Spectrum - Volume 20 Issue 07 October 9, 1997 - CALENDAR

A non-profit publication of the Office of the University Relations of Virginia Tech,
including The Conductor , a special section of the Spectrum printed 4 times a year


Spectrum Volume 20 Issue 07 - October 9, 1997

Thursday, 9
YMCA Slide Show , 12:10 p.m., Cranwell Center: "Havana: Two Faces of the Antillian Metropolis," by Joe Scarpaci.
CANCELLED: Science Study Center Discussion , 12:30 p.m., 132 Lane: "Virginia Tech Online: Cyberschool, Cybercore, and an Online Master's Program," by Tim Luke.
Art/Architecture Video Series , 7 p.m., Hancock auditorium: "The Alhambra."
125th Anniversary Event , 7:30 p.m., 100/102 Vet Med: "The Ebola Reston Crisis: A Model for Emerging Infectious Disease," by Cols. Nancy and Jerry Jaax, U.S. Army.
125th Anniversary Event , 7:30 p.m., Squires Haymarket: Outstanding Alumni Speakers Series. Eugene V. Fife, Multimedia Medical Systems. Topic to be announced.
Friday, 10
Yom Kippur Begins (Sundown) .
Humanities Lecture , 11 a.m., University Club west lounge: "Everyday People and Religious Authority: Lollards, Opportunities, and Repression in Late Medieval England," by Simon Forde, United Kingdom.
Humanities Lecture , 2 p.m., 216 Newman Library: "Electronic Publishing and Research Tools for Scholars in the Humanities," by Simon Forde, United Kingdom.
International Club Coffee Hour , 5-7 p.m., Cranwell Center: "The Mercosur Economic Integration Project and Where It Fits into the Scheme to Create a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA)," by Thomas O'Keefe.
Interior Design Lecture , 6 p.m., Wallace atrium: by James McLeish.
VTU Film , 7 p.m., Squires Haymarket: "Chasing Amy" (second show at 9:30 p.m.).
Saturday, 11
Yom Kippur .
Football , noon, Lane Stadium: Boston College.
VTU Film , 7 p.m., Squires Haymarket: "Chasing Amy" (second show at 9:30 p.m.).
Music Department Recital , 8 p.m., Squires Recital Salon: Wallace Easter, horn.
Sunday, 12
YMCA Hike , 1 p.m., meet at Y parking lot: Bike/walk on the New River Trail (easy).
Monday, 13
Columbus Day Holiday for Staff .
Tuesday, 14
Art Gallery Opening , Armory Art Gallery: "Shawn Skabelund--Site Specific Sculpture and Recent Work." Through November 7.
Wednesday, 15
YMCA Mornings , 9:30-11:30 a.m., Luther Lutheran Church: Learn how to make and enjoy sandwiches.
125th Anniversary Event , 4 p.m., Wallace atrium: Distinguished Faculty Lecture Series. "Beyond Shelter: The Influence of Housing on Individuals, Family, and Society," by Rosemary C. Goss.
"With Good Reason," 7 p.m., WVTF-FM, "A Gender at Risk?: Women's Health Care in Developing Countries," with Margaret Bassett, Radford, and Lea Pellett, CNU.
Thursday, 16
Salary and Wage Paydate .
YMCA Slide Show , 12:10 p.m., Cranwell Center: "Underwater Archeology at Caesaria, Israel," by Merle and Judy Pierson.
Science Study Center Discussion , 12:30 p.m., 132 Lane: "Who's Rich, Who's Poor? Measuring the College of Arts and Sciences," by George Crofts.
Staff Senate Meeting , 5:30 p.m., 1810 Litton Reaves.
125th Anniversary Event , 7:30 p.m., 100/102 Vet Med: "Veterinary Medicine: A Training Ground in Strategic Thinking: The Avis of the Health Professions," by Frank Loew, Medical Foods International.
"The Homestead as Homeplace" Lecture , 7:30 p.m., Reynolds Homestead Continuing Education Center, "Places that Battles Missed," by James I. Robertson.
Friday, 10
MCBB , noon, Fralin auditorium: "The Nuclear Factor I Family of Transcription/Replication Proteins in Metazoan Development," by Richard Gronostajski, Case Western.
Statistics , 2 p.m., 209 Hutcheson: "A Statistician's Overview of Drug Development," by David D. Morris, Abbott Labs.
Botany , 4 p.m., 1076 Derring: "Ecological Controls on Primary Productivity Across a Complex Environmental Gradient in Longleaf Pine Ecosystems," by Robert J. Mitchell, Joseph W. Jones Ecological Research Center.
Monday, 13
Forestry/Wildlife Resources , 4 p.m., Fralin auditorium: "What on Earth Have We Done to Our Forests? An Overview on the Condition and Trends of U.S. Forests from Colonial Times to the Present," by Doug MacCleery, USFS.
CSES , 4 p.m., 331 Smyth: "Soil pH After Ten Years of Sursurface Microirrigated Corn and Peanut," by Norris Powell.
