.48% of the people who took this survey
(873 / 924) answered this question.

3. If you downloaded the ETD workshop Powerpoint presentation, please indicate if you found the workshop useful.

73.27%\% Did not attend ETD workshop. (625/853 responses)
6.8%\% Useful (58/853 responses)
2.93%\% Not useful (25/853 responses)
9.03%\% Somewhat useful (77/853 responses)
7.97%\% Very useful (68/853 responses)
92.32% of the people who took this survey
(853 / 924) answered this question.

4. If you used the New Media Center, please indicate if the staff was helpful.

5.08%\% Very helpful (43/846 responses)
2.72%\% Somewhat helpful (23/846 responses)
2.96%\% Helpful (25/846 responses)
0.59%\% Not helpful (5/846 responses)
88.65%\% Did not use the New Media Center. (750/846 responses)
91.56% of the people who took this survey
(846 / 924) answered this question.

5. How many ETDs did you consult while preparing your ETD?

4.79%\% more than 10 (42/877 responses)
16.65%\% Did not consult any ETDs. (146/877 responses)
34.09%\% 3-5 (299/877 responses)
37.97%\% 1-2 (333/877 responses)
6.5%\% 6-10 (57/877 responses)
94.91% of the people who took this survey
(877 / 924) answered this question.

6. Compared to what you expected, how difficult was it to create a PDF file?

3.08%\% Much more difficult (27/878 responses)
10.14%\% Somewhat more difficult (89/878 responses)
16.51%\% Somewhat less difficult (145/878 responses)
36.67%\% Much less difficult (322/878 responses)
33.6%\% Neither more nor less difficult (295/878 responses)
95.02% of the people who took this survey
(878 / 924) answered this question.

7. My computer is a

2.37%\% Other (21/886 responses)
1.35%\% Unix (12/886 responses)
84.31%\% PC (747/886 responses)
11.96%\% Mac (106/886 responses)
94.91% of the people who took this survey
(877 / 924) answered this question.

Other Responses (21 for this question)
"both mac & pc"
"both mac and pc"
"Dual boot"
"I have a Mac and PC"
"I used several different operating systems in the course of creating my thesis, including Linux (several different distributions) and Windows (XP)."
"My computer is a Toshiba laptop that runs Arch Linux."
"other"( 12 ) responses
"windows xp"

8. Where were you when you submitted your ETD?

37.5%\% Off-campus residence (351/936 responses)
11.86%\% off-campus workplace (111/936 responses)
1.39%\% Northern Virginia Center (13/936 responses)
29.49%\% Campus office (276/936 responses)
1.5%\% Campus residence hall (14/936 responses)
0.21%\% New Media Center (2/936 responses)
2.46%\% Tech Connect lab (23/936 responses)
2.78%\% Another university (26/936 responses)
12.82%\% Other (120/936 responses)
95.13% of the people who took this survey
(879 / 924) answered this question.

Other Responses (120 for this question)
"another country"
"Boston, MA"
"Campus Classroom"
"Campus Lab"( 2 ) responses
"campus library"
"Campus wireless"
"CEARS lab"
"coffee shop"
"conference hotel"
"CRC workplace"
"Department Grad Lab"
"Donaldson Brown"
"Engineering Laboratory"
"GLC Computer Lab"
"grad school computer lab"
"Graduate life center"
"Hampton Roads Center"
"Home"( 5 ) responses
"home town (Korea)"
"Hotel"( 2 ) responses
"In a Dungeon, J/K "Off-Campus Residence""
"Inn at VT"
"kinko's"( 3 ) responses
"Lab on campus"
"My office (Alexandria, VA)"
"my son's house in CA"
"Office"( 2 ) responses
"office in DC"
"other"( 59 ) responses
"RDF architecture computer lab"
"relocated city"
"research lab"
"San Francisco"
"sarah's house"
"Southern Campus/IALR"
"university of Tlemcen (ALGERIA)"
"Vet Med Library"
"Vet School"
"Virginia Tech Structues and Materials Laboratory"
"VT GLC Grad Computer Lab"
"WAAC computer lab"

9. Compared to what you expected, how difficult was it to submit your thesis/dissertation electronically?

20.43%\% Neither more nor less difficult. (179/876 responses)
3.65%\% Much more difficult (32/876 responses)
11.76%\% Somewhat more difficult (103/876 responses)
26.37%\% Somewhat less difficult (231/876 responses)
37.79%\% Much less difficult (331/876 responses)
94.81% of the people who took this survey
(876 / 924) answered this question.

10. Throughout the development of your ETD, what formats (i.e.paper, electronic, other) did you use to share your dissertation with your committee?

19.8%\% Electronic----pdf (174/879 responses)
45.85%\% Mix of electronic and paper (403/879 responses)
15.13%\% Paper---just a printout (133/879 responses)
18.43%\% Electronic----text document (162/879 responses)
0.8%\% Other (7/879 responses)
95.13% of the people who took this survey
(879 / 924) answered this question.

11.How did your commitee chair and/or committee add comments to your document during the writing process?

