1. Where do you work/study?
Education: college (9/120 responses) Education: K-12 (5/120 responses) Education: university (85/120 responses) Industry / Business (11/120 responses) Other (10/120 responses) 92.86% of the people who took this survey
(117 / 126) answered this question.
Other Responses (10 for this question) "Education Services" "food" "fuel cell" "lifelong learning" "logistique" "other"( 4 ) responses "private practice" 2. What do you do?
Researcher (37/129 responses) Librarian (1/129 responses) Faculty (7/129 responses) Student (52/129 responses) Teacher (9/129 responses) Other (23/129 responses) 94.44% of the people who took this survey
(119 / 126) answered this question.
Other Responses (23 for this question) "Administrator" "construction management" "Engineer"( 2 ) responses "ETD Converter" "ETD Director" "Executive" "factory" "other"( 12 ) responses "Principal" "Technical Development" "train" 3. What type of computer are you using?
Don't know (3/119 responses) Unix-based (2/119 responses) Mac (3/119 responses) PC (109/119 responses) Other (2/119 responses) 93.65% of the people who took this survey
(118 / 126) answered this question.
Other Responses (2 for this question) "linux" "other" 4. What is the speed/type of connection are you using?
Slower than 14.4kbps (6/117 responses) 14.4 kbps (1/117 responses) 28.8 kbps (5/117 responses) 36.6 kbps (7/117 responses) 56 kbps (21/117 responses) ISDN (18/117 responses) Ethernet (17/117 responses) T1 (5/117 responses) Cable modem (18/117 responses) Don't know (19/117 responses) 92.86% of the people who took this survey
(117 / 126) answered this question.
5. Are you familiar with Adobe PDF?
Yes (113/117 responses) No (4/117 responses) 92.86% of the people who took this survey
(117 / 126) answered this question.
6. Are you familiar with online databases?
Yes (89/117 responses) No (28/117 responses) 92.86% of the people who took this survey
(117 / 126) answered this question.
7. If you are from a university, does your institution accept electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs)?
No (12/114 responses) Not from a university (17/114 responses) Yes (85/114 responses) 90.48% of the people who took this survey
(114 / 126) answered this question.
8. If your institution does not accept ETDs, do you think it should?
No opinion (26/107 responses) Yes (70/107 responses) No (11/107 responses) 84.92% of the people who took this survey
(107 / 126) answered this question.
9. Have you ever submitted an ETD?
No (80/114 responses) Yes (34/114 responses) 90.48% of the people who took this survey
(114 / 126) answered this question.
10. For what purpose are you using this digital library?
Check all that apply.
Research (97/156 responses) Job related (17/156 responses) Personal interest (23/156 responses) Learning about ETD's (14/156 responses) Other (5/156 responses) 92.86% of the people who took this survey
(117 / 126) answered this question.
Other Responses (5 for this question) "other"( 4 ) responses "We are digitising the hard copies into E-formats" 11. Did you download any ETDs?
If so, how many?
more than 10 (24/114 responses) 6-10 (6/114 responses) 3-5 (11/114 responses) 1-2 (18/114 responses) Didn't download any ETDs. (55/114 responses) 90.48% of the people who took this survey
(114 / 126) answered this question.
12. If you downloaded any ETDs, how did you find them?
Please select all that apply.
Browsed by department (26/103 responses) Browsed by author (15/103 responses) Searched (62/103 responses) 69.84% of the people who took this survey
(88 / 126) answered this question.
13. If you downloaded any ETDs, how easy was it to find what you were looking for?
Very difficult (7/92 responses) Difficult (23/92 responses) Fairly easy (27/92 responses) Easy (24/92 responses) Very easy (11/92 responses) 73.02% of the people who took this survey
(92 / 126) answered this question.
14. If you searched for an ETD, how fast was the response to your search request?
Haven't searched (5/106 responses) Very slow (5/106 responses) Slow (21/106 responses) Fairly fast (27/106 responses) Fast (32/106 responses) Very fast (16/106 responses) 84.13% of the people who took this survey
(106 / 126) answered this question.
15. How often do you plan to use Virginia Tech's ETD library?
Rarely (12/111 responses) Occasionally (45/111 responses) Monthly (6/111 responses) Weekly (32/111 responses) Daily (16/111 responses) 88.1% of the people who took this survey
(111 / 126) answered this question.
16. How often do you plan to use other ETD libraries?
Occasionally (32/111 responses) Monthly (9/111 responses) Weekly (38/111 responses) Daily (19/111 responses) Rarely (13/111 responses) 88.1% of the people who took this survey
(111 / 126) answered this question.
Additional comments:
Please provide any comments about Virginia Tech's ETDs.
Text Responses (34 for this question) "a good source for my resource" "Best Wishes." "good" - ( 4 responses) "good job" "High school technology teacher from Ft Lauderdale trying to find resources to use for teaching database concepts." "I need to youe help for complete my theses in post graduate degree" "i will comment after using a week" "I would like to discuss about Multicarrier CDMA systems with groups which investigate it in Virginia Tech's ETDs." "I would like to make a trip to see you ETD department." "it's very useful." "just now i have seen it i will comment later" "let me first try it" "looking for researches to complete PhD" "Please provide some thesis on magnetocaloric effect" "quite accessible" "sorry,I'm come here for first time." "Speed shoud be more faster, the quality can be a lot thank you" "thank you" "THANK YOU I FOUNG VERY USEFUL" "thank you very much" - ( 2 responses) "thank you!" "Thanks a lot" "that is so user freindly" "this is good survey for improving to your etd's organisation and users. I am doing ph.d. in the department of library and information science, sri venkateswara university, tirupati, andhra pradesh, India. My topic is "A SURVEY OF MEDICAL COLLEGE LIBRARIES IN ANDHRA PRADESH,INDIA". So, I wish to known what are the surveys done or doing in this regard. Please you can send all details for my research purpose." "This libraries is perfect." "useful" "very good and very convenient" "very good!" "watermelon grafted" "We are a part of ETD India, from Mysore University, We intend to co-ordinate with Professionals like you and wish to serve your esteemed University, Please acknowledge us so that we can interact with each other in a better manner hereafter."
Generated at
04:51 pm on Monday, October 26th, 2015