1. While preparing your ETD, where did you find answers to your questions?
Please select all that apply.
at an ETD workshop (26/1919 responses) from my committee (189/1919 responses) from friends (316/1919 responses) from New Media Center staff (29/1919 responses) by telephone (83/1919 responses) through e-mail (84/1919 responses) other Web site(s) (55/1919 responses) VT ETD Web site (1006/1919 responses) from ETD tech support (35/1919 responses) Other/Comments (96/1919 responses) 90.54% of the people who took this survey
(1139 / 1258) answered this question.
Other Responses (96 for this question) "Adobe assist with free conversion" "Adobe website" "answer to question #2: site was only useful if my submission was done correctly" "Brenda Harris & Dean Avery" "David Pluska"( 4 ) responses "David Pluska helped me"( 2 ) responses "David was very helpful." "Debbie Cash at Northern Virginia Library" "Department Secretary"( 3 ) responses "Departmental support" "Grad School"( 2 ) responses "Grad School Secretary"( 2 ) responses "graduate school"( 2 ) responses "graduate school officer" "gradute school by phone" "Gwen at the Graduate School" "IT personnel helped me on the pdf conversion" "just logged in and figured things out..." "looking at old ETD's" "Math Graduate Program Coordinator" "my department's graduate secretary, joyce smith" "need workshops in northern virginia" "New media center" "No information... available anywhere... no body gave clear answer" "no questions" "no questions/self-explanatory" "none" "NVA Library staff" "on 2 of the papers that were included in the packet of forms that the graduate school gave me alond with the exam card" "other"( 48 ) responses "other students" "out of state" "previous experience" "previous grad students" "seminar class" "Talked to David Pluska" "The graduate school" "This site was so self-explanatory and helpful, I was completely shocked. Reaffirms my belief that Virginia Tech has the finest web-based tools for students." "VT staff" "Wife" 2. If you consulted the VT ETD Web site, please indicate if the site was useful.
Not useful (33/1130 responses) Useful (220/1130 responses) Somewhat useful (317/1130 responses) Very useful (500/1130 responses) Did not consult VT ETD Web site. (60/1130 responses) 89.83% of the people who took this survey
(1130 / 1258) answered this question.
3. If you attended an ETD workshop, please indicate if you found the workshop useful.
Not useful (12/1077 responses) Useful (33/1077 responses) Somewhat useful (43/1077 responses) Very useful (39/1077 responses) Did not attend ETD workshop. (950/1077 responses) 85.61% of the people who took this survey
(1077 / 1258) answered this question.
4. If you used the New Media Center, please indicate if the staff was helpful.
Very helpful (77/1071 responses) Somewhat helpful (30/1071 responses) Helpful (37/1071 responses) Not helpful (7/1071 responses) Did not use the New Media Center. (920/1071 responses) 85.14% of the people who took this survey
(1071 / 1258) answered this question.
5. How many ETDs did you consult while preparing your ETD?
more than 10 (25/1137 responses) Did not consult any ETDs. (212/1137 responses) 3-5 (393/1137 responses) 1-2 (410/1137 responses) 6-10 (97/1137 responses) 90.38% of the people who took this survey
(1137 / 1258) answered this question.
6. Compared to what you expected, how difficult was it to create a PDF file?
Much more difficult (40/1138 responses) Somewhat more difficult (113/1138 responses) Somewhat less difficult (230/1138 responses) Much less difficult (410/1138 responses) Neither more nor less difficult (345/1138 responses) 90.46% of the people who took this survey
(1138 / 1258) answered this question.
7. My computer is a
Other (22/1147 responses) Unix (9/1147 responses) PC (1069/1147 responses) Mac (47/1147 responses) 90.3% of the people who took this survey
(1136 / 1258) answered this question.
Other Responses (22 for this question) "GNU/Linux" "laptop"( 3 ) responses "Linux"( 3 ) responses "Mac and Pc" "mac at home, pc at work" "notebook" "other"( 11 ) responses "used PC & Mac" 8. Where were you when you submitted your ETD?
Off-campus residence (385/1242 responses) off-campus workplace (143/1242 responses) Northern Virginia Center (12/1242 responses) Campus office (379/1242 responses) Campus residence hall (19/1242 responses) New Media Center (24/1242 responses) Tech Connect lab (33/1242 responses) Another university (37/1242 responses) Other (210/1242 responses) 90.78% of the people who took this survey
(1142 / 1258) answered this question.
Other Responses (210 for this question) "1080 Torg" "1st time @ office; 2nd at off campus residence (N. Va)" "Alexandria Center"( 4 ) responses "Alexandria Research Institute" "Another Country (Bolivia)" "Argentina" "ARI"( 3 ) responses "Art / Arch Library" "At home" "at new job" "California"( 3 ) responses "campus research laboratory" "campus studio" "CEARS lab"( 2 ) responses "Coffee Shop" "coffee shop out of state with WiFi" "Cowgill" "Cowgill Hall"( 2 ) responses "Department Lab" "Departmental lab"( 2 ) responses "deployed" "EMC" "ESM computer lab"( 4 ) responses "ESM Laboratory" "Europe" "friend's office" "Geosciences Department" "Hampton Roads Center" "home"( 7 ) responses "home - near WAAC in Alexandria" "Hong Kong" "in my job" "In my office"( 4 ) responses "India"( 2 ) responses "Japan"( 2 ) responses "lab"( 2 ) responses "Landscape Architecture Lab"( 2 ) responses "laptop" "library" "Los Alamos, NM" "Math Computer Lab" "Math Emporium" "My lab" "NC" "Newman library"( 2 ) responses "Off-campus Coffee Shop" "office"( 7 ) responses "Office-Chile" "On campus lab" "other"( 100 ) responses "out of state"( 3 ) responses "Personal Computer"( 3 ) responses "personal computer on campus" "Research Lab" "research laboratory" "sitting in car using wireless in front of CMMID building" "squires student center" "SSD Lab Newman"( 2 ) responses "St. Louis, MO" "submitted CD" "Torgersen" "Torgerson Comp. Lab" "Torgerson hall" "Vet Med SACS computer lab" "Vet School Computer" "Vetmed" "VTTI"( 2 ) responses "work"( 4 ) responses "Work - National Defense University, Washington, D.C." 9. Compared to what you expected, how difficult was it to submit your thesis/dissertation electronically?
Neither more nor less difficult. (234/1140 responses) Much more difficult (36/1140 responses) Somewhat more difficult (127/1140 responses) Somewhat less difficult (308/1140 responses) Much less difficult (435/1140 responses) 90.62% of the people who took this survey
(1140 / 1258) answered this question.
10. Throughout the development of your ETD, what formats (i.e.paper, electronic, other) did you use to share your dissertation with your committee?
Electronic----pdf (126/1141 responses) Mix of electronic and paper (543/1141 responses) Paper---just a printout (328/1141 responses) Electronic----text document (132/1141 responses) Other (12/1141 responses) 90.7% of the people who took this survey
(1141 / 1258) answered this question.