Text Responses (779 for this question)
"*Microsoft Word comments feature *Writing on printouts"
"- Emails - Meetings"
"1) electronic correction with pdf; 2) paper comments"
"1-2 months"
"1. English should be improved. 2. Charing model should be explained in more details. (Have been modified in Appendix)"
"3 of my 4 committee members made comments on a printout. One committee member (chair) tracked changes in Word - much better!"
"3 weeks"
"Add "Introduction and Conclusions" at each chapter."
"add comments directly on the paper work"
"Add comments on paper then scan and email because I'm working in Minnesota."
"Add comments to the printout version of the dissertation."
"Added comments in the page margins."
"Added comments on the printout of the thesis"
"Added comments through Adobe Acrobat."
"Added comments to a hard copy and emailed me additional feedback."
"Added comments to the PDF file using some Adobe product."
"Added comments with the the Microsoft word document"
"Added comments, insertions, and deletions through Acrobat's interface."
"added on printout or used tracked changes in Word"
"addressing changes needed during meetings and written comments"
"Adobe Professional Comments/Reviews Written Comments"
"All comments in pen."
"All comments were given on print outs until last set of comments which were sent through email because of distance"
"as comments in word document"
"Be careful about the grammer."
"Both digitally and notes on a hard copy."
"both electonically and written comments."
"Both electronic and ink"
"Both electronically (tracking changes in MS Word) and directly on a printed document."
"Both electronically and on hard copy"
"both electronically and on paper"
"Both electronically and written"
"Both hard copy and track changes in Word"
"Both in writing and word document comments"
"Both through hardcopy & electronically using the "track changes"/add comments feature in word."
"Both written notes and electronic comments"
"By adding comments to Word documents."
"By annotating the soft copy of the document and sending it back to me."
"By e mail and through personal meetings"
"By email, or by printing the document and mentioning review comments"
"By emails or track changes tools provided by MS Word."
"by hand" - ( 2 responses)
"By hand (written) and during critiques"
"By hand and using track changes"
"by hand and using track changes in MS word"
"by hand on a printout"
"by hand on paper copy"
"by hand to the hard copy"
"By hand writing"
"by HAND, and verbally"
"by hand, written on paper."
"By hand."
"By marking up the paper document, and also by sending email comments."
"By reviewing my manuscript electronically mainly, given that I was in Oregon."
"By use of a software program to add comments"
"by writing by hand"
"By writing comments on a paper print out."
"By writing comments on previous paper copies, and verbally."
"By writing comments on printed versions and by using the track changes feature in MS Word"
"By writing comments on the hard copy or reviewing an electronic version and giving feedback via email."
"By writing on the margins on paper."
"By writing on the pages."
"By writing on the paper printou"
"by writing on the printed documents or emailing me a list of comments/changes"
"By writing on the printed versions."
"by writing on the printout"
"By writting on the paper copy I provided him with."
"Combination of hard and electronic copy comments. However, the comments submitted via Word's commenting feature were the most helpful."
"comment commands on Word"
"Comment on the pdf file directly."
"Comments and suggestions were made at the defense. Grammatical and other issues were addressed on written copies of the thesis provided to the committee prior to the defense. Chairman advisor closely read and helped revise the text."
"comments by e-mail and also personal meetings"
"comments in Microsoft Word, mostly hand-written comments on printouts"
"comments in word and written comments"
"Comments made in electronic document, email, and on hard copy."
"Comments made via phone call, e-mail, and written correspondence."
"Comments on hard copy"
"comments on paper"
"Comments on paper or word files"
"comments on paper, personal talk, email"
"Comments on paper."
"Comments on printed copy of electronic document Use of Word Track Changes feature"
"comments received during phone conversations."
"Comments were added and the document was sent through Email."
"Comments were added on electronic documents"
"Comments were added on the paper printouts with pen and ink."
"Comments were added to printed documents."
"Comments were given verbally after my defense."
"Comments were hand-written into paper copies given to the committee 1 week before the defense. Electronic copies had "comment boxes" in the Word Doc."
"Comments were made to paper version"
"Comments were mostly given on the paper copy"
"Comments were provided directly in Word. Also, printed copies of the thesis were edited by hand and then scanned and sent by email. Also, comments were provided verbally and in email."
"Comments were sent via email."
"Comments were written directly on the dissertation"
"comments were written on paper"
"Comments were written on the printed out thesis"
"Committee chair - comments within pdf file Committee members - written comments on printed document"
"Committee chair - MS Word "track changes", written comments Committee members - written comments"
"Committee chair added comments electronically. Committee members added comments on paper versions."
"Committee Chair added comments, electronically, via "track changes" function in WORD. Rest of committee made changes to their paper copies."
"Committee chair commented electronically and members commented on paper printout."
"Committee Chair-through electronic comments Committee Members-verbal and written comments"
"Committee members added cmments by using track changes in MS Word, hand-written comments on paper, and verbally."
"constructive suggestions"
"Correction on hard copy"
"Corrections and comments by hand on hard copies"
"corrections and suggestions"
"Corrections on paper copy."
"Corrections were written in red ink on a hard copy draft of the document."
"directly on hard copy or electronic"
"Directly on the draft hard copy."
"Directly on the paper copy I gave to them."
"Directly on the paper copy that I gave to them."
"directly on the printed paperwork"
"Directly to a hard-copy"
"directly to the electronic pdf"
"Discussions through meetings"
"Dr. Ervin looked over my progress throughout the writing process. He help me develop a good sense to how to conduct research and write about my findings. Dr. Goatley presented a CD of his corrections for the final copy. Dr. Askew wrote his suggestions while listening to the Thesis defense."
"During oral final exam"
"E-mail" - ( 3 responses)
"E-mail citing page numbers"
"E-mail, in person"
"edited a printed copy"
"Editing and comments were written, and sent back to me."
"Editing feature on MS Word for electronic copies, marking comments with pen on paper copies"
"Edits made on paper copies and using the editor feature in MS Word"
"Edits were handwritten on a printed copy of my thesis. During the final stages the Microsoft Word edit function was used."
"Either on paper or by typing comments to the Word file"
"Either pointing out things via seperate email or using Microsoft Word's markup feature."
"Either through hand written comments or via electronic commments within the document"
"Either through tracking changes, email comments, or direct comments on the document."
"Either writing on the printed manuscript or using track changes option of word processor"
"electronic" - ( 2 responses)
"electronic - track changes"
"Electronic and hard copies"
"electronic and on paper"
"Electronic and Paper comments"
"electronic and written"
"Electronic comments embedded in the pdf file."
"Electronic comments in word as well as written comments on paper"
"Electronic comments on the pdf file and written comments on paper copies"
"Electronic Edit program"
"Electronic edition in Microsoft Word and on paper copies"
"Electronic feedback and paper feedback"
"electronic notes and revisions"
"electronic notes, pdf copier, and handwritten notes"
"electronic review"
"Electronic submission of corrections and comments through Adobe writer, and hand-written comments on printouts of my document."
"Electronic Version"
"electronic version -- Word track changes"
"electronic way - track changes"
"electronic, paper, verbal"
"Electronic, text document"
"Electronic-text document"
"Electronically" - ( 5 responses)
"Electronically (review and comments on the pdf file) By mail"
"Electronically (track changes) and red pen on paper"
"Electronically (track changes), verbally (phone and in-person meetings), and in hard copy (hand-written comments)."
"Electronically - tracking using Microsoft Word"
"Electronically -- using MS Word's "track changes" option"
"electronically ---text document"
"Electronically and by hand on copies they printed out"
"Electronically and by paper"
"Electronically and hand-written."
"electronically and in writing"
"Electronically and manually."
"electronically and on paper"
"Electronically and paper corrections."
"electronically and with ink on paper"
"Electronically and written"
"electronically in Microsoft Word"
