VTMAG v15n4 - Table of Contents
- 4 A tale of two soldiers
- Although Major Mike Dunford '76 and Captain Paul Wirt '85 both grew up in Southwest Virginia, both served as Virginia Tech Ranger Company commanders, and lived a block and a half apart outside Fort Bragg, N.C., they never met until Gulf War wounds brought them together at Walter Reed Army Medical Center. This is the dramatic story of their experiences.
- 6 Stocking up experience
- Virginia Tech business students managing a $1-million endowment-fund stock portfolio don't take university's trust lightly as they gain real-world experience in investing.
- 10 King of the wine vines
- Maybe Andy Beckstoffer '61 wouldn't have become the largest, most powerful independent grower of wine grapes in California if he hadn't gone to Virginia Tech; maybe he would. But there's no debate that he has elevated the position of Napa Valley grape growers and produced some of the best wine stock in the world.
- Orange and Maroon 2
- Around the Drillfield 3
- Students 14
- Sports 16
- Public Service 18
- Books 19
- Research 20
- Philanthropy 22
- Alumni Association 23
- Class Notes 25
Cover: Although they never actually touch 1064
Director of University Relations Larry Hincker Associate Director for Publications David C. Lotts Editor Su Clauson-Wicker Assistant Editor Netta Eisler Graphic Design Glen Duncan Patricia Sterner Chief Photographer Gary Colbert Assistance from the Virginia Tech Photo Lab Editorial Assistants Kate Greene '94 Stacey Pastor '93 Business Manager Alva Phillips Alumni Notes Jo Farmer Dale Alvarez
Virginia Tech Magazine (ISSN 0274-9904) is published four times a year (Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer) by Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, Blacksburg, VA 24061. Second-class postage is paid at Blacksburg, VA 24060 and at additional offices. Address changes and circulation inquiries: Alumni should send these to the Virginia Tech Alumni Association, Alumni Hall, Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061. All others should send these to the Business Manager, Virginia Tech Magazine, 101-E Media Bldg., Virginia Tech, Blacksburg, VA 24061.
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