11.How did your commitee chair and/or committee add comments to your document during the writing process?
Text Responses (1001 for this question) "- Manual annotation of hard copies (preferred) - e-mailed suggested changes (in message text) All committee members preferred to read hard copies instead of PDFs." "--Written comments on written hard-copy drafts --Typed summaries of comments (in some cases)" "2 commitee chairs and 2 commitee members" "2 commitee chairs and 2 committee members" "A variety of communication was used, verbal critiques and hardcopy reviews primarily" "add comments on the hard copy of thesis" "add comments on the printout" "Add to my printout" "Added comments and corrections to paper copies and word files." "Added comments and made changes using word processors" "Added comments physically to print out." "Added comments to a hardcopy of the paper." "Added comments to paper version" "added comments to printed document" "Added comments to printout" "Adding text to my text document." "Adding their comments on the text." "Adobe Acrobat, email" "Adobe acrobat, handwriting on printed copies" "advanced commenting" "advisor would read my work and make hand written comments; then we would discuss them" "Advisor: chapters sent electronically and edits made in WORD. Large files placed in VT file box. Discussions on the phone Committee: wrote on hard copy of complete draft which was returned to me at my defense" "Advisor: emailed chapters and commented on them in WORD, discussions on the phone Committee: wrote on hard copy of final draft Everyone: verified electronic PDF verion of dissertation to be submitted" - ( 2 responses) "All committee members added comments on hard copy of thesis." "Almost always they would leave comments on printed copies. My advisor and i would also meet periodically to discuss it aloud." "already extensively answered this 2 times - not doing it again!" "Annotations" - ( 2 responses) "both" "Both by paper and by electronic means." - ( 2 responses) "both electronic and paper" "Both electronically (email and tracking in the document) and handwritten comments on a paper copy of the document." "both electronically and in a written form" "Both electronically and in paper" "Both electronically and via paper" "Both electronically in word and on hardcopies" "Both electronically with tracker and by hard copy" "Both hardcopy and Word file" "Both in paper and using Word revision tool." "Both manually on the paper and electonically through the internet" "Both MS Word and hand-written comments." "both paper and email" "both revisions by hand and oral suggestions, as well as using track changes in Word" "both using a pdf and by hand" "Both written and electronic" "Both written comments and track changes in Word." "Both written on paper, and comments using Word." "both, written comments on the printed copy as well as annotations in the pdf" "By correcting or adding sections to my printed document." "By e-mail and by writing notes on the printout" "By e-mail or direct discussion" "By e-mailing word documents to me with track function for corrections." "By electronic and paper markups" "By email" - ( 2 responses) "By email and by hard-copy, with written comments. Also, verbal communication." "By email and writing on the paper copy" "By email attachment and phone." "by emails and handwriting" "By emails, phone calls and talks face to face." "By giving written remarks." "by hand" - ( 2 responses) "By hand and emailed me a pdf of their corrections." "By hand in the dissertation; one member off-campus wrote comments, scanned the pages & sent it by email." "by hand on print out" "By hand on the actual paper printout" "By hand using printed out copies." "by handwriting" "By handwriting on the sides and margins." "By marking on print copy." "By marking up a paper copy." "By marking up a paper draft." "By notes on a paper copy." "by pen" - ( 4 responses) "By printing it out and writing on the hardcopy" "By reviewing and providing comments." "By revising a paper copy." "by writing" - ( 2 responses) "BY WRITING COMMENTS ON THE PAPER" "By writing notes on the print-outs" "By writing notes on the print-outs." "by writing on hard copy" "By writing on printouts." "By writing on the hardcopy." "Chair used MS Word docs and memeber used pen and paper" "Chair: notes on MS-word files and on paper. Committee: notes on the paper version." "comment boxes in Word and scribbles on hard copy" "comment on paper" "Comment tracking in MS Word and comments on hard copies." "commented on printed document" "commented on printout" - ( 2 responses) "Comments added in word, and in paper versions of dissertation" "comments all on paper" "comments by hand" "comments directly on the manuscript, email, and verbal communication." "Comments given on paper printed thesis." "Comments hand written in the margins." "comments in word document, notes on printout" "Comments made in MS Word and on paper copies" "comments made on hard copies" "Comments on hard-copy" "comments on paper and then sent by mail or scanned using pdf scanner" "Comments on paper and via e-mail" "Comments on paper copy" "Comments on paper print outs" - ( 2 responses) "Comments on printed copy or through e-mail" "Comments on printed copy, text-only list of changes" "Comments on printout" - ( 3 responses) "comments on the paper" "comments on the paper copy" "Comments on the paper copy, also a few changes were suggested through e-mail and one-one meetings. Major revisions were made on the electronic copy (doc format)" "Comments returned by email" "Comments were added in both paper hardcopy and digital formats." "Comments were given in both electronic and written form." "Comments were hand written in the hardcopy of manucscript." "Comments were made on paper printouts of the document." - ( 2 responses) "Comments were made on paper printouts." "Comments were made via e-mail and telephone. Corrections/additions were made to portions of the dissertation and those portions submitted electronically to dissertation advisor for approval." "Comments were marked on the printout I provided." "Comments were recorded on the draft printouts given to them." "Comments were written directly on the printed copy." "Comments were written in the margins." "Comments were written on the paper printouts." "Comments written on paper version of the dissertation" - ( 2 responses) "Commitee Chair - Word edit tracker Commitee - paper markup" "Commitee Chair made comments by Chapter. The other committee members made comments after the thesis defense." "Committe Chair: Microsoft Word Tracking Generator Committe: Paper markup" "Committe: marking in the paper drafts. Advisor: adding comments to the electronic drafts" "Committee Chair made comments by Chapter. The remaining committee members made comments after the thesis defense." "Committee members added comments to hardcopies of the document." "Communication primarily, paper markings secondarily, no electronic modifiers used." "corrected printed document" "corrected the printed copies" "Corrected the printed document" "Corrections in the printout" "corrections on paper" - ( 2 responses) "corrections on print out" "Corrections on the text printout" - ( 2 responses) "corrections." "digital and paper" "Direct editing of paper document" "direct editing of the paper document" "Direct editing on the paper document" "Directly in the electronic documents." "Directly in work using Track Changes, email and verbal comments" "Directly on the printout" "directly onto a printout and through text edits on a *.doc" "Discussions and e-mail" "e-comments in Word and written comments on paper" "e-comments in Word or written comments on paper" "E-mail" - ( 6 responses) "e-mail & phone calls & progress briefings in Blacksburg" "E-mail and document mark up" "e-mail, corrections on the paper" "E-mail, corrections on the paper." "E-mail, written (hard copy) and