"electronically or by adding notes to a paper copy"
"Electronically reviewed document"
"electronically through email exchanges"
"Electronically tracked changes in MS Word, email, and verbal communication."
"electronically using 'track changes' function in Word; hand-written comments on printout"
"Electronically using tracked changes in Word."
"Electronically, on hard-copy, and verbally"
"eletronically commented on the MS word documents plua handwritten corrections and comments on the printed dissertation drafts"
"email" - ( 4 responses)
"Email and face to face discussion"
"Email and phone"
"email comments"
"Email or comments on the paper"
"Email, in person discussions."
"Email, written, and verbal"
"Emails" - ( 2 responses)
"emails and hard copies"
"emails in text. write comments on printed out documents"
"Emails, gave comments back on the document electronically"
"Face-to-face meetings and emails"
"face-to-face meetings. edits on paper. email communication."
"gave comment after I finished each chapter"
"give review comment on the document" - ( 2 responses)
"Good" - ( 3 responses)
"great comments"
"Half printed them out and hand-wrote comments, while the other half commented them electronically through Microsoft Word"
"Hand writing"
"hand written" - ( 3 responses)
"Hand written and track changes"
"hand written comments"
"hand written comments as well as comments on Word"
"Hand written comments on a paper printout"
"Hand written comments on paper copies for the most part."
"Hand written comments or tracked changes comments were applied to submitted hard copy and electronic copy drafts."
"hand written markups of the paper copy"
"hand written notes"
"Hand written notes on paper copies"
"Hand written on hard copy, Word Document "Track-Changes""
"Hand written on paper copy"
"Hand written on printout."
"hand written, comments in pdf"
"hand written, email, verbal"
"hand written, tracked changes in MS Word, typed list, wrote on it with notebook computer"
"hand-written" - ( 2 responses)
"hand-written and electronic comments using the 'review' feature in Word"
"Hand-written comments on a hardcopy"
"Handwriting on hard copy and add comments on pdf file."
"handwritten" - ( 3 responses)
"Handwritten comments on paper printouts"
"handwritten comments on printed versions."
"Handwritten notes on draft copies and emails with screen shots and explanations for edits."
"Handwritten notes."
"Handwritten on hard copy and through discussion"
"Handwritten on paper printouts, then handed to me or scanned and emailed. Some verbally at defense."
"Handwritten, also by email"
"hard copies"
"hard copy"
"hard copy, electronic correspondance"
"He added hi comments on a Microsoft Word file."
"He corrected the dissertation chapter by chapter."
"He scanned the thesis with his handwritten comments into Word and e-mailed the document to me."
"He used the track changes option in word and sent me the electronic version back so I could make the edits"
"He wrote his comments on the printouts."
"help me"
"Highlighted track change"
"highlighting, written changes"
"I added them."
"i don't know"
"I gave them my draft, they commented on it and gave it back to me back and forth."
"I printed it for their review and passed along pdf copies. For the most part, they used a red ink pen to comment the paper drafts."
"I printed out copies for all three of them and they wrote comments in it."
"I printed the document out and they added comments by writing directly on the pages."
"I received comments in person during meetings."
"I received comments inserted into my pdf files as well as comments written on a single printed draft of my thesis."
"I submitted the file electronically to everyone via e-mail, and they then printed out a copy. Comments were made on the paper copy and returned to me."
"In a word document"
"In Microsoft Word by doing add comments"
"In person & via email"
"In person through meetings"
"In writing" - ( 3 responses)
"in writing and electronically"
"In writing on paper copies and by tracking changes in MS Word"
"in writing on print outs and via email"
"In writing to the paper copies"
"In writting"
"Initially I would email sections to my committee, and they would verbally make comments. I took notes and made the necessary changes. During the final stages, I printed out a copy for all memebers so that they could make comments and changes directly on the document."
"Initially, on paper. Then as the document expanded in size, he used the review tool bar to make comments"
"inserted pdf comments and edited on a hard copy"
"interlinear comments that were either highlighted or in a noticeably different font color"
"it helo me accomplish my degree paper."
"It is good."
"Made corrections to paper (hard copy) document."
"Made revisions/comments on a paper copy."
"mainly electronically (track change in Word or email stating page and line), very little on paper"
"Mainly written comments on printed version of document on paper. In once instance, comments added by using track changes feature of the MS Word as he was travelling."
"Manual correction"
"manual on paper"
"manually" - ( 2 responses)
"Manually writing on draft copies."
"manually, only one digitally"
"Mark-ups; I gave him the drafts, and they replied back with the mark-ups."
"Marked on a hard copy."
"Marked on the paper version I gave them."
"Marked up hard copy."
"marked up paper copies, then either handed off or scanned and emailed the result"
"Marked up paper copy. Added comments directly into Word documents."
"marked up pdfs"
"Marked-up PDFs Handwritten comments on paper"
"Marking comments on a print copy."
"Marking it up in hardcopy and also annotating it in a pdf"
"Marking up printed copies"
"Markup in Word"
"Meeting, e-mails."
"meetings and email"
"Microsoft tracking, by hand on paper copies"
"Microsoft Word - Track Changes"
"Microsoft Word - Track changes tool"
"Microsoft Word corrections or paper corrections"
"Microsoft word track changes; changes on paper printout."
"Minimal feedback and comments."
"Mix of electronic and paper" - ( 7 responses)
"mix of electronic and paper notes"
"Mix of electronic and paper."
"mix of electronic editing in Microsoft Word and writing commments on paper"
"mix of writing on printout and modification of the electronic file."
"Most of the time, they used "Track Changes" in Microsoft Word. Occasionally, they would print the document and provide written comments."
"Mostly by written corrections to printed chapters but also by electronic corrections using Word editor."
"Mostly written comments on paper drafts, some emailed comments."
"MS Word - 'track changes'"
"ms word editing tool"
"MS Word Track Changes"
"MS Word track changes and comments"
"MS Word Track Changes feature"
"Ms-word or pdf comment function"
"My adviser used both the print out and the electronic copy of my manuscript for editing purposes while my committee members wrote comments on the print out of my manuscript."
"My advisor likes my writing style."
"My advisor sent email or annotated PDFs back to me. Two other committee members sent email."
"My advisors used commentary in MS Word as well as pen and paper commentary."
"My chair and I worked through the first drafts on paper, and then made comments in Microsoft Office when it was closer to the end. I recieved comments from my committee on printed versions of my thesis."
"My chair sent me back his comments throughout the writing and the other committee members gave me their input after the defense."
"My commitee chair and committee added their comments to my printed copy of my dissertation. This procedure repeated until no comment made by my committee."
"My commitee reviewed the document and offered suggestions on the paper copy and through conversations."
"My committe chair wrote comments on my thesis."
"My Committee chair added comments electronically to the word document. The other committee members made comments on paper printouts of the thesis."
"My committee chair and members added comments using pens."
"My committee chair gave me a wonderful guidance during my writing. He reviewed and commented to every chapter in my thesis once it was written. My committee members also gave me some valuable suggestions to make it more clear and readable."
"my committee chair met with me in person and reviewed the etd in printed form many times (very committed to the work)."
"My committee chair used the comment features in MS Word to comment on my dissertation"
"My committee members spent a lot of time help me correcting mistakes as well as wordings with text document."
"My committee members were able to comment my documents in all forms: PDF, Word, and hardcopy."
"My committee wrote comments directly onto a paper printout."
"My superviosr gave me a lot of useful suggestions on the writing of my dissertation."
"n/a" - ( 2 responses)
"No comments"
"Not many corrections. Very few comments were added on the paper copy of my dissertation."
"notation on the paper or verbally"
"Notes and text markup"
"notes directly on each draft"
"Notes in margin electronically"
"Notes on Paper"
"Notes on paper thesis"
"notes on printout"
"Notes on the paper copy of the dissertation"
"On a hard copy."
"On a paper copy, on the pdf file, or in the latex file"
"on a printed copy"
"On a written copy"
"on double-spaced paper drafts"
"on hard copies"
