Spectrum - Volume 20 Issue 07 October 9, 1997 - Alumni chapter officers meet
A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
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printed 4 times a year
Alumni chapter officers meet
Spectrum Volume 20 Issue 07 - October 9, 1997
The Alumni Association sponsored its Annual Chapter Officers Forum on the weekend of September 12 and 13.
Under the leadership of Director Deborah Day Shelton, 16 in-state chapters and 20 out-of-state chapters were represented. Outstanding Chapter Officer Awards were received by Matt Joyce, president of the Northern Virginia chapter and Chuck Terry, president of the Middle Tennessee chapter.
Outstanding Chapter Awards went to the following chapters: Alleghany Highlands, Amherst Nelson, Atlanta, Charlotte, East Tennessee, First State, Middle Tennessee, New England, New River Valley, Northern Virginia, Richmond, Shenandoah, Southwest Virginia, and Tidewater.
Chapter volunteers attended various sessions on Friday and Saturday including the Alumni Admissions Council, Hokies for Higher Education, Licensing and Trademark Issues at Virginia Tech, and how to create a web page. Seventeen chapters now have their own web page.