electronic within the document" "edited on hard copy" "edited on paper manuscript" "edited the paper copy" "editing on hard copy printout" "Editing on paper copies and through MS Word reviewing function." "Editing the word files and exchanging emails" "Editorial comments on paper copies" "edits on paper copy" - ( 2 responses) "Either onto printout or e-mailed responses." "Either verbally, or using MS Word's editing feature." "Electonically and on paper" "electornically" "electronic" - ( 2 responses) "electronic / written" "electronic and by pencil/pen" "electronic and hand written" "Electronic and Paper" - ( 10 responses) "Electronic and paper copies" "Electronic and paper." "Electronic and written feedback" "Electronic and written." "Electronic comments" "Electronic comments in eportfolio, emailo, track-changes in word, written comments on a hard copy" "electronic comments on PDF files, written comments on paper copies" "Electronic comments." "Electronic communication" "Electronic corrections." "Electronic edit tracking in DOC" - ( 2 responses) "Electronic feedback and written via fax" "Electronic text markup." "Electronic Version - Using Track Changes in MS Word Paper Version - Using Pencil" "Electronic via MS Word" "electronic, and on paper" "Electronically" - ( 10 responses) "Electronically (email and in the text of the document) and also comments on the paper copy of the document." "Electronically (email and tracking) and hardcopy edits." - ( 2 responses) "Electronically (i.e. using tracked changes in MS Word)" "Electronically (using features built into microsoft word) and by hand." "electronically and handwritten" "Electronically and manually written on copy provided to committee" "electronically and on hardcopies" "electronically and on paper" - ( 3 responses) "electronically and on the paper copy" "electronically and paper" - ( 2 responses) "Electronically and paper." "Electronically and paper/pen" "electronically for first draft and by paper for final draft" "electronically through MS Word" "Electronically through word, and written on paper" "Electronically, through email and comments in Word" - ( 2 responses) "electronically, verbally, and hand written" "Electronically." "Electronically: Word Document, track changes option on Hand written comments: Handed over personally and faxed" "electronicaly and on paper" "email" - ( 5 responses) "email and editting on paper copies of document" "Email trail" "email, on paper, electronic corrections using ms word" "emails and red line of paper copies" "emails, meetings, and in writing" "Expanded on points to research (ie, ecosystem-based management); assisted with organization and technical advice" "Expanded research scope (i.e., ecosystem based management) and provided organizational and technical advice" "Face to face interviews and discussion, telephone conversations and email." "face-to-face conversation with printed material" "faxed the hand written comments" - ( 2 responses) "Fine." "good" - ( 3 responses) "Good Job!" "Good Job!!" "great" - ( 4 responses) "hand comments, and some microsoft word comment fields" "Hand edited paper copies" "Hand mark-up of drafts; MS Word tracking" "hand writing" - ( 3 responses) "Hand writing." "hand written" - ( 6 responses) "Hand written and as comments in Adobe Acrobat." "hand written and comments in Adobe Acrobat" "Hand written and comments in Adobe Acrobat." - ( 2 responses) "hand written annotations" "Hand written comments" - ( 2 responses) "hand written comments on paper copies, and via email" "Hand written comments on the paper copy I gave them." "hand written comments or meetings" "Hand written corrections" "Hand written notes on the draft copies" "Hand written notes." "Hand written on print outs." "hand written on the paper. E-mailed comments indicating page/line number." "hand-writing on a print out" "Hand-written and Word Document Correction Features" "hand-written comments" - ( 2 responses) "hand-written comments on print-out; summarized changes via email" "Hand-written on paper copies." "Hand-written, email and pdf." "hand-written, microsoft word correction features" - ( 2 responses) "handwriting" - ( 4 responses) "handwriting and email" "handwriting and email." "handwriting or using acrobat" "Handwritten" - ( 2 responses) "Handwritten and Electronic Comments" "Handwritten comments" - ( 4 responses) "handwritten comments on a hardcopy printout" "Handwritten comments on a printed version of ETD" "handwritten comments on hardcopy" "handwritten comments on print copies - mostly during and after my defense" "handwritten comments on printout" "handwritten corrections on a printout" "Handwritten notes" "Handwritten notes on print outs" "Handwritten on paper" "Handwritten, scanned to pdf, and emailed. MS Word Document reviewing, then email." "Handwrote comments on printed copies." "Hard copy" - ( 2 responses) "HARD COPY AND ELECTRONIC" "Hard Copy comments" - ( 2 responses) "hard copy corrections and then scanning into PDF form" "Hard copy edits" "hard copy or phone discussions" "He wrote them on the copy of the thesis." "hendwriting and Acrobat Writer" "I am a little uncertain of this question given the wording, however, my committee chair members - used both paper feedback and electronic feedback in responding to writings." "I feel there was no timely response..." "I held meetings with my advisor and got verbal feedback." "I printed and gave them a copy on which i got their feedback" "I printed out thesis copies, they marked it with a red pen." "I prited it out and give it to my adviors and they gave it back to me after reviews." "I submitted my thesis as a word document. Two committee members pencilled in comments. My committee chair, who is also my advisor, used the comment section of word." "I submitted printed versions and they commented through email and directly on the pages." "I turned in a rough draft and they returned with comments." "I used word for writing the document. THey used commenting feature in the word processor." "In electronic version - using track changes option in MS Word In Paper Version - Using pencil" "in handwriting" "In handwritting" "In person" "in writing" - ( 4 responses) "In writing (Pen and Pencil)" "in writing and verbally" - ( 2 responses) "in writing and via email" "In writing in the margins of the drafts." "in writing on print copy" "in writing to paper documents" "In writing, via email, and orally." "In written form on paper and with the comment feature within the Word document." "Ink" "ink on paper and using the editing functions of MS Word" "INK with a tablet, and using MS Word track changes" "It is pretty good" - ( 2 responses) "list of comments via email and hand-written comments in paper versions" "Made comments on paper copy" "Made comments on paper draft" "Made comments on printed copies" "made comments on printed document" "Made notes on a hardcopy" "made notes on the printouts" "mail and email" "Major advisor used "track changes" tool in word and hand written comments on printouts. The rest of my committee used hand written comments on printouts" "make corrections on paper" "make corrections on printouts" "Maked comments on the hardcopy" "mark on the hard copy" "mark on the printed copy" - ( 2 responses) "Mark-up print outs" "marked on word documents" "marked pages" "Marking" "Markings on printed copy of draft" "markup of paper copy" "markup to hard copy - as much graphics as writing made i impossible to do it any other way" "Microsoft Word - track changes" "Microsoft word comments and version tracking" "Microsoft word track changes and written comments." - ( 2 responses) "mix electronic and paper" "mix of electornic and paper" "mix of electron and paper" "Mix of electronic (comments tool using Word) and paper (hand-written comments)" "mix of electronic and paper" - ( 9 responses) "Mix of electronic and paper comments" "Mix of electronic and paper. The