"on hard copies and on pdf files"
"on hard copy"
"On hardcopy"
"On paper" - ( 7 responses)
"on paper and by using pdf "review and comment""
"On paper format."
"on paper in writing"
"on paper or in word"
"On paper."
"on papers"
"On the hard copy and via "track changes" on Word."
"On the hard copy."
"On the hardcopy"
"On the pages of the printout I gave them"
"On the paper copy."
"Once I submitted my paper to them, they all told me what areas I need to fix and/or improve upon before final submission and my defense. In addition to telling me they also printed it out for me so that I had a copy."
"One co-chair provided feedback using microsoft word, while the other provided hand-written notes on a paper copy"
"One committee member used track changes in a word document, the others provided written comments"
"One faculty member made electronic edits to a .pdf file. The other committee members, including my chair, provided written comments."
"One used the markup feature in Word, one markuped with pencil, one provided verbal comments, and one via email."
"oral and writing"
"page by page analysis, suggestions"
"Paper" - ( 6 responses)
"paper and electronic"
"Paper and electronic, Telephonic"
"paper and electronically in Word"
"Paper and Pencile"
"Paper corrections as well as electronic"
"Paper edits and electronic edits with comments using Word"
"paper format"
"Paper hardcopy written comments"
"Paper versions of the text."
"PDF annotation, on paper"
"PDF annotation, printout annotation"
"PDF annotator and written comments"
"PDF editor, and hand marked printouts"
"pdf file (with written comments) Paper feedback, e-mail feedback"
"PDF file commenting facility"
"PDF writter"
"Pen" - ( 3 responses)
"pen and electronic"
"pen and paper"
"Pen comments on paper, electronic comments on pdf files"
"Pen on paper, track changes"
"Pen to paper"
"Phone conversations and e-mails."
"Physically writing comments on hard copies of the thesis."
"Physically written comments on printouts and my advisor made comments on the text document"
"Primarily through markups of hard copy printouts"
"print it out and mark on it"
"Print it out and write comments on the printout"
"Print out a hard copy with their comments."
"Printed and pdf/scanned me written comments"
"Printed document and hand wrote comments."
"printed document out and made comments on document"
"Printed it out and hand wrote comments"
"printed out copy and wrote comments; read pdf online and provided referenced points of feedback."
"Printed paper and PDF editing"
"Printed the document and added written comments."
"Printed/written comments, meetings"
"Printout of thesis followed by scanning and email."
"Proof read and edit"
"Provided hard copy for committee and was given written comments back"
"Provided revisions to my submission using Word markup feature."
"Put on hard copy or through word editor"
"Putting comments on hard copies and sending notes electronically."
"Question #10 - I used Word Doc and PDF file formats. Question #11 - Change tracking in Word and emails back and forth."
"Received useful feedback from committee chair"
"Red mark the paper"
"Red pen."
"redlines on paper"
"Returned printed copies with pen corrections."
"Revised figures and tables on computer screen in person. Wrote edits on a paper copy."
"Sent me emails"
"Separate text file"
"Separate word document."
"She wrote on it."
"Should pay more attention on abstract and conclusion part as well as the English"
"smooth some part"
"Some comments were hand-written on paper printouts. Some comments were noted on electronic copies of the document."
"Some committee members provided a typed list of comments. Others used the "insert comment" feature of Word to provide comments in an electronic copy of the paper."
"Some committee members used Word's track changes and some used paper edits"
"Some directly on paper and other suggestions through email."
"Some electronic and others on papaper"
"some hand wrote comments, major advisor used ms word editing function"
"Some made comments using the editing tools of Adobe Acrobat electronically and set it back to me (my prefered method). Others made notes on printed copies."
"Some responded electronically and others provided written feedback on the paper copies."
"Some techinical improvement, some gramatical suggestion"
"some used hard copies for comments while other used electronic versions."
"Some wrote comments directly on paper, others used electronic commenting within MS Word."
"Some wrote on paper copies, some gave me electronic comments on the pdf version."
"Specific, targeted e-mail comments with page number references."
"Substantial comments and revisions"
"Suggestions were provided electronically or during individual meetings."
"Tablet computer pen on .pdf file"
"tablet pc markups in Adobe"
"Talked with me"
"The "track changes" feature and "insert comment" feature of microsoft word. Handwritten comments were also used by most committee members."
"The chair of my committee and one other committee member used the editing feature in Word. Other committee members wrote emails summarizing their comments, or wrote comments by hand on a printout."
"The committee chair helped revising my writing in detail."
"The committee provided comments/suggestions verbally during my dissertation proposal and defense - my advisor assisted in recording (i.e., writing) committee members' comments."
"The marked directly onto the paper document."
"the old fashion way, with a pen."
"There were no comments from committee."
"They add comments in printout versions of my dissertation."
"They added 'comments' in the margins of the electronic documents and hand wrote comments on paper print outs."
"They added comments both on the paper versions and also using track changes feature in Word."
"They added comments directly to paper copies of my thesis."
"They added comments in review mode of MS Word"
"They added comments physically on the printed out paper and also made suggestions via email."
"They added comments to the paper version of my thesis."
"They added comments using PDF editor on the pdf document"
"They commented by writing on a printed document."
"They corrected the mistakes of the hard copy by highlighting."
"They didn't."
"They either returned hard copies of the thesiswith suggested revisions written on them or a summary of these revisions through email."
"They gave comments to my Chair who then gave me a hard copy to add to the Word DOC."
"They gave me changes via email."
"They gave me copious notes on their copy of my thesis."
"They gave me some suggestions verbally, after my thesis defense."
"They gave written comments on paper copies, sent emails about what changes to make, and we discussed changes in person."
"They helped me throughout the whole process by sending me emails, and commenting on my paper."
"They helped me to impove the logical explanation of the dissertation."
"They made notes on a hard copy of my drafted work. They shared these with me in person. My final revision by my advisor was made electronically."
"They made notes on the printed drafts that I provided"
"They make notes/corrections in the hard copies of drafts I provide them."
"They marked the hard copy of my dissertation"
"They marked their comments on a hard copy."
"They marked up paper copies of my dissertation."
"They printed it out, made corretions by hand and mailed back to me."
"They printed out my doccument and wrote comments on it. In addition one of them converted the text in a pdf file and inserted comments within the file"
"They printed the pdf and wrote comments directly on the hardcopy."
"they provided many constructive comments on printed out papers."
"They provided written revisions on my actual paper."
"They returned printed drafts"
"they returned their feedbacks after my defense."
"They reviewed my paper copy of my thesis various times during my book process"
"They told me in person OR wrote comments on a rough draft and returned the draft to me."
"They told me what to change and I changed it."
"They used 'track changes' options to add their comments in my word document."
"they used pdf comments"
"They used the track changes feature in Microsoft Word"
"They used the track changes feature in Microsoft Word."
"They used the track changes function inside Microsoft Word."
"They used track change feature of Microsoft word to add comment."
"They usually discuss their comments with me and I take note. They sometimes give me their comments written."
"They were veyr helpful and provided very good feedback for revisions."
"they would talk with me or just write directly on the draft"
"they write comments on the hard copy"
"They wrote comments by hand on the paper version of my dissertation."
"They wrote comments on a printed copy of the document"
"They wrote comments on printouts."
"They wrote comments on the draft copy of thesis book"
"They wrote down comments on paper copies."
"They wrote down their comments in the hardcopy I brought to them"
"They wrote down their comments on the manuscript."
"They wrote notes in the margins of my printout and occasionally sent brief email letters explaining impressions of the piece."
"They wrote on the document"
"They wrote on the printed thesis."
"They wrote on the printout, sometimes with pen, sometimes with pencil."
"They wrote their comments on a paper for me."