Wednesday, 15
Science Study Center , 4 p.m., 132 Lane: Topic to be announced, by Fred Suppe, Maryland.
Horticulture , 4 p.m., 102 Saunders: "Tree Propagation and Biotechnology Research at Westvaco Corporation," by Farrell Wise, Westvaco Forest Science Lab.
Thursday, 16
Water Science , 4 p.m., 108 Seitz: "Essential and Quintessential: Freshwater Research for the Future," by Penelope Firth, National Science Foundation.
Employee performance training session scheduled
Personnel Services consultants will conduct a half-day training session Planning and Managing Employee Performance Training for Managers on October 14, 8 a.m.-noon in the Executive Conference Room at the Donaldson Brown Hotel and Conference Center.
This workshop is geared for supervisors of full and part-time classified employees who have the responsibility to conduct annual performance evaluations and manage employee performance. Options for planning and managing employee performance will be explored by evaluating a variety of tools. Participants will share their experiences as managers to develop a broad understanding of performance-management tools. Tools will be developed to assist in describing work tasks and performance expectations; help managers communicate the performance plan; provide performance feedback; and help in monitoring, observing and documenting performance, and adjusting expectations.
Registration is required. Please contact Vicky Price at 1-5303; email: PRICEVS@vt.edu .
Weight Watchers program offered
A 10-week Weight Watchers series will be available at Virginia Tech upon enrollment of 18 people. The program includes a new "1-2-3 Success" plan, with no food off limits. The series costs $89. For more information, contact Kellie Ross at 1-8923.
Forde to speak on Medieval England, electronic publishing
Simon Forde, an expert on late medieval religious history from the United Kingdom, will speak on "Everyday People and Religious Authority: Lollards, Opportunities, and Repression in Late Medieval England" at 11 a.m., Friday, Oct. 10 in the west lounge of the University Club. He will also speak on "Electronic Publishing and Research Tools for Scholars in the Humanities" at 2 p.m., October 10 in 216 Newman.
The lectures are sponsored by Programs in the Humanities, the Department of English, and the Center for Applied Technologies in the Humanities.
For more information, contact Darleen Pryds at 1-7004.
Forestry/Wildlife seminar announced
The College of Forestry and Wildlife Resources College-Wide Fall Seminar Series announces its next seminar. Douglas W. MacCleery, assistant director, forest management, National Forest System, will present "What on Earth Have We Done to Our Forests? An Overview on the Condition and Trends of U.S. Forests from Colonial Times to the Present" on Monday, October 13, 1997. Seminar begins at 4 p.m. in the Fralin Biotechnology Center auditorium.
"Muses" exhibit continues through October 15
Through Wednesday, Oct. 15, an exhibit by Carlie Cameron Collier titled "Muses: A Tribute to Mature Women Who Live Creative Lives" will be on display in the Wallace Hall gallery. The exhibit celebrates 20 women noted for their creativity. The exhibit is presented in conjunction with the Center for Gerontology's annual fall forum series.
Interior design program sponsors lecture
On Thursday, Oct. 9, the Interior Design program is sponsoring a lecture by James McLeish at 6 p.m. in the Wallace Hall atrium. McLeish is an architect and interior designer with Lehman/Smith/Wiseman and Associates in Washington, D.C. He will talk about his firm's development of the new Olympic Complex and Training Center in Colorado Springs doing master-planning, architecture, and interior design. McLeish graduated from Virginia Tech with a degree in architecture and is a member of the CHRE's Interior Design Advisory Board. His firm was chosen "Designer of the Year" two years ago and is listed on the 1997 Top 100 Giants in the Interior Design Industry.
Vonnegut-based theatrical piece opens October 19
The Virginia Tech School of the Arts and Theatre Arts-University Theatre present a Graduate Workshop Production titled Who Am I This Time? Based on the writings of Kurt Vonnegut, the piece is directed by Michael Rohd, an MFA candidate in Directing at Virginia Tech. It opens Sunday, October 19 at 8 p.m.
Who Am I This Time? is a compilation of short stories from Vonnegut's book, Welcome to the Monkey House , dealing with a community theatre in North Crawford, Indiana. Vonnegut, known for his wit, cynicism, and darkly hopeful view of the world, is on full display in this comic and moving experience.
This workshop runs Sunday-Tuesday, October 19-21, at 8 p.m., with additional performances at 10 p.m. Monday and Tuesday, in 204 Performing Arts Building. Admission is free, with limited seating. For more information, please call the School of the Arts information at 1-5200.
Exhibit and speaker explore Knoll furniture design
An exhibit titled "The Knoll Spirit" will examine the design excellence of the legendary furniture manufacturer throughout its 60 years of existence. The exhibit will be on display in the Wallace Hall gallery Wednesday, Oct. 15 through Friday, Nov. 7. In conjunction with the exhibit, Albert Pfeiffer, vice president of design management for Knoll in New York, will give a slide-illustrated presentation on "The Knoll Spirit" Monday, Oct. 20, at 5 p.m. in the Wallace Hall atrium. The public is invited to attend.