red asterisk did not show up." "Mix of electronic paper" "Mix of paper and electronic edits." "More figure caption" "More quality than quantity" "Most often using MS Words comment functions, but also written and verbal comments." "Mostly as written comments on the printed out thesis" "Mostly by writing on the document and giving it back to me. Committee meetings also created a great synergy to the group, allowed great input sessions." "Mostly comments on the hard copy" "mostly paper" "mostly pen and paper, some using different color in MS Word" "Mostly through discussion and hardcopy commentary." "mostly using paper" "MS Word" - ( 2 responses) "MS Word - Review tools" "MS Word - Revision tools" "MS Word - Track Changes; paper corrections" "MS Word comment feature" "MS Word files and written comments on printed copies for the defense." "MS word or printed copies" "MS Word track changed" "MS Word track changes an comments" "MS Word track changes and comments" "MS Word tracking feature." "MS Word using track changes and comments" "MS Word's Tracking features" "My advisor helped me writing the thesis." "My advisor scribbled his comments on paper copies." "My advisor spent a lot of time to help me to revise my paper." "My chair and I used track changes, emails, telephone and inperson conversations. Committee members provided comments via the chair and by email" "My chair changed the color of any text she wanted added of any text she reworded when sending things back and forth electronically. All other members gave me paper copies back on which they had written comments." "My commitee chair proofed read my drafts at least twice" "My committee added comments on a paper copy that I provided to them" "My committee added comments primarily via hardcopies." "My committee added their comments on the paper copy that I provided for them." "my committee and committee chair used written and oral comments along with electronic comments in word" "My committee chair added comments using microsoft word throughout the end and I followed "track and changes". In the beginning, he edited my thesis on paper." "My committee chair and comittee members added comments to a paper copy that I provided each of them." "My committee chair and I live in separate states now; we found it easiest to send chapters back and forth by email, using the editing features in WORD. For large documents we used the VT filebox to hold documents/images.Areas needing extensive editing were discussed by phone. My committee received paper versions for for their edits which were returned to me to make revisions. The final ETD version was sent as a PDF electronically for the entire committee to verify prior to signing the ETD approval card." "My committee chair provided suggestions and comments via the MS Word tracking feature." "My committee made use of Microsoft Word's "comments" and "track changes" features." "My committee member wrote their comments on the paper copy with suprising very few corrections, just a couple typos. One committee member sent corrects electronically since she was out of town (teleconferenced for the defense)." "My committee members added their comments to paper copies that I provided to them." "My committee members made notations on the paper document submitted for thier review. My advisor used the comment system on microsoft word." "My committee members provided their comments on paper copies that I provided to them." "My committee members provided their comments on the paper copy that I provided to them." "My committee red-lined the hard copy I mailed to them and it was mailed back to me." "n/a" "No" - ( 4 responses) "none" "None comments" - ( 2 responses) "note" "Noted on document and by phone" "notes" "notes in acrobat, running changes in word" "notes on drafts" "notes on paper" "notes on paper drafts" "Notes on printouts" - ( 2 responses) "Notes on the draft" "Old school--my commitee made comments on hard copy versions of the dissertation for me to revise and then resubmit." "on a printed manuscript" "On hard copies." "On hard copy." "on paper" - ( 9 responses) "on paper and electronically" "On paper and electronically." "On paper and through email" "On paper copies, also on electronic copies sent via word and used autocorrect" "On paper copies." "On paper copy" "On paper copy of drafts" "On paper copy." "on paper in red ink" "On paper of drafts" "On paper printout" "on paper versions" "on paper with red ink" "On paper, also electronically in LaTeX" "On paper, and I added comments using word's comment functions" "On paper, through email" "on printed paper drafts" "On printed versions of the manuscript" "on the actual printed document" "On the electronic document through e-mail and verbally." "On the hardcopy" "on the margins of paper printout, and via e-mail" "On the paper copies." "on the paper copy." "On the paper document drafts, it was the class pen corrects. On the electronic versions, the committee added changes by the �insert change� option in Word." - ( 2 responses) "On the pdf file" "On the print copies." "on word document" "one provide electronic comments and the other pen on paper" "only on paper. he likes red pen." "oral communication" "paper" - ( 11 responses) "Paper & e-mail" "Paper and electronic" - ( 6 responses) "paper and electronic mix" "paper and electronically" - ( 3 responses) "paper and pen" "paper and using corrections in Word" "paper comments" "paper copies" "Paper copy" "paper corrections" - ( 3 responses) "paper draft" - ( 2 responses) "paper edits" "paper electronic" "Paper format" - ( 2 responses) "paper mark ups and corrections" "paper mark-up" - ( 2 responses) "paper marked up" "Paper markup" "paper notes, email" "paper pencil and electronic text document" "Paper via written comments." "paper&pen, comments/changes via word" "paper, then mailed it to me" "Paper, written." "Paper---just a printout" "paper/pencil and electronically" "pdf comments" "pdf comments on the digital version and hand written cmments on the hard copy" "pdf files and hand-written notes" "PDF revision functionality" - ( 2 responses) "pen" "pen and ink on paper" "Pen and ink, MS Word using commenting." "Pen and ink." "pen and paper" "pen markings and notes" "pen marks and notes" - ( 2 responses) "pen paper" "Pen." "pencil and electronic" "pencil and ink" "pencil and paper" - ( 2 responses) "positive" - ( 2 responses) "Post-It Notes on a hard copy. Effective but it took a while to make the changes." "Primarily handwritten comments on paper documents. My remote committee member submitted comments via email messages." "Primary revision between myself and my advisor were electronic, using MS Word commenting. Post-defense revisions from my committee were in bright red pen on the printed out thesis." "Print" "Print off pages and write remarks, verbally, email." "print out" "Printed drat copies of book were marked on and edited then returned." "Printed it out and wrote comments on it." "Printed my thesis out and brought suggested corrections and questions to my thesis defense." "Printed out electronic document and commented directly on it; emailed comments referencing certain pages" "Printed out electronic document and wrote comments, gave emailed comments referring to specific pages" "Printed out to make corrections" "Printed the document out and wrote comments in margin." "Printed the document out and wrote comments in the margin" "Printed the document out and wrote comments in the margin." "Printed the paper out and made comments and gave it back to me." "Printout and comments" "printouts" "Printouts & red ink" "provided verbal feedback and written comments via e-mail" "read and marked up print copies" "Red Ink" "red ink and pencil" - ( 3 responses) "Red ink." "red line process" "red lines" "Red marks." "Red pen" "red-marks" "red-marks, verbal" "review the print out from pdf file." "reviewed my thesis and pointed out something