"They wrote their comments on paper copies of the document."
"They wrote their comments on printed documents"
"They wrote their comments on printouts of the thesis."
"They wrote their comments/suggestions on the hardcopy with which I provided each of them throughout the write/rewrite phase."
"they wrote them on the draft that i gave them"
"They wrote them out on the printed copy I gave them."
"Through "comments" on a word document and by tracking changes."
"through digital comments in pdf or word doccuments"
"Through discussion."
"Through e-mail, in-person consulting with paper documents."
"Through e-mail."
"Through e-mails"
"through email"
"Through email and on paper copies."
"Through email and using pen on the paper document."
"through email, hand written comments, and meetings"
"Through emails."
"Through face-to-face meetings and adding comments to .pdf files."
"Through face-to-face meetings, through email, through telephone conversations."
"Through hand-writing."
"Through meetings and comments wrriten on drafts."
"Through meetings and written comments on paper."
"Through Microsoft Word comment inserts or by hand."
"Through paper handouts"
"Through paper printouts."
"through pdf"
"Through project meetings and discussions." - ( 2 responses)
"Through the 'document review' feature in Microsoft Office - Word application"
"through track changes"
"Through track changes in word and paper comments."
"Through verbal feedback and written comments that were scanned into pdf format."
"through word" - ( 2 responses)
"Through Word editor and hand written comments"
"through written comments"
"track change through WORD"
"track changes"
"track changes and comments on paper"
"Track changes and handwritten"
"track changes and written comments"
"track changes feature in Word, written comments on printouts"
"Track changes function in Word"
"Track changes function in Word, mark-ups with ink pens"
"Track changes in Microsoft Word and comments on hard copies."
"Track changes in Microsoft Word and paper copies were marked up by pen. Also emails were critical in sharing necessary modifications."
"Track changes in the word document"
"track changes in word"
"Track changes on docs or ink on paper"
"Track changes option in Microsoft Word"
"track changes or handwritten on printed pages"
"track editing"
"Tracked changes in microsoft word."
"tracked changes to a MS Word document and another marked-up a print out by hand"
"Tracking and via e-mail"
"Tracking changes in word processor"
"tracking on word and written comments"
"use hardcopy and write comments on it. They don't like edit big files on computers."
"Use pens to add"
"Use Review function in Microsoft Word."
"used comment feature in Microsoft Word"
"Used the "review" functions in microsoft word"
"useful discussions and helpful guidance"
"usign MS word editing"
"using a red pen"
"Using a tablet pc to write directly on the paper and emailing it to me. Meeting with me in person to discuss my thesis and corrections or adjustments to be made. Talking via telephone and using Word to highlight and correct my work as well as give suggestions."
"using adobe acrobat note tools"
"using both pen/paper and Microsoft Word"
"Using Microsoft Word or just old hard paper method."
"Using microsoft word text markup and hand-written responses on hard copy"
"Using MS word and added comments"
"Using pen on the paper copies provided to them."
"Using the "track changes" function in Word. WHO USES PDFS for this kind of thing????"
"Using the "track changes" option in Word and writing comments using Tablet"
"Using the review section tool in MS word"
"Using the track changes feature of the MS-Word"
"Using the Track Changes function in MS Word and verbally, over the phone."
"Using track changes in Microsoft Word"
"Using track changes in Microsoft Word."
"using track changes in word file"
"using track changes mode in Word"
"using Word "review" to see my advisor's edits and/or comments"
"Using word editing features"
"Usually as hand written comments"
"Usually by editing on the pdf file, but occasionally by printing it out and writing comments."
"verbal and written comments on paper copies"
"Verbal feedback at weekly meetings and in edited paper copies of specific sections."
"verbal response to prinout"
"Verbal review, graphic presentations and critiques"
"verbal, and written on a printed copy"
"verbal, written, and electronic"
"Verbally and in writting"
"Verbally and marking up my hard copies."
"Verbally and wrote comments on paper copies"
"verbally discussed comments, added comments via Word functionality, added text (highlighted to indicate comments)"
"verbally during defense, electronically by comments in Word document, and via e-mail"
"Verbally, through email, and written on the paper version"
"Verbally; Editted drafts"
"very much"
"Via e-mail"
"Via e-mail and telephone communications"
"Via e-mail suggestions."
"via electronic comments and written comments on paper copy"
"Via email" - ( 2 responses)
"Via email and by commenting on draft printouts"
"via email and telephone conversations"
"Via email.."
"Via paper"
"via printout and electronically"
"well written"
"what ever kind of way?"
"With a pen"
"With a pen."
"with MS word markup"
"Word - Comments"
"word - track changes (Committee Chair only) others printed and wrote changes on the paper document"
"Word Document Formats and Revision edits"
"word edit function"
"Word editing function."
"Word of mouth"
"Word Track Changes"
"word track-change"
"Write a note and discuss during the meetings"
"Write comments on printed copy of my thesis"
"write comments on the printing out thesis"
"Write comments on the printout"
"write on copy of paper or type comments and e-mail them"
"write on the paper"
"Write on the printout paper"
"Write up on paper and edited the files I sent"
"writen comments on a printout copy."
"writing" - ( 3 responses)
"Writing and through email"
"writing comments and suggestions directly on the printout"
"Writing comments on the pages of my paper printout of my thesis. Email was used for small changes or questions."
"Writing in margins"
"Writing in printed paper"
"Writing in the margins of the paper copies. Post-it notes on the pages of interest."
"Writing notes on draft copies I gave them."
"Writing on a printed copy"
"Writing on the document"
"writing on the hard copy of my dissertation."
"Writing on the paper"
"Writing on the paper copies, and verbal suggestions during the defense."
"writing on the paper print out of my thesis"
"Writing the comments on the hard copy of the thesis."
"Written" - ( 5 responses)
"written and electronic" - ( 3 responses)
"Written and electronically"
"Written and inserted comments in Word document."
"Written and oral comments."
"Written and Oral feedback."
"written and track changes via MS Word"
"written by hand on separate paper"
"written comments after completion of rough draft"
"Written comments and electronic track changes in word"
"Written comments as well as comments through email were received"
"Written comments in paper drafts provided."
"Written comments in the beginning; electronic changes to pdf file at end."
"Written comments on a hard copy of the text."
"Written comments on a paper dissertation."
"written comments on a paper printout"
"Written comments on a printed copy."
"written comments on hard copies"
"written comments on manuscript drafts"
"Written comments on paper copies, emailed changes to electronic copies"
"Written comments on paper copies."
"written comments on paper copy"
"Written comments on paper printout copy."
"Written comments on paper."
"Written comments on print-outs of my work."
"Written comments on printed copy of ETD."
"Written comments on printed draft, and personal conversations"
"Written comments on printed out paper"
"Written comments on printouts"
"Written comments on text"
"Written comments on the hard copies I provided."
"written comments."
"written commnents on the document"
"written edits on paper copies"
"Written hardcopy per their preference"
"Written in red ink on carbon copies."
"written notes and comments"
"written notes on paper version"
"Written notes on printout."
"written on a printed copy and by "track changes" in word document"
"Written on hard copy"
"Written on hard copy and electronic (track changes)"
"written on hardcopy"
"Written on paper" - ( 3 responses)
"written on paper copy or told"
"written on the pdf printouts"
"written suggestions on the paper copy"
"Writting on the printed document and using track changes on the electronic version."
"wrote comments on paper"
"Wrote comments on paper document, also emailed comments"
"Wrote Comments on paper printout"
"Wrote directly on printouts"
"Wrote directly on the hardcopy and insert comments in pdf"
"Wrote directly on the paper print out"
"Wrote in the text and in the margins and also provided a separate typed sheet of comments. Also used emails."
"Wrote on a paper copy"
"Wrote on a paper copy."
"wrote on book"
"Wrote on it with a pen"
"wrote on paper (print out)"
"Wrote on the paper"
"Wrote on the printed copy"
"wrote on the text document after printing it out themselves; sent me suggestions via email"
"Wrote their comments directly on the paper copy I had given them. If needed, they consulted me directly through e-mail with clarification."
"Wrote them in the paper versions."

