1. Where do you work/study?
Education: college (6/49 responses) Education: K-12 (1/49 responses) Education: university (33/49 responses) Industry / Business (3/49 responses) Other (6/49 responses) 0.95% of the people who took this survey
(47 / 4940) answered this question.
Other Responses (6 for this question) "medicine" "other"( 2 ) responses "plant labrotary" "pvc" "student" 2. What do you do?
Researcher (17/46 responses) Librarian (0/46 responses) Faculty (3/46 responses) Student (18/46 responses) Teacher (5/46 responses) Other (3/46 responses) 0.91% of the people who took this survey
(45 / 4940) answered this question.
Other Responses (3 for this question) "doctor" "other" "Web sites" 3. What type of computer are you using?
Don't know (4/47 responses) Unix-based (0/47 responses) Mac (0/47 responses) PC (40/47 responses) Other (3/47 responses) 0.93% of the people who took this survey
(46 / 4940) answered this question.
Other Responses (3 for this question) "dell" "linux" "other" 4. What is the speed/type of connection are you using?
Slower than 14.4kbps (1/46 responses) 14.4 kbps (3/46 responses) 28.8 kbps (1/46 responses) 36.6 kbps (1/46 responses) 56 kbps (9/46 responses) ISDN (7/46 responses) Ethernet (5/46 responses) T1 (2/46 responses) Cable modem (7/46 responses) Don't know (10/46 responses) 0.93% of the people who took this survey
(46 / 4940) answered this question.
5. Are you familiar with Adobe PDF?
Yes (42/44 responses) No (2/44 responses) 0.89% of the people who took this survey
(44 / 4940) answered this question.
6. Are you familiar with online databases?
Yes (28/45 responses) No (17/45 responses) 0.91% of the people who took this survey
(45 / 4940) answered this question.
7. If you are from a university, does your institution accept electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs)?
No (5/46 responses) Not from a university (6/46 responses) Yes (35/46 responses) 0.93% of the people who took this survey
(46 / 4940) answered this question.
8. If your institution does not accept ETDs, do you think it should?
No opinion (13/43 responses) Yes (24/43 responses) No (6/43 responses) 0.87% of the people who took this survey
(43 / 4940) answered this question.
9. Have you ever submitted an ETD?
No (32/46 responses) Yes (14/46 responses) 0.93% of the people who took this survey
(46 / 4940) answered this question.
10. For what purpose are you using this digital library?
Check all that apply.
Research (42/52 responses) Job related (3/52 responses) Personal interest (4/52 responses) Learning about ETD's (3/52 responses) 0.89% of the people who took this survey
(44 / 4940) answered this question.
11. Did you download any ETDs?
If so, how many?
more than 10 (10/44 responses) 6-10 (1/44 responses) 3-5 (6/44 responses) 1-2 (12/44 responses) Didn't download any ETDs. (15/44 responses) 0.89% of the people who took this survey
(44 / 4940) answered this question.
12. If you downloaded any ETDs, how did you find them?
Please select all that apply.
Browsed by department (8/41 responses) Browsed by author (9/41 responses) Searched (24/41 responses) 0.73% of the people who took this survey
(36 / 4940) answered this question.
13. If you downloaded any ETDs, how easy was it to find what you were looking for?
Very difficult (0/35 responses) Difficult (3/35 responses) Fairly easy (10/35 responses) Easy (15/35 responses) Very easy (7/35 responses) 0.71% of the people who took this survey
(35 / 4940) answered this question.
14. If you searched for an ETD, how fast was the response to your search request?
Haven't searched (3/37 responses) Very slow (0/37 responses) Slow (3/37 responses) Fairly fast (12/37 responses) Fast (8/37 responses) Very fast (11/37 responses) 0.75% of the people who took this survey
(37 / 4940) answered this question.
15. How often do you plan to use Virginia Tech's ETD library?
Rarely (6/40 responses) Occasionally (9/40 responses) Monthly (9/40 responses) Weekly (8/40 responses) Daily (8/40 responses) 0.81% of the people who took this survey
(40 / 4940) answered this question.
16. How often do you plan to use other ETD libraries?
Occasionally (9/41 responses) Monthly (7/41 responses) Weekly (10/41 responses) Daily (8/41 responses) Rarely (7/41 responses) 0.83% of the people who took this survey
(41 / 4940) answered this question.
Additional comments:
Please provide any comments about Virginia Tech's ETDs.
Text Responses (17 for this question) "best" "I am planning to enter in a new research area, thin film growth, I suppose I may get feeling in a thesis repository and this search is going to give me great directions. I am happy for finding VT ETD." "I can't download some restrictions-VT theses because I didn't have ID & password what should I do,please thanks" "i need any thesis about respiratory viruses and related by COPD" "Is an important library. Help me to know more" "it is very helpful to resherchers." "it the greaTEST IN THE WORLD" "Looking for an html doc by Doctorate student, found ETD instead!" "maybe I've liked to find easily my interesting topics" "Tanks virginia tech, you are the best and the best forever" "thank u" "thank you ETD , for accepting me." "They are useful for everybody !!!" "this my first inter to this labrary" "very helpful to research" "Very nice to get so many infornmation!" "very powerfull site"
Generated at
04:52 pm on Monday, October 26th, 2015