not to be included." "Revised and returned hard copies of document." "Revised and returned hard copies of thesis." "Revision and editing" "Revisions of hard copy" - ( 3 responses) "Revisions using a hard copy (paper printout)" - ( 4 responses) "Revisions using hard copy (paper printout)" - ( 2 responses) "Scribles on the paper copies I gave them." "Send me email." "Separate documentation of comments or marginal comments in paper copy of document" "Some electronic comments in Word, some handwritten comments." "Some electronic comments via MS word others via hard copy." "some electronically, some on paper" "some used handwritten comments, others used comments within the pdf document" - ( 2 responses) "Some were done through Word's editing tools. Others were made on hard copies." "Some were made using Word's editing tools. Others were made on hard copies." "Sometimes she would write on the hard copy. Sometimes she would edit electronically." "Sticky-notes, handwritten notes on hardcopy" "Strikethrough text on word documents Handwritten comments on paper printout" - ( 2 responses) "Submitted paper drafts and the committee worte comments on these drafts" "take a long way, fighting the language problem all the time" "Take a printout and make changes on paper." "talking" "text" "text document" "The comitee was splendid" "The comments were in writing on my dissertation drafts." "The comments were made in writing on my dissertation drafts." "The committee chair made comments by Chapter. The other committee members made comments after the thesis defense." "The committee marked revisions on printed copies of the thesis." "The document in the pdf form wenr back and forth" "The members made markups/corrections on the printed versions and returned them to me." "They add comments on the hard copy of my draft." "They add their comments in the printout" "They add their comments to the paper printout" "They added comments on the pages of the print-outs." "they added comments on the printouts" "They added conmment on the hard copy of my thesis." "They added handwriting comments on my hard-copy document." "They added their comments on the copy that I provided for them." "They commented electronically and they also wrote comments on the printouts." "THEY CORRECTED A LOT OF STUFF" "They edited the document both by hand and electronically." "They gave me a lot of advice." "They gave me a significant help in my writing process" "They gave me comments on me through hard copy. (I gave them draft and they gave me corrections on the paper)." "They have provided significant support in the development process of this paper" "They help me structure the thesis" "They helped me structure the thesis" "They made corrections on printouts and I made the changes accordingly" "They made notes directly on my draft during the thesis defense" "They made notes on the printouts I provided to them and then I used to make the necessary changes" "They made written suggestions and comments on the printed documented." "they printed out the pdf files and wrote comments with a pen." "They printed the dissertation out and wrote comments on it." "They printed the dissertation out and wrote the comments on it." "They provided me comments: I incorporated them into the document." "They read over my draft and made corrections and comments, and I also met with them one-on-one to discuss concerns and opinions." "They sent emails including a list of comments about my thesis." "They suggested few minor corrections" "They were editted on a print out or comments were recorded on a sheet of papter." "They wrote comments on hard copies." "They wrote comments on the hard copy draft I provided and also verbally in our meetings." "They wrote comments on the paper copy." "They wrote comments on the paper printout." "They wrote comments on the printouts." "They wrote on the paper copy itself and returned them to me" "They wrote the comments on a paper copy of my thesis, and we discussed the comments in person." "They wrote them directly on the document or sent comments via email." "Thoroughly" "through defense oral communication via emails" "Through e-mail" "Through e-mail and meetings" "Through electronic (email) paper exchange" "Through email" "Through email and through comments on hard copy" "Through emails and corrections on printed copies." "through face-to-face weekly conferences" "Through mailing hard documents." "Through microsoft word editor" "Through MS Word" "Through real time talk" "Through review and comments." "through revisions written on a paper copy of my thesis" "Through the commenting and change tracking in MS Word." "Through the e-mail and paper's marks." "Through the hardcopy, e-mail and in the MS Word document via comments." "Through the tracking changes tool in Microsoft Word." - ( 4 responses) "Through verbal and written feedback." "Through written and electronic editing." "Through written and verbal comments" "To write qualitativey versus quantitatively" "Track changes function in MS Word, writing on document, and marked with pen on tablet PC" "Track changes in Microsoft Word and written comments on printouts" "Track changes in Word, but mostly written comments on printouts." "Tracking changes and adding comments in Microsoft Word and lots of red ink." "tracking changes in word and written comments" "Tracking function in word document" "tracking tool in MS word" - ( 2 responses) "typed comments and hand-written corrections on hard copy" "typed response" "typical architectural redline set with discussions and meeting in-between" "Used Paper Format to indicate revisions" "Used Paper printouts to indicate revisions" "Using "insert comments function" in Microsoft word" "Using "insert comments function" in MicroSsoft Word" "using comments/track changes in MS word" "Using DOC edit tracking features" "Using MS Word's commenting tool" "Using MS Word, track changes and comments" "using paper and using tracking features in the word processors" "Using paper document" "Using pdf editor and verbally" "using the edit function" "Using the editing tool in Word and hand-written comments" "Using the function of inserting comments in Microsoft word" "Using the tracking and editing features in Word." "Using the tracking feature in Word." "usually handwritten" "Verbal" - ( 2 responses) "Verbal & electronic input" "Verbal and marginalia on hard copy" "Verbal comment during regular meetings" "Verbal Comments" "verbal comments and notations" "verbal comments and some notations" "verbal comments during oral sessions, email." "verbal comments during our meetings and written comments in the copies of the dissertation" - ( 2 responses) "verbal comments during our meetings and written comments in the paper copies of the dissertation" "Verbal comments during weekly meetings" "Verbal comments, and mark-ups to paper document" "Verbal conultation in addition to marking notes on prinouts." "verbal correctinos, faxed corrections, tracked changes and added comments within Word" "Verbal recommendations and comments to me" "verbal, electronic, written" "Verbal, marginalia" "VERBAL, WRITTEN, ELECTRONIC" "Verbally" - ( 6 responses) "Verbally and by writing notes directly on the printed document." "Verbally and written notes on the printout." "verbally nad written comments on the printout" - ( 2 responses) "verbally, with emailed notes, and using the track changes/edit function in Word" "Verbally." "very helpful" "Very helpful and revise my thesis in detail." "very useful" "Very well." "via comments on the hard copy" "Via comments within the electronic text document submitted and other cmtee member provided comments electronically in a text document." "Via e-mail" "Via e-mail and on paper in face to face meetings" "via e-mail and telephone" "Via e-mail." "via electronic text document by inserting the comments in upper case letters and the other submitted comments electronically