12. Within the next 1-2 years, what do you intend to publish from your ETD?
Please select all that may apply.

16.68%\% Don't know yet (193/1157 responses)
18.67%\% Conference proceedings (216/1157 responses)
3.89%\% Will not publish (45/1157 responses)
51.43%\% Journal article (595/1157 responses)
3.63%\% Book chapter (42/1157 responses)
4.41%\% Book (51/1157 responses)
1.3%\% Other (15/1157 responses)
94.81% of the people who took this survey
(876 / 924) answered this question.

Other Responses (15 for this question)
"already published journal article"
"Extension Publications"
"other"( 7 ) responses
"patent"( 2 ) responses
"Short stories"
"two chapters have been published"

13. If you restricted access to your VT ETD, what did you base your decision on?
Select all that apply.

15.2%\% Other (102/671 responses)
26.38%\% Personal choice (177/671 responses)
5.66%\% Advice of others (38/671 responses)
3.58%\% Advice of publisher (24/671 responses)
4.77%\% Patent pending (32/671 responses)
44.41%\% Advice of faculty (298/671 responses)
54.55% of the people who took this survey
(504 / 924) answered this question.

Other Responses (102 for this question)
"Air Force STINFO Processing"
"chose not to restrict access"
"Company request"
"Confidentiality agreement with interviewees"
"did not restrict"( 5 ) responses
"did not restrict access"( 3 ) responses
"Did not restrict."
"don't want to run into issues when publishing"
"Due to publishing standards, I requested on my written ETD submission form that access to my ETD be restricted forever because if I wish to publish it as a book, access to the stories would be a negative for publishers."
"ETD web site"
"for future publication"
"Gov't employment"
"I did not restric access"
"I want the world to see it"
"Journal submissions TBD"
"Making it public"
"n/a"( 5 ) responses
"NA"( 2 ) responses
"no restriction"
"none"( 2 ) responses
"not appliable"
"not restricted"( 2 ) responses
"not submitted to a journal yet"
"notification from research sponsor"
"other"( 49 ) responses
"Policy of organization where I work."
"Proprietary information with the company who provided the funding for the research."
"Proprietary material"
"Publication"( 2 ) responses
"Publication pending"
"publishing in Journal"
"since my thesis is a creative work, if I let it be available on the whole web it will be considered "published" and therefor no publisher would choose to publish it."
"Sponsor"( 2 ) responses
"Submitting to journal"
"To protect the company information in my case study"
"unrestricted"( 2 ) responses
"working for the DC fashion council which wants to build the concept of the thesis"