Knoll was founded 60 years ago and is a unique company in the world of design. Almost 150 designers, architects, and sculptors have designed products which are part of the Knoll heritage. Pfeiffer's presentation will convey the spirit of Knoll as seen through design, and will include 75 slide illustrations. Pfeiffer received his bachelor's degree in architecture from Pratt Institute, is a registered architect, and a member of the American Institute of Architects. He is a member of the advisory board of Interiors & Sources Magazine , and is coordinating the installation of Knoll's first Archive Museum.
CPI workshop focuses on decision making
University Leadership Development is sponsoring the Continuous Process Improvement (CPI) workshop "Tools for Organizational Improvement" Thursday, Oct. 23, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. at the Donaldson Brown Hotel and Conference Center.
CPI tools help managers make better decisions by organizing data and converting it into useful information. During the workshop participants will receive an overview of tools that fit with their interests and hands on experience using a select number of tools. Participants will take away information, materials, training, and experience with several tools from the following categories: performance monitoring, problem solving, process management, benchmarking, and organizational leadership.
Conducted by Dick Harshberger (director of ULD), Stephen Van Aken, and Bret Swan (program associates of ULD), the CPI Tools workshop will demonstrate what tools will be helpful to improve performance in several different domains.
Registration is required. There will be a $35-per-person fee charged to cover materials and breaks. ISR's or personal checks will be accepted and must be received by October 17. Morning and afternoon breaks will be provided. Participants will be on their own for lunch. Enrollment is limited. Early registration is advised. Please make reservations with Sue Fast by phone at 1-6727 or by e-mail at fast@vt.edu .
NSF director to speak at water education event
The Virginia Water Resources Research Center has planned three water-research/education events for October. Penelope Firth, program director for special projects at the National Science Foundation, will meet faculty members and students and present a seminar entitled "Essential and Quintessential: Freshwater Research for the Future" at 4 p.m., October 16 at the Donaldson Brown Conference Center. Firth, Virginia Tech alumna, has oversight responsibility for large multidisciplinary research projects funded by the NSF.
Provost Peggy Meszaros will open the STEP (Service Training for Environmental Progress) workshop at 1:30 p.m. on October 17 at the Donaldson Brown Conference Center. The featured speaker will be Firth, who will make a presentation entitled "Citizen Scientists." The workshop, sponsored by the Water Resources Research Center and Service-Learning Center, is intended for science and engineering faculty members and students on how to integrate community outreach into the student research/education curricula. The goal of the STEP program is to provide learning and research experience to students through an opportunity to solve a community water-environment problem.
The Karst-Water Environment Symposium and Workshop will be held on October 30-31 at the Hotel Roanoke Conference Center. Speakers from across the U.S.A and 11 other countries will discuss karst hydrology, water use, monitoring, water contamination, and pollution prevention in karst-water environments. Two workshops will be offered on monitoring design and regulatory aspects of the karst-water environments.
For information and registration contact the Water Center at 1-5624 or e-mail: water@vt.edu .
DERC to visit Eastern Virginia cities
The Department of Employee Relations Counselors will meet with interested employees in the cities of: Virginia Beach on Tuesday, Oct. 28 from 8:15 a.m.-2:30 p.m. at the Virginia Tech Hampton Roads Center in Classroom 1 of Suite 401 in Pembroke Four at the Pembroke Office Park; and in Norfolk on Wednesday, Oct. 29 from 10:15 a.m-5:15 p.m. in the Meeting Room of the Larchmont Branch Library, 6525 Hampton Boulevard.
The counseling program provides employees outside the Richmond area with an opportunity to meet individually with a staff counselor and to receive assistance in options for dealing with work-related concerns, discussion of applicable state policies, information on the grievance procedure, and referral for further assistance.
Half-hour appointments must be made in advance. To arrange an appointment, please call the DERC on the toll-free line: 1-888-23-ADVICE.
Indian film-maker to discuss "How Do I Survive"
On Monday, October 13, the film " Kaise Jeebo Re " ("How Do I Survive") will be shown in 300 Whittemore at 7 p.m.
Jharana Jhaveri, the film-maker, will be on hand to discuss the context in which people become displaced because of development projects in India. In the name of "national interest" men, women, and children have been forced out of their homes and lands so that a dam, a mine, a factory or a wildlife sanctuary can be built.
" Kaise Jeebo Re " records the victims' account of this uprootment, in this case caused by dams built on the river Narmada (Bargi Dam in the Central state of Madhya Pradesh). The film meets them in India's city-streets and rural areas as labour, rickshaw-pullers, domestic help, and the uprooted. The film is in Bhilali and Gondi tribal languages, along with Gujarati, Hindi, and English.
There will be a discussion after the viewing. The program is free and is sponsored by the following organizations at Virginia Tech: the International Club, Office of International Research and Development, Cranwell Center, History Department, Center for Interdisciplinary Studies, Women's Studies, the Women's Center, the International Honor Society.