in a text document with three pages of written notes pertaining to the paper." "Via email and paper." "Via email and written comments." "Via MS Word Edit (Track Changes)" "via pen and paper" "via track changes and via email" "Via word" "Via Word editor" "via writing or via electronic copies I send in MS word format using autocorrect feature" "Watch out grammer errors, contents be consistent." "We discussed written comments." - ( 3 responses) "We met on a regular basis and they gave me feedback based upon the progress I had made thus far." "with a pen" "with a pen, they added remarks" "With a red marker and his mouth" "with a red pen" "With handwritten notes" "With Microsoft word "track changes" option. They also used a red pen on hard copies after my defense." "with microsoft word. Tracking changes." "With pen and paper" "with pen on paper" "Word Document with track changes on Hand written comments faxed" "word edit" "Word of mouth" "Word of mouth and writing" "word reviewing function and edit marks on hardcopies" "Word tracking feature and handwritten" "Word- in text corrections and on paper" "worte on printout" "write comments on the hardcopy of my thesis" - ( 2 responses) "Write more qualitatively than quantitatively. Content is better than length of dissertation" "write notes on the paper copy and discuss them with me" "write on it" "Write on paper" "Write on paper copy" "write on printed copy" "write on the paper" "Write on the printed thesis" "write their comments on the paper" "write them on the printed copies" "writing" - ( 5 responses) "writing and electronic" - ( 2 responses) "Writing and electronically" "Writing corrections directly on the paper." "Writing directly on the draft and through email" "writing down on the hardcopy" "Writing n the printout" "writing notes on the paper prinouts" "writing notes on the printouts" "writing on a hard printed copy of my dissertation" "writing on a printed version of the thesis" "writing on drafts" "writing on hardcopy" "writing on paper" "writing on the hardcopy" - ( 2 responses) "writing on the paper" "writing on the printed copies" "Writing on the printed copy with red ink." "Writing on the printout" "Writing on the printouts" "Writing the comments on the paper(Thesis) document." "Writing them directly on the manuscript and verbally communicating them." "written" - ( 9 responses) "written - printouts" "written / Highlight" "written and electronic" "written and electronic feedback" "Written and electronic notes." "Written and Electronically" "written and highlighted" - ( 3 responses) "Written and used the reviewing feature in Word" "written and verbal comments" - ( 2 responses) "Written comments" - ( 11 responses) "Written comments and email." "written comments and track changes in word" - ( 2 responses) "written comments in the document" "Written comments on a paper copy." "Written comments on a paper copy. Also comments from one committee member via email." "Written comments on a printed version of the document and adobe acrobat messages on the pdf version." "Written comments on copies of the document" "written comments on copy of thesis" "Written comments on hard copy of ETD." "written comments on my thesis as well as verbal comments in person" "Written comments on paper" - ( 2 responses) "Written comments on paper copies AND corrections in red made to electronic copies." "written comments on paper draft" "Written comments on paper print outs." "Written comments on paper versions and verbal recommendations" "Written comments on printout Tracked changes in word document" "written comments on printout" "Written comments on printouts" "Written comments on the hard copy printout." "Written comments on the text version" "Written comments via e-mail" "Written comments within the document." "Written comments." - ( 2 responses) "Written corrections in hard-copy" "Written feedback" "Written feedback and track changes in Word" "Written in on the paper copies I gave them" "Written in red ink on a paper copy of the thesis." "Written notes and verbal suggestions" "written on paper document for some, for others used the corrections options on Microsoft Woed" "written on document" - ( 2 responses) "written on hardcopy" "Written on paper" - ( 3 responses) "Written on paper copies of dissertation." "Written on paper copies." "Written on paper printout and electronicly." "Written on printed copies of chapters that were sent to them." "written on printouts" "Written on printouts of the thesis." "Written on the dissertation" "Written on the printout." "written on the printouts" "Written pen and ink" "Written responses on print outs" "written, scan, PDF email" "Written, Verbal" "writting on the draft hard copy and by phone" "Writting over the drafts" "wrote comments on paper copies" "Wrote comments on the hard copy." "wrote comments on the hardcopy" "wrote comments on the printout" "Wrote directly on the printout." "wrote in the margins" "Wrote it on the paper, then mailed it to me." "wrote on hard copy" - ( 2 responses) "Wrote on paper" - ( 2 responses) "Wrote on paper copy." "Wrote on paper printout." "wrote on print-outs" "wrote on printout" "wrote on the drafts" - ( 2 responses) "Wrote on the hard copy." "wrote on the hardcopy" "wrote on the paper" "wrote on the paper and marked on the word documents" "Wrote on the paper printout." "wrote on the paper version of my dissertation" - ( 2 responses) "wrote their comments on the hard copy" "Wrote them on a printed out version of my thesis." "wrote written comments on printed version of the paper" "xx" "yes" - ( 2 responses) "yes , she helped me a lot"
12. Within the next 1-2 years, what do you intend to publish from your ETD?
Please select all that may apply.
Don't know yet (270/1511 responses) Conference proceedings (292/1511 responses) Will not publish (52/1511 responses) Journal article (766/1511 responses) Book chapter (46/1511 responses) Book (57/1511 responses) Other (28/1511 responses) 90.54% of the people who took this survey
(1139 / 1258) answered this question.
Other Responses (28 for this question) "2"( - ) responses "2 Journal Articles" "institutional working/research paper" "Multimedia CD" "New Horizons newsletter" "newsletter" "other"( 16 ) responses "patent" "Possible journal article based on follow on studies" "Presentations" "Tutorial"( 3 ) responses 13. If you restricted access to your VT ETD, what did you base your decision on?
Select all that apply.
Other (151/864 responses) Personal choice (183/864 responses) Advice of others (36/864 responses) Advice of publisher (31/864 responses) Patent pending (16/864 responses) Advice of faculty (447/864 responses) 56.36% of the people who took this survey
(709 / 1258) answered this question.
Other Responses (151 for this question) "advice of ETD staff" "Committee members" "data usage agreement"( 4 ) responses "did not restrict"( 12 ) responses "Did not restrict access"( 2 ) responses "did not restrict it" "did not restrict."( 2 ) responses "did not retrict" "doesn't apply" "ethical reasons" "ethics" "Final Project not yet complete" "guess" "hope to publish in academic journal" "I did not restrict"( 4 ) responses "I didn't" "N/A"( 4 ) responses "na"( 2 ) responses "NASA requirement" "no" "No restriction"( 10 ) responses "No restrictions" "none"( 3 ) responses "not applicable"( 3 ) responses "not decided on it yet" "not restricted" "other"( 76 ) responses "pending publication" "Proprietary information from sponsor" "publication" "publishing journal article" "research ethics" "Sensitive materials" "So that I will not have any problems publishing my data in a research journal (they consider the ETD publication as a previous publication of the data, or so I was told by my major advisor)." "Sponsor consideration" "Sponsor requirement" "to publish a book" "VT counsel" "VTIP" "VTIP Advice" 14. Please include any comments or questions that you have about ETDs.