14. Please include any comments or questions that you have about ETDs.

Text Responses (182 for this question)
"1. Do I need to name the final thesis PDF file in a certain way? 2. Do I need to upload each figure as a separate file if I am submitting just the PDF file? or would the pics in PDF file suffice? 3. What do I do after submitting PDF file online?"
"1. The practice submission site hasn't worked for the past 4-5 days. (I didn't try it before that. 2. I always get the sense that the term ETD is being used to mean multpile things: a noun (the final document), a process (uploading) -- and many other meanings. It's rather confusing at times to know what you mean. I'd love to see different terminology used to clarify (at least): * the process of officially submitting one's dissertation * VT's on-line dissertations for review (Our department - ALHRD - makes them available on our departmental website. It is SO helpful for reviewing style, formatting, generating the problem statement -- and more!) * the mysterious other ways that ETD seems to apply. Thanks for your interest in our feedback!"
"A number of links are broken on the Graduate School website (forms)."
"An ETD checklist that lists the format requirements and submission requirements would be really nice."
"at least, i have to say that i found this whole dissertation process very painful. i really like the idea of the etd but i had so much trouble of receiving all signatures in vacation time. moreover it was very confusing because nobody is really informed about the whole submition process."
"cannot view the uploaded file and check if the file is the correct one."
"Concerning the ETD Approval Form, it is a bit repetitive that we need to fill out the information on the paper form and then also fill out the same information prior to ETD upload. Also, I would only like my ETD restricted to VT access for 2 years, I am unable to specify the length in the online form. Thanks!"
"Could I keep my file secure for more than 1 year? Some part of my thesis may need longer time to publish."
"During the writing process, I have surfed often the ETD website. However, sometimes it was a little bit difficult to find proper information. I would like to suggest to ETD to make new front page of your site which can help people to surf your site more effectively."
"easier to do compared to the paper thesis."
"easy to follow up"
"easy to submit"
"For those who have never created a pdf, the process can be difficult. Perhaps have a tutorial online that explains that in all its detail."
"Good" - ( 2 responses)
"Good job! Thank you guys."
"Got it done"
"Great idea, but I don't see the point in having the ETD form signed by the entire committee. This is a royal pain because of travel schedules and professors who keep very limited office hours. It would be more than sufficient to have signatures from the Committee Chair and Department Head."
"great resource!"
"how long does it normally take to recieve feedback?"
"How many times, on an average, is a typical ETD downloaded in a year?"
"hydraulic spillway design project"
"I actually did not know that there was a workshop for etds. I had consulted other students who had submitted etds for the format and general procedure."
"I am concerned that the concession for the MFA Creative Writers, made between Ed Falco and Dean DePauw and stating that no more than 30% of our thesis will be available EVEN TO THE VT COMMUNITY, is NOT an option for me to check, either on the web or on the paper form. It is crucial that our stories and poems NOT be published online so that we can have them originally published in journals and books. I am quite uncomfortable thinking that my thesis will be published online and available to the VT community."
"I am not a computer guru but the tutorial was very user-friendly. It helped me finish my task easily."
"I am not really sure that I got the format correct. I guess I will hear about it if I did not."
"I apologize for it being submitted late, though I did get approval to do so. The Media Lab was closed the day before I had to submit it, so I had to find an alternative way to convert the file to a .pdf."
"I cannot find my degree which is the Master of Science in Architecture."
"i do not know whether my thesis is submitted or not yet"
"I do not understand the "archival" fee as it is an electronic copy. The purpose of this fee needs to be conveyed to the students more."
"I feel that this website and procedure are quite outdated, and that several updates need to be made."
"I find the ETD website frustrating because in the section about body of the ETD where I would expect to find information about dpacing and other formatting questions (footnotes, etc.), there is very limited information. I finally found information to my questions doing a search within the ETD website, but the pages that were returned by the search are not accessible via links on the main ETD website. If they are, it is certainly not clear how to access them."
"I found it difficult to find the Latex structure for formatting my dissertation. I developed my own, then finally found it on the website (can't even remember where now). Formatting structure and files for guides (either .tex or .doc) should be more readily available."
"I found it difficult to format my HTML abstract in a visually appealing way. I did not know how to make subscripts/superscripts or how to make spaces between paragraphs."
"I found it very useful"
"I found that responses to questions regarding ETDs never came or took an extreme amount of time to do so."
"I had to input the basic information of the ETD in submission, but it has already been in the ETD file."
"I hadn't heard the word "ETD" was until I turned in my card after my defense. I didn't know about any workshops, online directions, or anything else. I was just writing my thesis based on what I had seen done previously."
"I liked the way ETDs are organized. It was easy to learn how to upload the dissertation from your tutorials."
"I love the VT ETD web site!"
"I need to know how to be granted permanent secured access"
"I think it is nice to be able to submit electronically. It makes sense."
"I think that an attempt to standardize this process amongst all majors is not good. An architectural thesis comes out of a completely different process and trying to apply it to the same standards as a technical thesis does not work. The Graduate School should try to work more with the individual colleges."
"I think the website needs to be changed as some of the links are old and do not go anywhere. Also I feel that it can be setup in a better format where answers are easily obtainable."
"I thought the grad school did a good job of supplying info for dissertations, however some of it didn't appear to be centralized. I felt like I would spend a lot of time clicking around for documents that I had located before, but was then unable to located on subsequent visits to the webpage."
"I was unaware of the ETD submission process until AFTER defending my thesis. My advisor told me of the need to submit via ETD and assumed I had already received an email from the grad school delineating this process. While I may have received an email earlier in the year, I honestly do not remember seeing or hearing anything about this process of submission. I think it needs to be more clearly stated and/or publicized for the graduate students."
"I wish I knew more about this process before I started writing. There is a lot of old, conflicting information about ETDs on the VT websites"
"I would like to know how long the approval process of the ETD takes?"
"Is it necessary to submit a hard copy of the thesis after the ETD approval? If that is the case, how many copies are required?"
"Is it submitted?"
"It is a good system. However, I met some problems when delete some files."
"It is a great tool"
"It is a very simple and great process."
"It is awesome"
"It is ok."
"It is very helpful to submit ETDs after going through the on-line instruction pages."
"It might be nice to send out an email each semester to all potential graduating graduate students defining the many deadline dates for paperwork throughtout the semester."
"it was confusing trying to find the most current thesis guidelines. the current on-line graduate catalog references an appendix, yet the appendix is not included in the catalog. the etd guide helped somewhat."
"it was easy to follow. thanks!"
"It was never quite clear to me if I was supposed to include my IRB approval letter in the actual dissertation document, seperately as an ETD submission, or if it was to only be handed in as a hard copy."
"It worked fine."
"It would be helpful to map out (picture or diagram) the process complete with wwhich forms need to be completed and when. Also, I was having problems accessing some of the websites listed in the ETD workshop powerpoint, but I must say that the powerpoint was good but could be enhanced to be more helpful."
"It would be nice to have a "dos" and "don't" list available for preparing the ETD"
"It would be nice to have a template for entire etd and this would save time for student and grad school. Some schools has such format and VT needs those help links posted on web or build their own."
"It's efficient, which can save me a lot of time and effort by not printing out paper document. It is paperless, which is good for the environment."
"It's Great!"
"It's not realistic to get all the signature for the ETD form and finish editing within two weeks. The deadline should be more flexible."
"just hoping i did everything right!"
"Many thanks to Janice Austin and Lindy Cranwell"
"More clear instructions about HTML codes would be helpful especially while uploading the abstract."