Text Responses (260 for this question) "A hard and fast deadline needs to be issued about when the ETD must be submitted to graduate. I was not aware it was before 29 April." "A very easy to use process and a very nice/useful interface." "Actually submitting the thesis was no problem, but I mainly had issues when changing the format of my document from Word to pdf. It was irritating if I found a small error and had to go through the entire conversion process again (which took about an hour each time)." "Adding Committee memebers is a little tedious having to switch back and forth." "After completing the survey there is not button or link that upadate the information and let you log out. It is confusing." "Although a "sample" LaTeX version of the ETD was online, there was virtually no help in generating the document. Because LaTeX is the definitive format for creating technical documents, I expected quite a bit more from the ETD website." "Appears to be painless" "Are great" "better than paper submission" "Can we edit the thesis during the one year of restricted access?" "Creating a PDF file was so hard for me." "Depending the computer you used to produce the .pdf file from .doc file, some graphs in the .pdf file may be different from those in the .doc file." "details regarding copyright information is very confusing - UMI what is that all about?" "does not recognise me filling up survey!" "Due dates for everything are not very clear. There are way to many components to the submission process." "easy and straightforward" "Easy Process!" - ( 2 responses) "Easy to use" "easy." - ( 3 responses) "electronic submission very easy and in my opinion far better than paper submission" "ETD's are a wonderful idea!! I also did one when completing my Master's degree here at VT. The school provides a lot of help through the ETD website. It is a little hard to navigate through to find basic formatting instructions for the ETD but after spending some time at the site, I got all the information I needed." "ETDs are very useful" - ( 3 responses) "Excellent idea and helpful staff at the Northern VA library (Kristin)" "Fairly easy, dissatisfied with the $20 fee" "For students in the OLMA in Political Science, it would be helpful to view other students' theses. Since most of these are restricted to VT access & the OLMA are off-campus, this is not possible. In the future, will it be possible for OLMA students to access the VT theses? For instance, I won't be able to view my thesis online unless I come to Blacksburg." "Formatting the abstract of the main page using html codes was painful and took a lot of time. It should be made easier. The site controls the order of key words and that should not be the case. I should be able to choose the order I want. Also the site arrange the committee members in aphabetical order, which is not correct again. I should be able to arrange the order as I want." "Get rid of the HTML it is unecessary." "Getting copyright permisssions was much more time conduming than expected. No problem with the ETD submission EXCEPT not being able to return to the ETD site after this survey is submitted (therefor I can't submit the ETD) and not being able to complete ETD submission without 1st submitting this survey." - ( 2 responses) "GOOD" - ( 2 responses) "Good !" "good and fast process, thanks" "good facility" - ( 2 responses) "good system" - ( 3 responses) "Good!" "Great system" "Great system!" "Had to really hunt for the Latex template. Once found, very useful." "Have to took several time of survey?" "how to know my submission of EDT is successful?" "I actualy would not like to make my thesis be accesed for other students to review it. I feel uncofrtable to have my theisis in the computer and not actual hard copy." "I already filled out the survey once, but I needed to do it again to sumit the dissertation." "I already filled this out with the initial submission of the ETD..." "I am a little confused about the UMI forms. Forms A4 and A5 look like they should be done, but nobody seems to know. Also, the fee of 75$, does it include the fee on the form A5? I am sure I'll get these questions answered when I go in and discuss these forms." "I am filling this form out for a second time. I got to the end of the ETD submission process, no problems. Took a while to figure out how to format my abstract (italics, subscript, superscript...) but it all went quite well. The practice was very helpfull. THe only problem is this stupid survey. I don't return to the ETD site after I submit it as it states above so I sure hope it actually submits!" "I did the survey several times but it is always indicated not done yet." "I donot have pdf foftware in my Mac, therefore I still have not convert my dissertation from Word to pdf. Just wonder whether you can help me convert it. Great thanks!" "I dont like electronic submission--would prefer submit on paper" "I found the design of the ETD website for Virginia Tech to be very confusing to navigate and much more difficlult and time consuming than having printed instructions." "I found the ETC database to be very valuable, and commend you for providing access to dissertations in this manner." "I found the ETD process and web page to be very self-explanatory and user-friendly." "I had a large file and it still uploaded smoothly. The process was very easy. Good job." "I had to download a trial version of 'click to convert 5' to change my *.doc to a *.pdf. This process was easy but my converted document retained a watermark from the trial version of the program." "I have submitted my ETD and completed this survey several times, however, it still says that I must complete the survey in order to fully submit my thesis..... What must I do?" "I just submitted a survey but it still shows as red in the user interface. I suppose that's a bug." "I like this process a lot. It is much easier to submit my ETD than I thought." "I missed seeing any basic instructions on what materials to include in one file vs. multiple files. I did my ETD as one huge pdf file, but this was because I was under the mistaken impression I had to use only ONE etd file. Having completed the upload process I see now that I could have used several separate files. My document is over 200 pages long and includes several appendices so splitting it up would have had some advantages. However, the process overall was pretty easy, and I mention this detail only because the rest of the process seemed so "idiot-proof"." "I really like the idea of submitting this document electronically. Great feature!" "I think etd is a better way to submit a thesis" "I think ETDs are the way to go with this information." "I think it a nice and convenient way to archive papers." "I think it's very good system. I could see other's work easily, and it was helpful." "I think the ETD site could be updated. The process is simple if the grad student works with someone who has Adobe PDF making software and knows how to combine two documents into one file (like the folks at the NMC should). The site seems outdated now." "I was not able to submit this earlier as I was involved in some critical project at work. I apologize for the inconvenience. It was not a good idea to postpone this." "I was told that I would not find it difficult to submit from an off campus location. "Difficult" would be an understatement." "I was very concerned about the copyrights and how I should submit my ETD on the web (restricted or not restricted). You may want to have more information on these on the web, or somebody at VT who is experienced with the legal rights who we can talk to/discuss our situation. Thank you" "I wasn't sure if you needed my copyright permission letters included as part of the files. Looking over the ETDs I noticed some authors do this but not all of them. I included mine to be on the safe-side..." "I wish I had a chance to learn about ETD before. The ETD workshops could be better advertised." "I'm done!" "Initially, the idea of having my dissertation copyrighted was appealing. But then I learned from the policies of journal publishers, that doing so would jepordize my changes of being accepted for publication, since they want first claim to the copyright of any part that they publish." "It is confusing after completing the survey" "it is going very slowly , i am waiting for three weeks now" "it is good" "It is good!" "it is good." "It is pretty easy to use." "It is the third time I'm submitting this!" - ( 2 responses) "It is very convenient and useful." "It is very easy to use" "It was much more simpler than I worried. However, I think it would be useful to have a workshop not only for submitting the electronic thesis but also the whole process that I need to do for my graduation." "IT WAS NOT EASY" "It was rather embarassing to me to register this(my Master's thesis) again on this ETD system. Actually I have already enrolled it several months ago but the permission from the book company made it delayed." "It works well." "It would be helpful if ETD website has a pdf scan that would help student to covert their word file to a pfd file when submitting." "It would be helpful to have some method of ongoing communication when a correction or addition needs to be made to the ETD submission. I have sent several emails as I've completed requirements but am not sure if I'm communicating too much, not enough, or just right. Perhaps a visible checklist of what needs to be done that can be viewed by student and ETD??" "It would be useful to have instructions on how to create a PDF file somewhere on ETD website. Otherwise very helpful." "It's a very good process." "It's difficult to answer these questions until I know whether or not my ETD will be accepted by the university. If there are no major changes, then the process was very simple and the website was helpful. If there are major