"more detail should be provided on how to go about dividing the thesis up into pieces such that the page numbers in the table of contents matches the text while those pages have roman numbering."
"N/A" - ( 7 responses)
"Need to have specific guidelines for formatting."
"no" - ( 2 responses)
"No additional comments."
"no comments" - ( 4 responses)
"none" - ( 17 responses)
"None." - ( 2 responses)
"not so many comments for my first use"
"Nothing" - ( 2 responses)
"Pagination is RIDICULOUS! I worked for hours just trying to get this thing paginated correctly. It was mind-boggling to deal with such a frustrating issue."
"pdf files are common, just specify that is what your want"
"Please make the availability choices the same between the "Thesis and Dissertation Approval Form" and the website. They were different and unclear."
"Please review ETD faster."
"Please update the ETD website to ensure that it is consistent in its instructions."
"Please update the latex template and make it easier to find."
"Process was quite straightforward, had no problems"
"Shelton Norwood was helpful in arranging for this upload, since I am a School of Biomedical Engineering and Sciences student I am uploading from off campus."
"Some information on the ETD websites need to be updated."
"Some of the ETD examples would not load. Having a simple way to convert .doc to .pdf would be nice. The mac computers in our lab have a "print to .pdf" function which was much simpler than the explained method of using Adobe Acrobat Pro, and didn't require special software, that our lab, and the vet school computer lab did not have."
"Some of the links in the workshop result in 404 pages - perhaps rechecking and updating might be helpful for future ETD submissions."
"Some of the links of the workshop PPt file is not working"
"STP low temp"
"Thank you for your quick response to my questions."
"Thank you for your service!"
"Thank you for your thought in "hand holding" me through the process."
"Thanks for making the final phase of such a stressful milestone easy! :)"
"thanks for the smooth process. I would like to walk in May so i really would love it if everything is finalized by tomorrow (Friday, 4/11/08). Thanks."
"The departments need to make certain publishing (copyright) strictures clear to the students BEFORE they start creating their document. I was unaware that images required copywrite permission, assuming that earlier ETDs, which only cite the images in a "list of images section," represented an acceptable procedure."
"The electronic form does not allow me to restrict access to my ETD forever, which I specifically requested on my written form. Thank you for adhering to the request."
"The etd application could not be entirely filled out online. I had problems with the committee members section."
"The ETD site does not allow you to navigate with the links on the lefthand side if you go back to make a change to something. You have to exit and log back in. Also, a sample of how to do carriage returns for the abstract would be helpful. I had to look it up myself."
"The ETD site has the old dissertation approval form on it. This form is also linked to some other places on the Grad School site, making it difficult to know which form you're supposed to use."
"The ETD submission process is relatively straightforward. However, the necessary changes in formating to meet the ETD requirements is a nuisance, especially when you consider all the time and effort that goes into preparing the document according to specifications and publication standards in one's field."
"The ETD website is very useful and informative"
"the ETD website is very useful. It is easy to use."
"the ETDs used as example were interesting, but because these ETDs were so unique, their use as examples was limited"
"The expected timeline of submission and review of ETD on the ETD website doesn't include the estimated required time for each process. It only includes the sequence. A better version was sent to me by email after I defended which might be helpful if it was posted on the website."
"The format used for submitting the abstract is antiquated. There is much room for improvement."
"The instruction (powderpoint file) and the online instruction are not very clear. I had hard time to find just a simple instruction telling me how to finsh the ETD submission. There are more than enough sources that just make it harder."
"The instructions on how to submit the ETD make the process seem much more difficult and time consuming than it actually was."
"The links provided in the power point presentation do not work. It also refers to the appendix of an out of date Graduate School Catalog."
"The online PDF maker was confusing and did not work correctly. It told me for over 2 hrs that it would start in 38 mins and 10s, but never started. You should just direct students to computer labs with PDF Maker."
"The only information I needed not provided by the VT ETD site was info on typical margin's & page setup (especially margins for a bound, hard-copy of the thesis)"
"The powerpoint slideshow was very useful for me to get a general idea of the process. The website is very complete and user friendly. why the 350-word limit on the abstract?"
"The process seems very straightforward so far. If I did everything correctly, then I would say the process is very good. If I left anything out then I would say that it should be highlighted in the process because I tried very hard to follow all directions explicitly."
"The process was easy. Please advise of software that converts text files to pdf."
"The process was simple."
"The process was very easy."
"The submission process cannot be easier! Keep up the good work."
"The web site is very useful. However it is sometimes confusing and the display of information is not always clear."
"The website (both main site and submission pages) have glaring usability issues and in general are noticeably outdated."
"The website is a bit cumbersome. It could use quite a bit of streamlining"
"There are only two figures I used from others (Fig 2.1 and Fig 2.5). The copyright approvement letters have been mailed to graduate school with ETD form."
"There was a technical issue with the website the first time I tried to submit my ETD. The problem was resolved over the phone."
"This is a great way of taking care of the environment."
"this process is too cumbersome -- i suggest seeking advice from an human-computer interface expert"
"This was a relatively painless process. The practice site was a good way to gain confidence with the proceess."
"This was wicked hard. There should be much clearer directions, especially with respect to spacing block quotes."
"To be honest, I thought this process of ETD submission was going to be long and hard. I was mistaken. Your site is helpful and easy to use, good job! Let's just hope I get not many format corrections though."
"Trying to find the relavant information on the website was a nightmare. When writing the thesis what I really needed to know was the format restrictions/guidelines I was required to follow. These were very hard to find on the website. There is, to my knowledge, no Appendix to the Graduate Student Handbook with the required formats that almost every link on the website prompts you to reference. The best resources I found, such as the PowerPoint of the ETD workshop and the submission requirements, were found almost by the chance of randomly clicking on all the avaliable links; the information was not where one would logically look for it based on the website set-up. Considering I also just converted my linked Word document straight to a PDF an additional tutorial on how to format the ETD in word might benefit people. Overall, the website was the primary place to find the needed information, but it is not laid out in a logical manner. The formating details are important and would be great to find in one easy to find place."
"Use of Adobe is not necessary if you are using anything other than Windows."
"very nice , thx"
"Very convenient"
"Very easy to use."
"very good"
"very goog!I like!"
"Web site needs to be updated. There are broken links. Also, the samples provided do not meet all of the formatting requirements outlined on other pages of the web site."
"When will I get my diploma?"
"Why didnt the grad school hand me or inform me of the ETD form when I obtained my defense card?"
"why do I have to eliminate spaces or slashes when naming the etd file?"
"Why on earth do I have to pay an archiving fee when a computer does all the work???? Please tell me a human is involved in that process somehow!!!"
"Why PDFs?"
"With regard to the "difficulty of submission" question, I expect websites these days to make it both trivially easy and user-interactive to submit files to websites (see Facebook, Flickr, Photobucket, or even Walmart uploading interfaces). I was a bit surprised that VT doesn't have something slightly more sophisticated (instead of just hitting the "go" button and waiting for a while - the VT ETD submission has no interactivity to it.)"
"Work shops on endnote would be helpful. It has been very difficult to get citations in the righ place, appropriate bibliographies, etc."
"would be helpful to have a link about html formatting for italics, bold, underline, etc. All I found was html for special characters & had to go online to look up formating."
"Would be helpful to have guidance on creating "live" table of contents links."
"Wouldn't it just be easier to use WorldCat?"
"You need to update the website to include my department. Also, the ETD website has TWO different approval forms, and both of these are different than the one provided on the gradschool website."
"You should not ask for a PDF file or should make it easier"

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Generated at 04:52 pm on Monday, October 26th, 2015