changes to be made, then I might say that the website did not answer all my questions. (Still not sure about the hyperlink in Adobe. Is the required? Couldn't find more information on website.)" "it's easy to follow the tutorial but hard to finish" "It's good" "It's good!" "It's great idea to have ETD in oreder to easily access others work and research." "It's much easier than I expected! You should do a better job of getting that across to people. I had a lot of apprehension before I submitted it." "It's much more convenient" "it's nice to have the collection online" "It's totally sweet" "Its great to always have on hand" "Latex template would have been very useful" - ( 3 responses) "LaTeX template!! PLEASE!! Also, the ETD site wants me to fill this out, but doesn't seem to record when I do. Hence the dup." "lots of fun" "Many thanks to Carolyn Kletnieks for responding to my email question, she was very helpful" "More help should be provided to students who prepare their thesis in Latex." "More help should be provided to students writing their thesis in Latex. VT has very old style files available, which should be updated." "Most of it was easy, but after completing the survey, there didn't appear to be any button to get back to completing the submittal of the ETD. This part was frustrating." - ( 2 responses) "Most of us do not have the full version of Adobe so it is not convenient for those who are part-time students to obtain access. Would be nice to able to submit files as word files and have VA Tech convert them for us." "My problems stemmed from using plain TeX and using landscape with the requirement that I produce a single final PDF. Normally I print my landscape and potrait pages separately. I had a hard time combining them into a single PDF." "N/A" - ( 9 responses) "NA" - ( 3 responses) "Need more explicit directions on what files need to be separate from the main doc when uploading ETD, i.e. title page, acknowledgements, etc." "Need to add information about how to convert to pdf" "nice to have the ETD's online" "no" - ( 3 responses) "no comment" "No comments" - ( 7 responses) "No comments, but thank you." "No comments." "no more comments" "No question" "NO QUESTIONS" "non" "none" - ( 29 responses) "None at the moment." "None at this time." "None comments" "None." - ( 2 responses) "not applicable" "Not really, I learned most of the stuff preparing the ETD for my thesis five years ago." "nothing" "PDF is definitely a great way to present Theses etc. and electronic referencing makes things much easier. Thanks!" "Please advertise more about ETD workshop" "Please advertise more ETD workshops" "Please check restricted access of my thesis based on the form from my committee after defense." "Please include the deadline for the ETD to be submitted after the defense on the ETD schedule." "Please publish more information about converting to a PDF file for those of us that are in a remote location and unable to access a campus computer" "pretty good" "Process is fairly easy, dissatisfied with the $20 fee" "Process worked fine except that after submitting the inital author/title info, I had to logout and login again because none of the items in the menu on the left were clickable." "process works fine" "Program tells you to browse to add files. Most people have them in a series of folders. When you add the files all the folders and "slashes" migrate with them. It took me a while to realize that I could delete (lots of work) all the extraneous info until I got to the file. This even included putting the files in a separate directory which the program recommends. Also tried to move them to desktop to eliminate all the keystrokes. No joy. It wiould have been nice to have a phone number to call for a quick qestion instead of having to play Columbus and discover all the secrets over 8 hours. Personally, I think the program is for the birds." "question 5 of this survey is a little ambiguous. are you asking how many existing etd's created by other students did we consult for questions about formatting, etc? if so, I'd like to suggest that you rephrase the question." "Quite convenient and useful tool." "reformatting from departmental acceptability to etd format was redundant and time consuming" "Regarding question #6---while on campus creating a pdf is very simple, I moved out of state prior to my defense and submission of my EDT. I do not have the capability on my personal computer to create pdf files and this made the process signficantly more difficult." "required format a bit too rigid." "Samples were very useful in helping me decide the format of my dissertation." "Seems to work well" "So far was a pretty good process. I more convinient keep eletronic copies of dissertations" "Some clear format guildlines on the main ETD website would be nice - citations, figures, table of contents. Also, some links to college (example college of engineering) format pages from the ETD main website would help" "Some links on the ETD webpage about the format are broken. Appendix I on the graduate school website is not user friendly. Submission interface is nice." "Some machines (Reading room at Litton-Reaves) do not have acces to the cookis program" "Somewhat confusing when using computers not on campus." "Stupid system that wastes time and costs too much money to the student." "Submission process is easy to complete." "System rejected this survey the first time without notification." "Thank you" "thank you david" "Thank you." "thanks" "Thanks for the easy procedure" "thanks for the easy process." "Thanks to the helpful staff!!!" "The conversion of my word file to Adobe was very difficult...it did not copy it exactly!" "The ETD website was helpful, but could be more user friendly. There's too much of the same information in different places. I got tired of trying to sort out what I had already read somewhere else. Hope I did everything correctly. Guess I'll find out soon." "The issue of copyright was not made very clear; a FAQ would be helpful here." "The layout of the main web site was very confusing." "The process was straightforward and clearly explained." "The submission process was straightforward and expectations were explained well." "The various approval forms etc. should be such that most of them can be submitted electronically." "The web site could be better designed." "The web site had some problems when I tried to update my information." "There is no clear information on what format the file upload should be." "There needs to be more information in the graduation packet that's given before the defense. I was quite confused the whole time while putting this together." "there should the a stantard electronic thesis form to plug in the document as a text, which will automaticaly do the formatting of the entire document." "This has been a very easy process. Much less stressful that I had anticipated." "this is definitely the best way to submit and archive dissertations" "This is so convenient. Thank you very much. This saved my time alot." "This process is very simple!" - ( 2 responses) "This should not require a fee at all. What the $75 do?" "This was a surprisingly smooth process." "this work, as with any intellectual undertaking. This dissertation reveals the interests, concerns and apprehensions of its author. It reflects an academic and professional life dedicated mainly, albeitnot exclusively, to study, research, teaching, thecnical assistance and academic management focused on Public Administration" "Too much effort as far as formating is concerned. After completion of a substantial thesis or dissertation, there is little motivation to make further changes or enhancements just so that the university can have a copy on file. Uploading was not difficult, and reformatting wasn't so much either, but picky details make me pull my hair out at the end of a long process. Why does it still cost $20 for me to upload my thesis anyway?" "Usability should be improved" "very convenient" "Very efficient." "Very good tool" "very good website. thanks." "Very helpful, allows access to loads of information in a very short time, a very helpful practice to be followed by all students, as it guides their writing style too." "Very helpful, they save money and time, plus they are available on the internet" "Very useful" "very usefull" - ( 2 responses) "Very well laid out tutorial and the entire submission process is extremely easy. Kudos to the team that designed the process!" "When you get to the first page to submit your ETD there's a menu on the left that shows the red items that need to be completed. The window/frame to the right is blank. It would be nice to have directions in this window that says follow the directions on the menu to the left of this screen. It took me a minute or two to figure out nothing was coming up in the main frame and I needed to use the menu on the left. Just a suggestion." "While I am glad I do not have to spend the money on getting my thesis printed, the tradeoff of having to get copyright permission for all of my images has been frustrating. I wish the University (or maybe multiple universities) would get together with the publishing world and tell these publishers that we are not gaining any profit from writing these theses and should not have to pay to use the copyrighted images. It is really frustrating to receive a letter in the mail that says I can use an image for a fee of $100. This is an academic endeavor, and the publishers should respect that." "While the ETD website is helpful, it is somewhat unclear what EXACT requirements the graduate school enforces. What specific items could result in the refjection of my ETD?" "whorthwhile" "Why does the Graduate School require a different format other than one of the program chair?" "why doesn't it give me confirmation?" "_"
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